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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
gotmink makes a great point on agentli and spam...i think we have found mafia

vote: agentli

and i think Eor is the godfather b/c they are usually unnightkillable and that definetly explains why he would't die last nights attack...he should be killed tomorrow after li
Whoa whats going on here?
I see you pushing attention towards Eor and Agentli. Alot of attention. Your pushing and Pushing at them.

Plus a smart mafia would see that everyone seems to be pushing at Eor, so they wouldn't kill him, they are assuming that we will. The mafia (unless they are idiots) would not kill a high suspicion person, they would leave that to us.

Also, as said above where is your evidence?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Guys, just stop. Spam couldn't possibly have used his cop abilities on Agentli the first night because I role blocked him. Why do you think he didn't even gve us a clue as to who is definitely town? Then I role blocked Agentli last night because I could see where today would end up going. No, the mafia cant perform a night kill when I role block even one of their members so Agentli is not mafia. Well, unless he has some sort of special ability.
Is this true, I didn't know about that. in fact I never even heard about that.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Guys, just stop. Spam couldn't possibly have used his cop abilities on Agentli the first night because I role blocked him. Why do you think he didn't even gve us a clue as to who is definitely town? Then I role blocked Agentli last night because I could see where today would end up going. No, the mafia cant perform a night kill when I role block even one of their members so Agentli is not mafia. Well, unless he has some sort of special ability.

The point is, Spam could not have known. All he did was suspect.

Frankly, I still have my eye on ligolski.
dude, thats the biggest bull**** i have ever heard in my life...you role block one person and ONLY THEIR ABILITY IS BLOCKED...not the group that they belong to...if you use that rule why is not everyone in the town roleblocked when i townie is roleblocked...exactly it doesn't happen...that would only work assuming he is the guy who kills people...but i have never heard of a role block blocking the mafia's ability to kill...it can't be stopped...show me a game that has had that done in it and worked...

to me this looks like a mafia member coming with some lame BS to try and save their pals and make me look shotty...


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Nope, it's exactly as I say it is. This isn't a question of wether you've heard of it from another mafia game or not. Dont believe me? Fine. I'll just role block you tonight, and I'll see if my suspicions about you are confirmed. No night kill tonight means you're mafia.

I didn't want to tell anyone my ability, but we've lost 4 people already, and we were very close to losing another town today. I had to jump out. I had always intended to find two mafia and role block them back and forth over the nights to keep them from doing any night kills. Meh, maybe I still can.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Nope, it's exactly as I say it is.
I have never heard of a mafia game played like that. I cannot see why what you claim is real, that's incredibly imbalanced if so.

Ligolski: Your godfather claim is false. I cannot think of a single game where godfathers are given night immunity. A mafia player being given any form of night immunity is overpowered.


I asked you butt holes if you wanted me to Role reveal. I'm gonna assume that those votes count as requests.

My role is Miss Stevens, head of the getting gay with kids choir which is what my mason group is called. Basicly, each night I can go to a persons house and if they're a kid they join my choir. So, seeing that agentli was a mason on day one I thought I'd try to get him so i'd essentially I'd get two people in one night.

But, on night one when I went to his house I couldn't even find him much less see if he was a kid. Then during today when he said that he had actually lied about being mason I put two and two together combining that he wasn't home during the night and he had lied day one that he was probably mafia, then as soon as I started asking him questions smashman and gotmink defended him almost instantly and agent completely dissappeared, this seemed like a coordinated mafia defense, and that is why they are my top 3 mafia picks.

Also blazer any of my votes that have been for someone other than the core three were joke votes, if you looked at the evidence you would see that since the end of the agent argument I have only gone after the three people that I have named.
This is the post i am referring to.

Also agentli you say both you and i are equally suspicious, however, in this post it says he investigated YOU, and was only suspicious of me because i defended you so quickly. i defended you because there was no evidence against you other than that spam master was convinced you were mafia. Now that we find he was a cop it would make sense he was suspicious of you.
Commonyoshi your argument would clear agentli however it seems like a mafia desperately trying to defend another mafia. And as ligolski said some of it is total BS. you seem desperate to defend agentli and i think that if he turns out mafia you are definatly mafia and if he turns out town you were in mason with him. I really believe he is mafia however.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Also, common's role would again make him a second cop, just like what Spam_Master claimed.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
:) Pretty much. I even PMed docsalive about it because I thought he had made a mistake making it so broken, but nope. He said he thought it was perfectly fine and kept it.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Eorlingas said:
Ligolski: Your godfather claim is false. I cannot think of a single game where godfathers are given night immunity. A mafia player being given any form of night immunity is overpowered.
Actually, in Duke's Mini Mario Mafia, Bahamut was a night-kill invincible godfather...

