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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Like who? Please don't say Daisy.
Toad, Waluigi, and Bowser Jr are three that come to mind. I'd argue that they have more history (especially Toad) compared to Rosalina who just a few months ago became playable in a canon game for the first time. I dunno. With Mario characters it's kind of understandable but Rosalina making her Smash debut before Dixie? Krystal? Issac? Ridley? The list goes on and on. I just think it's a strange promotion for a character that had little more than two NPC roles canon wise over the course of 4 years when SSB4 began development in early 2012.


Smash Cadet
Aug 11, 2013
I probably missed it pages and pages back, but what's the general thoughts on the Chrom leak? Does it add up?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2014
I probably missed it pages and pages back, but what's the general thoughts on the Chrom leak? Does it add up?
the screenshot in the guys room?? Leaker himself posted the original PSD file and admitted it was a hoax not long after
EDIT: Greninja'd
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2004
Bossier City, LA
Toad, Waluigi, and Bowser Jr are three that come to mind. I'd argue that they have more history (especially Toad) compared to Rosalina who just a few months ago became playable in a canon game for the first time. I dunno. With Mario characters it's kind of understandable but Rosalina making her Smash debut before Dixie? Krystal? Issac? Ridley? The list goes on and on. I just think it's a strange promotion for a character that had little more than two NPC roles canon wise over the course of 4 years when SSB4 began development in early 2012.
I think Rosalina is far and away the best character they could have picked though. I agree that at least Toad, and somewhat Bowser Jr. even have longer histories, but I dunno. I guess I just think Rosalina has way more potential on the roster than either one of them (Though Bowser Jr. has that paintbrush.). I suppose I don't think age, or even playability in their respective franchises is the only factor for getting into Smash. Popularity, history, uniqueness, and potential for character all seem be factors to balance in choosing characters. I guess Sakurai just thought Rosalina would be a better pick. For me, that's awesome. I wanted Rosalina to be playable, more than most characters, so I'm excited. But I could see why people feel like she stole a spot.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2014
I'm 100% sure Sal's leak is incomplete. I find it inconceivable that we won't get at least one of the following newcomers:

K. Rool
Dixie Kong


Sakurai added Little Mac because he knew Mac is popular in the West. It's completely unreasonable to think Sakurai knew about Little Mac's popularity in the West as a potential playable character, but somehow isn’t aware of the absolutely massive fan desire for playable Ridley – Ridley talk has dominated internet discussion in the West by a large margin when compared to other potential Newcomers (seriously, Ridley talk has been 200x Little Mac talk for years now).

Sakurai and his team have obviously payed a huge amount of attention to what the most passionate Smash fans (basically anyone who talks about Smash on the internet) want: Tripping removed, For Glory mode for competitive players, Megaman and Sonic (who was added last minute in Brawl due to fan demand), and so on. He’s got a development team of hundreds in Japan and dozens in the USA doing localization and marketing who obviously scour message boards and Miiverse for feedback, which they relay to Sakurai. Journalists let him know years ago that Ridley was wanted as playable (Nintendo Power interview). So there's simply no way that Sakurai doesn’t know that Ridley is by far the most requested Newcomer in the West along with Mewtwo.

There's also no way Sakurai would think fans in the West would be excited and happy to see Ridley end up as a mere boss/hazard. That would be the same level of prestige (or even lower) than his role in Brawl. Again, how is it possible that he knew that the West wanted Little Mac playable, but not know that the West wants Ridley playable?

It comes down to this: if Ridley isn’t playable, then Sakurai is intentionally ignoring and teasing the fans of the #1 most requested new playable character in the world.

If for some reason Sakurai truly believes a playable Ridley wouldn’t work, the right thing to do would’ve been to have 100% confirmed / shown him as a stage boss many months ago. Rip the bandaid off quickly, as he did with Waluigi and others.

K. Rool:

Polls and reports from Japanese forums show that K. Rool is very popular in Japan...almost as popular (or maybe more so?) than he is in the West. More popular in Japan than Ridley, too. That, and Kremling are in Smash Run.


