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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
You know even if all the characters in the Sal Leak are confirmed I think some people are STILL going to just call it lucky guessing XD

All I have to say is that if they are just predictions that guy should start trying his luck at the lottery


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
hey how did you do that sig tell me please!
also same here.
I sprited all the characters myself. If you want me to make you a sig like mine I will. Just PM me the list of characters you want in it. I've probably already done them lol.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
So, here's where your argument falls apart. Nobody is 'likely'. Characters aren't chosen on popularity, sales figures - any quantifiable statistic outside of who Sakurai chooses. You justify 4 of the 5 based on what we've discussed on the forums, which means absolutely nothing as to who is in the final game. Sakurai is infinitely unpredictable and that's why just because certain characters are popular on the Internet, they do not become 'likely'. The WFT had no popularity whatsoever, and yet made the game. Tom Nook was popular amongst fans - the Villager made the game. And guess what? He nailed them both, along with three others. Consider that the lottery has 50 balls (I think), and you need five to win. That puts the odds up in the millions. Now take Nintendo's entire back catalogue - hell, take half of them, the half you quantify as 'likely'. Your odds are likely in the billions, and above. Is it possible he got lucky? Sure. Is it probable. Not even close.
Okay, saying importance, or likely hood afects nothing, or sales or any thing, let's look back at 64. Why did the main "Likely" characters get in? I mean, why pikachu of all the pokemon. Because Pikachu is the most popular. Mario, why is he the main. I mean, duh, he's the mascot, and the most selling franchise's star, and the most popular game chacter besides Pac Man. But, no, likely hood and importance and popularity doesn't matter. Link, sales, popularity, and importance. Mario and Pokemon, the 2 most popular series, and best selling, got 2, Luigi and Jigglypuff reps, which no other series got. Kirby, sells well, popular. Star Fox 64 was populiar, Metroid. Yoshi and Donkey Kong were popular. Ness, Captain Falcon were not. 2. Out of 12. Popularity, sales, and importance all matter very well. Tom Nook, you say? Well, Animal Crossing wouldn't get 2 reps in the first game, so only the most important got in. Wii Fit Triner, the main character of Wii Fit, a very well selling game. Mega Mac was popular, so was Little Mac. Both were in retro NES games. Even Greninja was popular. And Pokemon is important to Nintendo. Every single newcomer has importance, sales, or popularity to them.
You know even if all the characters in the Sal Leak are confirmed I think some people are STILL going to just call it lucky guessing XD

All I have to say is that if they are just predictions that guy should start trying his luck at the lottery
As soon as Chorus Men get in, I will believe him.
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
You know even if all the characters in the Sal Leak are confirmed I think some people are STILL going to just call it lucky guessing XD

All I have to say is that if they are just predictions that guy should start trying his luck at the lottery
It all depends on the Chorus Men/Kids/Marshal/Whatever from Rhythm Heaven. If they don't get in at all as playable, this leak is officially false, period. No debate. They are the only ones that can't be easily just guessed like that as Palutena, Chrom and Shulk are all believable enough that this leak gains no credit for leaking them.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
You know even if all the characters in the S
al Leak are confirmed I think some people are STILL going to just call it lucky guessing XD

All I have to say is that if they are just predictions that guy should start trying his luck at the lottery
If you look up "top selling video game franchises" Wii Fit is right up the top, it's the most profitable Nintendo series that didn't already have representation and it shifted countless Wii consoles. Sakurai is extremely creative so I don't think that the Wii Fit Trainer was all that unlikely to predict in hindsight.

This second leak has really made me question the validity of the original leak. A lot of people expected Little Mac, Mii and an Animal Crossing rep, and have done for years. And Capcom said in interviews dating back quite some time now that it was up to Nintendo on whether Megaman was in or not, and his absence in MvC3 was kind of a sign that he'd be in. Plus when you combine that with the fact that he's been one of the highest requested characters by fans dating back to pre-brawl, he really was easy to predict.

This second leak is basically a reworked version of his original leak. He's taken a bunch of characters that people have been harping on about, given a vague assumption on the Pokemon character, just as he did with the Animal Crossing rep and an "out there" character. This time though he's comprised a list that looks ridiculously unlikely when you see it together on paper. Even if Mewtwo was announced as a rep, he probably would have had his final smash evolving into Mega Mewtwo, so he could have explained away the "x and y" part with that.

