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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
I look at it this way: we're getting 1v1 online "competitive" matchmaking. As a primarily competitive community, we've already been given the best gift Sakurai could realistically give us.

I doubt I'll be happy with the roster, but honestly, I'm more pleased with the fact that Sakurai is acknowledging the competitive smash community.

Ergo, bring on the leaks I don't like.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
Has anyone considered some things on the leak may not be true. That major Pokemon X/Y leak last year had legit info while still having some things that never happened in the game.

Personally I cant see how the so called "Heaven Rythm" rep could work as a playable character. Eventhough we got characters like Rob and WFT you could of suggetsted them even before brawl came out and despite me saying how ridiculous that sounds I could still see a potential moveset in them.


Feb 13, 2014
I wanna give my 2 cents about the Sal Romano leak.
+It's a textual leak that doesn't go into detail. It lists 11 characters as being playable and yet none of them received an explanation. This makes this leak is unkillable until one of those characters are disconfirmed.
+No one predicted the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer would be confirmed at E3 nor did anyone expect them to be in Smash. Better yet, no one was expecting a Pokemon from X and Y and one of them got in the game, Greninja. This makes his information more credible.

-Chorus Men are a very outlandish choice. If these guys (or similarly Marshal for being aesthetically similar to them) get confirmed, then this leak may as well be true. If they aren't, then this basically kills the leak.
-Characters like Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and Pac-Man are very common characters in leaks. If one of them get confirmed, this changes nothing in regards to this leak.

I am personally taking this leak with a grain of salt. This leak really hinges on the Chorus Men or Marshal; if they are confirmed in a Direct or at E3, then this leak may be believable or at least more credible.

Of course, I extremely doubt that this is the final list of newcomers. Sal's source definitely doesn't know everything in regards to this game, like Rosalina getting confirmed.
The problem here is that I'm guessing we'll never know. If Marshal or Chorus Men are in the game, they're probably going to be a secret character, and then we'll all look back at the Sal leaks and go "ooh yeaaah, there it is. He was right all along."


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
BKupa666 brings up a good point on the Sakurai worship though. Look how many people on the possible reveal of "Chorus Men" proclaimed it was an awesome idea and that Sakurai was brilliant and that they were excited to play as the character. How do you know how the hell this thing will play? We haven't even seen the trailer for the character. It could very well play horribly and like crap. And it has happened before. Sonic, Mewtwo, ROB and Brawl G.dorf all were not very impressive. Sakurai is a human, not a mastermind, he can screw up. I'm not convinced this Chorus Guy will be worth the effort.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Has anyone considered some things on the leak may not be true. That major Pokemon X/Y leak last year had legit info while still having some things that never happened in the game.

Personally I cant see how the so called "Heaven Rythm" rep could work as a playable character. Eventhough we got characters like Rob and WFT you could of suggetsted them even before brawl came out and despite me saying how ridiculous that sounds I could still see a potential moveset in them.
What about the Ice Climbers? Or Captain Falcon?

Lack of moveset potential in our eyes is not a reason to discredit a leak. Sakurai gave Villager a GYROID ROCKET, for crying out loud.

And it's Rhythm Heaven.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
BKupa666 brings up a good point on the Sakurai worship though. Look how many people on the possible reveal of "Chorus Men" proclaimed it was an awesome idea and that Sakurai was brilliant and that they were excited to play as the character. How do you know how the hell this thing will play? We haven't even seen the trailer for the character. It could very well play horribly and like crap. And it has happened before. Sonic, Mewtwo, ROB and Brawl G.dorf all were not very impressive. Sakurai is a human, not a mastermind, he can screw up. I'm not convinced this Chorus Guy will be worth the effort.
I really like rob and sonic. its subjective.


Sep 26, 2013
BKupa666 brings up a good point on the Sakurai worship though. Look how many people on the possible reveal of "Chorus Men" proclaimed it was an awesome idea and that Sakurai was brilliant and that they were excited to play as the character. How do you know how the hell this thing will play? We haven't even seen the trailer for the character. It could very well play horribly and like crap. And it has happened before. Sonic, Mewtwo, ROB and Brawl G.dorf all were not very impressive. Sakurai is a human, not a mastermind, he can screw up. I'm not convinced this Chorus Guy will be worth the effort.
I'm a huge fan of Mother and I love that they put Lucas in Brawl, but I absolutely hate the way he plays. Just because we like a character doesn't mean we have to like how they play, frankly. The game at its roots is still Nintendo's stars, and there's no shame in liking a character just because you like them. I never knew how badly I wanted Greninja until I saw he was in this game, but now that he is, I'm ecstatic to see him.

