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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Laughs and Logic
Apr 8, 2014
Birth Island, FL
Working on from the Sal leak and on the assumptions that only Squitle and Ivysaur are dropped, that gives us a 49 character Roster.

Things to note
*Rhythm Girl stands in for Rhythm Heaven character
* Newcomers (12 total) are in Green
* High risk Veterans are in Red

Personally I'd be very happy with that Smash Roster but I can't help at feel it may be a bit smaller.
I believe that if you take out Snake and Wolf and change "Rhythm Girl" to the Chorus Kids, this will be our final roster. I would like to believe that we will have 48 due to that Mario Kart 8 leak, but there doesn't appear to be any real reason I should believe that one, since his only source of credibility is something that is at best a half-truth, it would appear. 47 characters may very well be what we get.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
I'm very skeptical of any list that has Snake on it. There's been no indication thus far that he'd be in, and I'm sure if he was, it would have been revealed by now.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Ok on the Sal leak:

It is not about if he got something right or wrong or that he got it "but something was off" about his prediction (vagueness or when the character would be shown).

The ONLY question I or anyone else here should care about is "Does Sal have information about the game?"

NOT "can we poke holes in what he said so it could be a guess?"

Fact is he probably DOES, these aren't guesses.

Here's a few things that need to be taken into account "the psychology of a faker", if Sal had faked the E3 info he'd have rode the "I guessed it train" and acted like he knew everything. he didn't, he stayed quiet. After little mac is revealed did he gloat about it? nope.

Instead when does Sal pop up again? RIGHT before we are about to get a bunch more info at the direct. This seems logical, if say Sals "leaker friend" is involved with nintendo of america, things like E3 and the direct being translated are probably the times when sals friend would actually GET info. it makes sense.

Now here's the other thing, if Sal was faking he wouldn't give us MORE CHARACTERS an hour before the direct. Thats literally putting all of his credibility on the line, more characters means more chances to be WRONG. Palutena could have been shown to be Pit's final smash for example, Chrom could have been an assist trophy ect... He could have said midna or someone was in the game and would have immediately lost all credibility.

Not only is it tough to guess 5 characters (one of which being WFT cant stress that enough) but to also NOT get any of the other characters deconfirmed for this long is near impossible odds. exponentially giving more info means exponentially more chances to be wrong and since he hasnt hes gained more and more credibility than just what he got right.

So instead of just poking holes in Sals leak, look at the big picture.

He isnt doing what someone "making stuff up" would do, it all makes sense with how someone who actually got info (the only thing we should care about) would play this.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Sal's leak for everyone:


  • Shulk (Xenoblade)
  • Palutena (Kid Icarus)
  • Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
  • Chorus Men (Rhythm Heaven)
  • Pokemon from Pokemon X and Y

Additionally, he said Mii and Pacman are still on the way. This was predirect so if the leak is true the Pokémon most likely referred to Greninja so don't expect another X & Y Pokémon.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I said the before and I will again........ONLY THE WFT and CHORUS MEN are hard.......beacyse they count to as more joke characters.
all rest in sal's leak are safe bets. very safe.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
I was trying to make you understand the laws of probability. I was also informing you that your criteria for likelihood is in no way representative of Sakurai's, as you would like to think. Both of these concepts seem beyond you.
Sakurai isn't a robot who randomly picks from all the Nintendo characters.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I should have posted my prediction of Rosalina with luma in direct on gamefaqs and say I HAVE A SOURCE ! :D.
because I have proof I predicted it anyway.........if you want to know.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2014
I think if the Sal leak is right, we're still getting more newcomers. Or I hope so.

I just want more 80's and 90's representation with the newcomers. I've never played most of the games the rumored characters came from. The only newcomers I care about are Mega Man, Villager, Pac-Man and Little Mac. I'm not dissing the other characters, I just have no hype for them. I might end up enjoying them in Smash, so who knows? I'm still rooting for K.Rool....

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Sakurai isn't a robot who randomly picks from all the Nintendo characters.
Sakurai is a human being who picks randomly from all the Nintendo characters and potential important Third Party's.

This is something that annoys me to no end about the user base on here. We all pretend to be in the mind of a human being we are not.

You do not know how Sakurai is thinking. Nor do I. Nor does any other users. We've all set this rules of likilhood as if we're in Sakurai's mind and those rules need to be thrown out the window, because we simply do not know ANYTHING about Sakurai's selection process for playable characters in the series.

