im ****ing amazing <3so much attention for one guy
its like the fgc community are the cool guys in school and one of them decided to hang out with us
but seriously though, i learned so much that first night.I was at purdue when Atomi came. I'm going to say that Atomi picks up on things SO FAST. The night before the tourney he decided he wanted to either main falco or puff. So I gave him some small pointers and told him about the space animal slayer. I over simplified it by saying it was just upthrow to rest, he tried it within minutes against one of the guys there and it didn't work because they teched a platform. Earlier when going over the basics of teching I told him since he is new he should learn to l-cancel by lightly pressing the trigger (to not put his tech on cool-down). After he missed that rest he looked over at me for input, and I told him I forgot to mention that the teching of platforms would matter, and I have seen hbox jump up with an up air 1st. And he immediately knew why.
The most funny part of that is the during the tourney he got me with with upthrow -> upair -> (I put my tech on cooldown) rest through platform 1st stock! lol
He learns really fast. He was consistently shuffling before he left and could even waveshine.
My crew was joking around that he was probably engaging in an elaborate troll and has been playing for months/years.
like, the first game i played against someone i remember trying to do Falco's forward tilt with high and low mixups. i just got dashed around and then ***** lol
gave me a headache like an hour in, but everyone was really helpful. looking forward to the next 5 months tbh
*he did teach me to do the super wavedash with Samus tho, so he gets cool points for that. still kind of confused at him being surprised at me getting it consistently once i learned it...the timing isnt variable, so i still dont get why?
thanks everyone so far <3