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Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
I question how useful Shadow Ball's charge-up damage would be. Honestly, I think the backlash against its absence is a knee-jerk reaction. I mean, Shadow Ball is a projectile, so you're not going to use it up close, and that automatically limits the usefulness of charge-up damage. Furthermore, it wasn't very useful in Melee, and Aura Sphere's charge-up damage isn't utilized very often, is it? I think people just want it back because it was there before. Of course, charge-up damage being added to Shadow Ball couldn't hurt, so I'm not against its addition at all. I simply question how useful it would be, and I personally think there are several other areas that should be addressed before Sakurai considers adding charge-up damage to Shadow Ball.

As for how I would buff Mewtwo, I'd fix his hitboxes, increase his overall power somewhat, and maybe reduce the end-lag on Teleport. I think that, if these changes were done to Mewtwo, then we'd be golden.

Also, as Mewtwo's @ U-Throw U-Throw , I, too, am a little upset that Charizard's @ U-Throw U-Throw is more powerful than I am.
B reversal charge
Ledge guarding
Protecting you from roll-ins

Seems pretty useful to me. I got rocked by an incredible Lucario at locals that used Aura Sphere's charge to its fullest extent.

Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
It doesn't effect me personally, but I do think it's a complete betrayal of FE's spirit, heck the spirit of RPGs in general.


IMO it might as well be named anti-FE mode.
If it doesn't affect you personally I really don't see a problem with this. This is pretty much a way to open up to a broader audiences; after all, some people just want to enjoy a game without getting punished. The challenge and what makes the FE gameplay great is still there regardless of that.
The keyword that we need to use here is that it is optional. Think something similar to the golden tanooki suit in 3D world.
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Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
It doesn't effect me personally, but I do think it's a complete betrayal of FE's spirit, heck the spirit of RPGs in general.


IMO it might as well be named anti-FE mode.
I'm pretty sure that Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest broke the spirit of RPG's way before Phoenix Mode existed. That was an entire anti-FF game in its time. It was very easy, it broke traditional RPG mechanics, traditional habits such as grinding and several other things.

Difference being that while Mystic Quest was a failure because of its departure, Fates still has enough to entertain all skill levels and will still do well in spite of the things its being criticized for and it still gets less flak than Federation Force. If the entirety of Fates was Phoenix Mode, then I would support and defend the criticism it's getting, but if it's merely a side option you aren't forced to touch, then I don't see why the cries of RUINED FOREVER are swarming the Internet.

Granted I'm talking as a filthy casual fan who entered the series because of Awakening, so I can't claim to understand the thought process of the veteran fans, but isn't launching all these comments towards a non-mandatory, optional mode that can be ignored like its never there a bit much? You're a veteran, enjoy Classic Lunatic mode and pretend Phoenix Mode isn't there. Simple.

Wait this is the Internet. Logic doesn't apply in 99% of cases. Never mind. No offense to you.
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Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I'm pretty sure that Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest broke the spirit of RPG's way before Phoenix Mode existed. That was an entire anti-FF game in its time. It was very easy, it broke traditional RPG mechanics, traditional habits such as grinding and several other things.

Difference being that while Mystic Quest was a failure because of its departure, Fates still has enough to entertain all skill levels and will still do well in spite of the things its being criticized for and it still gets less flak than Federation Force. If the entirety of Fates was Phoenix Mode, then I would support and defend the criticism it's getting, but if it's merely a side option you aren't forced to touch, then I don't see why the cries of RUINED FOREVER are swarming the Internet.

Granted I'm talking as a filthy casual fan who entered the series because of Awakening, so I can't claim to understand the thought process of the veteran fans, but isn't launching all these comments towards a non-mandatory, optional mode that can be ignored like its never there a bit much? You're a veteran, enjoy Classic Lunatic mode and pretend Phoenix Mode isn't there. Simple.

Wait this is the Internet. Logic doesn't apply in 99% of cases. Never mind. No offense to you.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the game itself, even Awakening I think is a good game, and I have yet to play this one. What I'm hating on is the direction the series is taking.

It feels sorta like how Other M ruined Samus's character, but it was done by Nintendo themselves rather than a 3rd Party developer and was the best selling game in the series.

Of course, I could be completely wrong, this is a game I haven't played yet and the two biggest things that seem to be improved upon from Awakening, Story and Balance, are things that can only be experienced. But looking at this game right now, I don't see FE, heck I wouldn't have realized it was if the first trailer didn't tell us at the end, I see a shameless game that somehow includes a mode that lets you ignore the core game itself. "shrugs"


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the game itself, even Awakening I think is a good game, and I have yet to play this one. What I'm hating on is the direction the series is taking.

It feels sorta like how Other M ruined Samus's character, but it was done by Nintendo themselves rather than a 3rd Party developer and was the best selling game in the series.

