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St.Louis Area Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
Yeah, does that mean we can't smash without you? :p
You guys made it seem like you were waiting for geno to get on and have a smashfest or something!

Also, so-so. Check the FAST thread for results. I placed like 25th out of like 43543589 people or something, iunno. Random and I placed 9th in teams :/


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2004
Saint Louis
Sorry guys, just got back from dinner which lasted til 10:00!
and I just found out that MM's house is 45 mins away. Have to pass this time.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
You not showing up ftl however.

You guys should have come MMM's house is gr8 for smash with his 1982371823 inch TV.
Heeeellll yeah! I gots the big tee vee. :p

Seriously though it was good times even though it was just me and Legan and future we had a lot of fun.

Legan's Link is really awesome, I'm jealous. ... but... FEAR THE KIRBY LEGAN, FEAR THE KIRBY! :p

Future uses a Wii Mote and Chuck but he's actually pretty good with Rob, which is kind of weird haha.

Anyway great times, hopefully we can get it going again soon. I'm always down for brawling it!

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Heeeellll yeah! I gots the big tee vee. :p

Seriously though it was good times even though it was just me and Legan and future we had a lot of fun.

Legan's Link is really awesome, I'm jealous. ... but... FEAR THE KIRBY LEGAN, FEAR THE KIRBY! :p

Future uses a Wii Mote and Chuck but he's actually pretty good with Rob, which is kind of weird haha.

Anyway great times, hopefully we can get it going again soon. I'm always down for brawling it!
well, future = teh robot, m i rite? I think you guys both thought I was terrible at first because you had been playing for a couple hours and was completely destorying me at first. but then again, I was using jigglypuff and didn't know how to edgeguard Pokemon trainer. lulz.

Legan's link was way too good for being a freakin link, although I thought I had him in that last match. I did beat him in falcon dittos though, captain fabolous ftw.

And next time we're doing kirby dittos MMM. I think the only times we really played together you were using random or I was using someone I wasn't very good with.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri
Heeeellll yeah!* I gots the big tee vee.* :p Seriously though it was good times even though it was just me and Legan and future we had a lot of fun.Legan's Link is really awesome, I'm jealous.* ... but... FEAR THE KIRBY LEGAN, FEAR THE KIRBY!** :pFuture uses a Wii Mote and Chuck but he's actually pretty good with Rob, which is kind of weird haha.Anyway great times, hopefully we can get it going again soon.* I'm always down for brawling it!
Last night was the most awesome 3 man smash fest ever. The kirby will always haunt me as well. Those dirty dairs were just evil. I hope we get to play again sometime in the future, but like i said youll be hearing from me when my link goes pro.
well, future = teh robot, m i rite? I think you guys both thought I was terrible at first because you had been playing for a couple hours and was completely destorying me at first. but then again, I was using jigglypuff and didn't know how to edgeguard Pokemon trainer. lulz.Legan's link was way too good for being a freakin link, although I thought I had him in that last match. I did beat him in falcon dittos though, captain fabolous ftw.And next time we're doing kirby dittos MMM. I think the only times we really played together you were using random or I was using someone I wasn't very good with.
It was nice meeting you future, you should definately keep up that Rob because it's pretty awesome. Usually i dont have a problem with robs but yours was definately an exception. The falcon ditto was full of lulz.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
I'll be up for some smashing later in the week, monday or tuesday evening would be good, and then probably something on the weekend sometime too.

Is monday or tuesday evening good for anyone here? Or both, :p Give me an idea of who's available when and I'll set something up.


Smash Master
Jul 2, 2007
Florissant, St. Louis, MO Tech Skill: Over 9000
I'm available monday and tuesday. But y'know....anything can come up. (Eg: Busy/Tired Parentzz = no ride)

Oh and I'm usually wanting to play melee, but if everyone else is brawling then I'll play that no problem, I'm pretty good. Legan ain't got nothin on theze ballz.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Monday night it is then (tomorrow). It's going to be pretty much 100% Brawl, in case anyone was wondering. My melee skills have deteriorated so much it's ridiculous, not that I was fantabulous to begin with.

I enjoy Brawl more these days and I don't see much point in trying to better myself with melee skills since it's going to fade out anyway. I will miss it though.

Anyway, Monday the 21st (tomorrow) around 7pm. at my place.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO

I'm working tomorrow, but I should get off work at like ten thirty, as monday's aren't too busy.

I'll see if I can get a ride.