He has proven that to us time and time again. Yet somehow we still sit here trying to say what he will or won't do.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I have this funny feeling that if Sal's leak had said:

Someone told me these characters would be added into Smash-
  • Megaman
  • Little Mac
  • Wii Fit Trainer
  • Villager
  • Shulk
  • Palutena
  • Chrom
  • K. ROOL (or likely as Sal’s source would put it, some alligator from Donkey Kong)
  • Pokemon from Pokemon X and Y
That people wouldn't be doubting the possibility (not even probability, mind you) of this leak so much even though it would essentially be the same leak.


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2013
He had a mini-game dedicated to him in Nintendoland. People speculate that Nintendo may try to revive the franchise like they did Kid Icarus.
.....Is that seriously it? All that fuss.... over that?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Sakurai isn't a robot who randomly picks from all the Nintendo characters.
You just don't get it, man, how old are you? Let me explain, slowly:

You have a criteria for deeming a character likely.

Sakurai has a criteria for choosing a character to put in the game.

You are not an acquaintance of Sakurai, and have no understanding of his method.

Therefore, you cannot deem a character as likely, nailed on or anything else. You do not know the true criteria for a character's inclusion. We can only speculate.

Simple enough?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2014
I've already made a point on FAQS (where I'm much more vocal) and it's that if you look at Sal's original post
It's very strange that the only newcomers that ended up being revealed were revealed in the exact order that they are listed within that post. Villager, then Mega Man, then WFT. I don't know if he was throwing red herrings (or if he still is), but if that doesn't say a lot I don't know what does. If he hypothetically guessed those characters, what is the like-hood of him then perfectly listing them in the order they were later revealed?
At this point you can't deny that the E3 leak was at least real. I feel like he's might be throwing red herrings to save himself some trouble.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
We go from obsessing about one leak to another. At least the Palutena leak is looking more legit in the wake of the direct.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Sakurai is a human being who picks randomly from all the Nintendo characters and potential important Third Party's.

This is something that annoys me to no end about the user base on here. We all pretend to be in the mind of a human being we are not.

You do not know how Sakurai is thinking. Nor do I. Nor does any other users. We've all set this rules of likilhood as if we're in Sakurai's mind and those rules need to be thrown out the window, because we simply do not know ANYTHING about Sakurai's selection process for playable characters in the series.

He has proven that to us time and time again. Yet somehow we still sit here trying to say what he will or won't do.
I have a idea about how he does this. first a mega long list....then just dicusses and gathers ideas and SOMEHOW basically chooses.

though a big thing he looks at is character uniqueness and potential so he can make the movesets as he wants........though he and his team can make any moveset.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Warning Received
We go from obsessing about one leak to another. At least the Palutena leak is looking more legit in the wake of the direct.
its very legit from the start...........paluitena is in anyway and by e3 we may know if that leak is how she looks in the actual game on the 3ds version.
I just hope sakurai decides to reveal her and imo he would miss out on using her in adds and HYPE so he should.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I'm very skeptical of any list that has Snake on it. There's been no indication thus far that he'd be in, and I'm sure if he was, it would have been revealed by now.
That's because he can't show anything metal gear related or it automatically confirms him, so if he is back sakurai probably wants it to be a surprise.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
I have this funny feeling that if Sal's leak had said:

Someone told me these characters would be added into Smash-
  • Megaman
  • Little Mac
  • Wii Fit Trainer
  • Villager
  • Shulk
  • Palutena
  • Chrom
  • K. ROOL (or likely as Sal’s source would put it, some alligator from Donkey Kong)
  • Pokemon from Pokemon X and Y
That people wouldn't be doubting the possibility (not even probability, mind you) of this leak so much even though it would essentially be the same leak.

the sad truth is the people fighting sal's leak, aren't weighing if its real or not. They just dont like it.

sorry if that sounds harsh but honestly I remember lashing out at the R.O.B. leak cause i had convinced myself what the "likely" roster was and it didnt have r.o.b. or wolf or toon link on it.

I wont make that mistake twice, i actually want to KNOW the roster, the whole reason for following leaks, and so I'm being realistic with which leaks have credibility.

Sal has it in spades at this point.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
snake.......please no lol.
I doubt 4 3rd parties will be in so :D

if anyone wants to know here is my guaranteed list so to say......is quite old but it has rare changes.:
little mac, Rosalina with luma [tick,tick], pacman, palutena, chrom, Dixie kong.

other characters are not at this scale of likihood. like trust me.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011

the sad truth is the people fighting sal's leak, aren't weighing if its real or not. They just dont like it.

sorry if that sounds harsh but honestly I remember lashing out at the R.O.B. leak cause i had convinced myself what the "likely" roster was and it didnt have r.o.b. or wolf or toon link on it.

