From reading the posts, the rel files are assembly code, and the Onett car code is in grDxOnettAttack.Method[117] using the module viewer, and starts at 0x417C looking at the rel file in a hex editor. Looking at it as Power PC assembly code, this function is loading a bunch of values into registers, storing a few values in a stack frame, and calls a couple more functions. (It does do other things.)
The 3800XXXX through 3BE0XXXX are instructions to store XXXX in various registers. The 9001XXXX through 93E1XXXX are instructions to store registers in various locations in the stack frame (memory). Only a few of the registers are actually stored anywhere in the stack.
Messing with 3BA00000 should be a dead end. What it does is store 0 in register 29. Most of the writes to the stack frame are actually copying register 29 to the stack (93A1XXXX), or in other words, filling the stack with zeroes. Changing 3BA00000 is not just changing a single register value, it is changing over 20 entries in the stack.
Looking at both Onett and Norfair, the game is recycling some registers. Some are being used to write one value to the stack, and then given another value before the next function is called. Norfair uses register 8 to write a 7 to the stack, but then uses register 8 to pass a 50 (0x32) to the next function. Which registers are used to write to the stack aren't always the same between stages. Onett uses r29 for all of its zeroes, while Norfair magma [119] uses r28. What is written where in the stack is presumably constant across stages, and what registers are actually used by the next function are presumably constant.