And why the hell is everyone ignoring my claim about targeting Eor? Even Eor is... <_> *is very confuzzled*

As far as Agentli is concerned, I think he's not mafia as of now due to common's role and previous reasoning.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Camo, I'll deal with that further down

If Common is telling the truth, then that would mean that there are a small amount of mafia, most likely 3. If the number of mafia is 5 or 4, then it would be more likely that Common would block the mafia the entire game.

I'm not saying that common is telling the truth, at the moment I'm not that sure on it. I have no problem believing he is the role blocker, it's just the last part thats suspicious.

Camo: I have no idea why I survived. I have no form of night immunity. I can only assume Smashman chose to save me, as I believed and argued for him. He never said who he would save (to my knowledge, if I am wrong please link to the post), so that is, what I would assume, to be the most likely answer.

The godfather in mini-mafia is a single game, and, contrary to Ligoslki's claim, completely rare. I forgot about the mini-mafia, but didn't everyone complain about Bahamut's role after the game, claiming it was overpowered? It was.

A single mafia game where a godfather is night-immune is not proof to assume the same here. The only thing that is common with Godfathers is that if they are roleblocked, the night kill fails, and that they are cleared by the cop.

You have to look at what is more likely. Smashman chose to save me, as I was the major person to defend him, or that thedocsalive chose to imitate a hated feature of Duke's single mini-mafia game, and that I have that role?

Agentli's defense came out to vilify him more then if he just stayed quite. However, since my vote on him would lynch him, I'm wary. If common is lying, and Agentli is mafia, then it is pretty obvious that Common himself is mafia. If Common is telling the truth, we are just killing another townie, and we cannot have that.

Common, I'd like to hear everything there is about your role. Restrictions, reactions, anything like that. What you can do, and why you used it on who you have.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I'm not sure who to believe anymore.... ARGHHHH!!!!! Somebody straighten this out! Is Common lying to save another mafia's hide or is Lig mafia and using his awesome mafia abilities to lynch a townie? Ack. I KNOW WHAT TO DO!


HAHA I'VE FIGURED YOU OUT AGAIN!!!!! Okay probably not...


You know, one of these times your gonna turn out to be mafia and I'm going to have you lynched.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
=/ There's lots of probabilities out there right now and a single wrong move could make the town lose instantly.

And lol Blazer. You don't think I'm suspicious for trying to kill Eor? That could be your big lead.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Right now if they were 3 mafia the game would last 3 days.
If they are 4 mafia 2 days left in the game.
5 mafia means this is the last day.

Also, this is assuming that we are unlucky and just kill townies.

I think that there is either three or four, but three is more likely for a longer game.

We have to choose wisely.

mostly i was doing this so we could get a rough list of some sort, with most likely 3, but possibly 4.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
No, I can assure you all that I would leave a mafia buddy behind to rot to saved myself. I wouldn't do this role claim to protect him because it's just not my style. :p

Alright, I have nothing to hide since I've told so much already so I might as well devulge everything to save Agentli and myself.
I can role block someone at night. If he has a night power, it is canceled. If he is part of the mafia, the mafia lose their kill that night. (not sure about godfathers) I cant block the same person two nights in a row. That's why I tried to find 2 mafia so I could keep switching off. Once I found two, it was all a matter of weeding off the remainders while keeping the mafia from their nightkills.

So I blocked Spam_Master on Night 1 because I thought it was weird how he played. He blamed OCD, I think, sometimes, but he was always accusing someone and wouldn't let up despite lack of evidence. (or was it Blazer with OCD?) I wasn't sure if he was mafia or what, but he just stuck out more than everyone else. (my memory is a bit fuzzy on this, but I think that's what happened)

Dont you think it's odd how he didn't even tell us who he investigated before he died? He couldn't.