I wont make that mistake twice, i actually want to KNOW the roster, the whole reason for following leaks, and so I'm being realistic with which leaks have credibility.

Sal has it in spades at this point.
Exactly. It's Brawl all over again, I'm not doing that to myself again.

(in fact I just tied a post card that had "Ridley" written on it to a Balloon and let it float a way....)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
if anyone wants to know here is my guaranteed list so to say......is quite old but it has rare changes.:
little mac, Rosalina with luma [tick,tick], pacman, palutena, chrom, Dixie kong.

other characters are not at this scale of likihood. like trust me.
Well, you've convinced me. This leak must be fake if you guessed two of them.

*Rolls eyes, walks away*


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Hmm... If this leak is true and there's six character yet to come who would come out when? I'm guessing Pac-Man would be the big E3 one along with one or two more and there'd be one revealed at the launch.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
if anyone wants to know here is my guaranteed list so to say......is quite old but it has rare changes.:
little mac, Rosalina with luma [tick,tick], pacman, palutena, chrom, Dixie kong.

other characters are not at this scale of likihood. like trust me.
expect those in the roster like seriously expect.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2014
Hmm... If this leak is true and there's six character yet to come who would come out when? I'm guessing Pac-Man would be the big E3 one along with one or two more and there'd be one revealed at the launch.
I'm almost positive that it'll be Pac-Man and Mii and someone else. Both of them are game-sellers and family friendly. If one of the two get revealed, it would make a lot of headlines on gaming websites, more so Pac-Man.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I really think mii and pacman will be at e3.....though I wouldn't be surpised if mii wasn't. ridley could also be shown but im rooting palutena reveal.

there better be 4 newcomer reveals this time......haha
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2003
He had a mini-game dedicated to him in Nintendoland. People speculate that Nintendo may try to revive the franchise like they did Kid Icarus.
This isn't much. Takamaru is on about the same level of importance as the Ice Climbers, who can be considered the least important current characters in Smash. Both are from a single NES game that is basically forgotten. He's had recent appearances in Nintendoland and stuff, but at least the ICs were released in the west, so it evens out.

Sakurai is unpredictable and Takamaru could get in if it strikes his fancy, but he was always a longshot and I really don't understand how there's such a consensus about him on this board as a frontrunner. There are reasons to be uncertain about the Sal leak (and about its completeness if it's true), but this is not one of them.
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Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
@ Wolfie557 Wolfie557
As Mods have said, please don't double post. Remember you can edit your previous post if you forgot to say something. :)

About that Sal leak, I guess I Believe it. I am positive the E3 leak is real, and if this is from the same guy, I trust it. Especially since it said 'XY Pokémon' right Before the Direct.

I am, however, positive that those aren't all the Newcomers. I won't start a discussion about it, but I expect Ridley for various reasons, and possibly even King K. Rool. And since that guy didn't mention Rosalina in the first leak, I am sure he simply didn't/don't know all newcomers.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
My argument against the Sal leak isn't based on bias... nor is it just that I don't like it. Truthfully, I hate Mii's (mainly because of their voices), but considering WE ALREADY KNOW that more newcomers that aren't mentioned on that leak are coming, I wouldn't argue against any character being in simply because of the #slots theory. Also, I'd be a fan of Chrom, Shulk, and Palutena (and possibly Pacman) getting in, so it's really a win situation for me

My argument against it is that it doesn't feel right. Looking at the "leaked" chars, you start off with 3 incredibly hard to guess characters... then you have 6 or so REALLY easy to guess chars. something about that sits strangely with me... like until Chorus men are announced/deconfirmed, you can never prove this leak right or wrong...
Like, I don't think Greninja's reveal should be a "win" for this leak... because well duh a pokemon from x and y was revealed... the same would be said for any of the other chars on that leak, with the exception of the chorus men.

There are also a few other problems that have been stated numerous times, and I don't need to rehash. I just feel like a lot of people are treating this leak very apologetically, mainly because of WFT. While I don't think that'd be an impossible guess, it'd certainly be a VERY good one.

I still think the leaker knew the first 3 and is trolling us for kicks.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2014
I really think mii and pacman will be at e3.....though I wouldn't be surpised if mii wasn't. ridley could also be shown but im rooting palutena reveal.

there better be 4 newcomer reveals this time......haha
I'm probably getting my hopes up a little too high, but I'm hoping for a little more. Rewatching Brawl's E3 2006 trailer reminded me of the incredible shock of how many new characters were introduced into the series. It'd be epic if it did something like that in this year's E3, especially with its upcoming release


Laughs and Logic
Apr 8, 2014
Birth Island, FL
One very real possibility I don't see many people bring up is that Sal's source told him that those first six were in the new game and then Sal decided to post them as a prediction for E3, thinking that they may all be shown (and if nothing else he would likely get a couple right). He even stated after E3 that he wasn't predicting and that it was all inside information he received. I am a subscriber to this version of events, myself.