The fact that he said they'd all be revealed at e3 is another nail in the coffin for the Sal leak. If you think about it, out of the countless "leaks" and predictions that we had, someone was bound to get something that was slightly unexpected right. He didn't even say beforehand that it was a leak, he posted it as a prediction.

I will eat my words if his leak turns out to be right, but at this point I feel as though he has just as much going against him as he has going for him.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Okay, saying importance, or likely hood afects nothing, or sales or any thing, let's look back at 64. Why did the main "Likely" characters get in? I mean, why pikachu of all the pokemon. Because Pikachu is the most popular. Mario, why is he the main. I mean, duh, he's the mascot, and the most selling franchise's star, and the most popular game chacter besides Pac Man. But, no, likely hood and importance and popularity doesn't matter. Link, sales, popularity, and importance. Mario and Pokemon, the 2 most popular series, and best selling, got 2, Luigi and Jigglypuff reps, which no other series got. Kirby, sells well, popular. Star Fox 64 was populiar, Metroid. Yoshi and Donkey Kong were popular. Ness, Captain Falcon were not. 2. Out of 12. Popularity, sales, and importance all matter very well. Tom Nook, you say? Well, Animal Crossing wouldn't get 2 reps in the first game, so only the most important got in. Wii Fit Triner, the main character of Wii Fit, a very well selling game. Mega Mac was popular, so was Little Mac. Even Greninja was popular.

As soon as Chorus Men get in, I will believe him.
You keep telling yourself that you can quantify likelihood, and Sakurai will keep on making the decisions he likes, as he has done from the start.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
You keep telling yourself that you can quantify likelihood, and Sakurai will keep on making the decisions he likes, as he has done from the start.
like seriously stop you can.
you cant with sakurai's joke /Nintendo history characters(e.g. rob). though.

you can even with retro.....


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
You keep telling yourself that you can quantify likelihood, and Sakurai will keep on making the decisions he likes, as he has done from the start.
Some randomly he'll change for no reason. The Sakurai is unpredictable is exaggerated, and he isn't insane. All characters have some reason, like I said. Sakurai isn't alone, there are others in on it to. So even though Sakurai has alot of the say, he can't just add Goku and nobody objects at all.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Some randomly he'll change for no reason. The Sakurai is unpredictable is exaggerated, and he isn't insane. All characters have some reason, like I said. Sakurai isn't alone, there are others in on it to. So even though Sakurai has alot of the say, he can't just add Goku and nobody objects at all.
Of course he can't. You can't, however, nail his decisions down to three categories and maintain the visage that you can assign the same quantities of likelihood that he would. Sakurai's criteria have proven to be wide-ranging and diverse, and to quantify a character as 'likely' with no real understanding of his decision making process is short-sighted and, inevitably, leads to disappointment. Just because you think that a character qualifies under whatever categories you assign, it doesn't mean Sakurai is of the same line of thought, and therefore your 'likelihood' is irrelevant. Like it or not, this bloke nailed on 5 characters, one of whom was highly unlikely and barely recognized as her own character, nevermind under consideration. The odds of nailing five, even out of the characters that the internet would consider having a chance, are extremely high. You can't disprove a leak simply by posting 'anyone can guess five characters'. It's simply not an argument when you look at the probabilities.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Okay, saying importance, or likely hood afects nothing, or sales or any thing, let's look back at 64. Why did the main "Likely" characters get in? I mean, why pikachu of all the pokemon. Because Pikachu is the most popular. Mario, why is he the main. I mean, duh, he's the mascot, and the most selling franchise's star, and the most popular game chacter besides Pac Man. But, no, likely hood and importance and popularity doesn't matter. Link, sales, popularity, and importance. Mario and Pokemon, the 2 most popular series, and best selling, got 2, Luigi and Jigglypuff reps, which no other series got. Kirby, sells well, popular. Star Fox 64 was populiar, Metroid. Yoshi and Donkey Kong were popular. Ness, Captain Falcon were not. 2. Out of 12. Popularity, sales, and importance all matter very well. Tom Nook, you say? Well, Animal Crossing wouldn't get 2 reps in the first game, so only the most important got in. Wii Fit Triner, the main character of Wii Fit, a very well selling game. Mega Mac was popular, so was Little Mac. Both were in retro NES games. Even Greninja was popular. And Pokemon is important to Nintendo. Every single newcomer has importance, sales, or popularity to them.

