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Experiment. Innovate. Improve.
Jul 8, 2015
Oftentimes it gets boiled down to the fact that people want to be treated like their special, but they don't want to be special. Anyways, I sorta skewed the topic.


I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
As a pan-sexual individual with 32 genders I feel that politics and real world issues and video games should not mix and people that attempt to do so should be ignored.
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Oct 12, 2015
New Jersey
Ok, this is a Mewtwo social talking about Lucario and sexuality politics? What happened while I was gone?

Anyway, there's no way Greninja is getting nerfed again (probably won't be touched, there's not much to buff or nerf). If anyone's getting nerfed, it's Sheik. The Bouncing Fish alone as a KO option has busted her in not only competitive but casual play, ranging possibly half the stage and landing edgeguards from an insane range.
As for buffs? Crossing my fingers for Mewtwo and Duck Hunt, but I can't be sure.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Pfft... Lucario and social issues pertaining sexuality are pretty tame compared to what we used to discuss prior to Mewtwo's release. *Ahem* I say, and I quote:
Deathlightning21 said:
Okay guys, be totes honest with me here.

Would you date Mewtwo?
Never forget. Seriously, though, I miss all the people that used to hang out around here. It seems like very few of the users that hung out here back then still do so today. I mean, don't get me wrong, all of you guys are great! But, I can't help but miss those who've come and gone. As a completely irrelevant side note, "hung" is a really weird word.

Anyhow, I don't think Sheik is totally broken or anything, but a nerf or two is probably in order. She definitely stands out as Smash 4's most dominant character, and, while I do think that Sheik is more balanced than her peers in Melee and Brawl, I don't think that she's without some overwhelming characteristics of her own. Personally, I'd give Vanish some vulnerability in its start-up frames, and maybe even make Bouncing Fish put Sheik into helpless if she misses. Also, I wasn't aware that Duck Hunt was in need of some buffs. I was always under the impression that they were a pretty solid mid-tier character, given things like their excellent zoning game. I don't know that much about Duck Hunt, though, so that shouldn't surprise me.

The answer is yes, by the way.


Experiment. Innovate. Improve.
Jul 8, 2015
Pfft... Lucario and social issues pertaining sexuality are pretty tame compared to what we used to discuss prior to Mewtwo's release. *Ahem* I say, and I quote:

Never forget. Seriously, though, I miss all the people that used to hang out around here. It seems like very few of the users that hung out here back then still do so today. I mean, don't get me wrong, all of you guys are great! But, I can't help but miss those who've come and gone. As a completely irrelevant side note, "hung" is a really weird word.

Anyhow, I don't think Sheik is totally broken or anything, but a nerf or two is probably in order. She definitely stands out as Smash 4's most dominant character, and, while I do think that Sheik is more balanced than her peers in Melee and Brawl, I don't think that she's without some overwhelming characteristics of her own. Personally, I'd give Vanish some vulnerability in its start-up frames, and maybe even make Bouncing Fish put Sheik into helpless if she misses. Also, I wasn't aware that Duck Hunt was in need of some buffs. I was always under the impression that they were a pretty solid mid-tier character, given things like their excellent zoning game. I don't know that much about Duck Hunt, though, so that shouldn't surprise me.

The answer is yes, by the way.
I think the only thing that needs to be nerfed about Shiek is her Vanish recovery. In Melee, they made her recovery powerful because it was bad, but now it is good AND strong. Other then that she is pretty balanced, her Metagame is just years ahead of everyone else's.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Yeah, Sheik is fine, it's mainly most of her specials that needs a nerf. Her combo game is what makes her a fun character and taking that away would be taking part of her character away. (still don't understand why Sheik's fair has more range than Marth's though... actually, Sheik's fair range is fine, just buff Marth's fair pls...)

Her needles give her arguably the best neutral in the entire game. Grounded needles need more endlag. Aerial needles should stay the same IMO because they lead to some pretty sick Bouncing Fish shenanigans.

As others have stated, Vanish is pretty broken. The killpower is fine TBH but it definitely shouldn't be so safe. Invincibility is one thing, but a windbox at the end of it makes it even harder to punish. The invincibility is fine but needs to be toned down a little, and the windbox needs to be gone.