Her character files were included on the Brawl disc, so she was obviously intended to be playable. Why would Sakurai change his mind regarding Dixie between Brawl and now? Also recall his Miiverse comment regarding how “good it is to have so many female characters this time around”.

To conclude, It just doesn’t add up that none of these 3 characters will be on the roster.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Don't get me wrong, I think she turned out fantastic and has gone way beyond my expectations for the character creatively but I would find her addition really perplexing if the Gematsu "leak" is real when, like I said, there are still some really notable characters that fans have wanted since the original Smash that haven't gotten in yet.

Aurora Jenny

Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2007
Spring. Texas
I'm 100% sure Sal's leak is incomplete. I find it inconceivable that we won't get at least one of the following newcomers:

K. Rool
Dixie Kong


Sakurai added Little Mac because he knew Mac is popular in the West. It's completely unreasonable to think Sakurai knew about Little Mac's popularity in the West as a potential playable character, but somehow isn’t aware of the absolutely massive fan desire for playable Ridley – Ridley talk has dominated internet discussion in the West by a large margin when compared to other potential Newcomers (seriously, Ridley talk has been 200x Little Mac talk for years now).

Sakurai and his team have obviously payed a huge amount of attention to what the most passionate Smash fans (basically anyone who talks about Smash on the internet) want: Tripping removed, For Glory mode for competitive players, Megaman and Sonic (who was added last minute in Brawl due to fan demand), and so on. He’s got a development team of hundreds in Japan and dozens in the USA doing localization and marketing who obviously scour message boards and Miiverse for feedback, which they relay to Sakurai. Journalists let him know years ago that Ridley was wanted as playable (Nintendo Power interview). So there's simply no way that Sakurai doesn’t know that Ridley is by far the most requested Newcomer in the West along with Mewtwo.

There's also no way Sakurai would think fans in the West would be excited and happy to see Ridley end up as a mere boss/hazard. That would be the same level of prestige (or even lower) than his role in Brawl. Again, how is it possible that he knew that the West wanted Little Mac playable, but not know that the West wants Ridley playable?

It comes down to this: if Ridley isn’t playable, then Sakurai is intentionally ignoring and teasing the fans of the #1 most requested new playable character in the world.

If for some reason Sakurai truly believes a playable Ridley wouldn’t work, the right thing to do would’ve been to have 100% confirmed / shown him as a stage boss many months ago. Rip the bandaid off quickly, as he did with Waluigi and others.

K. Rool:

Polls and reports from Japanese forums show that K. Rool is very popular in Japan...almost as popular (or maybe more so?) than he is in the West. More popular in Japan than Ridley, too. That, and Kremling are in Smash Run.


Her character files were included on the Brawl disc, so she was obviously intended to be playable. Why would Sakurai change his mind regarding Dixie between Brawl and now? Also recall his Miiverse comment regarding how “good it is to have so many female characters this time around”.

To conclude, It just doesn’t add up that none of these 3 characters will be on the roster.
I'm in agreement. I don't necessarily believe the Sal leak, but I recognize that it has not been said those are the ONLY ones. Just the ones he's willing to share about.

And to any Pokemon debaters. Drop the matter about Mewtwo. He's either in or he's not. At this point it's either Jigglypuff or both and that's it.


Feb 13, 2014
Agree. The Sal leaker never specified that the newcomers he listed were the ONLY ones. He only listed six characters initially. Of course those weren't going to be the only newcomers we'd get in total.