As soon as Chorus Men get in, I will believe him.
...that was the first game in the series. Of COURSE those are the characters that would be added.

Your argument that guessing Mario, Link, Fox, and Kirby (thus getting 4/5) isn't comparable to what the leak shows. The characters in the leak, like Wii Fit Trainer, are characters that most people would laugh at someone for guessing. That's not an easy guess.

Just because Wii Fit sold a lot doesn't mean Wii Fit Trainer was popular enough of a choice that she was a no brainer. NOBODY (or at least virtually nobody) seriously guessed that character. That's a red flag. A small red flag, but a red flag nonetheless.

Villager made sense, but based on what Sakurai said about him previously, it became an idea that Villager, nor any Animal Crossing character would likely get in.

Little Mac, while popular in the states, is a fairly unknown/unpopular character in Japan. He wasn't some sort of obvious choice to everybody out there. Rosalina wasn't obvious either quite frankly.

Greninja, while not named specifically in Sal's leak, still fulfills the "Pokemon X/Y" spot. That was shown true, regardless of whether you care for the wording. It was still true. It's yet another character few people rooted for or believed would get in. Most believed it would be Brawl +Mewtwo, but here we are. Two cut Pokemon, and posdibly Mewtwo on the way.

You can be skeptical about the leak. But don't discount the character selections. These aren't really "easy" guesses when you look at the context of Smash speculation. They're risky if fake.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
Of course he can't. You can't, however, nail his decisions down to three categories and maintain the visage that you can assign the same quantities of likelihood that he would. Sakurai's criteria have proven to be wide-ranging and diverse, and to quantify a character as 'likely' with no real understanding of his decision making process is short-sighted and, inevitably, leads to disappointment. Just because you think that a character qualifies under whatever categories you assign, it doesn't mean Sakurai is of the same line of thought, and therefore your 'likelihood' is irrelevant. Like it or not, this bloke nailed on 5 characters, one of whom was highly unlikely and barely recognized as her own character, nevermind under consideration. The odds of nailing five, even out of the characters that the internet would consider having a chance, are extremely high. You can't disprove a leak simply by posting 'anyone can guess five characters'. It's simply not an argument when you look at the probabilities.
You can disprove a leak that had the wrong information of 6 characters would be revealed at E3. 6 were. People were saying next E3 those would be confirmed. No. Little Mac. That disproves. I wasn't saying the predicting dis proves it, I'm sating it's not crazy impossible like you are saying. It must just be insane coincidence that those character's are in. You know, Sakurai really likes the one game with Lip in it. [Forgot the title.] Why hasn't she been in the game yet? Sakurai just put's in who he likes with no other guidence, apparently. Let's say a Nintendo's game is announced, with the all stars. Mario, Link, Kirby, and some Pokemon characters are likely, right? WRONG LIKELYHOOD DESN'T EXIST IT'S SAKURAI!!! And the game stars Mallow, Ditto, and the Cuccos.


Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
Aug 25, 2012
I just realized something. With the 3DS version coming out this summer, we'll know the full roster in about 4-5 months.

We'll actually be able to determine which leaks were true (if there are any).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
You can disprove a leak that had the wrong information of 6 characters would be revealed at E3. 6 were. People were saying next E3 those would be confirmed. No. Little Mac. That disproves. I wasn't saying the predicting dis proves it, I'm sating it's not crazy impossible like you are saying. It must just be insane coincidence that those character's are in. You know, Sakurai really likes the one game with Lip in it. [Forgot the title.] Why hasn't she been in the game yet? Sakurai just put's in who he likes with no other guidence, apparently. Let's say a Nintendo's game is announced, with the all stars. Mario, Link, Kirby, and some Pokemon characters are likely, right? WRONG LIKELYHOOD DESN'T EXIST IT'S SAKURAI!!! And the game stars Mallow, Ditto, and the Cuccos.

You just don't get it. E3 disproves nothing - it's a damn business conference. Believe or not, plans change. If he's to be believed, 6 were to be announced, and 3 were. So what? Yeah, it's a knock, but it's completely believable that a plan can change on the fly - we have no idea what sector Sal's source works in, and therefore no way of knowing if he would even be privy to a change in plans. Scoliosis has already outlined why your reference to the debut game's characters are moot. You've entirely ignored both of our previous posts and proceeded to post a carbon copy of your previous message.