Bouncing Fish is a sick move. Stylish and cool as hell. Just tone it down a little. Her down-b serves as a combo starter, kill move, recovery, etc etc. It has so many utilities, and to top it off, it has a large hitbox that doesn't match its animation and is safe on shield. As I stated earlier, Sheik should keep her combo game, so they should either nerf the hitbox of the move by matching it with the animation or make it less safe on shield.

Sheik's a cool character and I don't really mind her being number 1. Just needs a little tweaking.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2014
Cerulean Cave
Pfft... Lucario and social issues pertaining sexuality are pretty tame compared to what we used to discuss prior to Mewtwo's release. *Ahem* I say, and I quote:

Never forget. Seriously, though, I miss all the people that used to hang out around here. It seems like very few of the users that hung out here back then still do so today. I mean, don't get me wrong, all of you guys are great! But, I can't help but miss those who've come and gone.

The answer is yes, by the way.
Good times, good times...


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
Everybody wanted to main Mewtwo when he was revealed, but barely anyone uses him now. It's no surprise that the people who were once here are gone. ;-;


Dec 19, 2002
Everybody wanted to main Mewtwo when he was revealed, but barely anyone uses him now. It's no surprise that the people who were once here are gone. ;-;
I use him. I just don't use him in 6 player Smash with co-workers because I don't want to ruin his record if I lose. ;_;


Dec 19, 2002
Shadow Ball is your friend. My friends banned me from spamming it, the last guy left used Water Shuriken close range. Confusion to UTaunt is a true combo for victory lol
Not when people tend to team up on me. :p

Shadow Ball and Confusion are pretty useful though. Disable is cool for style points.
Oct 12, 2015
New Jersey
If I don't get my DLC wishlist tomorrow I might become a full time Mewtwo main. Everyone at my local is terrified of my new skills with him compared to my Greninja, so I've been considering. But if I get Wolf, Isaac or Inkling tomorrow, I might be Audi 5000...


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
If they announce Ivysaur tomorrow I will eat a bell pepper. And I don't even like bell peppers.


Dec 19, 2002
I learned to like bell peppers in college. I doubt Ivysaur will be announced though. I wish Mewtwo would get buffs.


I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
It's spoiling the key mewtwo buff that she needed: The ability to kill people if they are too close to the blast zone on a walk off.


I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
The best spoiler is when Mewtwo appears in the Force Awakens.


Experiment. Innovate. Improve.
Jul 8, 2015
The changes are okay, but not game changing as of yet. The Uair could actually be bad, depending on the change to combo ability, and the Dthrow doesn't have more hitstun or reduced FAF. So nothing is really known right now.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
I'm more excited about Mewtwo buffs than Cloud. Marth and Mewtwo buffs... this is a good patch. ^___^


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
Bias is real...

...Although a part of me kinda expected Bayonetta to be in, but not as the Ballout.

Plus Mewtwo getting buffs (even if they don't do him squat) its still better than the crap that was in the Direct, and that crap being another damn FE sword rep.
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Smash Lord
May 2, 2014
I screamed when lobster lord appeared on screen. Didn't think they would put another FE rep in, but here we are.

That Hitori Omou smash remix... too good...

Corrin was so out of the blue. Did not expect that. I know that a lot of people are upset (and rightfully so) but I'm so so so excited for him/her. I'm a huge FE fanboy, and while I understand that it might not be the best choice, another FE character is so damn hype (at least for me).


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2015
Blanka's Lair, Brazil
I screamed when lobster lord appeared on screen. Didn't think they would put another FE rep in, but here we are.

That Hitori Omou smash remix... too good...

Corrin was so out of the blue. Did not expect that. I know that a lot of people are upset (and rightfully so) but I'm so so so excited for him/her. I'm a huge FE fanboy, and while I understand that it might not be the best choice, another FE character is so damn hype (at least for me).

But Bayonetta.


