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SSB4 Rumours and Leaks

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Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2013
I think the other thing that bothers me about this leak is how many characters are from the 2000's. I know that's a weird thing to be annoyed about, but I want more old school/ retro character. Even Little Mac and Palutena aren't considered retro, as their popularity stems from recent reboots. At the moment, only Mega Man seems like an old school character.

It's the same as what I was saying about it having too many new series' represented. I don't think Smash can have too many series represented, however I do think it needs to be a balanced roster. This leak introduces 8 characters from new series, yet only three from current series'. Just seems odd to me.
Smash bros always brings in characters fro the previous generation. So expect a lot of Wii era characters. Also, why can't Mega man be the retro character? This one is based on NES mega man right? That sounds pretty retro to me.
And can someone please explain why they are expecting Takamaru? He doesn't seem to have any more of a chance than duck hunt dog to me. is it because of that whole east vs west leak?

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I don't agree that Ridley, Mewtwo and K. Rool are 'safe bets'. We didn't even get a comment on Mewtwo until E3 after all (and this 'leak' explicitly only concerns newcomers) while Ridley is often widely considered unsuitable (and is one of the easiest to disconfirm - definitely something to avoid if you want to seem credible for as long as possible). K. Rool, along with assuming a third DK rep, is a character who hasn't appeared in a long time.
I completely agree with this. People seem to confuse popular choices with safe bets. Sakurai has proved time and time again that a lot of what we want, he and Nintendo might not. Especially with Mewtwo, as there's another party involved. If K. Rool had have been in either of the latest DKC games he'd be in for a chance. And as for Ridley... well... you only need to look at Melee and Brawl to see how Sakurai regards him.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I think the other thing that bothers me about this leak is how many characters are from the 2000's. I know that's a weird thing to be annoyed about, but I want more old school/ retro character. Even Little Mac and Palutena aren't considered retro, as their popularity stems from recent reboots. At the moment, only Mega Man seems like an old school character.

It's the same as what I was saying about it having too many new series' represented. I don't think Smash can have too many series represented, however I do think it needs to be a balanced roster. This leak introduces 8 characters from new series, yet only three from current series'. Just seems odd to me.
I don't mind that in the least. I think Smash has always been more than a bit stuck on the Original 12 series from 64 (bar Yoshi and F-Zero) I'd be happy to see some more new series get the spotlight.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2013
Two things here. The Sal leak does NOT mention 48 characters. That would be the Mario Kart leak, which is a completely different and unrelated leak. A lot of people are just trying to fit rosters currently into both leaks. The second thing is that the 48 slot Mario Kart leak also mentions 4 cuts, which would put the total roster at 47 and still leave room for Ridley. (So he is not too big for that specific leak.)
Oh if the sal rumor doesnt have a set number of characters then I believe it, also considering the tipper is probably leaving out the big popular characters and chorus man is probably the WTF character. Thank you for clarifying this for me


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Chorus Man is so out there that it will take the game being released to disprove it (at which point it no longer matters), unless it is shown explicitly as an assist trophy (which I doubt). If I see Chorus Man on top of Wii Fit trainer then I'll be a lot more inclined to believe it, but Wii Fit Trainer alone is certainly not credible imo. With so many people guessing there's likely to be somebody out there who gets a character like that. Considering the large number of 'leaks' out there it stands that there is a reasonably large probability that some will survive a few 'vetting' processes, and this one seems structured to resist tests that could falsify it - the largest being the incompleteness.

I don't agree that Ridley, Mewtwo and K. Rool are 'safe bets'. We didn't even get a comment on Mewtwo until E3 after all (and this 'leak' explicitly only concerns newcomers) while Ridley is often widely considered unsuitable (and is one of the easiest to disconfirm - definitely something to avoid if you want to seem credible for as long as possible). K. Rool, along with assuming a third DK rep, is a character who hasn't appeared in a long time.

wrt E3 schedule, while things probably fluctuate it seems to me that the character reveals are at least planned a reasonably amount of time ahead - as it can probably take more time than is anticipated to create some of those CGI trailers (and the pool of 'known' characters that can appear needs to be anticipated).
WFT is a ridiculously out-there character - for somebody to nail that, dead on, along with four other characters gives a pretty good reason to believe the leak, or at least, consider it likely. With regards to the CGI trailers, I would imagine that they were all made together as soon as the line-up was locked - CGI can be a ***** to work with, and would take far too much time to do on the fly. My bet is that they were all made at the same time ready for their reveals. If I'm right in that belief, then essentially the E3 presentation could have been chopped and changed up until the day, as the time implications of filming the trailers wouldn't apply.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
Wii U version gonna be superior because HD and stuff not reveled yet like probably Stage editor.