If you don't like other people's opinions, maybe you should leave the internet. Sarcasm endears you to nobody.
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Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Two quite unlikely things that happened were things that I called:



That doesn't make me a leaker. It makes me pretty damn awesome though. The point is that someone will always be right about something that happens in the game. Had I worded these differently and kept a low profile on the forums, I could very well have made people believe that I had inside information.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
You can disprove a leak that had the wrong information of 6 characters would be revealed at E3. 6 were. People were saying next E3 those would be confirmed. No. Little Mac. That disproves. I wasn't saying the predicting dis proves it, I'm sating it's not crazy impossible like you are saying. It must just be insane coincidence that those character's are in. You know, Sakurai really likes the one game with Lip in it. [Forgot the title.] Why hasn't she been in the game yet? Sakurai just put's in who he likes with no other guidence, apparently. Let's say a Nintendo's game is announced, with the all stars. Mario, Link, Kirby, and some Pokemon characters are likely, right? WRONG LIKELYHOOD DESN'T EXIST IT'S SAKURAI!!! And the game stars Mallow, Ditto, and the Cuccos.
That doesn't even make any sense.

Likelyhood exists. But it's hard to judge. The characters you listed (like Cucco) didn't and DON'T have a chance. At all. This isn't even a good argument

Just because he likes a character doesn't mean he's going to add everybody he likes. He's been hired to make this game, and as such, will make appropriate decisions instead of choosing his favorites.

Little Mac not being at E3 doesn't disprove anything, ESPECIALLY considering he was shown at a later date. None of this changes the fact that Wii Fit Trainer is a red flag character.

The leak is not even close to being debunked.

@ TheAnvil TheAnvil Sheik getting separated from Zelda wasn't common, but people suggested it around here, or simply the replacement of Sheik with Impa.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I just realized something. With the 3DS version coming out this summer, we'll know the full roster in about 4-5 months.

We'll actually be able to determine which leaks were true (if there are any).
well I would be out of here 2 weeks before release lol.
no spilers.....even though there are potential real leaks in here I make no sense hahahaha.(my face when marshal gets unlocked by me will rage ......or be like meh its ok)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Two quite unlikely things that happened were things that I called:



That doesn't make me a leaker. It makes me pretty damn awesome though. The point is that someone will always be right about something that happens in the game. Had I worded these differently and kept a low profile on the forums, I could very well have made people believe that I had inside information.
While I understand your point, the leak and your predictions are not comparable. The probability of guessing five characters is significantly lower than guessing one character and a transformation change - especially when you consider the lack of support behind the WFT pre-E3.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
people how do I get a signature? cant fina a option!
(its leak related.)
Click on you avatar at the top of the page, go to 'Signature', and post the image you want as your signature.

Additionally, please be mindful not to double-post. If you have something else you wish to say or respond to, edit it into your original message.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
That doesn't even make any sense.

Likelyhood exists. But it's hard to judge. The characters you listed (like Cucco) didn't and DON'T have a chance. At all. This isn't even a good argument

Just because he likes a character doesn't mean he's going to add everybody he likes. He's been hired to make this game, and as such, will make appropriate decisions instead of choosing his favorites.

Little Mac not being at E3 doesn't disprove anything, ESPECIALLY considering he was shown at a later date. None of this changes the fact that Wii Fit Trainer is a red flag character.

The leak is not even close to being debunked.

@ TheAnvil TheAnvil Sheik getting separated from Zelda wasn't common, but people suggested it around here, or simply the replacement of Sheik with Impa.
I didn't see anyone else say that, but then again I didn't join this forum until fairly recently. Still it was generally seen as an unlikely idea.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
...that was the first game in the series. Of COURSE those are the characters that would be added.

Your argument that guessing Mario, Link, Fox, and Kirby (thus getting 4/5) isn't comparable to what the leak shows. The characters in the leak, like Wii Fit Trainer, are characters that most people would laugh at someone for guessing. That's not an easy guess.

Just because Wii Fit sold a lot doesn't mean Wii Fit Trainer was popular enough of a choice that she was a no brainer. NOBODY (or at least virtually nobody) seriously guessed that character. That's a red flag. A small red flag, but a red flag nonetheless.