Deleted member

The problem here is that I'm guessing we'll never know. If Marshal or Chorus Men are in the game, they're probably going to be a secret character, and then we'll all look back at the Sal leaks and go "ooh yeaaah, there it is. He was right all along."
We will know everything in the Summer.
For now... all we can do is speculate and see what Sakurai says and if the Pics of the Day connect to any of those characters. I say that if we get a Rhythm Heaven stage, then the chances of getting a rep may raise...


Smash Lord
Jan 24, 2014
I'm 100% sure Sal's leak is incomplete. I find it inconceivable that we won't get at least one of the following newcomers:

K. Rool
Dixie Kong


Sakurai added Little Mac because he knew Mac is popular in the West. It's completely unreasonable to think Sakurai knew about Little Mac's popularity in the West as a potential playable character, but somehow isn’t aware of the absolutely massive fan desire for playable Ridley – Ridley talk has dominated internet discussion in the West by a large margin when compared to other potential Newcomers (seriously, Ridley talk has been 200x Little Mac talk for years now).

Sakurai and his team have obviously payed a huge amount of attention to what the most passionate Smash fans (basically anyone who talks about Smash on the internet) want: Tripping removed, For Glory mode for competitive players, Megaman and Sonic (who was added last minute in Brawl due to fan demand), and so on. He’s got a development team of hundreds in Japan and dozens in the USA doing localization and marketing who obviously scour message boards and Miiverse for feedback, which they relay to Sakurai. Journalists let him know years ago that Ridley was wanted as playable (Nintendo Power interview). So there's simply no way that Sakurai doesn’t know that Ridley is by far the most requested Newcomer in the West along with Mewtwo.

There's also no way Sakurai would think fans in the West would be excited and happy to see Ridley end up as a mere boss/hazard. That would be the same level of prestige (or even lower) than his role in Brawl. Again, how is it possible that he knew that the West wanted Little Mac playable, but not know that the West wants Ridley playable?

It comes down to this: if Ridley isn’t playable, then Sakurai is intentionally ignoring and teasing the fans of the #1 most requested new playable character in the world.

If for some reason Sakurai truly believes a playable Ridley wouldn’t work, the right thing to do would’ve been to have 100% confirmed / shown him as a stage boss many months ago. Rip the bandaid off quickly, as he did with Waluigi and others.

K. Rool:

Polls and reports from Japanese forums show that K. Rool is very popular in Japan...almost as popular (or maybe more so?) than he is in the West. More popular in Japan than Ridley, too. That, and Kremling are in Smash Run.


Her character files were included on the Brawl disc, so she was obviously intended to be playable. Why would Sakurai change his mind regarding Dixie between Brawl and now? Also recall his Miiverse comment regarding how “good it is to have so many female characters this time around”.

To conclude, It just doesn’t add up that none of these 3 characters will be on the roster.
I agree with this completely


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
I'm a huge fan of Mother and I love that they put Lucas in Brawl, but I absolutely hate the way he plays. Just because we like a character doesn't mean we have to like how they play, frankly. The game at its roots is still Nintendo's stars, and there's no shame in liking a character just because you like them. I never knew how badly I wanted Greninja until I saw he was in this game, but now that he is, I'm ecstatic to see him.
Lucas plays fine and is very well balanced, I use to main Ness and he is a more practical version of him. I'm not talking about how they feel either, I'm talking about maneuverability, knock-back etc. That's why it's not subjective to say that Sonic sucks for instance, he's towards the lower end of the teir list for a reason.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. are WTF characters because they're old and obscure. I don't think a Rhythm Heaven character fits the bill in that regard. The most obscure thing revealed so far is Color-TV Game 15, and that's an AT.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Do you think we might get another Sal leak before E3? His leaks seem to line up with important Smash announcements.
absolutely. and I will probbakly stay away as far from it to not to spoil anything.............because if he says so and so will be shown and they are...................................................ragequite and prepares for chorus men.....................................................


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
BKupa666 brings up a good point on the Sakurai worship though. Look how many people on the possible reveal of "Chorus Men" proclaimed it was an awesome idea and that Sakurai was brilliant and that they were excited to play as the character. How do you know how the hell this thing will play? We haven't even seen the trailer for the character. It could very well play horribly and like crap. And it has happened before. Sonic, Mewtwo, ROB and Brawl G.dorf all were not very impressive. Sakurai is a human, not a mastermind, he can screw up. I'm not convinced this Chorus Guy will be worth the effort.
Sonic, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf are characters that were generally popular. Bringing in a character that dosnt really deserve to be playable in this game and turn out to suck horribly (Pichu) is a huge waste especially when other fan favorites get less piority and dont even make the cut.
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Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. are WTF characters because they're old and obscure.
I think they're WTF characters because that's what people say upon seeing them.

