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[SPOILER ALERT] - The Sevens Squares. - A Square-Enix general support threads.

Who do you think is the most likely possible Square-Enix Newcomer? (Two Choices possibles)

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Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2012
Hmm, I can't speak for this community since I only started speculating on Smash in English this year, but at least in my country's Nintendo forums, Castlevania had always been one of the most talked titles, like, up there with Megaman and Street Fighter, for a Smash character.
I just remember Bomberman being talked about a lot more than Castlevania here and on reddit mainly(he also scored higher on polls).

Simon had a lot more chatter about him, actually. Being a worldwide icon. He was mostly dismissed because either A) They didn't think Konami would be coming back or B) They didn't think we'd get another Konami rep after Snake at the time. This way before Ryu was datamined/shown off. So a different situation.

He got a far bigger burst thanks to Verge, but it was mostly small even then. Castlevania being huge again thanks to the anime also ignited some of it. It was most because the franchise slowly got more relevant again than leaks. I'd say leaks wasn't a big player in this, at least not on SB where Simon was still largely talked about. Verge still helped, respectively. There was only one user I saw call him a guarantee, though he's no longer on the forums anymore.

I wouldn't say he'd be much of a marketing tactic compared to Luminary. The lack of worldwide appeal means his iconic status is far more important than what people sometimes call "shill" picks.
We can’t say what Simon’s presence would have been like without Verge for certain. I do feel like it would have been a lot smaller without Vergeben. Probably not to the point DQ was though.

If you’re trying to push the franchise as a whole, then maybe going with the most popular hero would be a good idea. You could argue Slime would work better.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
We can’t say what Simon’s presence would have been like without Verge for certain. I do feel like it would have been a lot smaller without Vergeben. Probably not to the point DQ was though.
You mean Casltevania would've been talked more than DQ or the opposite?

If you’re trying to push the franchise as a whole, then maybe going with the most popular hero would be a good idea. You could argue Slime would work better.
I'm thinking Luminary is the most popular hero due to the worldwide factor, but that's kind of hard to say. He might be more recognizable than Edrick worldwide, but Erdrick has an immense popularity in Japan too.

Slime does work well on its own for popularity and recognition, of course. Helps that it's the series' mascot. Or basically Dragon Quest's Pikachu, just with a twist of having "a crapload of forms" instead of "how many Pikaclones can we get?". But that's more due to how the series works. You could show a similar with Agumon, who actually is like a mix of both(the actual Agumon variants are technically forms, but also clones too in many ways, and he also has a lot of clones in the series via the same role, like Veemon and Guilmon).


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Generally speaking though, people under NDA don't usually say "no" either. They say that they can't talk about that, that they have nothing to say about that subject, that they don't have anything to announce at this time, etc.
They say no, far more times than what you think


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Pretty sure this statement applies to Ed Boon the most. That guy really knows how to troll fans lol.
That dude is a living troll. I mean, he even went along with this whole Shaggy for Mortal Kombat ride for a while.

Also.... anyone knows any times on trying to sleep? I´ve been trying to go to sleep for 5 hours, and nothing. Granted, I usually have a hard time sleeping because of nightmares but it's getting even more ridiculous now. -_-


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I'm thinking Luminary is the most popular hero due to the worldwide factor, but that's kind of hard to say. He might be more recognizable than Edrick worldwide, but Erdrick has an immense popularity in Japan too.
I could see Luminary due to the the promotional factor. But if they were to pick a globally-popular DQ Hero, I would imagine they’d pick Eight because DQVIII was the first DQ title to get a serious boost in publicity in the West, not to mention it was the first game to be released in Europe.

He, Luminary, and Erdrick are all characters I could see be potentially picked as the main DQ rep.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I could see Luminary due to the the promotional factor. But if they were to pick a globally-popular DQ Hero, I would imagine they’d pick Eight because DQVIII was the first DQ title to get a serious boost in publicity in the West, not to mention it was the first game to be released in Europe.