Ther chars gonna be the same on both versions.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2004
Bossier City, LA
Smash bros always brings in characters fro the previous generation. So expect a lot of Wii era characters. Also, why can't Mega man be the retro character? This one is based on NES mega man right? That sounds pretty retro to me.
And can someone please explain why they are expecting Takamaru? He doesn't seem to have any more of a chance than duck hunt dog to me. is it because of that whole east vs west leak?
He had a mini-game dedicated to him in Nintendoland. People speculate that Nintendo may try to revive the franchise like they did Kid Icarus.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
noi doubt sakurai would MAKE people wait until the wii u version so all the characters can be unlocked in the 3ds version.
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% chance of happening,.............

A Lucky Person

Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2014
Could someone shoot me a link to the Sal leak? I've been trying to find it by backtracking through the thread, but it's becoming tedious.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
WFT is a ridiculously out-there character - for somebody to nail that, dead on, along with four other characters gives a pretty good reason to believe the leak, or at least, consider it likely. With regards to the CGI trailers, I would imagine that they were all made together as soon as the line-up was locked - CGI can be a ***** to work with, and would take far too much time to do on the fly. My bet is that they were all made at the same time ready for their reveals. If I'm right in that belief, then essentially the E3 presentation could have been chopped and changed up until the day, as the time implications of filming the trailers wouldn't apply.
nah I I think they start doing the trailers the moment sakurai makes up his mind on who to reveal next and when.....so about 2 months before the reveals.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280

Im inclined to believe the Sal leaks, but this one isn't bad at all. Perhaps its not a complete list?
As much as I'd like to believe it because of Chibi Robo (probably the most underrated game on the GC, or ever), the rest of the logic doesn't add up.

Sakurai would never suggest that Ray is too small, then include Chibi Robo, especially when they'd be about the same size (and then there's Olimar).

The rest of it is pretty poorly thought out and just sounds like the dream list of some smash fans more than a feasible list.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
GaxelSmash Journeyman
Jan 16, 2014
Let's call this the 'Tim Leak' cause the "I hope you enjoyed your time at Nintendo, Tim" comment made me lol.

I realized that half of the posts under his name was not him so, I decided to dissect it for you guys.

Tim Leak:

+Paper Mario
+Dixie Kong
+Mewtwo - Will play like the Melee Mewtwo
+Bandanna Dee
+Ridley - He states he uses the Other M Design
+Black Shadow
+Prince Sable
+Donbe & Hikari
+King Mii
+Pac Man

-Snake is back.
-Claims the game was originally going to have only 12 newcomers.
-Saki was considered, didn't make the cut.
-The Hyrule Castle N64 stage is coming back, to be used for Ganondorf's reveal.
-Sakurai is aware of the Palutena leak because it is real.
-Ray MK is still a AT, Sakurai stated that he was too small to be playable.
-Lucas is back.
-Sakurai hates Project M.
-Might cut Ike.
FAKE. aprt from probably the sakurai hates PM part :p
also lip is deconfrimed her item is in.......king mii..........MEH.
fake and unrealistic.


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2013
The thing about the Sal leak and Chorus Men is that if he/they are actually playable characters in the game, I highly doubt they will be revealed prior to release.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
"if you use the luma shot the luma wanders around untill you use it again" sakurai's words
the video clearly shows Luma just bouncing back towards Rosa each time he's thrown out. there's a chance he turns around and just keeps bouncing, but what I'm saying is there is no sign that Luma's AI is anywhere near what Nana's was, hence a LOT less processing power.

