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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
Question. Can someone provide me a compilation of evidence NOT based on conjecture that proves or heavily implies the inclusion of these veterans/newcomers. I keep seeing the word proof thrown around but beyond the Sal leak and stuff taken from the direct I can't really find any of it. And even some of the direct stuff I might even question.

This explains why the Sal leak is so credible:

Alright, once more over the facts and then I'm going to give up on the people who just want to be ignorant in the hopes that (insert character name here) will be a newcomer...
1. When a leaker leaks something to someone outside of the company, we have no idea how "fresh" the information is, nor do we have any clue what the state of the roster was at the time the information was delivered.

However, we DO know that there are a number of good reasons for a leaker to not leak everything they know until later. Aside from generating tension/hype, it's also a good way to protect their source on the inside.

How does that work?

-Someone inside the development team of SSB4 leaks a partial roster of newcomers to Sal back before E3 of last year. They do this with the caveat that Sal not release all of the information until the time it will be released anyway draws near.

-The leaker asks this of Sal because he or she knows that, as development time goes on, more and more people inside the company will know about the information anyway.

-At the time the information was given to Sal, the leaker could've been 1 of only 10 people to know this information, and would've been relatively easy to weed out.

-But when the information is released the day before it's announced, the entire dev team of 200+(?) people likely knows all about who the newcomers are so it's very difficult to say who leaked the information. This protects the leaker from being found out.

So when Sal got his info, he could've known about just this list of newcomers and he could've known that a Pokemon from X/Y was going to be in but the dev team had yet to decide on which. It's also extremely likely that he didn't get the FULL list of newcomers since it's highly possible that list wasn't finalized, nor was he certain when and where the known newcomers were going to be shown because that too was likely in flux. Rosalina might've been decided upon after he got the leak and, again, it's fully possible that he hasn't had ANY new information since, but has been releasing the information he DOES have over time so as not to blow the cover of his leaker.

Remember, Sal got the villager right DESPITE Sakurai saying that "Animal Crossing isn't violent enough" for Brawl. His "prediction" went DIRECTLY against what we previously knew from Sakurai's stance on AC in Brawl (and as we all know, it's possible for a game to have a stage without a playable character to go with it).

Then, he got WFT right, which, up until that point, no one even considered the WFT a candidate for a character.

To go AGAINST everything we knew about Sakurai's stance on Animal Crossing AND to pull a character like WFT out of the blue when no one considered her? Sal would have a better chance of being attacked by a shark that's being struck by lightning while it also won the lottery.

Bottom line, Sal got a leak. Will he get another one? Who knows, but he DEFINITELY received some very real information at one point and anyone who believes otherwise is ignoring the obvious facts at this point.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Thousands of people, and a with a limited amount of characters, SOMEONE is going to get a few right from just a 'lucky guess'. Haven't we already demoted this leak to the rank of false because he said Sakurai would show off Little Mac and Pac-Man at E3?
No, because plans are not set in stone and things change. The universe is not consistant compilation of order and probability. The point is that the guy either made a very lucky prediction or submittted a large number of names with numerous correct selections.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Thousands of people, and a with a limited amount of characters, SOMEONE is going to get a few right from just a 'lucky guess'. Haven't we already demoted this leak to the rank of false because he said Sakurai would show off Little Mac and Pac-Man at E3?
We don't know if Sakurai decided to change the amount of newcomers that he would show at E3. Could just as well be that he thought that it would be better to keep Pac-Man, Little Mac & Mii secret for a while longer.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Takamaru and Ridley I agree about, but I still think Mewtwo's gone.

Mewtwo is most likely of the 3

Your in big trouble if its because of the mega evolutions or greninja or bcause of no room now (6 in brawl always 2 pokemon slots get added squirtle and ivysaur obviously dead at this point so jigglypuff and mewtwo take there place)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
Thousands of people, and a with a limited amount of characters, SOMEONE is going to get a few right from just a 'lucky guess'. Haven't we already demoted this leak to the rank of false because he said Sakurai would show off Little Mac and Pac-Man at E3?
I don't get posts like this.

1) No one guessed Wii Fit Trainer, sans the one Gamefaqs post which was made back in 2008.

2) No one guessed Wii Fit Trainer, Megaman and Villager all on the same character list, exactly 24 hours before E3.

I don't get the point of having a Rumors and Leak topic if everyone is just going to dismiss the ones that are actually real. I wasn't around on Smash Boards for the Big Brawl leak, but it must of been hilarious to see everyones responses when the roster actually came out to be true.
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soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
the only way I can see the sal rumor being false is if the guy just had a sneak peak of the direct and added the rest plus already having a sneak at what was being debated to show at e3( first leak) I think he is legit though he don't sound like someone gunning for attention.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
About Rosalina, the info this person is getting seems to be coming in bits and pieces. He probably didn't know about Rosie when leaking the first six, and by the time he got more characters, Rosalina was already confirmed, so...


