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*ssbo Thread Has Been Moved*


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
But you only main in 1 space animal... I main in 2 and a random little rat, that hurts itself...

hah well fox is really hard to play against if the player is really good, but falco is hard to play against even if the player is only mediocre

also pokemon power!!:)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2007
West Lafaytte, IN

hah well fox is really hard to play against if the player is really good, but falco is hard to play against even if the player is only mediocre

also pokemon power!!:)
Yeah, Falco can do so much more damage than Fox in a short amount of time.

Yes, Pokemon power, or Pika power :)

EDIT: and I am coming to the tournament, I will just come a little late.


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
2nd place. Good playing everyone. Again Maus, you gave me a good challenge with your Shiek. And LOL Johns, (you know who the hell you are) gg in finals. I didn't think I'd do well against your Falco.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Again Maus, you gave me a good challenge with your Shiek.
shut up. i hate marth. T-T
i thought you were playing Fox or Falco. But in fact, you were Marth.

i couldn't really do things on you. i was trying to be 'gayer' with needles but you didn't let me get time and space to do ****s. *sighs*

i forgot the name, but the other shiek guy killed my mario.
which mean, sheik >>>>>>>>mario.
just that.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
shut up. i hate marth. T-T
i thought you were playing Fox or Falco. But in fact, you were Marth.

i couldn't really do things on you. i was trying to be 'gayer' with needles but you didn't let me get time and space to do ****s. *sighs*

i forgot the name, but the other shiek guy killed my mario.
which mean, sheik >>>>>>>>mario.
just that.
Maus you ***** me so hard today i should probably quit

also cunningkitsune needs to stop being a huge john and actually friggin send me the tourney brack so i can post the results...


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
KSO// advantage being shiek.
shiek doesn't need fancy stuffs like falco does. And also, i can't do them at all.
shiek can be gay without those fancy stuffs. Timing and Right Moves are all she needs.

I used to investigate many character's timing with my brother.
that's how i canceled your Forward B and Up B with jabs.

anyway... I'm the one who ate "big john" but Ckit is johnning more. hmmm interesting...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
That john you had last night was the biggest I've ever seen Maus. Huge johns, just plain huge.

4th place, not bad. My mindgames must be getting better because my tech skill still sucks. =)
Poor Gannon. He faces so much **** among the top tier. Which is why I'm gonna try picking up Shiek on the side. I need something the won't get completely ***** by Marth! The problem is, every time I start playing as a different character for a few rounds, I start thinking "I wish I was playing as Ganon right now...". And then I go back to Ganon! I have no self control!!!


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
My mindgames must be getting better because my tech skill still sucks. =)
Poor Gannon. He faces so much **** among the top tier. Which is why I'm gonna try picking up Shiek on the side. I need something the won't get completely ***** by Marth! The problem is, every time I start playing as a different character for a few rounds, I start thinking "I wish I was playing as Ganon right now...". And then I go back to Ganon! I have no self control!!!
lol. i agree. When i am shiek, i feel like to play my old mains + fun characters.
that's why i keep play Mario, Samus and C. Falcon =P
Luigi also. XD
anyway.. yeah marth is gay. and Draco was too strong to fight for me.

in my opinion, your skills aren't bad but the timing is bit off. =)
ganon's jab is like 7% damage. and it is fast. (fastest move of ganon's)
use it more =P


1233's ganon combo video.

according to Carl, 1233 is really bad. don't trust me. =P


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA

Updated with a lot of new stuff including 10/27/07 tournament results. Go check it out on the first page

Also, let one of us know if you are interested in becoming an SSBO staff member


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
CFalcon is one of the hardest to use among "good" characters. Requires alot of mindgames and ackward tech skill (I find using CFalcon harder than Fox). If you want to beat Marth, stick with Sheik since she actually has an advantage unlike almost every other character in the game.

Btw, anyone like the banner I made? (Check first post)


I can't believe Maus mentioned 1233's Ganondorf, my Ganondorf is better and Maus's Sheik is more than even to beat 1233.
If you want to see good Ganondorfs, look up Eddie, Joe Bushman, Captain Jack, or Ken, no one else....well, there's Magus420 who has M2K experience. But yeah, other guys like Thomas Tipman sucks and don't just learn from combo vids.
Or hey, play/learn from CunningKitsune's Gdorf. It's pretty beastly, espeically when you consider the fact he's played with Eddie ALOT.

And Maus, if you want good Sheik videos, look here:
KDJ and Mew2King are wayy closer in skill compared to Ken vs DSF. And yeah like I said, Marth ***** Sheik in the PAL (European) version of smash since Sheik's moves are WEAKER :/ Marth shouldn't really die vs Sheik at all. That's why alot of competitive players make fun of Europeans because their top players is a Sheik player.
"LOL, Europeans can't even beat a PAL Sheik!"
So yeah, Ek vs CJ is a no no lol.

Oh, and if you want to know a little more about PAL, Fox is lighter and Yoshi is hard as hell to kill. Falco's spike only actually spikes in the first couple of frames. Marth is unchanged, so he's the best character in the game.


