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Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Mewtwo was literally programmed to suck.
Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

Anyway, keep in mind that Mewtwo's Teleport can only sweetspot the ledge once. You have to land on a solid surface in order to be able to sweetspot the ledge again. I think that might be your problem. Alternatively, if you're playing on Boxing Ring, then the problem lies in the stage, not Mewtwo. Apparently, something about the way Boxing Ring's ledges are slanted makes Mewtwo bounce off of them if you use Teleport against the ledge at a particular angle. I can usually avoid that problem by Teleporting diagonally against the ledge, though. That might help you out some, too.

Also, while Mewtwo's midair jump is slow, you can cancel it with an airdodge or an aerial and still retain the momentum gained from the jump. I might be missing something, but I don't really see how that leaves you vulnerable. I'd also like to point out that Mewtwo's recovery options are pretty wide, since all 4 of his Specials aid in recovery, but only Teleport leaves him helpless. Never forget that Mewtwo has a wall jump, either. The only reason I bring this up is because recovery options impact vulnerability, right? I mean, if you've got a diverse range of options like Mewtwo does, then your opponent has to predict what you'll do. I imagine that would impact vulnerability during recovery, but I could be wrong on that.

You can avoid Teleport's ending lag by sweetspotting the ledge, so I don't really see how that's a problem, but, once again, I may be missing something. Anyway, while Mewtwo is certainly vulnerable during his recovery, I don't think he's quite as vulnerable as you seem to think. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Meta Knight can hit you out of teleport with jab.

His recovery move is so bad you have to space it.

Or recover high.
This can only happen at the beginning and the end of the move, though. Mewtwo is invulnerable during the middle of Teleport, right? Since Meta Knight obviously can't hit you with his jab offstage, you can't get hit during Teleport's startup lag, and since you can sweetspot the ledge, you can't get hit during the ending lag. I can see this being a problem onstage, but I shouldn't think it would be a problem when recovering.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Well, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine.

Anyway, keep in mind that Mewtwo's Teleport can only sweetspot the ledge once. You have to land on a solid surface in order to be able to sweetspot the ledge again. I think that might be your problem. Alternatively, if you're playing on Boxing Ring, then the problem lies in the stage, not Mewtwo. Apparently, something about the way Boxing Ring's ledges are slanted makes Mewtwo bounce off of them if you use Teleport against the ledge at a particular angle. I can usually avoid that problem by Teleporting diagonally against the ledge, though. That might help you out some, too.

Also, while Mewtwo's midair jump is slow, you can cancel it with an airdodge or an aerial and still retain the momentum gained from the jump. I might be missing something, but I don't really see how that leaves you vulnerable. I'd also like to point out that Mewtwo's recovery options are pretty wide, since all 4 of his Specials aid in recovery, but only Teleport leaves him helpless. Never forget that Mewtwo has a wall jump, either. The only reason I bring this up is because recovery options impact vulnerability, right? I mean, if you've got a diverse range of options like Mewtwo does, then your opponent has to predict what you'll do. I imagine that would impact vulnerability during recovery, but I could be wrong on that.

You can avoid Teleport's ending lag by sweetspotting the ledge, so I don't really see how that's a problem, but, once again, I may be missing something. Anyway, while Mewtwo is certainly vulnerable during his recovery, I don't think he's quite as vulnerable as you seem to think. Just my thoughts on the matter.

This can only happen at the beginning and the end of the move, though. Mewtwo is invulnerable during the middle of Teleport, right? Since Meta Knight obviously can't hit you with his jab offstage, you can't get hit during Teleport's startup lag, and since you can sweetspot the ledge, you can't get hit during the ending lag. I can see this being a problem onstage, but I shouldn't think it would be a problem when recovering.

Mewtwo's teleport can sweetspot more than once. Go into practice and try it.

Boxing ring has that problem because the ledge is slanted (even though it doesn't show it) and Mewtwo cannot ride slanted edges. It's literally the answer to your question. When there's a slanted edge Mewtwo bounces off of it, he doesn't ride it. Thus Boxing Ring is a sucky stage for us.