Smash Ace
Dec 15, 2013
Whats pathetic is that this direct killed my hype for Pokken as well since the VIdeo game illuminati will dilibertly try to ruin that game aswell with more unnesseacry bull**** like Lucha Pikachu.

You know what scrap that I think I'm done with Video games since its getting to the point of stress and depression.

Also I'll say it again, "minor" Mewtwo buffs > Anime Caitlyn Jenner with sword #2.
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Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Wow! That was a great finale...for the most part. I'll address that later, though. Anyway, Cloud looks fantastic! He seems like he'll play pretty uniquely, especially with Limit Break, and I'm even more excited that he's going to be released later today. Midgar looks wonderful, as well, what with its inventive stage hazards and dynamic background. I can't wait to play on it! Oh, and the detail on Cloud's alternate costumes is impressive. Definitely a nice touch! Perhaps even a Finishing Touch, one might say:p! I'm so sorry. I just had to...

Moving on from Cloud, Corrin looks amazing! He seems to be filling a similar role to Roy in Melee, in the sense that both are essentially an advertisement for the unreleased game that they star in. Well, in Corrin's case, it's been released in Japan already, but you get the point. Anyhow, I love the way he looks! His Dragon Fang attacks are really neat-looking, and his sword is very distinctive, too. Once Corrin is released, I'll definitely mess around with him for a bit. I just love how original he seems to be! Also, I think it's important to realize why Fire Emblem has so many reps. It's not that Sakurai is biased or whatever, but simply that Fire Emblem got very lucky. Awakening was a brand-new, very popular game at the time that Smash 4's development started, which helped Robin get in and more than likely influenced Lucina's transformation from an alternate costume into a full-on clone, Roy was a popular veteran who was easy to implement as a semi-clone via DLC, and Fates is in a similar boat to Awakening in Japan and is simultaneously being hyped up for its international release next year, which influenced Corrin's inclusion. All of that, and then the mainstays of Marth and Ike. Fire Emblem just had everything going for it when it came time to choose veterans, newcomers, and DLC characters alike; it's as simple as that. I highly doubt Sakurai's purely theoretical "bias" influenced much of anything, at least, not to any measurable extent.

Now, to explain that "for the most part" in my opening paragraph... I know this is an unpopular opinion, but Bayonetta's inclusion was a huge slap in the face for me. As a huge Wonder-Red supporter, I'd always considered him a pipe-dream of sorts, and seeing another PlatinumGames character get included over him, particularly when Red is first-party and Bayonetta is third-party, stung really bad. I had always assumed that, if any PlatinumGames character was going to get into Smash at all, it would be Wonder-Red, based simply on the fact he's first-party and no other PG character is. In retrospect, though, that only set me up for disappointment. I should've been more open-minded. I think part of the reason I'm so distraught is because Wonder-Red's chances for Smash 4 are all but squashed now, and, unless The Wonderful 101 gets a sequel sometime over the course of the next few years, which is nearly impossible in and of itself, Red's odds of getting into Smash 5 will be next to none. It's just really disheartening, is all. Don't get me wrong, I love Bayonetta and her games, and I'm glad she's being included, especially since so many people wanted her, but I'd be lying if I said that her inclusion didn't bite me like a rattlesnake. She and her game just don't stand up to Wonder-Red and The Wonderful 101, in my opinion. I really want to enjoy Bayonetta on her own merit, rather than judging her relative to Wonder-Red, but I'm seriously struggling to do so. I'll definitely buy and use Bayonetta, perhaps extensively; I know that much. But, I'm finding it very difficult to really appreciate her inclusion right now. At any rate, Bayonetta does look she has a variety of unique and interesting tools at her disposal, especially Witch Time and Infernal Climax. She looks like a fun character to play as, I think. Her reveal trailer was very clever and charming, as well. Maybe I just need some time to recuperate...

Finally, those Mewtwo buffs look great! I'm really glad that Mr. 150 is finally getting some more tweaks, and I hope they'll be more impactful than his previous improvements. Maybe he'll even get some hitbox fixes! That would be a dream come true. Anyway, despite my currently negative feelings toward Bayonetta, the Direct was an overall phenomenal finale! I thoroughly enjoyed it!


