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[SPOILER ALERT] - The Sevens Squares. - A Square-Enix general support threads.

Who do you think is the most likely possible Square-Enix Newcomer? (Two Choices possibles)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2008
Final Fantasy IX is one of my top favorite games of all time, so I am really happy to see it do well on the eshop! I heartily recommend it.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I actually like FF games as much as DQ ones,. Or I like them all for different reasons. There's probably just FF8 and DQ 1 & 2 that I don't like enough to play again. As far as RPGs go, they're up there, and i like a lot of it.

I'm also a big fan of action-rpgs, so the mana and tales series really hits it big for me. And I'm looking forward to the new crystal chronicles port.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
This is the result of post-Direct cooldown. Speculation dies down, specially among people you don't chat with everyday, so this is to be expected.
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Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Since this is the Square thread I suppose I can say I beat KH3 yesterday...
I loved it!! A ton! I cried when Xion, Roxas, and Axel were reunited. Their game and KH2 were my childhood. The epilogue blew my mind and got me all kinds of hype. I want Sora in Smash SO badly now. My Square rep list now goes 2B > Neku > Sora.

The secret movie was SO good. I thought Sora or Riku had woken up in Galbadia and I was losing my mind, but then I saw that 104 Building and completely went mental. Can't wait for whatever they start calling the new KH games. Wish Kairi had gotten a big moment outside of the fight with the Organization but yknow. All in all, super satisfying conclusion to many stories that leaves just enough open for me to be mad hype for everything Nomura's wild ride hits me with next.
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Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
So this thread has certainly gone quite:confused:
Well, with the first direct of the year finally out and done with, and still not getting any Joker gameplay or even character reveal in a while, it's to be expected that threads are dying down with responses until some rumor shake us up again. I don't even think no insider has anything noteworhty and people are cautious of those guys even more so now than ever after this first direct of the year.

Not mention I don't think dataminers are even going to be a savior for us this time neither, so speculaltion is basically in limbo (I guess you can say) at the current momement and again it's to be expected. There's just nothing to really talk about that hasn't already been said.
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Deleted member

We could try talking about SE developments here, trailer for the Switch version of FFXII just dropped today and has several neat QoL features.
FFXII Switch Features Trailer

Among its main features include the ability to reset and Switch the job boards and new game plus with items.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Parameters for all characters were posted if anyone wants to look at it.
We have "shield size" which is a good indicator for size, and brave's shield size is not a placeholder in this case.
It's very similar to both Marth and Snake's.

Snake - 11.8
Brave - 11.8
Marth - 11.9

Joker's is massive though, wonder why that is.
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Deleted member

Joker's is massive though, wonder why that is.
Is he really going to be as tall as Ganon, Rob, Piranha, and Dedede? Better yet, what are the height stats of the four characters I listed? That would help give us a better idea of how much this matters.
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Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Is he really going to be as tall as Ganon, Rob, Piranha, and Dedede? Better yet, what are the height stats of the four characters I listed? That would help give us a better idea of how much this matters.
Ganon - 21.5
Rob - 17
Plant - 15
Dedede - 19.5
Joker - 15

I'll make some direct comparisons later to see what matches up better.
Keep in mind, these may be placeholders.
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Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2018
Joker's is massive though, wonder why that is.
Maybe to account Arsene/Persona he is using?
Ooh, maybe. In the Persona games, you basically "equip" personas and get whatever stats, resistances, weaknesses, and spells they have from them. In a sense, they DO protect you, so their persona being incorporated into their shield would actually make a lot of sense.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I’m going to go on a limb and say that if Brave is who I think it is, would the shield bubble be that big so it can encapsulate his hair? Also, finally something. The silence was killing me already.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
Parameters for all characters were posted if anyone wants to look at it.
We have "shield size" which is a good indicator for size, and brave's shield size is not a placeholder in this case.
It's very similar to both Marth and Snake's.

Snake - 11.8
Brave - 11.8
Marth - 11.9

Joker's is massive though, wonder why that is.
If Brave truly is Erdrick then, I think it is safe to say that it won't be the kid version of Erdrick at least if Brave is as big as Snake, and based on the pictures I have seen off Feyline from Monster Hunter... I guess that it's not Felyne either (mentioning it considering that leak that was shared a while back)?