I expect that to be the phrase uttered by many when they unlock Marshal.

absolutely. and I will probbakly stay away as far from it to not to spoil anything.............because if he says so and so will be shown and they are...................................................ragequite and prepares for chorus men.....................................................
I'd say it's already time to ragequit.

I'd be pleasantly astonished if Marshal wasn't in the game, at this point.
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soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
then don't read no ones making you, I will speak how I want and getting tired of people trying to shut me up because I am not a sheep and just praising the almighty sakurai for this horrid roster. Go to the character discussion section of this site and look at who has the most views/post and come back and tell me I am not speaking for a lot of the fanbase. Go on I be waiting.

I have a bad felling this is it, it matches up perfectly to the mk8 rumor if you add the likely mewtwo. Plus rosalina was not listed because the first batch he released was supposed to be just the e3 reveals while the second batch was not shown until after rosalina so it makes since not to relist someone already shown.
I like a good explanation on why I got a warning other then so dissatisfaction of the roster. There was no flaming I did not call him names all I did was challange him to prove I am not speaking for the majority of the fanbase. I mean really this post is flmaing but saying I am whiny and annoying is not?[could not just pm you since you seen to have it turned off]

You're being really melodramatic and you've already been told by several people to tone it down. Consider this your last warning.
I have not done anything wrong, I am just being ganged up on for dislikeing a roster. I don't see why PPl can talk about why they like the roster and I can not say about my dislike. I am entilted to post my opinion just as much as they are and just because they ask me to stop posting don't mean I should stop. What if I ask them to stop criticizing me? would they get the same treatment as I am getting from you. I am not a bad person it's just seems like I am being ganged up on for saying what I need to say
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Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2013
I wanna give my 2 cents about the Sal Romano leak.
+It's a textual leak that doesn't go into detail. It lists 11 characters as being playable and yet none of them received an explanation. This makes this leak is unkillable until one of those characters are disconfirmed.
+No one predicted the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer would be confirmed at E3 nor did anyone expect them to be in Smash. Better yet, no one was expecting a Pokemon from X and Y and one of them got in the game, Greninja. This makes his information more credible.

-Chorus Men are a very outlandish choice. If these guys (or similarly Marshal for being aesthetically similar to them) get confirmed, then this leak may as well be true. If they aren't, then this basically kills the leak.
-Characters like Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and Pac-Man are very common characters in leaks. If one of them get confirmed, this changes nothing in regards to this leak.

I am personally taking this leak with a grain of salt. This leak really hinges on the Chorus Men or Marshal; if they are confirmed in a Direct or at E3, then this leak may be believable or at least more credible.

Of course, I extremely doubt that this is the final list of newcomers. Sal's source definitely doesn't know everything in regards to this game, like Rosalina getting confirmed.
You're criticizing the leak because it makes an outlandish choice and then common choices.

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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Personally, I wouldn't throw in wrong choices but if I was the director of the game I would tell people certain things that I wouldn't tell anyone else so that if something leaks I will know who it was.
For example... Say I told employee X that Palutena, Shulk, and Snake are going to be in the game, then I told employee Y that Palutena, Shulk, and Ridley was in the game. Then the next day I go on Neogaf and someone leaked that Palutena, Shulk, and Ridley are going to be in the game I would know that it was employee Y that released that information and fire his ***.
You are talking about compartmentalization of information, and that is a bad idea on a project like smash. Sakurai is not the only guy who sees the game. Programmers, layout artists, testers, etc. You are also assuming that information will be leaked by one of the direct staff. You're whole setup is built on paranoia and this is not a productive way to develop anything. As I recall, the NoA Pokemon team has 5 core people. It'd be like telling each of them a different 20% of the dex and then ask them to localize the product. You could not do that without all the team members finding out who all the pokemon are.
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Do you think we might get another Sal leak before E3? His leaks seem to line up with important Smash announcements.
It's a possibility.

Although if he reveals any sizeable amount of new newcomers you'd better hope your favourite is among them because I doubt there'll be many more....
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Um... What he agreed with is a quote that says it's almost impossible for them to not be in the game.
I saw what I saw at the top of the passage

My kawaii prinsessu powers are more powerful.

Yes,Princess is prinsessu in Japanese. Or is it Princessu? Prinsesu?

EDIT : ****ing double posts...
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Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
I saw what I saw at the top of the passage

My kawaii prinsessu powers are more powerful.

