Dude, I can't believe that.... that's so horrible.... Ness stands up for Lucas..... he saves him from one of his old enemies (who's name is POKEY, NOT PORKY, STUPID REDNECK AMERICANS WHO GET THE NAME WRONG). He does the matrix against Wario. He's at the top of his game.... But then Wario kills him..... it's so unfair... Ness was rocking it.... and then he sacrifices himself for Lucas... that would have been such a cool scene.... except Lucas betrays him.... out of his own fear and cowardice, he leaves Ness in the hands of the Italian Nazi..... he just ditches him, even after Ness saved his butt twice..... that's so not cool.... I'm crying now... LUCAS YOU CHICKEN NECK COWARD! GROW A SET AND STOP ABANDONING PEOPLE! ;.;
The ruinous defeat wasn't as bad a scene. That was the magnitude of Lucas' mistake. Even when Tabuu beat 30 people instantly with his World Shattering Offwaves (YAY THAT SONIC WOULD COME IN LATER AND NEUTRALISE THEM, MAKING IT SO THEY CAN ONLY BEAT 1 PERSON AT A TIME, GO SONIC!), that cutscene STILL isn't as sad as a Best Friend betraying another Friend, even after the other friend saved the first Friend, TWICE! My vote is for the Ruinous Defeat.... which wouldn't have been as bad if again, the heroes weren't being completely stupid and just sitting there, waiting for it to happen.... Fireballs, Peanuts, Vegetables, Arrows, Bombs, Boomerangs, Magic-Fireballs, Shields, Chargebeam, Missles, Eye-Lasers, Gyros, Magic-Arrows, Ice-Shots, Final-Cutters, other Copy abilities, the Galaxia-Blade, the Warpstar, Blasters, Arwings, Pikmin, Thunderbolts, Aura Spheres, Watergun, Rasorleafs, Bulletseeds, Stunspores, Flamethrowers, Rocks, Swords, PK Power (Lucas you still suck for betraying yoiur best friend), Grenades, Nikinata missles, Sausage... The heroes had all of these ways to strike at Tabuu, and yet they still just sat there after he beat BOTH GANONDORF AND MASTER HAND, and they let Tabuu **** them like Dedede, Falcon and Bowser **** little children.... that's still messed up...
And even despite the massive mental-***********, The Ruinous Defeat STILL isn't as bad as LUCAS BACKSTABS NESS AFTER OWING HIM HIS LIFE,TECHNICALLY 3 TIMES IF YOU INCLUDE THE PIG KING STATUE LUCAS YOU CHICKEN NECK PANSY! I vote for the Ruinous Defeat. Lucas, I officially hate you.
I do have a few questions about the Ruinous defeat though... A)Why would Ganondorf need to get Bowser out of the way if he wanted to Usurp Masterhand? By the time he took Masterhand's power, Bowser wouldn't have been able to have done anything..
B)What happened to the Gun? I know it was nearby, but I couldn't see it...
And D)Why did Ganondorf not notice the Whips of Light earlier? They aren't really inconspicuous.....
Oh, also E)Why do villains set themselves up to be beaten? Tabuu left STAIRS for people who were left behind to come up and defeat him! He set himself up to be destroyed! The Great Mase part I'm fine with. He's combining all of the blown up piece of the world together, which he'll turn into his own little world where he rules, I know. But still, WHY MAKE IT SO THAT PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO GET TO HIM!?! VILLAINS SHOULDN'T GIVE THEMSELVES WEAKNESSES!
I believe that is the cutscene we were suppost to watch for Lucas' backstabbing ways. I still like how cool the Pokemon trainer is at that point. I started playing my Pokemon games again when I saw that part of the scene. Lucas, you still suck egg water.