He, Luminary, and Erdrick are all characters I could see be potentially picked as the main DQ rep.
Slime is definitely there too. Keep in mind that among the Square Seven, Eight wasn't there, yet Slime is. I mean, he's the series mascot and generally the logo. Should easily be considered a contender(though I completely understand some feeling he's not the best choice, and that's fair).

Eight could work well, too, yeah.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
Popularity plays a factor but it's not the only sole deciding factor when picking a character. In Erdrick's case he already is popular within the DQ fandom and is arguably the most iconic hero, so much so that he's been the face of many DQ parodies/references. That is why characters like Luminary and Eight won't get in before him, he beats them both in terms of iconic status. The only other Dragon Quest character that can rival Erdrick in iconic status and popularity is Slime, but that's a whole different thing what with him being a monster and a mascot.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
That dude is a living troll. I mean, he even went along with this whole Shaggy for Mortal Kombat ride for a while.

Also.... anyone knows any times on trying to sleep? I´ve been trying to go to sleep for 5 hours, and nothing. Granted, I usually have a hard time sleeping because of nightmares but it's getting even more ridiculous now. -_-
Try taking Melatonin and Magnesium. There’s some stuff they sell at Target by the brand Olly. They sell extra strength Melatonin gummie and Stress relief gummies. They really help do the trick in helping you fall asleep quickly and get rid of stress.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I think anyone should be able to agree that Erdrick is NOT confirmed. Even if a leaker had 100% success it still wouldnt be that, because anything can happen when relaying information. Heck even the companies involved could suddenly do a 180 on something, or anything.

We can mostly only talk about chances, and it could always end up totally different.. but we can only go with what we know. From what makes most sense.
And as far as Verge does, he's had the most success of any leaker ive seen. It seems weird to me to expect him to get everything right. That's just not the nature of the leak game... of getting intell. Not to mention he makes assumptions sometimes that his main sources havent said. His good sources themselves have been very good, despite him. We still can't and shouldn't trust leakers 100%, but it's still a lot of weight in erdrick's favor.

As for arguments about the west,.. I find them pretty old at this point, and I dont think anyone should be using them to say that a character wont make it in dlc. I've already made points all around this and they were practically ignored, so i honestly dont know what more to say besides.. please drop it, please, lol. It could maybe be a point against the chances, but it could also be a point in favor (for promotion, etc), and no amount of back and forth is going to be the same way that Nintendo & SE actually think.

Erdrick as a chance. and so do other characters.
-and that's pretty much my stance
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Speaking of DQ and Nintendo. What do you all think is the chances of another Boom/Fortune street?

Deleted member

Speaking of DQ and Nintendo. What do you all think is the chances of another Boom/Fortune street?
Likely, there was a DQxFF one 2 years ago

I could imagine another one in one or two years, DQ creators have good relations with Nintendo so they could make a new one with characters from Mario or Zelda in the future.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Speaking of DQ and Nintendo. What do you all think is the chances of another Boom/Fortune street?
I’ll be honest. That’s the DQ spinoff I care least about. I’m not that into board games like monopoly. Obviously the major pull here is the crossover factor with FF or Mario.

But Fortune Street is a very reoccurring spinoff. So, no doubt about it. More will come. Would be entertaining to have DQ x FF x Mario x Zelda Fortune Street. I’d buy that.

I wish there was something like a Dyssidia-like game where characters from FF, DQ and other Square Enix properties duke it out.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I’ll be honest. That’s the DQ spinoff I care least about. I’m not that into board games like monopoly. Obviously the major pull here is the crossover factor with FF or Mario.

But Fortune Street is a very reoccurring spinoff. So, no doubt about it. More will come. Would be entertaining to have DQ x FF x Mario x Zelda Fortune Street. I’d buy that.

I wish there was something like a Dyssidia-like game where characters from FF, DQ and other Square Enix properties duke it out.
I may not be a super big fan of monopoly, but I'd definitely play the DQxFF game if it were english. I'd probably enjoy it quite a bit too.
Being able have more crossover action games is always a dream too, of course ;p


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Question to all you DQ fans. Teeb147 Teeb147 NomadLuminary NomadLuminary Calane Calane shinhed-echi shinhed-echi If Erdrick/Luminary/Slime is announced and Square continues to only give 2-3 music pieces. What three music tracks will they use for Dragon Quest and why?
Ooh, for Erdrick they might go for
(DQ3 battle suite)

Luminary would bring:
(DQ11 battle theme)

Slime could bring something else:
(Dragon Quest Monsters battle theme)

Although I would love to have the main theme as well. That’s just iconic.

