Sigilyph is one of the many Pokemon introduced in the 5th generation games, and one of the coolest. It is the Avianoid pokemon (no I don't know wtf that means), and is inspired by ancient Peruvian geogylphs. An ancient pokemon, Sigilyph can commonly be found floating along the same paths they've followed for hundreds of years, usually near ancient tombs and stuff. They use their strange psychic powers to protect said tombs from invaders. As you may have guessed, Sigilyph is a flying/psychic type, and boasts plenty of stat-boosting and support moves, along with relatively balanced stats and great TM compatibility.
Sigilyph is surprisingly light, only weighing as much as Captain Olimar, and is as tall as Luigi (Sigilyph floats a tiny bit above the ground, but all this does is prevent Sigilyph's traction from suffering on ice). Sigilyph dashes as fast as ROB and also shares the robot's traction. The pokemon is pretty floaty in the air, with both his air and fall speed matching Ness'. He also has a float that lasts for 5 seconds, which allows Sigilyph to travel in any direction. Sigilyph moves at Peach's float speed unless it floats upwards, in which case it moves three-fourths that speed. Sigilyph can jump as well as Mario. Finally, one of Sigilyph's abilities from the games comes into play here: Wonder Skin. Basically, any moves that inflict status ailments such as poison or freezing will only have a 50 percent chance of affecting Sigilyph. This does not include ailments that are not in the Pokemon series: Sigilyph will always be shrunk by Poison Mushrooms, for example.
Neutral Special: Tailwind
Sigilyph shifts its wings horizontally behind itself and starts awkwardly flapping them. Almost immediately, a small horizontal whirlwind/tailwind forms behind Sigilyph. The tailwind lasts for 10 seconds and boasts Sigilyph's dash speed to match Fox's (and lowers Sigilyph's traction slightly below Fox's). Sigilyph is free to use almost all of its attacks while skidding to a stop too. Tailwind also provides a 30% boast to Sigilyph's jump power and float speed. The pokemon changes the position of its wings and thus the whirlwind when it jumps/changes float direction.
This move has a 20 second cooldown, but there are many ways around this restriction. First of all the cooldown is not very strict: using Tailwind again after 5 seconds will allow 2.5 seconds of use, using it after 10 will give you 5 seconds of use and so forth. Also, holding B will temporarily dissipate the tailwind, which not only stops the move's timer, but counts towards its cooldown. Inputting a move and then immediately tapping back on the control stick will shut the tailwind off for the duration of the move as well. Using this function liberally can fake out foes and make them dodge or shield at the wrong time, which is incredibly useful for a slower attacker like Sigilyph. Not to mention how the increased mobility and freedom of attacking can allow Sigyilph do otherwise impossible "combos".
Side Special: Hypnosis/Dream Eater
Unlike Mewtwo's horrible version, Sigilyph's Hypnosis pretty much works the way it works in the games. Sigilyph shoots out 4 purple rings that take up a bit less than half a battlefield platform. The rings travel forward at Mario's dash speed, disappearing once they go 2/3rds of Battlefield ahead. When in the air, the rings are fired at a 45 degree angle downwards. This move has above average start lag and some pretty bad end lag comparable to Dedede's up smash.
Upon hitting an enemy, it puts them to sleep for a time that depends on their current damage percent. Opponents will only be put to sleep for .6 seconds at 50% damage and .85 seconds at 100%, but this increases to 1.4 seconds at 150% and 1.65 seconds at 175%. Opponents at 200% sleep for 2 seconds, and each 50% more adds .5 seconds from that point. However, Sigilyph probably needs to have over 100% on its foe for a proper follow-up.
The logical follow-up also exists on this input. When next to a sleeping foe, Sigilyph begins to glow purple, and quickly spreads this glow to the foe as it invades their dreams with Dream Eater. For every .35 seconds Sigilyph is linked to the foe, it deals 2% damage to the foe and heals itself of 2% damage. Sigilyph can press any button to end the attack with average end lag, and both Sigilyph and the foe enter their grab break animation if the victim wakes up during Dream Eater.
Obviously the use of Tailwind makes it possible to partly get around Hypnosis' lag and to follow up once it manages to put someone to sleep. Sigilyph can struggle to KO outside of very high percentages, so the healing provided by Dream Eater can be helpful in letting the psycho bird stick around.
Up Special: Cosmic Power/Stored Power
Down Special: Roost
disables floating
Neutral A Combo: Psyshock
Dash Attack: Headbutt
Forward Tilt: Psybeam
Up Tilt: Whirlwind
Down Tilt: Ice Beam
can be held out to increase ice created/ let it be redirected up to a 45 degree angle either way
Forward Smash: Light Screen
Up Smash: Air Slash
Down Smash: Psychic
kind of slow and not great range but sigilyph can choose which direction the foe is thrown in, and it CAN ko
Neutral Aerial: Hidden Power
makes the opponent fly off in a random direction with low/set knockback that can't ko
Forward Aerial: Psywave
Back Aerial: Steel Wing
Up Aerial: some kind of random flipping move with speed?
slash? headbutt? zen headbutt?
Down Aerial: Shadow Ball
Grabs & Throws
Grab and Pummel: Telekinesis
Forward Throw: Gust?
Back Throw: Psycho Shift
Up Throw: ???
Down Throw: ???
Final Smash: Gravity?
Playing as Sigilyph: Got My Eye on You