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I don't get posts like this.

1) No one gussed Wii Fit Trainer, sans the one Gamefaqs post which was made back in 2008.

2) No one gussed Wii Fit Trainer, Megaman and Villager all on the same character list, exactly 24 hours before E3.

I don't get the point of having a Rumors and Leak topic if everyone is just going to dismiss the ones that are actually real. I wasn't around on Smash Boards for the Big Brawl leak, but it must of been hilarious to see everyones responses when the roster actually came out to be true.
"Actually real" is probably not the best way to put that.
"Mostly correct" is better. Mostly does not validate a rumor.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
Thousands of people, and a with a limited amount of characters, SOMEONE is going to get a few right from just a 'lucky guess'. Haven't we already demoted this leak to the rank of false because he said Sakurai would show off Little Mac and Pac-Man at E3?
1. No, WFT and Villager are, on their own, EXTREMELY hard to get correct. Sakurai had already shot down an AC rep in Brawl. If you had suggested the Villager before he was revealed, everyone and their mother would've pointed this fact out. And NO ONE was asking for or predicting WFT. This is too big of a coincidence for it to BE a coincidence.

2. The reveal times of these characters is more in flux than the roster itself. They could've been planned for E3, then been pushed.

The part about Rosalina being put in after the E3 leak is strange to me. I would think at time of announcement that the roster would be finalized.
As I said, we don't know when the information was leaked and what state the roster was in at the time of the leak. It's fully possible that Miyamoto himself approached Sakurai and requested Rosalina AFTER this info was leaked, just like it's possible the info was leaked at a time when they hadn't decided on which X/Y pokemon would be in the game..


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
Yeah, I understand the Sal leak. What I don't understand is the proof towards returning veterans and some of the other newcomers. Most of what I'm seeing fly around is conjecture.
Was there any other 'prove' when R.O.B. was leaked? Not really. There are hints to certain newcomers though (like Sakurai posting a picture of the monado on twitter / the pic of the day after the Palutena Leak showing Zelda, Rosalina & Viridi, etc.), but no real prove obviously.

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
1. No, WFT and Villager are, on their own, EXTREMELY hard to get correct. Sakurai had already shot down an AC rep in Brawl. If you had suggested the Villager before he was revealed, everyone and their mother would've pointed this fact out. And NO ONE was asking for or predicting WFT. This is too big of a coincidence for it to BE a coincidence.

2. The reveal times of these characters is more in flux than the roster itself. They could've been planned for E3, then been pushed.

As I said, we don't know when the information was leaked and what state the roster was in at the time of the leak. It's fully possible that Miyamoto himself approached Sakurai and requested Rosalina AFTER this info was leaked, just like it's possible the info was leaked at a time when they hadn't decided on which X/Y pokemon would be in the game..
SAL got the tip the day before! Meaning that the leaker would have known by then what X/Y character it was. The first thing decided in a game like this is the roster. They wouldn't have a leak until the full roster was decided.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I don't get posts like this.

1) No one guessed Wii Fit Trainer, sans the one Gamefaqs post which was made back in 2008.

2) No one guessed Wii Fit Trainer, Megaman and Villager all on the same character list, exactly 24 hours before E3.

I don't get the point of having a Rumors and Leak topic if everyone is just going to dismiss the ones that are actually real. I wasn't around on Smash Boards for the Big Brawl leak, but it must of been hilarious to see everyone's responses when the roster actually came out to be true.
While there's a first time for everything, I can see how this would be EXTREMELY convincing. I had no idea that it was posted so soon before E3.

We don't know if Sakurai decided to change the amount of newcomers that he would show at E3. Could just as well be that he thought that it would be better to keep Pac-Man, Little Mac & Mii secret for a while longer.

No, because plans are not set in stone and things change. The universe is not consistant compilation of order and probability. The point is that the guy either made a very lucky prediction or submittted a large number of names with numerous correct selections.
So this 'Sal' was also the one who predicted the E3 newcomers?

Until I see that RH rep, I'll believe it.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Was there any other 'prove' when R.O.B. was leaked? Not really. There are hints to certain newcomers though (like Sakurai posting a picture of the monado on twitter / the pic of the day after the Palutena Leak showing Zelda, Rosalina & Viridi, etc.), but no real prove obviously.
Okay, cool. So can we stop using the word proof to back up some of these misguided hypotheses?