Then we got Rosalina and people started calling it less plausible because he didn't include her. The leaker has now said six more characters, one of which has been revealed, but again he did not state that these were the only ones. There could be more. We don't know. We either have to wait for more information from the leaker or wait until E3 to see how right or wrong he was.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2014
Toad, Waluigi, and Bowser Jr are three that come to mind. I'd argue that they have more history (especially Toad) compared to Rosalina who just a few months ago became playable in a canon game for the first time. I dunno. With Mario characters it's kind of understandable but Rosalina making her Smash debut before Dixie? Krystal? Issac? Ridley? The list goes on and on. I just think it's a strange promotion for a character that had little more than two NPC roles canon wise over the course of 4 years when SSB4 began development in early 2012.
Off-topic character discussion regarding this:
See my post above about Waluigi (not created by Nintendo, never a proper role in any 'core' title)
Toad: Sakurai clearly doesn't see as worthwhile as a fighter by this point (always been a support kinda character)
Bowser Jr: I see the moveset potential but we're yet to see a villain's (occasional) sidekick appear in a Smash game so I never saw it likely

Rosalina was the focal point of the 3D Mario games since Galaxy's proper reveal in 06/07, where she hasn't appeared, Luma has and Nintendo have been making efforts to expand her character over the past 7 years into a hero of the series to stand alongside Mario, Luigi, Peach (with her Toad Brigade) and Yoshi, so yea in the Mario series there's now a large argument for her representing a huge chunk of it's history (almost a quarter of it now give or take??)

Bowser Jr has been the lackey of Bowser the entire time he's been a character, and we've yet to see a villain receive a sidekick in Smash and with so many series already lacking a villain in the game I can't really see them considering Bowser Jr over say RIdley, K.Rool, Mewtwo(returning) or at a stretch someone like Kamek who fills both Bowser Jr's role in many games as well as Bowser's role in the Yoshi series

Dixie: visually similar to Diddy, 3rd tier playable character who had been mostly absent until after Sm4sh development began since pre-DK 64(Tiny was there instead), for the DK series she really shouldn't get in ahead of K.Rool (opinion tbf) where Diddy is the major secondary hero, overall she has had minor historic Nintendo impact also

Krystal: would love to see her especially with her staff etc and to rep Star Fox with a different type of fighter as well as giving another female rep that Sakurai seems to like to highlight this time around, however the series is already well represented, Fox, Falco & Wolf have a hugely popular playstyle within the Smash community and to my own sadness the series has been knocked about terribly in recent years (even getting last minute reskin out of Nintendo Land where Samus and her gunship were plastered over a Starfox game)

Issac: please please please upgrade him from AT! :p

Gotta say the Sal leak is looking incredibly likely however I doubt it's being intended as something to confirm ALL newcomers, maybe all the fighters from current series but I can see a couple of history/oddball ones dropping in too similar to Rosalina


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
I'm 100% sure Sal's leak is incomplete. I find it inconceivable that we won't get at least one of the following newcomers:

K. Rool
Dixie Kong


Sakurai added Little Mac because he knew Mac is popular in the West. It's completely unreasonable to think Sakurai knew about Little Mac's popularity in the West as a potential playable character, but somehow isn’t aware of the absolutely massive fan desire for playable Ridley – Ridley talk has dominated internet discussion in the West by a large margin when compared to other potential Newcomers (seriously, Ridley talk has been 200x Little Mac talk for years now).

Sakurai and his team have obviously payed a huge amount of attention to what the most passionate Smash fans (basically anyone who talks about Smash on the internet) want: Tripping removed, For Glory mode for competitive players, Megaman and Sonic (who was added last minute in Brawl due to fan demand), and so on. He’s got a development team of hundreds in Japan and dozens in the USA doing localization and marketing who obviously scour message boards and Miiverse for feedback, which they relay to Sakurai. Journalists let him know years ago that Ridley was wanted as playable (Nintendo Power interview). So there's simply no way that Sakurai doesn’t know that Ridley is by far the most requested Newcomer in the West along with Mewtwo.

There's also no way Sakurai would think fans in the West would be excited and happy to see Ridley end up as a mere boss/hazard. That would be the same level of prestige (or even lower) than his role in Brawl. Again, how is it possible that he knew that the West wanted Little Mac playable, but not know that the West wants Ridley playable?

It comes down to this: if Ridley isn’t playable, then Sakurai is intentionally ignoring and teasing the fans of the #1 most requested new playable character in the world.