Teeb147 Teeb147 ]Now that you mention it... I could see myself playing just that on my Switch right before calling it a day.

If anything, for the interactions between the likes of Kefka and Dhoulmagus.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
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Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
Question to all you DQ fans. Teeb147 Teeb147 NomadLuminary NomadLuminary Calane Calane shinhed-echi shinhed-echi If Erdrick/Luminary/Slime is announced and Square continues to only give 2-3 music pieces. What three music tracks will they use for Dragon Quest and why?
In my opinion:

Overture/Roto: This is the the DQ theme, not having it there is like having Super Mario Bros without the jingle.

War Cry: This is from DQ8 (I know) but it's the battle theme the west knows of the most

Echoes of an elusive age: This is the melody of the entire DQ franchise in a way. It includes Into the Legend which is synonymous with DQ3 and is the credit song for DQ11

Of course I'm hoping we get more then 3.
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Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
In my opinion:

Overture/Roto: This is the the DQ theme, not having it there is like having Super Mario Bros without the jingle.

War Cry: This is from DQ8 (I know) but it's the battle theme the west knows of the most

Echoes of an elusive age: This is the melody of the entire DQ franchise in a way. It includes Into the Legend which is synonymous with DQ3 and is the credit song for DQ11

Of course I'm hoping we get more then 3.
I’m not sure why, but the Dragon Quest overture reminds me a lot like the song Pazu plays in the Castle in the Sky by Studio Ghibli. Maybe it’s just me though



Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I’m not sure why, but the Dragon Quest overture reminds me a lot like the song Pazu plays in the Castle in the Sky by Studio Ghibli. Maybe it’s just me though

Haha it does actually. A studio Ghibli Dragon Quest exclusive movie would be really cool, ngl.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
Haha it does actually. A studio Ghibli Dragon Quest exclusive movie would be really cool, ngl.
I’d be down for that, I love Ghibli movies so seeing a crossover like that sounds amazing. There’s even a rumor that Breath of the Wild was heavily inspired by Ghibli art style and themes.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Haha it does actually. A studio Ghibli Dragon Quest exclusive movie would be really cool, ngl.
Which reminds me of those fanposters someone did for "IF Ghibli did a Zelda movie"... It's a shame that Ghibli isn´t doing the best financially.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Ooh, for Erdrick they might go for
(DQ3 battle suite)

Luminary would bring:
(DQ11 battle theme)

Slime could bring something else
(Dragon Quest Monsters battle theme)

Teeb147 Teeb147 ]Now that you mention it... I could see myself playing just that on my Switch right before calling it a day.

If anything, for the interactions between the likes of Kefka and Dhoulmagus.

I do think there might be some cool music in DQ11 i havent heard yet. the second one isn't bad.
You posted the same link twice (the last two) btw.

I’m not sure why, but the Dragon Quest overture reminds me a lot like the song Pazu plays in the Castle in the Sky by Studio Ghibli. Maybe it’s just me though

If you made that more symphonic then yeah it does have some similar vibes.
A lot of classical inspiration in them too. Which may be a reason i dont listen to dq music very often, I already like classical and i think there's a lot of good stuff out there.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
Question to all you DQ fans. Teeb147 Teeb147 NomadLuminary NomadLuminary Calane Calane shinhed-echi shinhed-echi If Erdrick/Luminary/Slime is announced and Square continues to only give 2-3 music pieces. What three music tracks will they use for Dragon Quest and why?

For Erdrick, probably Overture, Fighting Spirit, and Adventure. (They'd probably want to stick with DQ3 music, so I just picked the three most obvious tracks in my mind.)

I'm sure this wouldn't be the case if they went for the Luminary or Slime, though.