Villager made sense, but based on what Sakurai said about him previously, it became an idea that Villager, nor any Animal Crossing character would likely get in.

Little Mac, while popular in the states, is a fairly unknown/unpopular character in Japan. He wasn't some sort of obvious choice to everybody out there. Rosalina wasn't obvious either quite frankly.

Greninja, while not named specifically in Sal's leak, still fulfills the "Pokemon X/Y" spot. That was shown true, regardless of whether you care for the wording. It was still true. It's yet another character few people rooted for or believed would get in. Most believed it would be Brawl +Mewtwo, but here we are. Two cut Pokemon, and posdibly Mewtwo on the way.

You can be skeptical about the leak. But don't discount the character selections. These aren't really "easy" guesses when you look at the context of Smash speculation. They're risky if fake.
Wii Fit Trainer still isn't as insane. In fact, by Ember's logic, she's as likely as any other character.

Villager was still requested, and Sakurai still changes his thoughts. Not insane, to include odd characters, but still.

Rosalina wasn't in the Sal leak. Sal is not from Japan, I think, so Little Mac can be guessed by him.

Brawl had a Pokemon from current gen at the time, why not again.

They aren't insanely easy, but still, they are commonly predicted by some, except WFT. The fake leakers have nothing to lose. They can add whatever they want in it. Heck, he could have actually meant they were predictions of his own, but after WFT, he decided to take the opportunity. But that's hypothetical. It isn't insane like people seem to think, and some are just blindly following it, like Palutena. Since it hasn't been debunked [In people's eyes, even though it has] people think it's true.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I didn't see anyone else say that, but then again I didn't join this forum until fairly recently. Still it was generally seen as an unlikely idea.
I think it was moreso that the transformation gimmick didn't work well, and that it would be better for both characters if they were separated. With that in mind, there were several people who brought that up.

I was one of the people who doubted it, but it makes complete sense now that it has happened.

Wii Fit Trainer still isn't as insane. In fact, by Ember's logic, she's as likely as any other character.

Villager was still requested, and Sakurai still changes his thoughts. Not insane, to include odd characters, but still.

Rosalina wasn't in the Sal leak. Sal is not from Japan, I think, so Little Mac can be guessed by him.

Brawl had a Pokemon from current gen at the time, why not again.

They aren't insanely easy, but still, they are commonly predicted by some, except WFT. The fake leakers have nothing to lose. They can add whatever they want in it. Heck, he could have actually meant they were predictions of his own, but after WFT, he decided to take the opportunity. But that's hypothetical. It isn't insane like people seem to think, and some are just blindly following it, like Palutena. Since it hasn't been debunked [In people's eyes, even though it has] people think it's true.
The Palutena leak hasn't been debunked. People aren't blindly believing this crap either.

You can't prove Sal's leak fake. You just can't. You can make assumptions, but that's all they are.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Wii Fit Trainer still isn't as insane. In fact, by Ember's logic, she's as likely as any other character.

Villager was still requested, and Sakurai still changes his thoughts. Not insane, to include odd characters, but still.

Rosalina wasn't in the Sal leak. Sal is not from Japan, I think, so Little Mac can be guessed by him.

Brawl had a Pokemon from current gen at the time, why not again.

They aren't insanely easy, but still, they are commonly predicted by some, except WFT. The fake leakers have nothing to lose. They can add whatever they want in it. Heck, he could have actually meant they were predictions of his own, but after WFT, he decided to take the opportunity. But that's hypothetical. It isn't insane like people seem to think, and some are just blindly following it, like Palutena. Since it hasn't been debunked [In people's eyes, even though it has] people think it's true.
So let me get this straight - you're taking into account my view on likelihood being unquantifiable when referring to the WFT, as it furthers your argument, but reverting to your previous stance on it in regards to the other four characters? That's a paradoxical argument and clearly demonstrates your inability to keep a firm hold on any original point you many have been trying to make. The probability of nailing all five is extremely low, and if more begin to be confirmed it becomes infinitesimal. Trying to justify likelihood based on your own criteria is moot when you have no understanding or insight into Sakurai's criteria, and therefore your entire argument is a house of cards.
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Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8

You just don't get it. E3 disproves nothing - it's a damn business conference. Believe or not, plans change. If he's to be believed, 6 were to be announced, and 3 were. So what? Yeah, it's a knock, but it's completely believable that a plan can change on the fly - we have no idea what sector Sal's source works in, and therefore no way of knowing if he would even be privy to a change in plans. Scoliosis has already outlined why your reference to the debut game's characters are moot. You've entirely ignored both of our previous posts and proceeded to post a carbon copy of your previous message.