I blocked Agentli because Spam had suspected him.. Since we all found out Spam was cop yesterday, Agentli would naturally become today's prime suspect. I was pretty darn sure Agentli was town, but I had to make sure. I wasn't going to bet on the wrong horse, lose, and die. Now I'm sure he's town. Well, unless he was protected somehow.

Oh, and I wont Role Claim yet. That, I'll keep secret. :)


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
So from what your saying, you and Agentli are town for sure.

And that means we have Eorlingas:088:, and ligolski, as your Prime:089:suspects?

I am not sure about you but you somewhat make a valid point.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
That is who I have been getting suspicious of myself. Ligolski has been pushing on whoever we start getting suspicious of. He has been bandwagonning kinda I guess. (is that a word, I care not!)


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
No, it was Spam with OCD, I was just more defensive of people day 1. I didn't want to see Frozen die day 1 and you all thought it was suspicious.


Ligolski bandwagoning? he has been trying to lynch eorlingas from the start even when no one else wanted to... he's the one that gathered up all the evidence against eorlingas. I'm not saying i think eor is mafia I'm just saying ligolski's not bangwagoning.

Also doesn't it seem funny that common pushed suspicion towards Eorlingas or ligolski, eorlingas who was already under suspicion and ligolski who sinz already said he was suspicious of? I think he's just trying to divert attention.

Also, if you reveal your role's powers that's all the mafia would need to decide whether to nightkill you or not, idk why keeping your character from the town, something that would help figure out if you were lying (look at spam master's case, even though he was town he WAS lying, so if you role reveal, don't lie) when it wouldn't hurt to reveal it.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Whoa whats going on here?
I see you pushing attention towards Eor and Agentli. Alot of attention. Your pushing and Pushing at them.

Plus a smart mafia would see that everyone seems to be pushing at Eor, so they wouldn't kill him, they are assuming that we will. The mafia (unless they are idiots) would not kill a high suspicion person, they would leave that to us.

Also, as said above where is your evidence?
I posted that i was getting suspicious of ligolski already.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Also doesn't it seem funny that common pushed suspicion towards Eorlingas or ligolski, eorlingas who was already under suspicion and ligolski who sinz already said he was suspicious of? I think he's just trying to divert attention.
I said I was suspicious of ligolski since Day 2 before Sinz even started playing. I was just too lazy to start up an arguement, and then there was Spam_Master... If he was mafia then ligolski, the second person to vote against him, would most likely not be. But Spam wasn't mafia so my suspicions remain.

And I didn't shift suspicion. Sinz asked me a question and I responded.
so if you role reveal, don't lie) when it wouldn't hurt to reveal it.
The whole point was so that a mafia member might try to role claim as my character later in the game, and I would be able to catch them on it.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Actually, I will give you guys one hint about my character. He's my favorite in the series. I was so happy when I recieved my PM, and the way I role block is fantastic. ^_^


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003

Also, can someone once again list what there is still against me? I'm getting annoyed, it seems that every time I back myself up, people just ignore it and keep me as "suspicious" or old times sake.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
"or old times sake" suppose to be "for old times sake"


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Anyways, if that is what he s saying...WHY are you guys not voting on him?

The obvious solution would be to have camo try and kill him AGAIN and see if he dies, but if we wait for that to happen, camo'll die tonight for sure and eorlingas will have another day to wreck ****.

I'd bet that almost evryone is suspicious of Eorlingas or at least has been at one point.




Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I'm guessing so. If Camo did target me, and that was his role, then I have no idea why I am alive. Smashman seemed the most likely answer


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Anyways, if that is what he s saying...WHY are you guys not voting on him?
Because me living has nothing to do with being mafia, as already stated and reasoned. What is your obsession with trying to get me killed, when you have no reason to be suspicious of me? Because I was suspicious of two townies? 7 or more people voted for all of them. Both of them where suspicious and played as if they where mafia. I am upset that they weren't mafia, but it is no more my fault then if I roleclaimed Mafia, you called to lynch me, and afterwards it turns out I'm town.

Camo, did you regain your power, or was your one-shot wasted on me?


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Don't tell him whether your one-shot is wasted or if you have more, that information will only help the mafia know how long they have until they need to kill you, it's for your and the town's own good.