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
Controversial topic that I wanted to see everyone’s opinions on. Is Kingdom Hearts 3 better than Kingdom Hearts 2?

I’ll start the ball rolling with my personal opinion. I think Kingdom Hearts 3 is really good, however the story pacing disappointed me. Also with the exception of a few music tracks the music in Kingdom Hearts 3 was kind of meh. Which is a huge surprise given that Yoko Shimomura was behind the helm. She has done such beautiful work including scores for Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Super Mario RPG, Vega’s theme, etc. Despite clearly being able to make beautiful music, this games music overall made me feel underwhelmed. Overall I think Kingdom Hearts 2 was better, but that’s just me. Perhaps in the end I just had expectations that were too high.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Controversial topic that I wanted to see everyone’s opinions on. Is Kingdom Hearts 3 better than Kingdom Hearts 2?

I’ll start the ball rolling with my personal opinion. I think Kingdom Hearts 3 is really good, however the story pacing disappointed me. Also with the exception of a few music tracks the music in Kingdom Hearts 3 was kind of meh. Which is a huge surprise given that Yoko Shimomura was behind the helm. She has done such beautiful work including scores for Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Super Mario RPG, Vega’s theme, etc. Despite clearly being able to make beautiful music, this games music overall made me feel underwhelmed. Overall I think Kingdom Hearts 2 was better, but that’s just me. Perhaps in the end I just had expectations that were too high.
2 IMO.
Combat in 2 feels buttery smooth. KH3 feels like I'm constantly getting interrupted and magic is honestly far less interesting.

Jovahexeon Joranvexeon

Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2016
If Brave truly is Erdrick then, I think it is safe to say that it won't be the kid version of Erdrick at least if Brave is as big as Snake, and based on the pictures I have seen off Feyline from Monster Hunter... I guess that it's not Felyne either (mentioning it considering that leak that was shared a while back)?
Well thank goodness for all of that if it is the case.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
Controversial topic that I wanted to see everyone’s opinions on. Is Kingdom Hearts 3 better than Kingdom Hearts 2?

I’ll start the ball rolling with my personal opinion. I think Kingdom Hearts 3 is really good, however the story pacing disappointed me. Also with the exception of a few music tracks the music in Kingdom Hearts 3 was kind of meh. Which is a huge surprise given that Yoko Shimomura was behind the helm. She has done such beautiful work including scores for Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Super Mario RPG, Vega’s theme, etc. Despite clearly being able to make beautiful music, this games music overall made me feel underwhelmed. Overall I think Kingdom Hearts 2 was better, but that’s just me. Perhaps in the end I just had expectations that were too high.
I'm going to come off with a similar vision. No way did III overcome II. And to me, II is not even the best one in the series.
In the first few weeks after launch, I was ecstatic with it, even though a number of things bothered me. There are certain moments in the story that made me emotional, I was impressed by the looks and the amount of knots that they managed to tie, the art direction.. But over time, after everything was digested, I actually became extremely underwhelmed by basically everything else. Yes, the looks are amazing, but I value the game for its content (gameplay and story), and I think it fell in its face considerably. The emotional moments carried its strength more due to the buildup that came with the amount of time that preceded the game, rather than due to the effectiveness of the scenes. They felt rushed and overly condensed at the very end of the game, with some plot points that, at least to me, didn't feel earned in the slightest. Dialogue was less robotic, but the script still could have much to improve.

The Disney worlds have never felt so disconnected from the story. They are playgrounds for you to have fun for reliving the Disney with films with your nostalgia. And with an extremely shill pick like Frozen, it felt like Disney was on their necks to make them create the most marketable worlds possible. Minigames fell flat, and worlds that I wished had more time and variety to develop were the ones that were short lived or missed the expectations. They are there for the party to explore and end with an organization member calling Sora and co lame while rehashing the tropes that made the series infamous. And sadly, they forgot how much more engaging is to have the KH crew giving the films a twist. Remaking them scene for scene looks a lot like S-E flexing a muscle at Disney to show that they can recreate their film with RTG. The most engaging worlds, imo, were the ones with an original storyline. And this game clearly had worlds that had visibly a lot more care and time put into them. Some of them actually felt barren.