Edit: Scratch that, my sister's letting me take her jeep, so I'll be there (I'll be late again, but well before midnight)


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri
Im stayin in town for another day so theres a good chance ill swing by tommorow metal. The rest of you guys need to get out there as well :D.


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
Should I bring my Wii or a controller would be enough?
Looks like we will be okay with one Wii-- we need another TV for any exra Wii's so if you want to bring you it's only plausible if we have another TV.

I'm cool with setting up a tournament or something on my main bigscreen though, that's always fun.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
I think 1 Wii will be fine if there's only going to be like 5-6 people.

I'll probably be there a little after 11 this time, hopefully earlier though, we'll see how busy it is at pizza street (working at pizza street ftw?)

I hope we can get some 2v2 matches in also, 2v2s are my favorite and I hardly ever get to do them.

Here are the FAST results for anyone wanting them (M2K dominating as usual).



Smash Master
Jul 2, 2007
Florissant, St. Louis, MO Tech Skill: Over 9000
If anyone feels like giving me a ride I'd be great full, I live in Florissant/Hazelwood, I don't know if I'm on the way to his house for any of you guys, but if your willing to drive for bpro I'd appreciate it more then anything, you can always find me on aim, my parents really suck :(

Btw Geno & Sam nice team name.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri
Sorry guys i wont be able to make this one, parents wont let me spend the gas money to drive to st peters. Ill have to catch you guys next time around.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
The Legend of Legan, by Thinkaman


It was a neither dark nor stormy night. The Forsaken Land was devoid of joy as ever, for the source of all happiness had been sealed away and could only been accessed with large doses of lag. Like any other night, I maintained a fantasy than traveling strangers would perhaps stumble upon my abode and share times of great merrymaking, but these thoughts were as foolish as ever. No one had come for several a fortnight. Perhaps then, my skepticism of the car that pulled into my driveway was not unwarranted. A figure stepped out.

"Good evening, Mr. Gambino."


"Your Marth is probably your best character, except that Marth is everyone's best character, coming from Melee."

Rob nodded in acknowledgment of my analysis. He had still had little time with Brawl, but had done of good job of finding out quickly what worked well and clinging to those things tightly.

"Of course, you also play a good Mr. Snap & Turtle."

"I'm not used to Yoshi at all now though..." Rob confessed.

"Well, the dino has been drastically improved if you ask me. Tons of aerial speed, better hitboxes, a solid pivot grab." Joe agreed; he too was a traveler who had joined Mr. Gambino on his journey. He maintained a stately and wise posture that reminded me of a certain ninja detective I once knew. It was obvious that he would prove a good type to associate with.

"Make me a sandwich!" demanded Funk.

I was annoyed. "Funk, why would I make you a sandwich? Actually, why are you even in my house? Heck, why am I bothering to include you in this story?"

"Because I'm your best friend?"

"I don't think that's true grandma."

Rob and Joe had become engaged a festive brawl upon Lylat Cruise. Joe has selected as his mighty avatar the greatest of epic heroes, Link, child of the Hylain, Savior of Hyrule, Successor to The Hero of Time, Courageous Benefactor of the Triforce and it's infinite power. Rob was playing as Sir-Drill-Kick-&-Up-Tilt-Alot, some ******** furry with an eyepiece. Rob easily swept the first stock and took a solid early lead.

"How am I supposed to do anything as Link?!?" Joe was becoming increasingly irritated with his slow character.

I knew there was only one path to victory for the Hero. "To win with Link... you must channel *HIS* spirit..."


As I explained who this warrior was, Joe's soul was filled with the drive to dominate his foe.

"He would charge his foes with swift bravery--" A nair caught Fox out of the air, and series of jabs punished him.

"--having room for neither rashness nor hesitation--" A series of perfectly spaced fairs pushed Fox across the platforms.

"--but making use of everything he had--" An unexpected arrow, a decoy bomb, a cunning up-b, a missing boomerang--"

"--until finally, the boomerang to dair." ...all the pieces fell together, and there was completeness.

Joe was astounded even more than Rob was. As if possessed, he had come back from utter failure with an unfamiliar character to sweep an entire stock off of Rob's Fox... as I narrated out the techniques as he did them. Of course, I have no psychic ability to see the future or control Joe's character. All I did was ask him to come, and recognize the style.

"Legan... thanks for the smash."

"...will you make me a sandwich NOW?"

"Funk... shut up."




Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
LOL, wow, what an awesome story that was, Thinkaman, hahaha. "The Legend of Legan", lawl.