If for some reason Sakurai truly believes a playable Ridley wouldn’t work, the right thing to do would’ve been to have 100% confirmed / shown him as a stage boss many months ago. Rip the bandaid off quickly, as he did with Waluigi and others.

K. Rool:

Polls and reports from Japanese forums show that K. Rool is very popular in Japan...almost as popular (or maybe more so?) than he is in the West. More popular in Japan than Ridley, too. That, and Kremling are in Smash Run.


Her character files were included on the Brawl disc, so she was obviously intended to be playable. Why would Sakurai change his mind regarding Dixie between Brawl and now? Also recall his Miiverse comment regarding how “good it is to have so many female characters this time around”.

To conclude, It just doesn’t add up that none of these 3 characters will be on the roster.
Considering he didn't predict Rosalina, one would have to assume that his information is not complete. That is, if you believe his information is accurate. I don't, but logically you can see his info is not complete even if correct.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Toad, Waluigi, and Bowser Jr are three that come to mind. .
Toad and Bowser Jr I'll give you. Even if I feel more and more Jr's time to make it into Smash is passing as he falls more and more into ''Spin-off appearances" only.

However even as a fan of Waluigi. Waluigi has one thing against him that Rosalina has for her.

Nintendo seems to hate Waluigi, where as Rosalina is their favorite pet currently.

Rosalina is consistently pushed by Nintendo because of their desire to see her become a big thing, and to a degree she has because there was quite a lot of desire for her, not only in Smash Brothers, but in Mario Kart as well. She's also nearly phased out Daisy completely.

Waluigi is a consistent appearance in spin-offs, save the time they deliberately did not put him in Mario Kart 7, but there is a clear and apparent desire to not push him outside of spin-offs unlike Rosie.

So in short Rosie always had a better chance of getting in Smash Brothers than Waluigi.
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Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2014
While It doesn't rule him out that Villager uses his balloons, it does make him extremely unlikely. Of course, there are plenty of characters with swords. But a sword is more standard. The Fighter's Balloons is basically the whole character, and Villager does exactly what he would probably do for his Up Special, and/or much of his moveset. So Villager takes away a lot of what would make Balloon Fighter into a unique character. He took that makes him what he is, basically. ^^

This isn't rumor related, though, so I'll leave it at that. Any recent rumors after those very believeable PacMan leaks?
Why do people keep thinking Takamaru is in? Just because he has an attraction at Nintendoland?

Doesn't seem like a very good reason imo.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I suppose it is food for thought that, except Chrom, the 6th gen Pokemon, and Palutena (which were all freakishly likely from the beginning, let's be honest), all the ones mentioned are part of franchises completely new to Smash fighter wise. Big franchise wise, I kind of get the feeling that DK, Star Fox, and Fire Emblem are going to get a new rep in the starting roster or at least someone who was previously unlockable. DK not getting somebody new at all would be especially weird given how the series has made a huge comeback in the past couple of years and Fire Emblem not getting at least three reps would just be insulting at this point given its history and, like DK, its surge in popularity recently.


Sep 26, 2013
I suppose it is food for thought that, except Chrom, the 6th gen Pokemon, and Palutena (which were all freakishly likely from the beginning, let's be honest), all the ones mentioned are part of franchises completely new to Smash fighter wise. Big franchise wise, I kind of get the feeling that DK, Star Fox, and Fire Emblem are going to get a new rep in the starting roster or at least someone who was previously unlockable. DK not getting somebody new at all would be especially weird given how the series has made a huge comeback in the past couple of years and Fire Emblem not getting at least three reps would just be insulting at this point given its history and, like DK, its surge in popularity recently.
Likewise, I feel that if MK8 leak is real, I feel like Chrom will replace Ike. We've gotten zero PoR/RD stuff showcased so far unlike the decent amount of Awakening stuff.
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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I have too many posts I'd love to run over in this thread but honestly it'd take me a lifetime. Let me clear something up, though: There's an NDA that exists on talking about games, so usually how these leaks happen isn't from an employee themselves (Seriously, game industry is already hard to get in there, no one would risk their job like that... at least during development) - You ever had that friend IRL that you'd be able to tell anything to? Yeah, that's usually how these things start. I'm pretty generally quiet on what I say about any game I'm working on, but there's some people out there that are... well...