Yes,Princess is prinsessu in Japanese. Or is it Princessu? Prinsesu?
Your powers can't be better than mine. Your avatar isn't adorable and you aren't certified. :awesome:


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I think that I used the wrong word. Maybe not so "outlandish" but a bit more "unexpected." These are characters that people definitely wouldn't see coming if they get confirmed.
I say that the leak falls on Miis and Chorus Men/Marshal getting confirmed. If Shulk, Chrom, Palutena, or Pac-Man get confirmed, then this changes nothing in terms of the leak since they are pretty safe predictions and their names often come up in leaks.

That is what I am thinking too. I bet more questions and answers will be raised about the leak during E3 (and maybe some random Pics of the Day), but I say that we won't fully know until release.
Okay so I'm on mobile but it's not that obscure; the better wording is it's not a popular choice. Yeah, Marshall is weird, but it's more a choice nobody thought of.

Honestly, if Mii and Pacman gets confirmed it's game set and match.

@BluePikmin11 As much as fans of ROB hate hearing this, he wasn't a staple to Nintendo's history, or a least he didn't save it. That was the NES as a whole and competitors slowing down.

I'm just saying you can get away with something that was say, important in a different way. Not gonna bring up chars here since this ain't the thread for it.

@BKupa666 In the case that it's right, everyone should be on the edge because I really doubt the cuts meant ivy and squirtle, but that's just me. It can easily fit with Mewtwo... I guess. At least most brawl vets come back? Yay?

Under the possibility that RosalinaX is false, I really still agree and doubt it's that much more than 48. I said this on Skype, but 54 is a closing spot in my mind.

Honestly assuming either one as reality (which is what we're getting at this point) my only problem is that supporting characters got shafted hard. No one can deny that. Whether they should be is up for debate, and while I do like the recency in an attempt to market, it does make me concerned for the series future as a whole and confused at why there's not one timeless supporting character. I mean, shafting Ridley due to programming/art issues is something I'll accept, but K Rool? Masked Man? Spear Waddle Dee? Krystal? F-Zero not getting shafted? Practically anything for Yoshi/Wario? Three FE characters? (Up for debate on what reality is with cuts) Heck, even Paper Mario would have been suitable. I'm not saying it had to have a bunch, but the supporting newcomers is all new characters... Well, okay, I'll give you Palutena.


Sep 26, 2013
Okay so I'm on mobile but it's not that obscure; the better wording is it's not a popular choice. Yeah, Marshall is weird, but it's more a choice nobody thought of.

Honestly, if Mii and Pacman gets confirmed it's game set and match.

@BluePikmin11 As much as fans of ROB hate hearing this, he wasn't a staple to Nintendo's history, or a least he didn't save it. That was the NES as a whole and competitors slowing down.

I'm just saying you can get away with something that was say, important in a different way. Not gonna bring up chars here since this ain't the thread for it.

@BKupa666 In the case that it's right, everyone should be on the edge because I really doubt the cuts meant ivy and squirtle, but that's just me. It can easily fit with Mewtwo... I guess. At least most brawl vets come back? Yay?

Under the possibility that RosalinaX is false, I really still agree and doubt it's that much more than 48. I said this on Skype, but 54 is a closing spot in my mind.

Honestly assuming either one as reality (which is what we're getting at this point) my only problem is that supporting characters got shafted hard. No one can deny that. Whether they should be is up for debate, and while I do like the recency in an attempt to market, it does make me concerned for the series future as a whole and confused at why there's not one timeless supporting character. I mean, shafting Ridley due to programming/art issues is something I'll accept, but K Rool? Masked Man? Spear Waddle Dee? Krystal? F-Zero not getting shafted? Practically anything for Yoshi/Wario? Three FE characters? (Up for debate on what reality is with cuts) Heck, even Paper Mario would have been suitable. I'm not saying it had to have a bunch, but the supporting newcomers is all new characters... Well, okay, I'll give you Palutena.
To be honest, considering that we really don't know where Lucas stands right now, I wouldn't say Masked Man is very likely until we actually get some Mother content officially shown on the site itself.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
To be honest, considering that we really don't know where Lucas stands right now, I wouldn't say Masked Man is very likely until we actually get some Mother content officially shown on the site itself.
I never said Masked Man (or ANY of those) were likely, I was just mentioning that as a "No one can really tell me that if we see a 48ish roster with no other newcomers that smash ran out of supporting characters"

I'm still hoping! If both the boys are in the game we need one on our starting roster. I'm still a bit keen on the idea of no unlockables.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
After looking at the rumors in the OP, do we really consider Rhythm Heaven to get a rep? I mean, I love RH, but... I just can't really see anyone getting in. :/

How many rotors mention RH characters though?