Oh, and I agree with music. With the exception of orchestral rearrangements, original ones weren't as powerful, imo. The boss battle theme for segment before the Scala ad Caelum BTFO of the final boss theme, and that to me, it's a testament of how the OST had stuff to improve.
Regarding characters and plot, I think this was extremely underwhelming. Sora didn't grow much at all. He ends the adventure with the same severe weakness he had, with a missed opportunity at the end to give a new and powerful message. Kairi is nothing but a plot device, Mickey and Riku felt held back (given their training and potential), the plot is truly only meaningful at the end of the game, the way Xehanort was sent off was way too forced, plot devices for Nomura to deus ex machina the crap out of the main cast... I could go on. The game's emotional impact relies almost completely on the player's nostalgia for the series itself and modern Disney films, rather than its narrative and pacing.

Gameplay is a tamer version of the Osaka effect. The game launched without a critical mode, with combat that still doesn't feel rewarding. KHII was a button masher, but at least you had some strategy behind to win. You can basically destroy everything with the amount of OP stuff you have in hand, from the forms and summons to the Disney Rides, with little effort. The game's combat is flashy, but lacks substance. Which is kinda the plague that has been present in most S-E games for nearly two decades.

And what's sad is this game was in development for years. And while I'm not even surprised how many things felt badly written (heck, it's Nomura helming the thing..), it's incredible how they still managed to make the game feel rushed. Keep in mind that I didn't go in the game ultra hyped. I like KH, but I don't have the attachment that many people do (and I understand why they do). And I'm aware of those who are responsible for the development of the games, so I wasn't expecting a huge deal. But I wanted the game to redeem the series of missteps that the KH has been guilty for a while (at least to me), at least have a decent narrative, launch a complete game. The game legit feels like stuff is either missing or just extremely rushed. This is why I'm sad for it.
I'm excited for the next saga, bc I'm hopeful that they have enough space to make changes to the formula that can make the experience at least a considerable improvement from what the Seeker of Darkness saga had.

Just to close off, when a Just a Pancake video has never been more spot on about a game in the series, you know that there are stuff that need significant improvements (I love Just a Pancake, btw).

