What is the issue with all of the kings in the Nintendo world BEING SEXUAL PREDATORS!?! As if Dedede wasn't enough, we now have an overweight Turtle who has already had 7-8 kids, going after the Princesses again! That's so messed up! As if Peach wasn't enough, he even wants Zelda! And Link just stands there and growls while Bowser has his nasty little claws around Zelda's petite waist.
That's something else that pisses me off. WHY ARE THESE HEROES ALL SO ********? THEY JUST STAND THERE WHEN THEY COULD BE HELPING! Pit atleast tries to shoot an arrow, and fails at life misserably for missing, let alone not shooting another one. Mario could have revived the Princess instead of missing with that Punch, or could have aimed a fireball into Bowser's face or kicked him or something. But instead, he just punches the ground and backs away. -.- Link just stands there, even when Bowser gets to feel on Zelda's body and flys away with her. Nice job standing up for your woman, idiot. Atleast Ike fights for his friends. Yoshi has no excuse period. He could have easily shot an egg and knocked Bowser's Koopa Clown Car out of the sky. He could have rolled past the heroes and smashed Bowser easily. He could have used his tongue and eaten Bowser, or atleast grabbed onto the Clown Car, letting the other heroes reach it! And Kirby, he could have easily pulled the Warp Star out of his butt like he always does (still no reason for him to have that thing and use it so much), or used any of his several copy abilities to easily stop this. ALL OF THE HEROES ARE SO ********! THIS ISN'T DORA-THE-EXPLORA! THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO IN THE MIDDLE OF A FRIGGING CUTSCENE! And they still don't explain when Kirby eats Dedede's Badge....
That cutscene is completely messed up, but Donkey Kong and Diddy rocks. Dude, they show Donkey Kong off the way they should have. He's the frigging King of the Jungle! Tarzan and George can eat Diddy Kong's Peanuts for all they're concerned. And King Kong ain't that cool! Donkey Kong's where it's at! Beating down them Goombas and Koopas. Those poor son-so-guns stood absolutely no chance against Dk. I actually got scared the time I heard him roar like that. That was epic! And then Diddy's all gangsta and ninja-y, with the backflips and uber cool peanut guns, which for some strange as heck reason are capable of shooting Bullets and making them blow up..... That I do find weird... but I won't question it, since the Kongs are so awesome. Dk's the true King of the Jungle, and Diddy's a Ninja Monkey. And they work perfectly together! Dk hasn't been this cool since Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong 64. I remember when I was yonger how I'd publically sing the Dk Rap. Now THAT'S cool.

I wish Dk had his Coconut Gun, or that Tiny or King-K-Rool were in Brawl, but the Kong's STILL kick butt. He deserved his own Cartoon show... wait... HE DID HAVE HIS OWN CARTOON SHOW! Dk and Diddy are just flat out awesome... This round BELONGS to the Kongs.