Of course, I could be completely wrong, this is a game I haven't played yet and the two biggest things that seem to be improved upon from Awakening, Story and Balance, are things that can only be experienced. But looking at this game right now, I don't see FE, heck I wouldn't have realized it was if the first trailer didn't tell us at the end, I see a shameless game that somehow includes a mode that lets you ignore the core game itself. "shrugs"
I would see it as shameless if it went all San Andreas on you, which it isn't. The content shown is at best going to be questionable for the series. Yes, it's part dating sim now, but that's still not the core game. The core game is still there. Hell, like Phoenix Mode, you can flat out ignore supporting and marriage and all that(as it seems) as opposed to your one forced marriage in Awakening to advance the plot. The internet, as it is, will complain about the shamelessness anyway. People will still be miffed about everything they don't like as opposed to simply acknowledging it's there and ignoring it.

Hmm, the last two games in a series are taking some questionable decisions, not what people expected, the vast majority complaining?

At this point you could call Awakening a just as divided but positively received Other M and Fates a close, better seen brother to Federation Force.

Being a Metroid fan just blows right now.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Speaking of Fire Emblem, 2 things. I hear Capture from Thracia 776 returns in Fates and Shadow Dragon is going on Virtual Console. I know SD is pretty bad, but for a measly 10 bucks when I found out the Metroid Prime Trilogy is cheaper on the net, it's a bargain


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I would see it as shameless if it went all San Andreas on you, which it isn't. The content shown is at best going to be questionable for the series. Yes, it's part dating sim now, but that's still not the core game. The core game is still there. Hell, like Phoenix Mode, you can flat out ignore supporting and marriage and all that(as it seems) as opposed to your one forced marriage in Awakening to advance the plot. The internet, as it is, will complain about the shamelessness anyway. People will still be miffed about everything they don't like as opposed to simply acknowledging it's there and ignoring it.

Hmm, the last two games in a series are taking some questionable decisions, not what people expected, the vast majority complaining?

At this point you could call Awakening a just as divided but positively received Other M and Fates a close, better seen brother to Federation Force.
Not sure what you're saying on a couple points as there's a couple sentence fragments. Are you using mobile right now?

I'm sorry if it seems that I'm trying to objectivity my opinions. That said, I don't think telling people to ignore the parts of a game they don't like, at least when it's being used as the main marketing/publicity tool and is about half of the game/experience, is not adequate either.

The game hasn't even come out over here so who knows what it'll be like once we get it in our hands. This stuff doesn't bother me enough to deter me from picking it up, I'm too much of a fanboy not to/I know the strategy elements of FE's core gameplay will be good enough for a purchase, but I will not not say that this game looks to be a far cry from FE's heyday and that resorting to fanservice to sell a game doesn't bother the crap out of me.

Being a Metroid fan just blows right now.
Not as much as being a Mega Man fan right now.

It sucks that Classic Gaming franchises can't make it in this day and age. Something is going to give and it's not going to be pretty.


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
Not sure what you're saying on a couple points as there's a couple sentence fragments. Are you using mobile right now?
At the moment I was using mobile, yes.

iPads are slooooooooooow.

I'm sorry if it seems that I'm trying to objectivity my opinions. That said, I don't think telling people to ignore the parts of a game they don't like, at least when it's being used as the main marketing/publicity tool and is about half of the game/experience, is not adequate either.

The game hasn't even come out over here so who knows what it'll be like once we get it in our hands. This stuff doesn't bother me enough to deter me from picking it up, I'm too much of a fanboy not to/I know the strategy elements of FE's core gameplay will be good enough for a purchase, but I will not not say that this game looks to be a far cry from FE's heyday and that resorting to fanservice to sell a game doesn't bother the crap out of me.
Looking back, yes, I do seem a bit harsh and I apologize as well. It's just that opinions like that irk me, but it's the Internet and thus inevitable.

Not as much as being a Mega Man fan right now.
At least you're not getting a game that's being reviled before release and you're not among the more infamous represented series in Smash.



Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Hey, guys, I know this is a weird question, but does Teleport ride stages? Also, as a follow-up question, do you think Mewtwo's midair jump leaves him vulnerable?


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
At least you're not getting a game that's being reviled before release and you're not among the more infamous represented series in Smash.
Rockman xOver. :p

But anyway:


The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
A new interesting multiplayer Metroid that will take place during the Prime timeline, gets hated. It's literally Metroid from a new angle, Samus will still be shown, as well as Metroids, but you don't play as her. I think I'll support it, it's a new spin on Metroid. The people voting for it's cancellation, will probably dig Prime's grave, as Nintendo could look at it, and say "well, they must not like Metroid/Metroid Prime anymore."


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I don't see why anyone would BE pissed off about the game. I mean god-forbid a Metroid spin-off, but hell, pump out 40 Mario sports games and 2 Hyrule Warriors within two years and everyone is oh so happy.

