Since it's Halloween...
is the Elvira of the Smash universe and as a side gig in between Smash battles and her mission against the angels, she has a channel on YouTube in which she showcases various horror video games and video game icons, and like Elvira, she struts her sex appeal like no one's business.
once saw Jimmy Kimmel's "I told my kids I ate their Halloween candy" skit and decided to pull it on
. Jr. instead destroyed half the castle with the aid of the Koopa Kids. Bowser intends on suing Jimmy Kimmel for all damages caused by that prank.
have seen all three Hotel Transylvania movies and love them to pieces, and every time they see Dracula they taunt him by saying "BLAH BLAH BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
actually prefers the 2016 Ghostbusters film, citing that Holtzmann is his favorite character and wishes to be just like her in his next big role in Luigi's Mansion 3.
Since Nintendo is now working with Universal.
all attended Halloween Horror Nights for free. Everyone expected Luigi to be the biggest coward, and while he was scared, Bowser was the one that screamed the loudest during the mazes. Daisy didn't even flinch and kept taking selfies with the creepy characters.
For craps and giggles,
a link about how an crocodile is skinned and turned into leather goods. K. Rool has then been receiving help from the Reptiles Club (
) to assure him that there is no such thing as crocodiles or alligators being turned into leather goods (even though deep down that is a real thing).
has told
, and
horror stories around the camp fire about fighting Majora's Mask, the moon, being stuck in a three day limbo where the third day meant death, the zombies, the half man-half mummy creature he had to save and more.
does not believe him, saying that there is no such legend like that and just wants to impress people.
gets easily triggered every time
talks about Dracula. Every time he does, he has severe nightmares about it.
counsels him on coping with PTSD and nightmares.
tried to dress up as the Xenomorph aliens from the Aliens movies. He won first place at the Smash Halloween costume contest, but later spent nearly 2 hours showering trying to get the black paint off his body.
gives out garlic instead of candy on Halloween.