If you don't like other people's opinions, maybe you should leave the internet. Sarcasm endears you to nobody.
This is a discussion about how believable a leak is. Not really opinion as much. And here we go with hypothetical assumptions. Those can bring back tons of leaks. The leaky 3 would be dead like all other leaks if Wii Fit trainer didn't distract people. Maybe, say, Mr.Predictions saw Waluigi just saw a screen shot of him and thought he was playable, and Shulk being in the January direct was only delayed last minute. You can say that easily. Without hypothetical theories this leak would be dead.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
This is a discussion about how believable a leak is. Not really opinion as much. And here we go with hypothetical assumptions. Those can bring back tons of leaks. The leaky 3 would be dead like all other leaks if Wii Fit trainer didn't distract people. Maybe, say, Mr.Predictions saw Waluigi just saw a screen shot of him and thought he was playable, and Shulk being in the January direct was only delayed last minute. You can say that easily. Without hypothetical theories this leak would be dead.
Instead of presenting more illogical arguments, I suggest you take a look at my previous post and consider trying to formulate a response to that. Replying to posts I made on the previous page (with the same argument as ever, I may add) doesn't make the validity of my previous post, which you evidently can't respond to, any less significant.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
People going back and for with the Sal leak is getting super old.

Listen. Sal COULD have guessed the characters, but the chances he would are very, very, VERY low. Insignificant really. A user on Neogaf went back and found an online poll with hundreds of entrants to guess the E3 reveal, and there was NOT A SINGLE GUESS FOR WII FIT TRAINER. I'll go look for that post in a bit. He did the math and the chances you would pick the other 2 characters when guessing out of 6 was something like 1%.
Animal crosser was not seen as likely. No one guessed Wii Fit trainer. Megaman was about 50/50. It was NOT an easy guess. Sure, he could have gotten EXTREMLY lucky, I am completely accounting for that fact, but if you actually look at it statistically it is far more likely he is telling the truth.

That being said, anything is possible, and until one of his long shot characters gets confirmed or one of his confirmations goes to the graveyard it's a live but unconfirmed leak, no matter what people want to think about it.


Smash Champion
Dec 15, 2007
Switch FC
Wii Fit Trainer still isn't as insane. In fact, by Ember's logic, she's as likely as any other character.

Villager was still requested, and Sakurai still changes his thoughts. Not insane, to include odd characters, but still.

Rosalina wasn't in the Sal leak. Sal is not from Japan, I think, so Little Mac can be guessed by him.

Brawl had a Pokemon from current gen at the time, why not again.

They aren't insanely easy, but still, they are commonly predicted by some, except WFT. The fake leakers have nothing to lose. They can add whatever they want in it. Heck, he could have actually meant they were predictions of his own, but after WFT, he decided to take the opportunity. But that's hypothetical. It isn't insane like people seem to think, and some are just blindly following it, like Palutena. Since it hasn't been debunked [In people's eyes, even though it has] people think it's true.
The gift of hindsight.

these characters were NOT easy guesses at all.

pre-E3 a guess of Villager (deconfirmed by sakurai saying animal crossing doesnt work for a fighting game), Megaman (namco is working on the game no one knew capcom was involved at all) and Wii Fit Trainer (NO ONE guessed this, hindsight makes her make sense but trust me even with "well wii fit sold good" people would laugh in your face for guessing her)

Pre-Direct next to EVERYONE thought that all we'd get was brawls pokemon line up plus mewtwo, and "a pokemon from x and y" might be vague but Greninja fills the spot regaurdless.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2013
and therefore your entire argument is a house of cards.
Well after your post it seems more like a pile of cards on the ground to me. :troll:

I think it was moreso that the transformation gimmick didn't work well, and that it would be better for both characters if they were separated. With that in mind, there were several people who brought that up.
I was one of the people who doubted it, but it makes complete sense now that it has happened.
I had thought for a while that PT wouldn't be able to make it in because of the 3 pokemon being too much on the 3ds, but seeing all transformations gone makes a lot of sense.
There were a good bunch of people who thought that transformations would not be in movesets any more, however. The repercussions of this was different from person to person for the most part.
It's still a big contrast from nobody guessing WFT.