Just wanted to say thanks for coming and making that an awesome smash meet last night, guys. Sooooo much fun in teams, I think Future will have nightmares of Ike down-air for a few months, lol. Poor Jiggs.

I know I'll be having Marth nightmares, jeez. Stupid spacing... and whatnot... and my poor, poor Kirby. Patrick/Soma has a great Marth, I don't care if it's everyone else's best or not :p

Seriously though, those were some really fun Teams matches, and some great singles until... what? 5 AM? So much fun.

Muba worked his ROB out pretty well-- those projectiles can be so irritating--and Future also has a good ROB too, but I think Future might be more dangerous with Jigs, tough call there.

As for me... perhaps someday, I will find a "main" so to speak, haha. Until then, I'll just play Kirby... or maybe Ike... or maybe Pokemon Trainer... or maybe Ness... or Falco... ... ... yeah...

See you next time, gentlemen!

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
"As for me... perhaps someday, I will find a "main" so to speak, haha"

Yeah I'm in the same spot, who I seem best with changes every time I play.

Working was fun......

But serously, I hate spikes......So much.

I think the best part was the fireworks me and seth put on in doubles :)


Sleepwalk our lives away.
Aug 8, 2007
St. Charles, Missouri
lol, ****ed instakill moves. I don't know how you're still alive though, working at 11am and staying up to like 5am, jesus. I just woke up like an hour ago... 3pm.. weeeee.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri
The Legend of Legan, by Thinkaman


It was a neither dark nor stormy night. The Forsaken Land was devoid of joy as ever, for the source of all happiness had been sealed away and could only been accessed with large doses of lag. Like any other night, I maintained a fantasy than traveling strangers would perhaps stumble upon my abode and share times of great merrymaking, but these thoughts were as foolish as ever. No one had come for several a fortnight. Perhaps then, my skepticism of the car that pulled into my driveway was not unwarranted. A figure stepped out.

"Good evening, Mr. Gambino."


"Your Marth is probably your best character, except that Marth is everyone's best character, coming from Melee."

Rob nodded in acknowledgment of my analysis. He had still had little time with Brawl, but had done of good job of finding out quickly what worked well and clinging to those things tightly.

"Of course, you also play a good Mr. Snap & Turtle."

"I'm not used to Yoshi at all now though..." Rob confessed.

"Well, the dino has been drastically improved if you ask me. Tons of aerial speed, better hitboxes, a solid pivot grab." Joe agreed; he too was a traveler who had joined Mr. Gambino on his journey. He maintained a stately and wise posture that reminded me of a certain ninja detective I once knew. It was obvious that he would prove a good type to associate with.

"Make me a sandwich!" demanded Funk.

I was annoyed. "Funk, why would I make you a sandwich? Actually, why are you even in my house? Heck, why am I bothering to include you in this story?"

"Because I'm your best friend?"

"I don't think that's true grandma."

Rob and Joe had become engaged a festive brawl upon Lylat Cruise. Joe has selected as his mighty avatar the greatest of epic heroes, Link, child of the Hylain, Savior of Hyrule, Successor to The Hero of Time, Courageous Benefactor of the Triforce and it's infinite power. Rob was playing as Sir-Drill-Kick-&-Up-Tilt-Alot, some ******** furry with an eyepiece. Rob easily swept the first stock and took a solid early lead.

"How am I supposed to do anything as Link?!?" Joe was becoming increasingly irritated with his slow character.

I knew there was only one path to victory for the Hero. "To win with Link... you must channel *HIS* spirit..."


As I explained who this warrior was, Joe's soul was filled with the drive to dominate his foe.

"He would charge his foes with swift bravery--" A nair caught Fox out of the air, and series of jabs punished him.

"--having room for neither rashness nor hesitation--" A series of perfectly spaced fairs pushed Fox across the platforms.

"--but making use of everything he had--" An unexpected arrow, a decoy bomb, a cunning up-b, a missing boomerang--"

"--until finally, the boomerang to dair." ...all the pieces fell together, and there was completeness.

Joe was astounded even more than Rob was. As if possessed, he had come back from utter failure with an unfamiliar character to sweep an entire stock off of Rob's Fox... as I narrated out the techniques as he did them. Of course, I have no psychic ability to see the future or control Joe's character. All I did was ask him to come, and recognize the style.

"Legan... thanks for the smash."

"...will you make me a sandwich NOW?"

"Funk... shut up."


Kyle you've done it again. <3
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