And yeah, you can say the keyword is "Don't tell anyone" but really, NDA contracts can only do so much. Is it really a big deal? It's all about how the Producer handles it. I'd like to take some time to show how Rock Band 3 handled their entire setlist being leaked:

That said...

How dare you complain about the roster at all! Sakurai is an Actual God and worked SO HARD on it. Me being a member of the fanbase means you can't have the opinion that it's a poor representation of the fanbase's desires!

Oh, and people, stop bringing up "Oh, he missed Rosalina, he could have missed other characters." The explanation is so simple...Rosalina, as well as Palutena/Shulk/Chrom/Chorus Men/Pokemon weren't on his initial list of six, then none of the confirmed characters were on his second list. We're not getting some flood of newcomers worth giving a damn about later on, just like with Brawl, there weren't unlockable characters beyond Wolf, and Mewtwo/Roy weren't added into the American version. The most simple and most disappointing outcome is almost definitely true here.
I'd just like to throw out two things to clear up on here despite the fact I agree with you. One of these two isn't to correct you.

1. Aren't Sal and this guy two separate people or is it all Sal? I'm pretty sure it's reality. Regardless, uh, that's a bit false. We had three leaks put together; no one ever got the full roster and leaked it. It was a combination of 3 leaks - apparently for the longest time no one even had the veteran roster. This could totally be the case still, and even if the roster magically has Krystal/Rool/Isaac/Ridley/Masked Man/etc it doesn't exempt it from criticism. We don't have any idea on the veterans either, cuts, changes, etc. Point is, even if we have all the newcomers, we don't have all the veterans. There's still at least a bit to look forward to and hold hope for - Maybe not in the right direction.

Point is, we're still too early to assume and get a verdict. We can likely assume that the first two batches (Pale Tuna batch and Mii batch) are reality, but everything else is still up the air. I agree that people should shoot down most of their optimism, but Brawl's leaks didn't happen exactly like that.

We're not getting a flood regardless. People, for now until we get clarification, shoot most of your expectations down. Look at it this way - You won't be disappointed no matter the outcome!

2. We're in an age of a different Nintendo, a different fighting game market, and more importantly, a different market. I'm not going to suggest something as ridiculous as the American version, but DLC and expansions may seriously be on the table. Most people will just scoff at me and probably say "Nintendo is above that stfu!" Yeah, NSLU. FEA. Mario Golf soon. Definitely more. Sure, they may be playing on their own ground by not appearing at PAX and doing directs at E3 instead, but they can't completely play on their own turf - That would be stupid by any company ever. I'm not saying just because we whine it'll happen, but I'm saying it may be a possibility.

I'm not saying we should expect anything until Smash 5 on "**** if I know what crazy nintendo console" but I'm saying that things are different. Times are different. Times have definitely changed. Hardware has changed. Heck, Smash on 3DS became a thing; back on NSider people said Smash on a portable system would never work.

BKupa, 10/10 post still. It's nice to see someone at least allowing criticism AND being realistic.

Too much to touch on, but one last thing is anything Fatmanonice said in this thread I agree with, even if he just said how ridiculous I am while writing this.
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soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
Warning Received
Please stop speaking for the fanbase. I'm part of that fanbase and, like the person you're arguing with, find your whining annoying.
then don't read no ones making you, I will speak how I want and getting tired of people trying to shut me up because I am not a sheep and just praising the almighty sakurai for this horrid roster. Go to the character discussion section of this site and look at who has the most views/post and come back and tell me I am not speaking for a lot of the fanbase. Go on I be waiting.

I have no problem believing that we could go over 50. Even with 4 cuts, that requires 17 newcomers; we got 18 in Brawl.