Nana had rudimentary attack patterns, recovery logic, etc to help her get back to Popo, not to mention the desync stuff that occurred while she was with Popo (which essentially had you completely controlling the movement of 2 chars with 1 controller).
This isn't used/required on Luma, because essentially, you can just pull another Luma out, so they're somewhat expendable. So Luma just goes out and bounces around, then attacks wherever he is when you hit a button. Not nearly the same thing.

I'm also failing to mention here that Nana simply has more to animate than Luma does...
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2011
So you're telling me that the Wii handled transformations smoothly, and yet the Wii U will have some sort of problem as opposed to the 3DS? This is just ridiculous.
I'm not saying the Wii U won't be able to do it. But look how long it takes to load a character:

• SSB64 - Instant. That's why this game can show 3D characters when you select them.
• Melee - Took some time, but still quick. Try using Zelda's transformation.
• Brawl - characters are loaded as soon as you select them, so if you wait, the game loads quicker. However, changing form took some time in this game. Try Zelda, PT.
• Wii U - As the trend follows. Characters getting more complex and detailed. Loading times are even longer, and transformation will take longer than before. So a quick solution is to remove transformations.
• 3DS - few polygons, small details, and game on a card. Quick loading. I still expect it to be slower than SSB64, but quicker than the other games.

Brawl us the only game, aside from Halo, that loads everything whenever it knows it's going to be used soon. Hope more loading solutions are made in SSB4.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2007
WFT is a ridiculously out-there character - for somebody to nail that, dead on, along with four other characters gives a pretty good reason to believe the leak, or at least, consider it likely. With regards to the CGI trailers, I would imagine that they were all made together as soon as the line-up was locked - CGI can be a ***** to work with, and would take far too much time to do on the fly. My bet is that they were all made at the same time ready for their reveals. If I'm right in that belief, then essentially the E3 presentation could have been chopped and changed up until the day, as the time implications of filming the trailers wouldn't apply.
I don't think WFT is all that out-there, considering Wii Fit was one of the Wii's best selling games. Yeah, pretty unexpected because the audience isn't the same but not astronomically unlikely. I personally wasn't that surprised when she was revealed. Choir Boy on the other hand would be really arbitrary. Those games sell relatively well sure but I would say they're a few orders down from WFT.

Mega Man was pretty much expected for Brawl, many were very surprised when he wasn't in it. If there was to be a new 3rd party, Mega Man and Pac Man are the safest bets (and he predicted both). Villager, coming from a very popular Nintendo franchise (one with heavy representation in Brawl) was fitting, with the detraction that Sakurai seemed to think he shouldn't 'fight' 5 years ago. Little Mac being a popularly requested retro character (like Pit was before Brawl) who recently had his series brought back from the dead so that would be a sensible prediction. 'X&Y Pokémon' is vaguer than 'new Mario charater' so I don't count that as a prediction at all, especially because it's not much to conclude that with GF having some say on which Pokémon get in, that they'd then want to include a new one. A lot of people probably had predictions like these, but either predicted too much or lacked any particular prediction that people would perceive as mind-blowing. I don't see it in terms of the probability that one guy in particular won the lottery, rather the probability that somebody out there won the lottery and now everybody pays attention to him.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2013
the video clearly shows Luma just bouncing back towards Rosa each time he's thrown out. there's a chance he turns around and just keeps bouncing, but what I'm saying is there is no sign that Luma's AI is anywhere near what Nana's was, hence a LOT less processing power.

Nana had rudimentary attack patterns, recovery logic, etc to help her get back to Popo, not to mention the desync stuff that occurred while she was with Popo (which essentially had you completely controlling the movement of 2 chars with 1 controller).
This isn't used/required on Luma, because essentially, you can just pull another Luma out, so they're somewhat expendable. So Luma just goes out and bounces around, then attacks wherever he is when you hit a button. Not nearly the same thing.