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
After looking at the rumors in the OP, do we really consider Rhythm Heaven to get a rep? I mean, I love RH, but... I just can't really see anyone getting in. :/

How many rotors mention RH characters though?
I think the only really notable one is the newest Sal leak.

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
After looking at the rumors in the OP, do we really consider Rhythm Heaven to get a rep? I mean, I love RH, but... I just can't really see anyone getting in. :/

How many rotors mention RH characters though?
I agree. The problem with RH is at least to me, it doesn't have a character that can really be considered the "main character." I'd see RH more getting an AT, but of course I don't know what Sakurai thinks of the series.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I think the only really notable one is the newest Sal leak.
That's what I thought. And like the others, be probably just got lucky.... right?

I agree. The problem with RH is at least to me, it doesn't have a character that can really be considered the "main character." I'd see RH more getting an AT, but of course I don't know what Sakurai thinks of the series.
Right, it seems much more fit for AT.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2003
As far as retro characters go, he's got a lot going for him. Since Brawl he's had four major cameos (Captain Rainbow, Wario Ware DIY, Samurai Warriors 3, and Nintendo Land) with three of them being playable and has had a fanbase rooting for him even before Melee. Way back in the Melee days, a fan asked Sakurai about Takamaru's chances and he basically said he would only seriously consider Takamaru if "he ever showed up in another game." Needless to say, time has been kind to Takamaru and, after an 11 year wait, things might finally pay off for him. In short, he's basically this generation's Pit.
Pit starred in two games, both with a western release. And he had a lot more demand for a sequel than Takamaru, so not the same thing. I would say Takamaru is more similar to the Ice Climbers - both had a single unimportant game in the 80s. The ICs' western release evens out with Takamaru's various cameo appearances IMO.

And the Ice Climbers are really the only characters like to ever get in Smash. So Takamaru does have a chance, but it seems pretty slim to me.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Question. Can someone provide me a compilation of evidence NOT based on conjecture that proves or heavily implies the inclusion of these veterans/newcomers. I keep seeing the word proof thrown around but beyond the Sal leak and stuff taken from the direct I can't really find any of it. And even some of the direct stuff I might even question.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
After looking at the rumors in the OP, do we really consider Rhythm Heaven to get a rep? I mean, I love RH, but... I just can't really see anyone getting in. :/

How many rotors mention RH characters though?
Very few rosters mention it, but that's not really relevant to anything. 0 rosters mentioned G&W (except for the leak that was correct).

The leak that mentioned RH was the same one that got WFT and, despite the fact that Sakurai had shot him down in Brawl, Villager.

The odds of guessing those two are statistically insignificant, so we're pretty sure this leak is REAL.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Managing to get lucky with Wii Fit Trainer? And also "guessing" Villager and Mega Man along her? I think not.
Thousands of people, and a with a limited amount of characters, SOMEONE is going to get a few right from just a 'lucky guess'. Haven't we already demoted this leak to the rank of false because he said Sakurai would show off Little Mac and Pac-Man at E3?
Very few rosters mention it, but that's not really relevant to anything. 0 rosters mentioned G&W (except for the leak that was correct).

The leak that mentioned RH was the same one that got WFT and, despite the fact that Sakurai had shot him down in Brawl, Villager.

The odds of guessing those two are statistically insignificant, so we're pretty sure this leak is REAL.
Hmm... That's a good argument. Although I can't see a RH rep, I'm sure Sakurai would make them work... the question is how?

And although the probability of guessing that is VERY low, it has to happen eventually. Ether He was trolling just to troll, or he picked the LEAST likely characters that would be showed. For instance,

Wii Fit Trainer = Generic Mannequin.

Villager = Shot down by Sakurai.

Mega Man = Pre-E3, the popular opinion was against Mega Man. People wanted him, sure, but the 'professionals' didn't think he would get in.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Oh does anyone remember that leak that said a new character is hinted at in every direct? Well Little Mac does "101" situps....

Wonder Red confirmed?

But in all seriousness, I am still skeptical on the Sal leak, especially since Mii has yet to be confirmed. He should have been shown at E3, or in last direct in my opinion.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Thousands of people, and a with a limited amount of characters, SOMEONE is going to get a few right from just a 'lucky guess'. Haven't we already demoted this leak to the rank of false because he said Sakurai would show off Little Mac and Pac-Man at E3?
Marketing changes on a time. Whoever leaked it could of just been reading earlier E3 plans or something.
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