  • Pokemon from Pokemon X and Y
Additionally, he said Mii and Pacman are still on the way. This was predirect so if the leak is true the Pokémon most likely referred to Greninja so don't expect another X & Y Pokémon.
Second X/Y Pokémon gets put on the roster, still no Mewtwo. Man, the fanbase's reaction to this would be priceless.
I just want more 80's and 90's representation with the newcomers.
Not that there's anything wrong with what you want, but I will point out that Nintendo basically IS the '80s and '90s in video games. Seriously, in the last game all but four characters were from those two decades (and three of those were from '80s/'90s franchises). And now it looks like we're getting four more characters from the '80s. Ridley, K. Rool, Takamaru, and Mewtwo would certainly be nice additions, yes, but we arguably have just about every other Smash-worthy Nintendo character in the game already, so I feel like you should be pretty happy!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2014

I have a source (kind of) who is working on both Super Smash Brothers titles being released this year. Long story short: my roommate from college is currently living in Japan (has for the last 3 years) working as an English teacher teaching Japanese children the English language. One of his students’ mothers works on graphic design of some of the more shallow aspects of the game (menus, aesthetics, animation from screen to screen, color scheme, and whatnot). He is somebody I trust, and he wouldn’t tell me these things through her if they were phony.

He has befriended her, and after talking, he said she e-mailed him the following (following is his translation of her e-mail):

“The characters in the game are: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Paper Mario, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Tingle, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Chrom, Shulk, Wario, Pit, Paletuna, Villager, Mr. Game and Watch, R.O.B, Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii/Random, Fox, Falco, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight, Claus, Ness, Marshal, Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Greninja, Mewtwo, Olimar, Megaman, Sonic, Pac-Man. “Mii/random” box is indeed both playable Miis and a random selection. When playing online, the Miis are not selectable, so the random square replaces it. In regular character selection, there is a “random bar” underneath the bottom row of characters. Five rows of ten characters, all extremely high definition. The characters' boxes pop out toward you when you scroll over them, which is glamorous on the 3DS. There's more than 50 also. Some of the boxes have alternate designs depending on which skin you choose. But that's the final character screen. There are a lot more variations of it depending on what order you unlock characters."

Also mentioned that she knows nothing about movesets or gameplay since she is strictly just involved with aesthetics of the menus and such. I specifically asked why Miis are removed online. He said he asked the same thing, and she didn't know.

I sent him a message on Facebook recently to see if he could find out more from her about other menus (maybe hints at adventure modes, trophy modes, etc), and he said he’d see what he could do. So take that for what it’s worth. I know you don't know me. But the guy wouldn't lie, and he wouldn't share that with me if she was full of it too. I'll post here if I ever hear back from him.


Oh he called Palutena, Paltetuna. Probably fake anyways as I've seen FAQ users talking about making a leak parodying the Gematsu leak.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011

I have a source (kind of) who is working on both Super Smash Brothers titles being released this year. Long story short: my roommate from college is currently living in Japan (has for the last 3 years) working as an English teacher teaching Japanese children the English language. One of his students’ mothers works on graphic design of some of the more shallow aspects of the game (menus, aesthetics, animation from screen to screen, color scheme, and whatnot). He is somebody I trust, and he wouldn’t tell me these things through her if they were phony.

He has befriended her, and after talking, he said she e-mailed him the following (following is his translation of her e-mail):

“The characters in the game are: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Paper Mario, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Tingle, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Chrom, Shulk, Wario, Pit, Paletuna, Villager, Mr. Game and Watch, R.O.B, Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii/Random, Fox, Falco, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight, Claus, Ness, Marshal, Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Greninja, Mewtwo, Olimar, Megaman, Sonic, Pac-Man. “Mii/random” box is indeed both playable Miis and a random selection. When playing online, the Miis are not selectable, so the random square replaces it. In regular character selection, there is a “random bar” underneath the bottom row of characters. Five rows of ten characters, all extremely high definition. The characters' boxes pop out toward you when you scroll over them, which is glamorous on the 3DS. There's more than 50 also. Some of the boxes have alternate designs depending on which skin you choose. But that's the final character screen. There are a lot more variations of it depending on what order you unlock characters."

Also mentioned that she knows nothing about movesets or gameplay since she is strictly just involved with aesthetics of the menus and such. I specifically asked why Miis are removed online. He said he asked the same thing, and she didn't know.