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
As I said, we don't know when the information was leaked and what state the roster was in at the time of the leak. It's fully possible that Miyamoto himself approached Sakurai and requested Rosalina AFTER this info was leaked, just like it's possible the info was leaked at a time when they hadn't decided on which X/Y pokemon would be in the game..
Most of your statement makes sense even though I don't agree, but not this part.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
SAL got the tip the day before! Meaning that the leaker would have known by then what X/Y character it was. The first thing decided in a game like this is the roster. They wouldn't have a leak until the full roster was decided.
This explains why Sal likely got the information all at once, but then didn't release it until it was close to the point where it was going to be revealed:

1. When a leaker leaks something to someone outside of the company, we have no idea how "fresh" the information is, nor do we have any clue what the state of the roster was at the time the information was delivered.

However, we DO know that there are a number of good reasons for a leaker to not leak everything they know until later. Aside from generating tension/hype, it's also a good way to protect their source on the inside.

How does that work?

-Someone inside the development team of SSB4 leaks a partial roster of newcomers to Sal back before E3 of last year. They do this with the caveat that Sal not release all of the information until the time it will be released anyway draws near.

-The leaker asks this of Sal because he or she knows that, as development time goes on, more and more people inside the company will know about the information anyway.

-At the time the information was given to Sal, the leaker could've been 1 of only 10 people to know this information, and would've been relatively easy to weed out.

-But when the information is released the day before it's announced, the entire dev team of 200+(?) people likely knows all about who the newcomers are so it's very difficult to say who leaked the information. This protects the leaker from being found out.

So when Sal got his info, he could've known about just this list of newcomers and he could've known that a Pokemon from X/Y was going to be in but the dev team had yet to decide on which. It's also extremely likely that he didn't get the FULL list of newcomers since it's highly possible that list wasn't finalized, nor was he certain when and where the known newcomers were going to be shown because that too was likely in flux. Rosalina might've been decided upon after he got the leak and, again, it's fully possible that he hasn't had ANY new information since, but has been releasing the information he DOES have over time so as not to blow the cover of his leaker.
So no, he didn't get it the day before. He likely got it at a time when all the leaker knew was that there would be an X/Y rep but didn't yet know who it was.
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Sep 26, 2013
Yeah, I understand the Sal leak. What I don't understand is the proof towards returning veterans and some of the other newcomers. Most of what I'm seeing fly around is conjecture.
Oh? Are you talking about the likes of Wario, Meta-Knight, Captain Falcon and Ice Climbers?

Wario: 2 Assist Trophies and the Wario Emblem from Brawl.
Meta-Knight: Halberd is a returning stage.
Captain Falcon: Samurai Goroh is once again shown before Captain Falcon is revealed and shows off the F-Zero symbol.
Ice Climbers: Polar Bear enemy in Smash Run.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
1. No, WFT and Villager are, on their own, EXTREMELY hard to get correct. Sakurai had already shot down an AC rep in Brawl. If you had suggested the Villager before he was revealed, everyone and their mother would've pointed this fact out. And NO ONE was asking for or predicting WFT. This is too big of a coincidence for it to BE a coincidence.

2. The reveal times of these characters is more in flux than the roster itself. They could've been planned for E3, then been pushed.
Alright, I'll take that. But it still doesn't rule out the 'troll' factor.

Also, how many leaks predicted Greninja? The roster was finalized before the first E3 trailer, and probably in 2012.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
the only way I can see the sal rumor being false is if the guy just had a sneak peak of the direct and added the rest plus already having a sneak at what was being debated to show at e3( first leak) I think he is legit though he don't sound like someone gunning for attention.
I don't know about that, Chorus Men makes the leak sound more suspicious.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
If a "leaker" stressed to you that it was a lucky prediction, would you still call it a leak?
Can nothing let it die if it is accurate?

Gingerbread Man

Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2009
It could be entirely possible that the person who delivered the E3 leak wasn't even close to the developers but was just processing footage or working some odd job helping air the direct. Somebody like that could easily leak three characters before E3 and throw in their own predictions to make thing interesting. After all, if it were only those three, we wouldn't care about that leak anymore.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Oh? Are you talking about the likes of Wario, Meta-Knight, Captain Falcon and Ice Climbers?

Wario: 2 Assist Trophies and the Wario Emblem from Brawl.
Meta-Knight: Halberd is a returning stage.
Captain Falcon: Samurai Goroh is once again shown before Captain Falcon is revealed and shows off the F-Zero symbol.
Ice Climbers: Polar Bear enemy in Smash Run.
Okay, those I will buy. It isn't definitive but it's a start. So... what about Wolf, Jiggly, the star fox reps, and Ike?
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I don't know about that, Chorus Men makes the leak sound more suspicious.
It makes the leak sound like bonk.