Mewtwo's mid air jump is slow and takes him down a bit, the vulnerable part isn't about whether you can act out of it or not it's that you cannot reliably escape combos with it. Say a Falcon is U-Air chaining you with platforms. Most characters can use their second jump to escape it if the opponent leaves a few frames in between, this normally allows said person to then fast fall drop into the stage to escape said pressure.

Mewtwo on the other hand normally cannot escape the combo with his second jump. It will be used but Falcon will still hit you. And even if the Falcon severely screws up the combo and you're able to double jump away it takes so long for the jump to reach it's apex that Falcon is already our of lag and ready to intercept your fall. This is why it's considered "vulnerable".

When you sweetspot the ledge there are certain frames in your Up-B recovery that you can be hit. This seems to be a global mechanic for Smash 4. Mewtwo has a lot of these frames (I have NO idea what the number is, but just to make an example let's say its 3-4 frames). This means that if an opponent times an attack to hit below the edge during those vulnerable frames, it will hit you. Mewtwo also has the added weakness of being huge, so attacks that need "accurate" spacing to hit are much easier to hit on Mewtwo.

When MagiusNecros was talking about MK jab he was referring to this. MK can just stand at the edge and jab when Mewtwo appears from his Teleport as he's sweetspotting the ledge.
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Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
MK's jab will hit under the ledge as well.

Mewtwo has vulnerability during the purple effect animation. Part of which is during the teleport. The move is legit bad in that situation.

You have to recover high.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Mewtwo's teleport can sweetspot more than once. Go into practice and try it.

Boxing ring has that problem because the ledge is slanted (even though it doesn't show it) and Mewtwo cannot ride slanted edges. It's literally the answer to your question. When there's a slanted edge Mewtwo bounces off of it, he doesn't ride it. Thus Boxing Ring is a sucky stage for us.

Mewtwo's mid air jump is slow and takes him down a bit, the vulnerable part isn't about whether you can act out of it or not it's that you cannot reliably escape combos with it. Say a Falcon is U-Air chaining you with platforms. Most characters can use their second jump to escape it if the opponent leaves a few frames in between, this normally allows said person to then fast fall drop into the stage to escape said pressure.

Mewtwo on the other hand normally cannot escape the combo with his second jump. It will be used but Falcon will still hit you. And even if the Falcon severely screws up the combo and you're able to double jump away it takes to long for the jump to reach it's apex that Falcon is already our of lag and ready to intercept your fall. This is why it's considered "vulnerable".

When you sweetspot the ledge there are certain frames in your Up-B recovery that you can be hit. This seems to be a global mechanic for Smash 4. Mewtwo has a lot of these frames (I have NO idea what the number is, but just to make an example let's say its 3-4 frames). This means that if an opponent times an attack to hit below the edge during those vulnerable frames, it will hit you. Mewtwo also has the added weakness of being huge, so attacks that need "accurate" spacing to hit are much easier to hit on Mewtwo.

When MagiusNecros was talking about MK jab he was referring to this. MK can just stand at the edge and jab when Mewtwo appears from his Teleport as he's sweetspotting the ledge.
Ah, OK. This clears a lot of things up. Thank you so much! I'm just curious, but his midair jump being unable to escape combos wouldn't affect his recovery, would it? I know that it's definitely a problem when you're getting combo'd, but is it really a problem during recovery? I'm legitimately curious. Also, do Mewtwo's varied recovery options help his case at all? You don't seem to have addressed that, and I want to know if that's true. I hope don't seem pushy, and I'm really sorry if I do. I'm just trying to improve my Mewtwo. Other than those two things, this all makes sense to me. Once again, thanks so much!

Oh, and @ MagiusNecros MagiusNecros , thanks for the tip! I'll remember to recover high next time somebody gives me problems offstage!
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Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
Ah, OK. This clears a lot of things up. Thank you so much! I'm just curious, but his midair jump being unable to escape combos wouldn't affect his recovery, would it? I know that it's definitely a problem when you're getting combo'd, but is it really a problem during recovery? I'm legitimately curious. Also, do Mewtwo's varied recovery options help his case at all? You don't seem to have addressed that, and I want to know if that's true. I hope don't seem pushy, and I'm really sorry if I do. I'm just trying to improve my Mewtwo. Other than those two things, this all makes sense to me. Once again, thanks so much!

