thanks for your post and your effort, and good luck with things. some thoughts:
-this game may be frustrating. however, it has different expectations than almost any other game, in how much control you may have, and how a fight may play out. i think figuring out a way to categorize its fundamental mechanics ('damage', movement, recovery, the hit system) will help a lot with understanding the game. getting down the general abilities of any character might be the first start there.
-those video guides pointed out earlier can really help you out (hey, accelerated learning process!). the game's 'how to play' video also covers all the basics of any given characters' abilities. after that, i'd agree, character boards and videos to watch will really help with the visual inspiration and learning of it all.
-practicing against computers, at any level, will help you understand a lot about the game. one of our best players (mew2king) did almost exclusively this for a long time. as well, combo videos will, of course, really showcase and highlight a character's abilities, and will help with expanding a character's limitations.
well hope that helps, good luck! you have any character you're already interested in? if not here's a highly simplified character rundown to get you started:
fast, lots of combos, hard to control: fox/falco/falcon
good range, easier to use, lots of combos: marth/sheik
odd, floaty characters with very unique abilities: jiggs/peach/samus/ice climbers
slightly slower, more 'brute' char. with good range, combos, power: ganon
good all-arounds: doc/mario/link/young link/pikachu
donkey kong: he's just special.
terribad/not good for learning the game: everyone else.