Personally, I think DQ would get more than just 2-3 music tracks.

Edit: Lol, I had the same guesses as perfectchaos83 perfectchaos83 . I take too darn long to finish my posts!
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Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I’d be down for that, I love Ghibli movies so seeing a crossover like that sounds amazing. There’s even a rumor that Breath of the Wild was heavily inspired by Ghibli art style and themes.
If we do get a DQ movie, I would hope it's either original or an adaptation of DQ3/11


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
When it comes to DQ reps, honestly, am I the only one who thinks everyone is REALLY sleeping on Luminary? I think his chances are incredibly high.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
Overture, DQ3 Battle theme and the DQ3 Overworld theme.


For Erdrick, probably Overture, Fighting Spirit, and Adventure. (They'd probably want to stick with DQ3 music, so I just picked the three most obvious tracks in my mind.)

I'm sure this wouldn't be the case if they went for the Luminary or Slime, though.

Personally, I think DQ would get more than just 2-3 music tracks.

Edit: Lol, I had the same guesses as perfectchaos83 perfectchaos83 . I take too darn long to finish my posts!

Would you be opposed to a combination of music in one song? I found this video and I think if it has a more symphonic tone to it, it would be really cool.

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Ayumi Tachibana

Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2018
Whether it's Erdrick or Luminary or Slime, representing Dragon Quest in smash alone makes it a Japanese dedicated pick and will get backlash anyway so why it's a big problem to choose the one hardcore fans love which are mostly from Japan. I wonder buttering up a little can really redeem something so blasphemous.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
When it comes to DQ reps, honestly, am I the only one who thinks everyone is REALLY sleeping on Luminary? I think his chances are incredibly high.
I'd think so too if it weren't for Tansut saying that the supposed DQ character has male and female versions like Robin & Corrin. The Luminary doesn't have a female version, so he doesn't quite fit Tansut's information.

That's why I see him as less likely than Erdrick, but I would honestly be happy with either.

Would you be opposed to a combination of music in one song? I found this video and I think if it has a more symphonic tone to it, it would be really cool.

Wow, I didn't think about that. A medley of sorts could definitely work.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Would you be opposed to a combination of music in one song? I found this video and I think if it has a more symphonic tone to it, it would be really cool.

Medley's are fine. The rendition of the Battle theme Calane Calane posted was a medley itself
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Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
That didn't work with Pokemon having anime references, and it doesn't work here either. A keychain isn't going to prevent him from being in. It's just the likeness of one character(and specifically the game version of one character, which Pokemon even outdoes, as it has an anime only character variant as a Final Smash now. It's arguable if Ash-Greninja showed up because it finally had a game appearance or not, but it still is an anime-specific thing created to make Greninja unique in itself. In addition, it's not the first time Ash is mentioned within Smash itself, and it probably won't be the last. You can even argue Ash-Greninja is a variant of a Mega, though it's more of a Form Change. However, there's no arguing Ash is a purely anime character as is. That's a hard anime reference no matter which way you go about it). The keychain is literally no different from the Pokemon anime stuff. It's slightly related to the non-games, but still tied to the games in their own way. Ash is pretty much the anime version of Red, after all. The only thing the keychain has as an issue is licensing the likeness of Mickey Mouse for a cameo of sorts. That's not nearly a problem that Sakurai would have outside of costing too much money. He has no literal reason to care about that.
The Pokemon series has always been a video game franchise first, and the anime is a spinoff.
Kingdom Hearts is completely different, because the entire series is a spinoff of the Mickey Mouse franchise, which is not primarily a video game series.