I doubt that Sal's leak contains the final roster even if accurate, as the leaker didn't give us Rosalina.
I have a bad felling this is it, it matches up perfectly to the mk8 rumor if you add the likely mewtwo. Plus rosalina was not listed because the first batch he released was supposed to be just the e3 reveals while the second batch was not shown until after rosalina so it makes since not to relist someone already shown.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2014
Why do people keep thinking Takamaru is in? Just because he has an attraction at Nintendoland?

Doesn't seem like a very good reason imo.
Nintendo Land was supposed to be a celebration of Nintendo similar to Smash, StarFox got painted over for the Metroid game or it would've been in and we see already that Balloon Trip has a stage and one of Villager's moves in Smash4.... the fact that Nintendo out of the blue stuck Takamaru in amongst the heavy hitters suggests testing the water for a resurgence


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Why do people keep thinking Takamaru is in? Just because he has an attraction at Nintendoland?

Doesn't seem like a very good reason imo.
As far as retro characters go, he's got a lot going for him. Since Brawl he's had four major cameos (Captain Rainbow, Wario Ware DIY, Samurai Warriors 3, and Nintendo Land) with three of them being playable and has had a fanbase rooting for him even before Melee. Way back in the Melee days, a fan asked Sakurai about Takamaru's chances and he basically said he would only seriously consider Takamaru if "he ever showed up in another game." Needless to say, time has been kind to Takamaru and, after an 11 year wait, things might finally pay off for him. In short, he's basically this generation's Pit.


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2013
Why do people keep thinking Takamaru is in? Just because he has an attraction at Nintendoland?

Doesn't seem like a very good reason imo.
THIS. He has almost no chance, but people are saying leaks aren't credible because he's not on it. At the very most he'll probably get a viewable trophy, no more than that.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
I suppose it is food for thought that, except Chrom, the 6th gen Pokemon, and Palutena (which were all freakishly likely from the beginning, let's be honest), all the ones mentioned are part of franchises completely new to Smash fighter wise. Big franchise wise, I kind of get the feeling that DK, Star Fox, and Fire Emblem are going to get a new rep in the starting roster or at least someone who was previously unlockable. DK not getting somebody new at all would be especially weird given how the series has made a huge comeback in the past couple of years and Fire Emblem not getting at least three reps would just be insulting at this point given its history and, like DK, its surge in popularity recently.
This is a franchise that has given 3 roster spots to Star Fox, which has been dead for over a generation. Even during Metroid's popular period, they had to squeeze in ZSS as another playable character. But on the flipside, Zelda has gotten 2 clones and an alternate form character with its' popularity.

Long Story Short = Unless it's a long-standing popularity, don't expect a lot of characters.

Deleted member

I wanna give my 2 cents about the Sal Romano leak.
+It's a textual leak that doesn't go into detail. It lists 11 characters as being playable and yet none of them received an explanation. This makes this leak is unkillable until one of those characters are disconfirmed.
+No one predicted the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer would be confirmed at E3 nor did anyone expect them to be in Smash. Better yet, no one was expecting a Pokemon from X and Y and one of them got in the game, Greninja. This makes his information more credible.

-Chorus Men are a very outlandish choice. If these guys (or similarly Marshal for being aesthetically similar to them) get confirmed, then this leak may as well be true. If they aren't, then this basically kills the leak.
-Characters like Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and Pac-Man are very common characters in leaks. If one of them get confirmed, this changes nothing in regards to this leak.

I am personally taking this leak with a grain of salt. This leak really hinges on the Chorus Men or Marshal; if they are confirmed in a Direct or at E3, then this leak may be believable or at least more credible.

Of course, I extremely doubt that this is the final list of newcomers. Sal's source definitely doesn't know everything in regards to this game, like Rosalina getting confirmed.
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
then don't read no ones making you, I will speak how I want and getting tired of people trying to shut me up because I am not a sheep and just praising the almighty sakurai for this horrid roster. Go to the character discussion section of this site and look at who has the most views/post and come back and tell me I am not speaking for a lot of the fanbase. Go on I be waiting.