If Brave truly is Erdrick then, I think it is safe to say that it won't be the kid version of Erdrick at least if Brave is as big as Snake, and based on the pictures I have seen off Feyline from Monster Hunter... I guess that it's not Felyne either (mentioning it considering that leak that was shared a while back)?
Wait. Wasn't the data for Brave deleted in the 2.0.0 update?
How does he know that shield stats are not placeholders?
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Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I'm going to come off with a similar vision. No way did III overcome II. And to me, II is not even the best one in the series.
In the first few weeks after launch, I was ecstatic with it, even though a number of things bothered me. There are certain moments in the story that made me emotional, I was impressed by the looks and the amount of knots that they managed to tie, the art direction.. But over time, after everything was digested, I actually became extremely underwhelmed by basically everything else. Yes, the looks are amazing, but I value the game for its content (gameplay and story), and I think it fell in its face considerably. The emotional moments carried its strength more due to the buildup that came with the amount of time that preceded the game, rather than due to the effectiveness of the scenes. They felt rushed and overly condensed at the very end of the game, with some plot points that, at least to me, didn't feel earned in the slightest. Dialogue was less robotic, but the script still could have much to improve.
The Disney worlds have never felt so disconnected from the story. They are playgrounds for you to have fun for reliving the Disney with films with your nostalgia. And with an extremely shill pick like Frozen, it felt like Disney was on their necks to make them create the most marketable worlds possible. Minigames fell flat, and worlds that I wished had more time and variety to develop were the ones that were short lived or missed the expectations. They are there for the party to explore and end with an organization member calling Sora and co lame while rehashing the tropes that made the series infamous. And sadly, they forgot how much more engaging is to have the KH crew giving the films a twist. Remaking them scene for scene looks a lot like S-E flexing a muscle at Disney to show that they can recreate their film with RTG. The most engaging worlds, imo, were the ones with an original storyline. And this game clearly had worlds that had visibly a lot more care and time put into them. Some of them actually felt barren.
Oh, and I agree with music. With the exception of orchestral rearrangements, original ones weren't as powerful, imo. The boss battle theme for segment before the Scala ad Caelum BTFO of the final boss theme, and that to me, it's a testament of how the OST had stuff to improve.
Regarding characters and plot, I think this was extremely underwhelming. Sora didn't grow much at all. He ends the adventure with the same severe weakness he had, with a missed opportunity at the end to give a new and powerful message. Kairi is nothing but a plot device, Mickey and Riku felt held back (given their training and potential), the plot is truly only meaningful at the end of the game, the way Xehanort was sent off was way too forced, plot devices for Nomura to deus ex machina the crap out of the main cast... I could go on. The game's emotional impact relies almost completely on the player's nostalgia for the series itself and modern Disney films, rather than its narrative and pacing.
Gameplay is a tamer version of the Osaka effect. The game launched without a critical mode, with combat that still doesn't feel rewarding. KHII was a button masher, but at least you had some strategy behind to win. You can basically destroy everything with the amount of OP stuff you have in hand, from the forms and summons to the Disney Rides, with little effort. The game's combat is flashy, but lacks substance. Which is kinda the plague that has been present in most S-E games for nearly two decades.
And what's sad is this game was in development for years. And while I'm not even surprised how many things felt badly written (heck, it's Nomura helming the thing..), it's incredible how they still managed to make the game feel rushed. Keep in mind that I didn't go in the game ultra hyped. I like KH, but I don't have the attachment that many people do (and I understand why they do). And I'm aware of those who are responsible for the development of the games, so I wasn't expecting a huge deal. But I wanted the game to redeem the series of missteps that the KH has been guilty for a while (at least to me), at least have a decent narrative, launch a complete game. The game legit feels like stuff is either missing or just extremely rushed. This is why I'm sad for it.
I'm excited for the next saga, bc I'm hopeful that they have enough space to make changes to the formula that can make the experience at least a considerable improvement from what the Seeker of Darkness saga had.

Just to close off, when a Just a Pancake video has never been more spot on about a game in the series, you know that there are stuff that need significant improvements (I love Just a Pancake, btw).

Wait. Wasn't the data for Brave deleted in the 2.0.0 update?
How does he know that shield stats are not placeholders?
I actually missed the part where the OG post pointed out that it could be placeholders xD

Ps... of topic, but it It looks like I was right that the pokemon commercial videos were a countdown for gen8 news. We are getting a 7-minute presentation tomorrow.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2018
Aha, shield parameters. Given those are NOT placeholders, they feel more conclusive. They're still always subject to change, though, so temper your expectations. That said, it does give me more reason to believe that Brave is Erdrick, as if I needed even more reason to be so certain about it.


Deleted member

Aha, shield parameters. Given those are NOT placeholders, they feel more conclusive. They're still always subject to change, though, so temper your expectations. That said, it does give me more reason to believe that Brave is Erdrick, as if I needed even more reason to be so certain about it.

Nice, Pokemon Direct... 6AM!? Pass.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2014
Just out of curiosity, how do we know that the shield parameters aren't placeholders? Does anyone have a reliable source for that claim?


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Just out of curiosity, how do we know that the shield parameters aren't placeholders? Does anyone have a reliable source for that claim?
I dont know if it's not a placeholder, It's just that the number being 11.8 is pretty unique, and there'd be little reason for it to come from snake.
The height stat is different than the shield size and that at least says that something's not finalized, and the stats around the models seem to be what's not finalized, like when we look a joker's height it seems to be a few points short of where his size would be. (both in terms of his actual height and the model they showed off during the last direct).