It could be entirely possible that the person who delivered the E3 leak wasn't even close to the developers but was just processing footage or working some odd job helping air the direct. Somebody like that could easily leak three characters before E3 and throw in their own predictions to make thing interesting. After all, if it were only those three, we wouldn't care about that leak anymore.
This is also a possibility. It would explain the 'unexpected' (WFT, Villager, MM) with the 'expected'. (Mii, Little Mac, Pac-Man)
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
This explains why Sal likely got the information all at once, but then didn't release it until it was close to the point where it was going to be revealed:

So no, he didn't get it the day before. He likely got it at a time when all the leaker knew was that there would be an X/Y rep but didn't yet know who it was.
The day of the leak he said: "Today, we received a new e-mail from the same tipster, who claims Pac-Man and Mii are still on the way, and the following characters will also appear..."

So you're saying that he's lying about that?


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
Alright, I'll take that. But it still doesn't rule out the 'troll' factor.

Also, how many leaks predicted Greninja? The roster was finalized before the first E3 trailer, and probably in 2012.
1. None of us have worked on a SSB game. We don't know when the rosters are actually finalized.

2. It's entirely possible that Sal got this information before the E3 trailer (even a while before) but Rosalina was added in later.


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
It could be entirely possible that the person who delivered the E3 leak wasn't even close to the developers but was just processing footage or working some odd job helping air the direct. Somebody like that could easily leak three characters before E3 and throw in their own predictions to make thing interesting. After all, if it were only those three, we wouldn't care about that leak anymore.
Makes a little more sense than "hey just made some lucky guesses ahuh" but I still find that questionable. If he really wanted to mess with people, he could of just put characters like Ridley or K. Rool or ridiculous choices like Tharja or Bayonetta. Instead, he put Little Mac, and Mii and Pac-Man, the latter two aren't that super exciting or weird/strange. If anything, Wii Fit Trainer is that character people would put in their leaks to mess with people, and she turned out to be real.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
The day of the leak he said: "Today, we received a new e-mail from the same tipster, who claims Pac-Man and Mii are still on the way, and the following characters will also appear..."

So you're saying that he's lying about that?
And it could very well be information passed down 2-3X that's very old.

I see people trying to debunk this leak like crazy when it already pulled two of the most unexpected characters out of nowhere and got them dead on right.

And to all of the people saying "I just don't see Marshal being a character...", and you didn't see G&W, ROB or WFT being characters either because NO ONE DID.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Based on what? Let's not go with just our gut feelings. Those are more often then not based on emotion and I think we can already see why those aren't getting us anywhere.
Yeah, you're right. Sorry bout' that. :(

1. None of us have worked on a SSB game. We don't know when the rosters are actually finalized.

2. It's entirely possible that Sal got this information before the E3 trailer (even a while before) but Rosalina was added in later.
I'm not pulling that out of my hat, IIRC, Sakurai stated it in an interview. I'll find it latter, but if anyone has it, I'd love to see it again.

The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
And it could very well be information passed down 2-3X that's very old.

I see people trying to debunk this leak like crazy when it already pulled two of the most unexpected characters out of nowhere and got them dead on right.

And to all of the people saying "I just don't see Marshal being a character...", and you didn't see G&W, ROB or WFT being characters either because NO ONE DID.
I'm not trying to debunk the leak! I'm just saying that Sal said he got the info the day of the direct, making the idea of Rosalina and X/Y character not being finalized to be stupid.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
I'm not pulling that out of my hat, IIRC, Sakurai stated it in an interview. I'll find it latter, but if anyone has it, I'd love to see it again.
I don't think Rosalina would change anything.

People DO realize how unbelievably unlikely it is to get both WFT and Villager, right? I mean, you understand that ONE of those could be a very, VERY lucky guess, but both?

I'm not trying to debunk the leak! I'm just saying that Sal said he got the info the day of the direct, making the idea of Rosalina and X/Y character not being finalized to be stupid.
Did you even bother to read what I posted earlier?

Because I already explained this and I really don't want to have to explain it yet again...
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I don't think Rosalina would change anything.

People DO realize how unbelievably unlikely it is to get both WFT and Villager, right? I mean, you understand that ONE of those could be a very, VERY lucky guess, but both?
Yeah, both are VERY unlikely, but like I said before, he could have just added them in an attempt at creating a random 'troll' leak. Of course, it could be a real leak. I'd love for all the Pac-Man fans in the future to be laughing at me in the future, just like all the G&W haters.
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