Being the "biggest" franchise isn't a key factor. Erdrick's nowhere near the level you're making it. The only thing he has going for him of any strength is two leakers, but both have issues. Verge has no DLC right and missed some of the base roster(among he leaked, we got no SE character or Minecraft content. He backpedaled on this). The datamine is too iffy and an educated guess instead.
Here's the thing about leakers: they always get SOME things wrong. But once they've proved credibility, as Vergeben has, you must operate on the assumption that getting things wrong is the more unlikely option, though possible. Leaks aren't like Nintendo Directs where everything is all nice and laid out. It operates all on hearsay, investigation, and confirmation.
Compare Vergeben's Erdrick leaks to his Incineroar leak. It wasn't "Incineroar is in" from the beginning. It was, "A Gen 7 Pokemon that isn't Decidueye, Mimikyu, or Lycanroc."
The Erdrick discussion has been eeriely similar. Why would a credible leaker risk his reputation like that?
So, realistically, the chance that Erdrick ISN'T in is the longshot, because we do get outdated information from time to time (Gematsu Leak for Smash 4) and occasional leak bait.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I'd think so too if it weren't for Tansut saying that the supposed DQ character has male and female versions like Robin & Corrin. The Luminary doesn't have a female version, so he doesn't quite fit Tansut's information.

And how people act like Tansut is someone like Ryce or King Zell is beyond me considering he has only broken one thing in 3 years. It's one thing believing Vergeben considering his track record, but Tansut... I certainly don´t get. His supposed source from Smash 4 could easily just be a fluke or maybe not even work for Square anymore.

Here's the thing about leakers: they always get SOME things wrong. But once they've proved credibility, as Vergeben has, you must operate on the assumption that getting things wrong is the more unlikely option, though possible. Leaks aren't like Nintendo Directs where everything is all nice and laid out. It operates all on hearsay, investigation, and confirmation.
Compare Vergeben's Erdrick leaks to his Incineroar leak. It wasn't "Incineroar is in" from the beginning. It was, "A Gen 7 Pokemon that isn't Decidueye, Mimikyu, or Lycanroc."
The Erdrick discussion has been eeriely similar. Why would a credible leaker risk his reputation like that?
So, realistically, the chance that Erdrick ISN'T in is the longshot, because we do get outdated information from time to time (Gematsu Leak for Smash 4) and occasional leak bait.
The thing we have to keep in mind though. The supposed Square Enix character has been rumored for a year. He had also said that Minecraft content, as well as the Square Enix character, was going to be in the base game(and as we now know, neither happen). Then later came Joker when people said it was going to be the Square rep and it was a character that no leaker had heard of.

I think it's safe to say that DLC seems to be an entirely different ground that the base game. There could be no Square Enix character as far as we know. I mean, Star Fox racing game is confirmed to be a leak bait for that Star Link DLC... So Nintendo sure knows how to leak bait for an IP that another company is involved is.
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Rumble Red

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2018
When it comes to DQ reps, honestly, am I the only one who thinks everyone is REALLY sleeping on Luminary? I think his chances are incredibly high.
It's definitely possible, but I think Erdrick works better for a few reasons. As an older character, he sells that DQ is a series with a long legacy that's "earned" its place, rather than looking more like a promotional pick, and he's referenced all across the series as opposed to only appearing in the most recent entry, so I think in the long term he'd be a wiser choice.

If Erdrick/Luminary/Slime is announced and Square continues to only give 2-3 music pieces. What three music tracks will they use for Dragon Quest and why?
I threw together a music post a while ago, assuming DQ got the same deal as Persona. Not that that's likely, but 2-3 songs doesn't allow for much discussion.
Song titles are highly variable. Ones marked with an asterisk could use a remix.

Overture [DQI]

Well, duh. Maybe the single most used song in video games. Most games have a slightly different variation on this one; I like DQXI's the best, but I could see them using DQIII's because... y'know, Erdrick. That version of the overture is actually titled "Roto" in DQIII's soundtrack as opposed to the usual "Overture (number)", so I guess you could consider it Erdrick's personal theme in addition to being the main theme of the series.

Unknown World* [DQI]

The first game's overworld theme, it also shows up in DQII and DQIII when you visit Alefgard, at least from the SFC versions onward. If Erdrick's stage is set anywhere in Alefgard this is a must-have, but it's not exactly a fast-paced battle tune, so a remix is probably necessary.

Traveling With Friends [DQII]

AKA "Traveling With Two Coffins", DQII's overworld theme once you've got the whole party together. It also plays when you complete a mission in the Heroes games, and honestly that's what I associate it with most. It captures the fun and upbeat spirit of Dragon Quest really well.