I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
Bayonetta is giving me these...temptations. These temptations that interfere with my absolute devotion to the fair lady...


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2012
Adelaide, South Australia
Wow! That was a great finale...for the most part. I'll address that later, though. Anyway, Cloud looks fantastic! He seems like he'll play pretty uniquely, especially with Limit Break, and I'm even more excited that he's going to be released later today. Midgar looks wonderful, as well, what with its inventive stage hazards and dynamic background. I can't wait to play on it! Oh, and the detail on Cloud's alternate costumes is impressive. Definitely a nice touch! Perhaps even a Finishing Touch, one might say:p! I'm so sorry. I just had to...

Moving on from Cloud, Corrin looks amazing! He seems to be filling a similar role to Roy in Melee, in the sense that both are essentially an advertisement for the unreleased game that they star in. Well, in Corrin's case, it's been released in Japan already, but you get the point. Anyhow, I love the way he looks! His Dragon Fang attacks are really neat-looking, and his sword is very distinctive, too. Once Corrin is released, I'll definitely mess around with him for a bit. I just love how original he seems to be! Also, I think it's important to realize why Fire Emblem has so many reps. It's not that Sakurai is biased or whatever, but simply that Fire Emblem got very lucky. Awakening was a brand-new, very popular game at the time that Smash 4's development started, which helped Robin get in and more than likely influenced Lucina's transformation from an alternate costume into a full-on clone, Roy was a popular veteran who was easy to implement as a semi-clone via DLC, and Fates is in a similar boat to Awakening in Japan and is simultaneously being hyped up for its international release next year, which influenced Corrin's inclusion. All of that, and then the mainstays of Marth and Ike. Fire Emblem just had everything going for it when it came time to choose veterans, newcomers, and DLC characters alike; it's as simple as that. I highly doubt Sakurai's purely theoretical "bias" influenced much of anything, at least, not to any measurable extent.

Now, to explain that "for the most part" in my opening paragraph... I know this is an unpopular opinion, but Bayonetta's inclusion was a huge slap in the face for me. As a huge Wonder-Red supporter, I'd always considered him a pipe-dream of sorts, and seeing another PlatinumGames character get included over him, particularly when Red is first-party and Bayonetta is third-party, stung really bad. I had always assumed that, if any PlatinumGames character was going to get into Smash at all, it would be Wonder-Red, based simply on the fact he's first-party and no other PG character is. In retrospect, though, that only set me up for disappointment. I should've been more open-minded. I think part of the reason I'm so distraught is because Wonder-Red's chances for Smash 4 are all but squashed now, and, unless The Wonderful 101 gets a sequel sometime over the course of the next few years, which is nearly impossible in and of itself, Red's odds of getting into Smash 5 will be next to none. It's just really disheartening, is all. Don't get me wrong, I love Bayonetta and her games, and I'm glad she's being included, especially since so many people wanted her, but I'd be lying if I said that her inclusion didn't bite me like a rattlesnake. She and her game just don't stand up to Wonder-Red and The Wonderful 101, in my opinion. I really want to enjoy Bayonetta on her own merit, rather than judging her relative to Wonder-Red, but I'm seriously struggling to do so. I'll definitely buy and use Bayonetta, perhaps extensively; I know that much. But, I'm finding it very difficult to really appreciate her inclusion right now. At any rate, Bayonetta does look she has a variety of unique and interesting tools at her disposal, especially Witch Time and Infernal Climax. She looks like a fun character to play as, I think. Her reveal trailer was very clever and charming, as well. Maybe I just need some time to recuperate...

Finally, those Mewtwo buffs look great! I'm really glad that Mr. 150 is finally getting some more tweaks, and I hope they'll be more impactful than his previous improvements. Maybe he'll even get some hitbox fixes! That would be a dream come true. Anyway, despite my currently negative feelings toward Bayonetta, the Direct was an overall phenomenal finale! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Can I just say, your avatar is adorable ~


I wish I looked this good with lipstick
Nov 2, 2014
I'd love Poke'floats. That was the best stage to annoy friends with.
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