I have a bad felling this is it, it matches up perfectly to the mk8 rumor if you add the likely mewtwo. Plus rosalina was not listed because the first batch he released was supposed to be just the e3 reveals while the second batch was not shown until after rosalina so it makes since not to relist someone already shown.
You're being really melodramatic and you've already been told by several people to tone it down. Consider this your last warning.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280

Her character files were included on the Brawl disc, so she was obviously intended to be playable. Why would Sakurai change his mind regarding Dixie between Brawl and now? Also recall his Miiverse comment regarding how “good it is to have so many female characters this time around”.

To conclude, It just doesn’t add up that none of these 3 characters will be on the roster.
Didn't they also have Plus and Minun in Brawl's data or something?


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I came here to talk about leaks sooo I'm keeping it to that and not whether a franchise is dead.

-Chorus Men are a very outlandish choice. If these guys (or similarly Marshal for being aesthetically similar to them) get confirmed, then this leak may as well be true. If they aren't, then this basically kills the leak.
-Characters like Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and Pac-Man are very common characters in leaks. If one of them get confirmed, this changes nothing in regards to this leak.

I am personally taking this leak with a grain of salt. This leak really hinges on the Chorus Men or Marshal; if they are confirmed in a Direct or at E3, then this leak may be believable or at least more credible.
-Why the heck is it an outlandish choice? People keep saying this with like, no evidence whatsoever asides from "I wanted an EBA/Oudean character or the wrestler from rhythm heaven". Last I checked, the Chorus Men were in every Rhythm Heaven game (or almost) and this is a franchise that has MANY choices to choose from. If it was over the series face or something, yeah, I'd understand, but is it really that outlandish? This is the same director and staff that have rused us time and time again. Okay, maybe not the exact same but you get the idea.

though if it was me I'd put in the Remix somehow, but that's just me.
-So basically you're saying that Mii and/or Chorus Men need to happen. If so, I agree.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
I wanna give my 2 cents about the Sal Romano leak.
+It's a textual leak that doesn't go into detail. It lists 11 characters as being playable and yet none of them received an explanation. This makes this leak is unkillable until one of those characters are disconfirmed.
+No one predicted the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer would be confirmed at E3 nor did anyone expect them to be in Smash. Better yet, no one was expecting a Pokemon from X and Y and one of them got in the game, Greninja. This makes his information more credible.

-Chorus Men are a very outlandish choice. If these guys (or similarly Marshal for being aesthetically similar to them) get confirmed, then this leak may as well be true. If they aren't, then this basically kills the leak.
-Characters like Shulk, Palutena, Chrom, and Pac-Man are very common characters in leaks. If one of them get confirmed, this changes nothing in regards to this leak.

I am personally taking this leak with a grain of salt. This leak really hinges on the Chorus Men or Marshal; if they are confirmed in a Direct or at E3, then this leak may be believable or at least more credible.

Of course, I extremely doubt that this is the final list of newcomers. Sal's source definitely doesn't know everything in regards to this game, like Rosalina getting confirmed.
And I don't think we'll know this until after the game has launched.

Marshal would be the "WTF" unlockable in the vein of G&W and ROB, both of which weren't fully confirmed until post release.

And FYI, the WTF in Brawl's reveal was, of course, Snake.
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Deleted member

-Why the heck is it an outlandish choice? People keep saying this with like, no evidence whatsoever asides from "I wanted an EBA/Oudean character or the wrestler from rhythm heaven". Last I checked, the Chorus Men were in every Rhythm Heaven game (or almost) and this is a franchise that has MANY choices to choose from. If it was over the series face or something, yeah, I'd understand, but is it really that outlandish? This is the same director and staff that have rused us time and time again. Okay, maybe not the exact same but you get the idea.

though if it was me I'd put in the Remix somehow, but that's just me.
-So basically you're saying that Mii and/or Chorus Men need to happen. If so, I agree.
I think that I used the wrong word. Maybe not so "outlandish" but a bit more "unexpected." These are characters that people definitely wouldn't see coming if they get confirmed.
I say that the leak falls on Miis and Chorus Men/Marshal getting confirmed. If Shulk, Chrom, Palutena, or Pac-Man get confirmed, then this changes nothing in terms of the leak since they are pretty safe predictions and their names often come up in leaks.