I dont think we know for sure tho i think it's a reasonable guess that the model isn't small like we might've thought
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Deleted member

Just out of curiosity, how do we know that the shield parameters aren't placeholders? Does anyone have a reliable source for that claim?
I dont know if it's not a placeholder, It's just that the number being 11.8 is pretty unique, and there'd be little reason for it to come from snake.
The height stat is different than the shield size and that at least says that something's not finalized, and the stats around the models seem to be what's not finalized, like when we look a joker's height it seems to be a few points short of where his size would be. (both in terms of his actual height and the model they showed off during the last direct).

I dont think we know for sure tho i think it's a reasonable guess that the model isn't small like we might've thought
Some of these are probably placeholders since Brave was removed from the game during 2.0.0. I do find it interesting how height stats seem to be inconsistent with each other, which means something's not adding up because Brave is now supposedly pretty short or pretty tall. More evidence against the 13 height stat being final.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Some of these are probably placeholders since Brave was removed from the game during 2.0.0. I do find it interesting how height stats seem to be inconsistent with each other, which means something's not adding up if because Brave is now supposedly pretty short or pretty tall. More evidence against the 13 height stat being final.
What we do know was placeholder for sure was the landing data, since it was exactly like Joker's. Other than that, yeah that's basically where we're at.


Smash Master
Aug 4, 2009
Just out of curiosity, how do we know that the shield parameters aren't placeholders? Does anyone have a reliable source for that claim?
Could be placeholders, but unlike everything else pointing towards size (except height), each character has a different value.


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
I'm super 50/50 with this movie… half of it I hate , half of it I love, lol. But at least I guess it will definitely do better than the Sonic movie… yikes.


Smash Champion
Nov 27, 2018
I'm super 50/50 with this movie… half of it I hate , half of it I love, lol. But at least I guess it will definitely do better than the Sonic movie… yikes.
While Ryan seems to do a good job with the voice, it still feels like I'm listening to a PG13 Deadpool inside a Pikachus boy xD
But then again, the one that was up for the role against him was The Rock and Hugh Jackman, and I would argue that those would have been weirder


Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2018
While Ryan seems to do a good job with the voice, it still feels like I'm listening to a PG13 Deadpool inside a Pikachus boy xD
But then again, the one that was up for the role against him was The Rock and Hugh Jackman, and I would argue that those would have been weirder
Freaking The Rock Pikachu memes… what a wasted oportunity


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2018
I dont know if it's not a placeholder, It's just that the number being 11.8 is pretty unique, and there'd be little reason for it to come from snake.
The height stat is different than the shield size and that at least says that something's not finalized, and the stats around the models seem to be what's not finalized, like when we look a joker's height it seems to be a few points short of where his size would be. (both in terms of his actual height and the model they showed off during the last direct).

I dont think we know for sure tho i think it's a reasonable guess that the model isn't small like we might've thought
Yeah, I'm not confident enough on the shield parameters being final
Although, if that were the case, characters near Snakes height would be Sephiroth, Erdrick and Chrono (I think he is actually lower), from the 7 Squares.
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft

Yoshi's height: 16

Yoshi's shield size: 7.6, the second smallest

Toon Link's height: 12

Toon Link's shield size: 9.2

Young Link's height: 13

Young Link's shield size: 9

Ness and Lucas have the same height as Young Link, but have 8.7 shield size.

Villager has the same height as well, but his/her shield size is 9.3, just barely larger than Toon Link's.

There's also Ganondorf with the 21.5 height, but a 12.9 shield size, and most of the reptiles, the ape, the plant, Not Batman, the robot, and King Perfection have a bigger shield size.

From this:
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Deleted member

Over/Under 20% that we are getting an out of nowhere Pokemon fighter as the DLC xD
Would they? Hmmmm...

History doesn't deny the possibility. **** me, it's possible.

Probably under 20%, though. FE Fates was at least out in Japan when Corrin was revealed, so she at least had that going for her. I doubt Nintendo would make a Gen 8 starter a character when the entire world knows nothing about it so far. It's not possible tomorrow, but maybe it could be one of the last DLC fighters revealed to let give it time for them sink in.

Or maybe they just wont do it at all and save me the agony of more Pokemon, but as DLC.
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