I'm also failing to mention here that Nana simply has more to animate than Luma does...
Alright, the ice climbers have more complicated AI than rosalina, but this doesn't change the fact that the 3DS would be able to run them just fine

Lolo Lolo

Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 0891 5407 0511
I don't think the King Mii is not realistic because :
-in the direct when Masahiro showed the Find Mii 2 stage it had its own logo as every playable characters' series have and it was a crown
-in the direct in the cage there was a Mii but not with the crown ,the Mii was wearing the King's daughter's hair

however can someone post the link of the chrous man rumor ?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
I'm not saying the Wii U won't be able to do it. But look how long it takes to load a character:

• SSB64 - Instant. That's why this game can show 3D characters when you select them.
• Melee - Took some time, but still quick. Try using Zelda's transformation.
• Brawl - characters are loaded as soon as you select them, so if you wait, the game loads quicker. However, changing form took some time in this game. Try Zelda, PT.
• Wii U - As the trend follows. Characters getting more complex and detailed. Loading times are even longer, and transformation will take longer than before. So a quick solution is to remove transformations.
• 3DS - few polygons, small details, and game on a card. Quick loading. I still expect it to be slower than SSB64, but quicker than the other games.

Brawl us the only game, aside from Halo, that loads everything whenever it knows it's going to be used soon. Hope more loading solutions are made in SSB4.
Your argument is inane. Brawl's transformations took 'longer' because they opted for a more complex animation. There is no parity in your comparisons because the animations vary per the developers choice, and therefore you aren't seeing hardware issues, you're seeing what is essentially a nerf, eg, an intentional decision to prolong the transformation. Were they using the same animation then I could understand your argument, but as it stands there is no parity. You indicate the increasing quality of textures, etc. as your reasoning and yet fail to realize that the more powerful hardware compensates for this. The reason transformations have been removed should be quite evident - they're co-developing across both Wii U and 3DS, and the 3DS, as a less powerful console, is likely causing issues. Hell, to further disprove your point you only need look at the Dragonball Z games - they've been going for years, and have included transformation, along with a change in moveset, since conception. The transformations are no slower now than then, because the hardware compensates for the increased texture fidelity.


Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
People, of course the 3DS can handle two Ice Climbers.

But I'm pretty sure the thing that would be too much for the 3DS version, is Four sets of Ice Climbers. 8 characters on screen at the same time. :/ It's likely the same reason there's only Three Pikmin now. Of course the 3DS can handle more, but if all Olimars have 6 Pikmin, well, it might be too much combined with all the action going on.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I don't think the King Mii is not realistic because :
-in the direct when Masahiro showed the Find Mii 2 stage it had its own logo as every playable characters' series have and it was a crown
-in the direct in the cage there was a Mii but not with the crown ,the Mii was wearing the King's daughter's hair

however can someone post the link of the chrous man rumor ?
that mii in the backround changes nothing.....unless you choose a mii it will be there I think. similar to alfornzo but without any mii.

also PLEASE post a picture of that logo.....

ice climbers are. in . rosaluma and olimar prove that........and if that's not enough well the frezzies are back and the polar bear is a enemy in smash run.
end of argument :D
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Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
oh I have no doubt that IC's will be back.. I'm just expecting a pretty significant rework (and I doubt it'll be a single climber)

To those saying the 3ds can handle them as is... the Gamecube had issues handling them, so I'm not so sure.
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Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
ice climbers are. in . rosaluma and olimar prove that........and if that's not enough well the frezzies are back and the polar bear is a enemy in smash run.
end of argument :D
If you meant this to me, don't worry, I never said there'd be no Ice Climbers. ^^ They could simply make Nana as a sort of 'mirror' to Popo next to her, making her unable to actually get away from Popo. Or, just have one Ice Climber.

Either way, there will be IC.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I think it'd be a great idea to add a few extra characters to the Wii U version, and allow them to be unlocked on the 3DS by connecting to the Wii U version. You could consider it cheap, sure, but it would allow the Wii U to retain an element of freshness that it's going to need to remain a console seller amongst casuals, as well as give people a reason to return to the 3DS version several months after release.
I could see DLC being a wii u exclusive.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2013
Plus, he never mentioned Rosalina.
Sakurai said in a post e3 interview that he was "having trouble" with multiple character combatants, so Rosalina may not have even been a solid spot on the roster at this point due to technical difficulties.
I don't think WFT is all that out-there, considering Wii Fit was one of the Wii's best selling games. Yeah, pretty unexpected because the audience isn't the same but not astronomically unlikely. I personally wasn't that surprised when she was revealed. Choir Boy on the other hand would be really arbitrary. Those games sell relatively well sure but I would say they're a few orders down from WFT.