Fighting Spirit* [DQIII]

DQIII's battle theme. It's pretty good on its own, but since it's Erdrick's own fightin' music a remix would be appropriate.

Adventure [DQIII]

Yet another overworld theme, this one's a rousing march. Definitely my favourite overworld theme of that type. It's also used at a certain point in DQXI, so it's relevant, for whatever that's worth.

Hero's Challenge [DQIII]

DQIII's final boss theme, one of the best ones in the series. It's great, it plays when Erdrick takes on his ultimate foe, and it's got some of the overture in there. Some other game might also use this song prominently, like for the ultimate final boss or something, but that's a big secret.

Battle for the Glory [DQIV]

DQIV isn't connected to DQIII or Erdrick at all, but I can't imagine it not sticking its toe in somehow. It gets overlooked a lot over here, but it's hard to overstate what a big deal DQIV is in Japan. This is DQIV's normal battle theme, which has also appears in DQX and DQXI. DQXI plays it when you fight in an arena, as a reference to Alena's chapter in DQIV. That definitely works for Smash.

Great Battle in the Vast Sky [DQVIII]

An intense variation on Heavenly Flight, the song that plays when you ride Ramia in DQIII. DQVIII uses it as its final boss theme, where... hey, guess who gives you a ride? Heavenly Flight is too sedate for Smash, but this version would fit in fine while also repping DQVIII. Two godbirds with one soulstone, ahem.

Unflinchable Courage [DQXI]

The battle theme from the most recent/upcoming game in the series. Hear it in Smash, then fire up DQXI S and hear it in its natural habitat within five minutes. Easy.

Light Through the Leaves of Love* [DQXI]

Yggdrasil's theme and the all-purpose love theme from DQXI, it plays during a lot of the game's more emotional scenes. OK, this one might be a stretch, but I think it could be arranged into something really epic, maybe with some haunting vocals goin' on. It does technically have lyrics, since it's an in-universe song written by the ancient sage Serenica. It's only six lines and I don't think they actually fit the music at all, but it's a start.

Battle of the Monsters [DQM]

The battle theme from every game in the Monsters subseries, which is pretty ridiculous, but it's a good, goofy song. It'll absolutely be in the next Monsters game, which we might even get this time.


Runners-up from the Even More Never Gonna Happen pile include anything from Rocket Slime, Blessing of Anlucia from DQX, a DQVI Medley, an Intermezzo Medley, Go For Broke from Swords, and a deliberately annoying vocal version of Stella's Theme from DQIX. I especially want that last one.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
It's definitely possible, but I think Erdrick works better for a few reasons. As an older character, he sells that DQ is a series with a long legacy that's "earned" its place, rather than looking more like a promotional pick, and he's referenced all across the series as opposed to only appearing in the most recent entry, so I think in the long term he'd be a wiser choice.

I threw together a music post a while ago, assuming DQ got the same deal as Persona. Not that that's likely, but 2-3 songs doesn't allow for much discussion.
I understand friend, I only said 2-3 as that’s the most music Square has ever given in a cross promotion. It’s not impossible that they’ll give more only that it’s unlikely, which is unfortunate as they have so many beautiful pieces of music.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
And how people act like Tansut is someone like Ryce or King Zell is beyond me considering he has only broken one thing in 3 years. It's one thing believing Vergeben considering his track record, but Tansut... I certainly don´t get. His supposed source from Smash 4 could easily just be a fluke or maybe not even work for Square anymore.
I currently have no real reason to mistrust him yet, so I just take his word into account.
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Ayumi Tachibana

Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2018
When it comes to DQ reps, honestly, am I the only one who thinks everyone is REALLY sleeping on Luminary? I think his chances are incredibly high.
My bet is Erdrick in the name of the Luminary. I think this only makes sense to me. I really don't see Erdrick getting in as "Erdrick" or just "Hero".
So the DQXI hero will included as an alternate costume.
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I currently have no real reason to distrust him yet, so I just take his word into account.
Not arguing that. I just don¨t get how people behave like he has leaked stuff left and right and been right with everything.
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