@Eorlingas- I have absolutely nothing against you personally and think that you're a smart dude, you have just done too much **** that looks bad on you. Your arguments at times seem a little manipulative and just the right stuff to dissuade the town from voting on you. It's got to stop.

Eorlingas is a good choice whichever way you look at it.

If he's mafia, then that takes care of that and we can look back into his stuff.

If he's town, it will end a RIDICULOUS amount of suspicion and confusion in the ranks. The only thing that hurts the town in this situation is the fact that we actually lose a townie...which he's not a very good one anyways if he is one since he's cast so much suspicion on himself and is screwing the town up anyways.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Nope, it's exactly as I say it is. This isn't a question of wether you've heard of it from another mafia game or not. Dont believe me? Fine. I'll just role block you tonight, and I'll see if my suspicions about you are confirmed. No night kill tonight means you're mafia.

I didn't want to tell anyone my ability, but we've lost 4 people already, and we were very close to losing another town today. I had to jump out. I had always intended to find two mafia and role block them back and forth over the nights to keep them from doing any night kills. Meh, maybe I still can.
I still don’t think it works like that, plus your plan is extremely flawed…if your mafia, you could just choose not to kill anyone framing me…

The godfather in mini-mafia is a single game, and, contrary to Ligoslki's claim, completely rare. I forgot about the mini-mafia, but didn't everyone complain about Bahamut's role after the game, claiming it was overpowered? It was.
My mistake then BUT you could still be independent

I can role block someone at night. If he has a night power, it is canceled. If he is part of the mafia, the mafia lose their kill that night.
Is this said in your role specifically or is this an assumption? Please answer this.

And somehow…I agree with lance to a point…just somehow…@_@


Eorlingas is one of the most intelligent posters here, along with ligolski, and if we lose him and he's town that's a big loss. I still think agentli is much more suspicious, and inactive. Has anyone else noticed that he has been strangely inactive even though he's 2 votes away from being lynched?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
I'm sorry, but I just have things to do at the moment and I can't be as active as I want to be. If you look at the other threads, I haven't been really active in those, if that's a good excuse or not. I wasn't active even when there wasn't suspicion on me. The whole, "AgentLi's not active because he's under a cloud of suspicion" doesn't really work when I haven't been active all game, nor in the other mafia game either.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Eorlingas is one of the most intelligent posters here, along with ligolski, and if we lose him and he's town that's a big loss.
I disagree. Eorlingas may be an intelligent poster but that doesn't make him a huge loss to the town if he dies. He already has everyone suspicious of him, if he doesn't die today, he will get lynched in the future.

I strongly believe he is mafia.

If he's not, I guess i'll just have to role-reveal and let you guys decide whether or not to kill me for trying so hard against him.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I still don’t think it works like that, plus your plan is extremely flawed…if your mafia, you could just choose not to kill anyone framing me…
I didn't make any assumptions. I pretty much just paraphrased the PM. (The only thing I left out was something about my character being constantly confused. I dont know if that was the part of the character's discription or maybe some sort of hidden handicap, but it does worry me. I feel like thedocsalive has hidden something to screw me over, but I wont dwell on that. It is nothing I can help.)

Consider the two possibilities here. Either I am mafia protecting Agentli with a made up role, or I am town, telling the truth. I will now prove to you that I do have the powers to role block. Look at Day 2. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that Spam_Master didn't even try to tell us he was a cop even after he was practically doomed? Didn't it seem weird that he didn't even say, "____ is town!"? That's because he couldn't as I blocked him the night before. Any attempts at claiming to be cop would have been futile with no claim to back it up by.

Now notice how I have had practically no suspicion on me so far. Why would I make up a 1337 power role which would be hard to believe and put myself in suspicion to save a mafia member who the cop had gone after most of day 2? I could have remain hidden. I could have let him die and even have been the first one to vote him. I would have had no regrets doing so as long as I was still in the game.

Yes, the mafia not making a night kill to trap us is a possibility I have considered. Then by all means do so, mafia. If I can hold them off every single night then so be it. The town will have all the power.