Mega Man was pretty much expected for Brawl, many were very surprised when he wasn't in it. If there was to be a new 3rd party, Mega Man and Pac Man are the safest bets (and he predicted both). Villager, coming from a very popular Nintendo franchise (one with heavy representation in Brawl) was fitting, with the detraction that Sakurai seemed to think he shouldn't 'fight' 5 years ago. Little Mac being a popularly requested retro character (like Pit was before Brawl) who recently had his series brought back from the dead so that would be a sensible prediction. 'X&Y Pokémon' is vaguer than 'new Mario charater' so I don't count that as a prediction at all, especially because it's not much to conclude that with GF having some say on which Pokémon get in, that they'd then want to include a new one. A lot of people probably had predictions like these, but either predicted too much or lacked any particular prediction that people would perceive as mind-blowing. I don't see it in terms of the probability that one guy in particular won the lottery, rather the probability that somebody out there won the lottery and now everybody pays attention to him.
The only mention of the Wii Fit Trainer as a newcomer was back in 2008, on a joke post. Not a single person has predicted her since. So yeah it's out there.
Little Mac is barely known and not highly requested in japan, which is where the dev studio is and where they decide newcomers. (There's a reason we got marth even though he hadn't had a game in America)
X&Y pokemon can be vague for multiple reasons. He could've not wanted to alert Nintendo the day before the direct with the newcomer leak, he could've just not known which Pokemon it was, and he may judt not know about GF's negotiations with Sakurai due to not working in the division which has that info.
Even then, the fact that he said x and y Pokemon has prevented the leak from being proven false, when Greninja was enough to pretty much demolish every other leak out there.
"Winning the lottery" on five characters with varying likelihood is a massively lower chance then knowing and recounting inside info.
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Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
5 characters. One that was unlikely, and one that was damn near unguessable. Your justification that 'it wasn't that hard to guess' really doesn't stand up when you consider the shock (and dismay, to begin with) at WFT's reveal, and the sheer improbability of 'guessing' five characters. Seems to me you just don't want to believe this.
So, what, nobody in the world could guess her. Hey, in other leaks, we've seen some ridiculous characters, and we shot them down. But they were guessed. Little Mac was likely too begin with, tons were wanting the 2nd most requested character in the poll, Megaman. Pokemon from X/Y is really ambigous. It happened with Lucario, why not again? Those 3 were not crazy guesses, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were guessed together. Villager can be guessed, and Sakurai is unpredictable. Wii Fit Trainer is the onlything he really has going for him. Sure it's hard to guess. Hard does not mean impossible at all.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I could see DLC being a wii u exclusive.
He made it more than clear that he wanted to keep a consistent roster between versions. Plus, 3DS handles DLC more than fine. I think if we get DLC, the whole "adding more characters to Wii U, patching 3DS later" idea will take effect.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
So, what, nobody in the world could guess her. Hey, in other leaks, we've seen some ridiculous characters, and we shot them down. But they were guessed. Little Mac was likely too begin with, tons were wanting the 2nd most requested character in the poll, Megaman. Pokemon from X/Y is really ambigous. It happened with Lucario, why not again? Those 3 were not crazy guesses, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were guessed together. Villager can be guessed, and Sakurai is unpredictable. Wii Fit Trainer is the onlything he really has going for him. Sure it's hard to guess. Hard does not mean impossible at all.
I don't think you really understand the odds of guessing five characters correctly out of Nintendo's entire back-catalogue. Especially when one of them was beyond unlikely.


Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
I don't think you really understand the odds of guessing five characters correctly out of Nintendo's entire back-catalogue. Especially when one of them was beyond unlikely.
Unlikely not beyond.

Okay, prediction time! I think, Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus and Fox will be in five.