And I don't think we'll know this until after the game has launched.

Marshal would be the "WTF" unlockable in the vein of G&W and ROB, both of which weren't fully confirmed until post release.
That is what I am thinking too. I bet more questions and answers will be raised about the leak during E3 (and maybe some random Pics of the Day), but I say that we won't fully know until release.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
And I don't think we'll know this until after the game has launched.

Marshal would be the "WTF" unlockable in the vein of G&W and ROB, both of which weren't fully confirmed until post release.

And FYI, the WTF in Brawl's reveal was, of course, Snake.
Not in the vein of G&W and R.O.B., it would have to be something even more obscure but still made sense in terms of Nintendo's history, such as Hanafuda and Diskun.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
To somebody whose main Nintendo love stems from the Gamecube era or earlier, most of these characters are completely alienating, as though this particular Smash Bros is not meant for them. I'm only 20, and that's kind of the way I'm feeling.
I agree with this, and I think this is likely the reason that folks aren't happy with the Sal leak: other than Little Mac and Megaman, we've had basically nothing from our "younger days" of Nintendo when there's still a great deal more to choose from.

Hell, even GC-era is pretty "retro" at this point...
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Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
Not in the vein of G&W and R.O.B., it would have to be something even more obscure but still made sense in terms of Nintendo's history, such as Hanafuda and Diskun.
No, I mean as in an unlock that no one expected (except Sal, of course).

Not one that was important to Nintendo's history, otherwise Sakurai would be forced to add a playable deck of cards to the game...
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Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
Takamaru has been receiving a lot of attention as of late. He features alongside Little Mac in Captain Rainbow, is PLAYABLE in Samurai Warriors 3, was chosen as one of the twelve franchises in Nintendo Land, AND he has an upcoming 3DS port. Not to mention we don't have a real retro character yet, Sakurai said that he would try his best to bring back older characters, and Takamaru would juxtapose perfectly with Little Mac (and to some extent, Greninja).
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
THIS. He has almost no chance, but people are saying leaks aren't credible because he's not on it. At the very most he'll probably get a viewable trophy, no more than that.
We don't have many other retros to choose from, he's following the trends of ROB and appearing in other Nintendo games. Come on, use your brain, that's all people are asking.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Just a heads-up, for leak discussion as well as general discussion, it's an easy trap to dismiss someone as "melodramatic" or "needing to calm down" when they're expressing a different opinion from your own. Don't fall into that trap.

@ Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa Great post as well. Mine was operating under the assumption that RosalinaX and Sal both had valid leaks; if only Sal does, we very well may get more characters, although probably not Ridley in any case, sadly.
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Deleted member

Just a heads-up, for leak discussion as well as general discussion, it's an easy trap to dismiss someone as "melodramatic" or "needing to calm down" when they're expressing a different opinion from your own. Don't fall into that trap.
Don't start this again, we could all do without it.

Anyway, writing something off because it doesn't have any retro characters or an outlandish choice is silly. Then again, this is coming from a guy who stopped believing in leaks long ago, so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
Don't start this again, we could all do without it.

Anyway, writing something off because it doesn't have any retro characters or an outlandish choice is silly. Then again, this is coming from a guy who stopped believing in leaks long ago, so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
You say stuff like this, but then you call for him to mention it, why not stay out of it all together then?

Anyway, I'd figure the 48 roster thing could be killed by now, people went so far to find out the origins of the Sal leak, but with the 48 character Mario cart one people just keep going in circles? How is there no clear info on the origins of this one beyond a forum webmaster who apparently has never had a leak before?
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