I noticed ligolski has attacked a lot of us... Spam, Eor, Agentli, Bazer, Smashman, and myelf. Pretty much everyone who has ever had the slightest reason to be voted for he has attacked. I'm not saying going after people is bad, but your eagerness worries me. There should be at least some sort of restraint.
Once again, Vote:ligolski
And where is that Pythag? I was suspicious of him too. (I think...? @_@)


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
I didn't make any assumptions. I pretty much just paraphrased the PM. (The only thing I left out was something about my character being constantly confused. I dont know if that was the part of the character's discription or maybe some sort of hidden handicap, but it does worry me. I feel like thedocsalive has hidden something to screw me over, but I wont dwell on that. It is nothing I can help.)
who knows what that could mean...but it could mean that you didn't block the person you wanted to...or maybe something entirely different

Consider the two possibilities here. Either I am mafia protecting Agentli with a made up role, or I am town, telling the truth. I will now prove to you that I do have the powers to role block. Look at Day 2. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that Spam_Master didn't even try to tell us he was a cop even after he was practically doomed? Didn't it seem weird that he didn't even say, "____ is town!"? That's because he couldn't as I blocked him the night before. Any attempts at claiming to be cop would have been futile with no claim to back it up by.
he didn't tell us he was cop b/c no one ever believes those power role claims...so he lied but he chose a really bad role to try and claim...but he wasn't blocked both nights...and thats where agentli comes in

Now notice how I have had practically no suspicion on me so far. Why would I make up a 1337 power role which would be hard to believe and put myself in suspicion to save a mafia member who the cop had gone after most of day 2? I could have remain hidden. I could have let him die and even have been the first one to vote him. I would have had no regrets doing so as long as I was still in the game.

Yes, the mafia not making a night kill to trap us is a possibility I have considered. Then by all means do so, mafia. If I can hold them off every single night then so be it. The town will have all the power.

I noticed ligolski has attacked a lot of us... Spam, Eor, Agentli, Bazer, Smashman, and myelf. Pretty much everyone who has ever had the slightest reason to be voted for he has attacked. I'm not saying going after people is bad, but your eagerness worries me. There should be at least some sort of restraint.
Once again, Vote:ligolski
And where is that Pythag? I was suspicious of him too. (I think...? @_@)
good point about yourself...but in my defense in the same style as yours...i as mafia scum would never attack so many people so harshly...i would be bringing way too much attention to myself...but i am attacking people b/c they imo have down suspicious things and i am just trying to see if i can get them to make a mistake showing they are mafia...imo, common, you are not mafia, you have answered my little questioning/arguing spree on you satisfactorily...you are being guided by your role as i see now and not by an attempt to save someone based on allegience but by your evidence...but i think your evidence is partially flawed and that is why i am keeping my vote on agentli for now...i hope i didn't misread anything...


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Your arguments at times seem a little manipulative and just the right stuff to dissuade the town from voting on you.
Manipulative? All that I have done is proven my innocence and disproved other's arguments. I never said anything like "If you vote on me you're mafia!", which would have been manipulative. Seriously, the argument you make seems like a "Well, my points have been proven wrong, but I'm still attacking you because you're not dead".

If he's town, it will end a RIDICULOUS amount of suspicion and confusion in the ranks. The only thing that hurts the town in this situation is the fact that we actually lose a townie...which he's not a very good one anyways if he is one since he's cast so much suspicion on himself and is screwing the town up anyways.
No, it's just a few people that are suspicious of me. You have no points against me, and no reason for it. I am not screwing up the town, as I have already point out. They where both suspicious. Are you even playing the same game I am? The first one role claimed independent, and the other one bull****ed a role to try and get us to not lynch him. It is their own fault the town lynched them, and I am doing my role as a townie to attack people that are suspicious.

Besides, you and Camo-Man are the only ones voting for me, and Camo is only voting because I somehow lived through his night-kill, which I have already posted about. You still haven't said why you think it is unlikely smashman would have saved me. I did defend him, even when I was being attacked for it. If I was Smashman, I would protect me. However, I still do not know why I lived. We have no reason to believe that the mafia have any form of night immunity.

He already has everyone suspicious of him, if he doesn't die today, he will get lynched in the future.
Bull****. Again, you're directly lying into making it out like you're the entire town. Everyone is not suspicious of me. There is no reason to believe I will get lynched in the future.

If he's not, I guess i'll just have to role-reveal and let you guys decide whether or not to kill me for trying so hard against him.
Please. We already have two cops, you can't try and say that you're a third one that "knows" I'm mafia, especially since I'm not.
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