Oh, and @ MagiusNecros MagiusNecros , thanks for the tip! I'll remember to recover high next time somebody gives me problems offstage!

His jump is both good and bad in terms of recovery.

It having such a huge length is awesome because you can mix up how and when you will recover a lot. You can evade opponent's and still make it back with ease. You can even turn around a situation where your opponent is edgeguarding you into you edgeguarding him just because of how long his second jump is (and the fact that you can cancel it).

It is also bad at times though because you cannot recover near the edge. Mewtwo will not grab the edge unless you're in the ending frames of the second jump which allows the opponent to know that you NEED to recover from far away and can't get close.

The speed is both good and bad.

It allows you to create bad situations for your opponent because you can go really low or just stall in the air while he needs to go back to the stage because he cannot stall as much as you can, etc, etc.

It's also bad because being slow means your opponent can react to it with more ease.

So it allows you to trick and avoid opponents easier but it allows your opponent more time to react.

Having more options and more mix ups is always a good thing. But in all honesty most of Mewtwo's options are slow and telegraphed. He has a lot of options and mixups but they are all fairly easy to identify and intercept. Still, his recovery isn't horrible, it's just subpar if your opponent understands that he can hit you out of Teleport. If your opponent does not know this you're in for free ledges all game long (as long as you make sure to sweetspot).
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Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
Gimmick with mewtwo is throwing out aerials that use the momentum of your second jump.

But personally I think Charizard is better then Mewtwo. IMO.
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Deleted member

...That's him.

You see, the name "Grahamalam" is the name of the Mii. GKB21101 is the NNID. It's the Mii name that's shown in Smash 4, not the ID.

Deleted member

Sorry for the delay.

You see, I have a baby disk... She's already a few months old and she still doesn't know how to play... Maybe this says something about my "parenting" skills.

Also, for the rules, how about 3 stocks 7 minutes?
I hate the 3 stock 8 minute ruleset, it's not proper.

When I try to join, remember that I am Hammy.
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Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Sorry for the delay.

You see, I have a baby disk... She's already a few months old and she still doesn't know how to play... Maybe this says something about my "parenting" skills.

Also, for the rules, how about 3 stocks 7 minutes?
I hate the 3 stock 8 minute ruleset, it's not proper.

When I try to join, remember that I am Hammy.
lol, that butt player I was was playing with while I waited declined you.
What a butt.
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Deleted member

Srry 4 teh confusion, I be on now.
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Deleted member

No customs!!! Whenever I load a custom fighter I get banned for irregular data!!!


Dec 19, 2002
Sorry for the delay.

You see, I have a baby disk... She's already a few months old and she still doesn't know how to play... Maybe this says something about my "parenting" skills.

Also, for the rules, how about 3 stocks 7 minutes?
I hate the 3 stock 8 minute ruleset, it's not proper.

When I try to join, remember that I am Hammy.
What's a baby disk?


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
Hey @ U-Throw U-Throw did you know you're in this video?
Oh, cool! I actually remember that match. God, I look like an idiot, rolling around and tossing Shadow Ball in the wrong direction:facepalm:. Roy players make me nervous... Oh, well, at least now I have something I can watch to try and improve.
I'm pretty sure that's some guy with the tag U-Throw because his NNID is GKB21101 and the one shown is some guy called Grahamalam.

Unless that's the joke and I'm dumb.
My NNID is my initials and birthdate, and my Mii's name is a nickname I had as a kid from when I was about 2 to when I was about 10. It's childish and silly, I know, but I remember those times fondly. I really do need to update my Mii's hairstyle, though. I've been letting my hair grow out recently.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2014
Cerulean Cave
Oh, cool! I actually remember that match. God, I look like an idiot, rolling around and tossing Shadow Ball in the wrong direction:facepalm:. Roy players make me nervous... Oh, well, at least now I have something I can watch to try and improve.

My NNID is my initials and birthdate, and my Mii's name is a nickname I had as a kid from when I was about 2 to when I was about 10. It's childish and silly, I know, but I remember those times fondly. I really do need to update my Mii's hairstyle, though. I've been letting my hair grow out recently.
Every Mewtwo chucks a Shadow Ball the wrong way at some point, lol.
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