This is coming from a hardcore Metroid fan too. Yes, I love the feeling of isolation. Yes, I love Samus. But the only spin off Metroid had ever gotten was pinball. Why is it such a crime to have a Metroid spin off???
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2014
Cerulean Cave
We've kissed! Just not like, you know...made out.
Look, I've had other lovers, but this scenario is new to my current one. And you know, I'd rather take it slow and steady....I mean, I want to keep this one. :nervous:
No one is judging. You take it however you want to take it.
The GF and I, uh "hooked up" three days after we met three years ago, and we're still going. *shrugs*


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Hey, guys, I know this is a weird question, but does Teleport ride stages? Also, as a follow-up question, do you think Mewtwo's midair jump leaves him vulnerable?
Teleport does not ride stages, in fact it's the opposite, it bounces off them assuring that you will die.

Mewtwo's 2nd jump is incredibly slow (compared to other chars) which does leave him vulnerable and does not allow him to use it to escape strings like most other chars can.

Also in response to your previous point, Mewtwo's recovery is kind of bad, not in terms of distance or speed but more in terms of safety. Mewtwo has an intangible recovery and a lengthy one but it also has a high count of "vulnerable" frames when snapping on so opponents can try and time your Teleport and hit you with a Down-Smash that hits below the edge (like all Little Macs try to do all the time).

Not only that but Teleport has a nasty habit of not snapping to the ledge for no reason which gives your opponent all the time in the world to hit you back offstage.

Mewtwo can recover from a really far away distance and Teleport does allow you to *reach* the edge unscathed (that is if you aren't hit out of it before, since the startup isn't exactly quick for a Teleport) but opponents who just dance around the edge itself (jumping out to bait your Teleport early or hit you if you don't Teleport in time) actually have a high chance hitting you for no reason other than Teleport was programmed to **** Mewtwo up.
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Deleted member

Teleport does not ride stages, in fact it's the opposite, it bounces off them assuring that you will die.

Mewtwo's 2nd jump is incredibly slow (compared to other chars) which does leave him vulnerable and does not allow him to use it to escape strings like most other chars can.

Also in response to your previous point, Mewtwo's recovery is kind of bad, not in terms of distance or speed but in terms of safety. Mewtwo has a quick recovery and a lengthy one but it also has a high count of "vulnerable" frames when snapping on so opponents can try and time your teleport and hit you with a Down-Smash that hits below the edge (like all Little Macs try to do all the time).

Not only that but teleport has a nasty habit of not snapping to the ledge for no reason which gives your opponent all the time in the world to hit you back offstage.

Mewtwo can recover from a really far away distance and Teleport does allow you to *reach* the edge unscathed but opponents who just dance around the edge itself actually have a high chance hitting you for no reason other than Teleport was programmed to **** Mewtwo up.
I think the reason it doesn't snap is that whenever a character uses an action, they don't grab the ledge, only when it's over can they do so, and that's to say that Teleport's aerial endlag is most likely viewed by the game as one of those actions, which is why you can snap onto the ledge perfectly while actually in the teleport animation (as it was programmed to allow this), but not during it's lag.

In other words: Teleport and Teleport's endlag are two different actions. Teleport will always snap onto the ledge, while Teleport's endlag will never snap onto the ledge.
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Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
Meta Knight can hit you out of teleport with jab.

His recovery move is so bad you have to space it.

Or recover high.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
I think the reason it doesn't snap is that whenever a character uses an action, they don't grab the ledge, only when it's over can they do so, and that's to say that Teleport's aerial endlag is most likely viewed by the game as one of those actions, which is why you can snap onto the ledge perfectly while actually in the teleport animation (as it was programmed to allow this), but not during it's lag.

In other words: Teleport and Teleport's endlag are two different actions. Teleport will always snap onto the ledge, while Teleport's endlag will never snap onto the ledge.
That's not what I mean. When I Teleport completely horizontal for example, depending on the stage, even when I am next to the ledge Mewtwo doesn't snap on it. It seems to happen at random, it might be stage dependent too. It also happens from below sometimes. I Teleport upwards and Mewtwo doesn't snap the edge and his head is sticking upwards with a big sign that says: "SMASH ME NOW".

It's not like it happens all the time, but just the fact that it happens is stupid. I am guessing it's probably range dependent too, but why would it be range dependent on horizontal distance. Literally programming as many weaknesses as they can to a move that's already slow, laggy, has no hitbox and is completely unreliable.

Meta Knight can hit you out of teleport with jab.

His recovery move is so bad you have to space it.

Or recover high.
Yep, this is because his vulnerable frames are ridiculously high. Higher than almost any other char I think. Basically the best strat against Mewtwo is to stand at ledge and wait for the Teleport and hit him back.

Mewtwo was literally programmed to suck.
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