In my opinion, the Sal leak being fake would just mean that we're extremely unlucky, as in wild tiger enters a bank, steals all your money, and then eats your wife unlucky.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Ok just a few thoughts here: The mii's crown symbol is obvious how the mii's emblem is going to be. The game is widely popular and sets them apart from any other game they are in. The whole purpose is to save the king mii whose's crown is exactly like that. So we shouldn't say it makes no sense. Also chorus boys would not replace G and W. Also I have a feeling sal is missing about 7 more newcomers or he knows them and will wait for E3 again to put them all out, they probably will be the big guns like ridley, k rool, and whoever else is wanted but aren't quite shoe ins.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
Okay, I'm getting tons of replies, can't really keep up at all. I'm done with this. Screw it. Leaks have had Hatsune Miku before, and Wii Fit Trainer is impossible? No. I'm not saying it's false, but to act like it is insane to guess them is ridiculous. The way people think this has complete truth and are now legitimately thinking Marshall is in is not right.

Also I never said the Palutena leak is debunked. [Well, I mean not really, I just think it's unlikely in a few ways.]
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
The gift of hindsight.

these characters were NOT easy guesses at all.

pre-E3 a guess of Villager (deconfirmed by sakurai saying animal crossing doesnt work for a fighting game), Megaman (namco is working on the game no one knew capcom was involved at all) and Wii Fit Trainer (NO ONE guessed this, hindsight makes her make sense but trust me even with "well wii fit sold good" people would laugh in your face for guessing her)

Pre-Direct next to EVERYONE thought that all we'd get was brawls pokemon line up plus mewtwo, and "a pokemon from x and y" might be vague but Greninja fills the spot regaurdless.
only wft is hard.
villager? so what he deconfirmed him YEARS before this game.....he has a pretty good support anyway.
megaman was highly requested.

I didn't support those 3 characters myself but until greninja I was worng(tottaly expected mewtwo to be like a secret lol).
but that's a veteran so technically in terms of who gets in I wanst wrong yet....even though greninja is in I didn't say he will, like I did with rosaluma and little mac.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
likely the only thing that will disprove Sal's leak is if one of the chars is blatantly deconfirmed (which I doubt will happen) or when the game comes out, unfortunately.

Somebody said something along the lines of "even if the character is shown as an AT, it doesn't disprove the leak" a day or so ago. This is bunk. If the character is shown off as anything other than playable, then we have no reason to believe the other chars in the leak are playable.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
Can someone link to or post Sal's leak? The OP hasn't been updated in a dog's age and it's hard to keep up with no point of contention easily on hand.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
likely the only thing that will disprove Sal's leak is if one of the chars is blatantly deconfirmed (which I doubt will happen) or when the game comes out, unfortunately.

Somebody said something along the lines of "even if the character is shown as an AT, it doesn't disprove the leak" a day or so ago. This is bunk. If the character is shown off as anything other than playable, than we have no reason to believe the other chars in the leak are playable.
I agree. The list is evidently a list of playable characters - a confirmation of one of them as an assist trophy is as good as a deconfirmation, in my opinion.

Also I never said the Palutena leak is debunked. [Well, I mean not really, I just think it's unlikely in a few ways.]

"I think Palutena's in, but I seriously doubt that Mario's model was changed and then reverted. I don't believe the leak."

Okay, I'm getting tons of replies, can't really keep up at all. I'm done with this. Screw it.
Probably best, considering the current state of your argument, buddy.

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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Can we just agree that the crown icon is for the playable Wandering Heroes? :awesome:


Smash Rookie
Jan 19, 2014
>Summer 2014
>Every character is Sal's leaks have been confirmed
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
You were trying to tell me that Wii Fit Trainer has as much chance of getting in as Little Mac or Mega Man. Also that nobody on the face of the Earth would guess WFT.
Ya, not even gonna.
I was trying to make you understand the laws of probability. I was also informing you that your criteria for likelihood is in no way representative of Sakurai's, as you would like to think. Both of these concepts seem beyond you.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
>Summer 2014
>Every character is Sal's leaks have been confirmed
truthfully, I would have said this if he hadn't added "chorus men". After WFT, the picks are just....so likely/obvious that them being in really does nothing to a leak.
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