I sent him a message on Facebook recently to see if he could find out more from her about other menus (maybe hints at adventure modes, trophy modes, etc), and he said he’d see what he could do. So take that for what it’s worth. I know you don't know me. But the guy wouldn't lie, and he wouldn't share that with me if she was full of it too. I'll post here if I ever hear back from him.

I automatically stop reading a leak when the leaker makes up a really elaborate back story.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8

I have a source (kind of) who is working on both Super Smash Brothers titles being released this year. Long story short: my roommate from college is currently living in Japan (has for the last 3 years) working as an English teacher teaching Japanese children the English language. One of his students’ mothers works on graphic design of some of the more shallow aspects of the game (menus, aesthetics, animation from screen to screen, color scheme, and whatnot). He is somebody I trust, and he wouldn’t tell me these things through her if they were phony.

He has befriended her, and after talking, he said she e-mailed him the following (following is his translation of her e-mail):

“The characters in the game are: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Paper Mario, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Tingle, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Chrom, Shulk, Wario, Pit, Paletuna, Villager, Mr. Game and Watch, R.O.B, Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii/Random, Fox, Falco, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight, Claus, Ness, Marshal, Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Greninja, Mewtwo, Olimar, Megaman, Sonic, Pac-Man. “Mii/random” box is indeed both playable Miis and a random selection. When playing online, the Miis are not selectable, so the random square replaces it. In regular character selection, there is a “random bar” underneath the bottom row of characters. Five rows of ten characters, all extremely high definition. The characters' boxes pop out toward you when you scroll over them, which is glamorous on the 3DS. There's more than 50 also. Some of the boxes have alternate designs depending on which skin you choose. But that's the final character screen. There are a lot more variations of it depending on what order you unlock characters."

Also mentioned that she knows nothing about movesets or gameplay since she is strictly just involved with aesthetics of the menus and such. I specifically asked why Miis are removed online. He said he asked the same thing, and she didn't know.

I sent him a message on Facebook recently to see if he could find out more from her about other menus (maybe hints at adventure modes, trophy modes, etc), and he said he’d see what he could do. So take that for what it’s worth. I know you don't know me. But the guy wouldn't lie, and he wouldn't share that with me if she was full of it too. I'll post here if I ever hear back from him.


Oh he called Palutena, Paltetuna. Probably fake anyways as I've seen FAQ users talking about making a leak parodying the Gematsu leak.
Eh, taking with pound of salt.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005

I have a source (kind of) who is working on both Super Smash Brothers titles being released this year. Long story short: my roommate from college is currently living in Japan (has for the last 3 years) working as an English teacher teaching Japanese children the English language. One of his students’ mothers works on graphic design of some of the more shallow aspects of the game (menus, aesthetics, animation from screen to screen, color scheme, and whatnot). He is somebody I trust, and he wouldn’t tell me these things through her if they were phony.

He has befriended her, and after talking, he said she e-mailed him the following (following is his translation of her e-mail):

“The characters in the game are: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Paper Mario, Bowser, Bowser Jr., Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Sheik, Tingle, Toon Link, Ganondorf, Marth, Roy, Chrom, Shulk, Wario, Pit, Paletuna, Villager, Mr. Game and Watch, R.O.B, Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Wii Fit Trainer, Mii/Random, Fox, Falco, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight, Claus, Ness, Marshal, Pikachu, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Greninja, Mewtwo, Olimar, Megaman, Sonic, Pac-Man. “Mii/random” box is indeed both playable Miis and a random selection. When playing online, the Miis are not selectable, so the random square replaces it. In regular character selection, there is a “random bar” underneath the bottom row of characters. Five rows of ten characters, all extremely high definition. The characters' boxes pop out toward you when you scroll over them, which is glamorous on the 3DS. There's more than 50 also. Some of the boxes have alternate designs depending on which skin you choose. But that's the final character screen. There are a lot more variations of it depending on what order you unlock characters."

Also mentioned that she knows nothing about movesets or gameplay since she is strictly just involved with aesthetics of the menus and such. I specifically asked why Miis are removed online. He said he asked the same thing, and she didn't know.

I sent him a message on Facebook recently to see if he could find out more from her about other menus (maybe hints at adventure modes, trophy modes, etc), and he said he’d see what he could do. So take that for what it’s worth. I know you don't know me. But the guy wouldn't lie, and he wouldn't share that with me if she was full of it too. I'll post here if I ever hear back from him.


Oh he called Palutena, Paltetuna. Probably fake anyways as I've seen FAQ users talking about making a leak parodying the Gematsu leak.
hey hey. The first new leak with Marshal! (open the floodgates)
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