There 5. Little Mac was wanted and likely, Mega Man was wanted and a very related and good 3rd party character, a Pokemon from X/Y was likely and wanted. Even Villager was wanted. Wii Fit Trainer was the only character that wasn't likely. Quit acting like the others together guessed weren't crazy. It's like guessing 2 characters right. Because the others were so dang likely.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
Unlikely not beyond.

Okay, prediction time! I think, Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus and Fox will be in five.

There 5. Little Mac was wanted and likely, Mega Man was wanted and a very related and good 3rd party character, a Pokemon from X/Y was likely and wanted. Even Villager was wanted. Wii Fit Trainer was the only character that wasn't likely. Quit acting like the others together guessed weren't crazy. It's like guessing 2 characters right. Because the others were so dang likely.
So, here's where your argument falls apart. Nobody is 'likely'. Characters aren't chosen on popularity, sales figures - any quantifiable statistic outside of who Sakurai chooses. You justify 4 of the 5 based on what we've discussed on the forums, which means absolutely nothing as to who is in the final game. Sakurai is infinitely unpredictable and that's why just because certain characters are popular on the Internet, they do not become 'likely'. The WFT had no popularity whatsoever, and yet made the game. Tom Nook was popular amongst fans - the Villager made the game. And guess what? He nailed them both, along with three others. Consider that the lottery has 50 balls (I think), and you need five to win. That puts the odds up in the millions. Now take Nintendo's entire back catalogue - hell, take half of them, the half you quantify as 'likely'. Your odds are likely in the billions, and above. Is it possible he got lucky? Sure. Is it probable. Not even close.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
So, here's where your argument falls apart. Nobody is 'likely'. Characters aren't chosen on popularity, sales figures - any quantifiable statistic outside of who Sakurai chooses. You justify 4 of the 5 based on what we've discussed on the forums, which means absolutely nothing as to who is in the final game. Sakurai is infinitely unpredictable and that's why just because certain characters are popular on the Internet, they do not become 'likely'. The WFT had no popularity whatsoever, and yet made the game. Tom Nook was popular amongst fans - the Villager made the game. And guess what? He nailed them both, along with three others. Consider that the lottery has 50 balls (I think), and you need five to win. That puts the odds up in the millions. Now take Nintendo's entire back catalogue - hell, take half of them, the half you quantify as 'likely'. Your odds are likely in the billions, and above. Is it possible he got lucky? Sure. Is it probable. Not even close.
well I know who is likely or not. krystal is unfortunately not so likely as I would have liked ....
I kept saying Rosalina is almost guaranteed months before her reveal.....and actually said if they reeval someone at December (cos makes sense) its her.
if you need proof.......go to ign wiki. its there.

guessing villager megaman and poke x/y is not surprising.
only wft is and now chorus guy...............................................dam you sakurai lol chorus man. his source better be wrong on that one.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
York, United Kingdom
well I know who is likely or not. krystal is unfortunately not so likely as I would have liked ....
I kept saying Rosalina is almost guaranteed months before her reveal.....and actually said if they reeval someone at December (cos makes sense) its her.
if you need proof.......go to ign wiki. its there.
Correlation is not causation. The characters we are 'likely' to see are the ones Sakurai favours. There are a string of characters nobody would have picked in the games already, and people grew to love them. Just because we speculate and assign likelihood to characters, it doesn't mean they are likely. We quantify our choices based on popularity, sales figures, requests, etc. ROB and Game and Watch affirm that Sakurai picks who the hell he wants.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
I'm really starting to lean towards Sal's leaks being nothing more than lucky predictions.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Correlation is not causation. The characters we are 'likely' to see are the ones Sakurai favours. There are a string of characters nobody would have picked in the games already, and people grew to love them. Just because we speculate and assign likelihood to characters, it doesn't mean they are likely. We quantify our choices based on popularity, sales figures, requests, etc. ROB and Game and Watch affirm that Sakurai picks who the hell he wants.
well of course we cant say who Is likely when it comes to joke characters.......
retro are pretty easy. little mac was so obvious and only other likely retro is takamaru.
lip is deconfrimed anyway........that flower is a item again.

I'm really starting to lean towards Sal's leaks being nothing more than predictions.
hey how did you do that sig tell me please!
also same here.
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