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I like the banner. It's cool

Next step is to make a kickass trailer

Also, we need to design the T-shirts...if we decide to even go that far


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
In videos, DBR, 1233, Dyna, whoever, they all look cool.

you and Iggy were keep saying drephen is my hero... but before that
DBR was my hero, always.
Whatever you say about me or them, they still are my heroes.
My bro and I accidentally found Zelgadis's Fox combo video, and we could find A LOT MORE of SSBM videos and learn advanced techniques.

tell you the funny thing... Till I saw Jigglypuff homerun contest video, i didn't know the use of sleep(rest).
Although AR was used, super doodle man's video taught me edge cancel,
Pac's Mario video taught me UpB cancel with mario
many samus players video taught me super wavedash, and so on.

my point here is that, you CAN learn even a very very trivial thing from someone else's video.
you'll never know. some ****ty attack you never ever expected might kill you.

is there anyway to erase the post?
when double posted, i wanna delete one.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
Carl, what would I have to do to get you to make me/ show me how to make a banner? Yours is awesome and my sig box feels empty. I know! I'll teach you how to do a backflip! How's that?

Ok Maus, I get it. You want me to jab more. And I would if I could L cancel properly. I have too many things fighting for my attention. Piano, smash, gymnastics, free running, school, Guitar Hero. Yes, I understand that those are just ZOMGLOLBBQ MASSIVE JOHNS!!1!1!!one!1! But real life tech skill is just as important as in game tech skill!


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Carl, what would I have to do to get you to make me/ show me how to make a banner? Yours is awesome and my sig box feels empty. I know! I'll teach you how to do a backflip! How's that?

Ok Maus, I get it. You want me to jab more. And I would if I could L cancel properly. I have too many things fighting for my attention. Piano, smash, gymnastics, free running, school, Guitar Hero. Yes, I understand that those are just ZOMGLOLBBQ MASSIVE JOHNS!!1!1!!one!1! But real life tech skill is just as important as in game tech skill!

I can make sigs too...carl isn't the only one with photoshop tech skills

but i also have photoshop mind games sooooo :)


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
In videos, DBR, 1233, Dyna, whoever, they all look cool.

My bro and I accidentally found Zelgadis's Fox combo video, and we could find A LOT MORE of SSBM videos and learn advanced techniques.
Everyone did, but then we later realized they were bad. Zelgadis got me into Fox and shine combos. Mew2king and CunningKitsune got me into sucking less.

my point here is that, you CAN learn even a very very trivial thing from someone else's video.
I didn't say you couldn't learn anything. ALL I'M SAYING IS THIS: Why learn from bad players if there's better players out there? If you didn't spend so much time looking at terrible players, I wouldn't have to teach as much, eh???

If someone such as yourself saw a video of my Marth and a video of CunningKitsune's Marth, they would find mine to be cooler cause I just go for combos. They would learn Marth combos, yes...but hey, who's Marth is actually better??? (KItsune's). So, since they would watch mine instead, they would be missing out on all of the sweet Marth mindgames, spacing, etc. They would build a style where they only go for super cool combos and get ***** by decently smart players.

The purpose of most "cool" videos are simply to entertain and make sucky players look good/known, not actually help others get better.

is there anyway to erase the post?
when double posted, i wanna delete one.
Nope :p Just go back and edit it. When you edit it, say "Oops, double post. Ignore this post" or something.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
>->; Would people stop picking on my main. Martha has feelings too you know. ;-;
I am so there for the 10th.
No he doesn't. He only gives the illusion of feelings! There is simply a gaping black hole where his heart is supposed to be. He is a cold, merciless killing machine and he must be stopped!

Now by no means is this a bad thing! Ganon is also a cold, heartless murder device. He keeps his gaping black hole in his fist though. That's what makes his jabs strong. In place of a heart, Ganon keeps the essence of pure nothingness, the absolute absence of all matter, light, and energy. Luckily, he has never unleashed this from himself, for it's influence would erase this plane of existence. After all, if the world is gone, how can he rule it?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2007
West Lafaytte, IN
Carl, what would I have to do to get you to make me/ show me how to make a banner? Yours is awesome and my sig box feels empty. I know! I'll teach you how to do a backflip! How's that?

Ok Maus, I get it. You want me to jab more. And I would if I could L cancel properly. I have too many things fighting for my attention. Piano, smash, gymnastics, free running, school, Guitar Hero. Yes, I understand that those are just ZOMGLOLBBQ MASSIVE JOHNS!!1!1!!one!1! But real life tech skill is just as important as in game tech skill!
Yeah, use jab, It's fast, good, and super annoying to the opponent.

BTW I'm totally interested in Tricking and have no idea where to start, any ideas?


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
That's too bad. But I'm sure you kick everyone's butts as 64 anyones right?
I'm most likely #1 at ssb64 at purdue...hell, the midwest (although Dope seems to think otherwise :p). I've had plenty of people challenge me, all of which were 5 stocked by my fox, which is like my 3rd best character :p

maybe you could be the first to succeed?

^_^ best of luck to you sir

PS if you're at Purdue University, why don't you come smash with us sometime? what hall are you staying at?


Smash Rookie
Oct 30, 2007
Hey, I'm new to the forums but not to the game. I'll take you on at ssb64. Back in the day I was pretty **** good, but I've lost most of that skill since then. You'll probably beat me but, even so, it'll feel good to play the classic agian against a good player.

O yeah, on November 10th, do I need to sign up anywhere before hand, or should I just show up?
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