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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
Wow....that didn't turn out well...

And to pythag: Did you really want to have to go through another ordeal of finding another person to be lynched? How did we know that he was the cop? There was no way of knowing, and hindsight was 20/20. I just felt it was pretty obvious that we needed to start ending the day or else it was going to get pretty ridiculous on how long it was going to last.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
f***........**** it....ok i will have to read back a little to see if i find anyone suspicious...


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
errrr...hopefully i am busy today and tomorrow and most likely sunday...but i'll try to do something


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Oh craps. Well, I never thought doctor was an important role anyway. meh
But the cop thing was bad. Really bad. :(

This is a completely ******** thing to say. His hands are not tied. Instead of throwing in the towel let's freaking sort it out! Spam had just "role revealed" as a townie, and you voted for him anyway. Not out of suspicioun, but out of "necessity".
Vote Agentli
I have no idea what you're saying here. >_>
Explain more.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
He's saying that Agentli voted on Spam right after Spam role revealed. I don't think it's suspicious personally. He just didn't believe him and thought he was trying to save face if you ask me. Same reason we all voted on him after all.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Yeah, but Spam was lieing. (I assume this is about the gay children role claim.) He saw through it, and so did I, in fact. That's why I voted against him. I knew he was lieing. How does him ending up to be the cop change any of that? :/


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I really feel bad

This is basically my fault. I did push for us to lynch Spam_Master, and it turns out he's the cop.

I understand if you want to lynch me, I'd probably be suspicious of myself too. I admit, after everyone attacked me, I looked for someone to vote for, to turn everyone's fury off me. Spam_Master was, in my opinion, the most scummiest of everyone here. I voted for him, and made my case. Apparently, it was fairly good, as everyone else voted as well. I didn't pick someone at random in order to try and go under the radar, I picked him because I thought the best way to redeem myself was to be a leading force behind the killing of a mafia player. If I was simply trying to kill someone, I'd have gone for Smashman.

So, I understand if people think I am suspicious. However, if I am lynched today, I will not be happy (for more then the regular reasons).

I voted for Spam_Master. 7 people voted for Spam_Master. Voting for me is trying to scapegoat the situation. It's an "oh **** we messed up, lets find someone to blame it on" vote. It's a search for a token jew. It's a weak vote. I pushed for us to lynch him. But I did not kill him. I have a single vote, like the rest of you. I made a case, and you all agreed with me. What I said against Spam was strong, his playing style was the same as a mafia player.

I think Eorlingas is mafia. Period.
I wasn't aware period counted as evidence


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
I really feel bad

This is basically my fault. I did push for us to lynch Spam_Master, and it turns out he's the cop.

I understand if you want to lynch me, I'd probably be suspicious of myself too. I admit, after everyone attacked me, I looked for someone to vote for, to turn everyone's fury off me. Spam_Master was, in my opinion, the most scummiest of everyone here. I voted for him, and made my case. Apparently, it was fairly good, as everyone else voted as well. I didn't pick someone at random in order to try and go under the radar, I picked him because I thought the best way to redeem myself was to be a leading force behind the killing of a mafia player. If I was simply trying to kill someone, I'd have gone for Smashman.

So, I understand if people think I am suspicious. However, if I am lynched today, I will not be happy (for more then the regular reasons).

I voted for Spam_Master. 7 people voted for Spam_Master. Voting for me is trying to scapegoat the situation. It's an "oh **** we messed up, lets find someone to blame it on" vote. It's a search for a token jew. It's a weak vote. I pushed for us to lynch him. But I did not kill him. I have a single vote, like the rest of you. I made a case, and you all agreed with me. What I said against Spam was strong, his playing style was the same as a mafia player.
...Which is exactly what I would say if I was mafia and had successfully killed a power role, but didnt want to get retribution voted. But there is no way to prove thats what this is, so I shall not vote you, but I want to point that out.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
sure you may have pressured him a little but he killed himself in the end with attacking gotmink without evidence and coming up with the biggest BS of a role...


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Oh geez. Knock off that pity thing you're doing. Mafia or not, I dont like it.

I voted for him because of his cruddy gay children role claim which had nothing to do with Eor at all. It's not like Spam gave us any reason for thinking he was cop anyways. Not even "before I die, ____ is town. I know because I'm a cop." In retrospect, whoopsies, but I'd probably do it again if a similar situation came up.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Oh geez. Knock off that pity thing you're doing. Mafia or not, I dont like it.
I didn't mean for that post to come out all pity like. I just re-read it, and saw that it looks like Uncle Kenny wrote it :(

I posted it because I will be **** surprised if half of you weren't thinking about killing me. It was just a pre-emptive argument.

If people weren't going to vote for me, then I'm pleased, because it means everyone is becoming more mature about these games.

But, as to who looks suspicious, I'm at a lost. I'll re-read and put up my own views


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I'm probably going to be a lot less active over the next week or two. My stepdad had a heartattack over the pst day and may or may not make it. I will still be posting when possible but do not expect aynthing of substance or of actual meaning if you get anything at all.


Shouldn't we look at who spam master was suspicious of? We know he was town, and the cop, and he said he used his power(the one he made up) on agentli, and then tried to make it seem like when he went to agentli's house it seemed like he was mafia, because he didn't want to reveal he was the cop. It is quite possible he investigated agentli and got a guilty, and tried to tell us that without revealing that he was a cop.

He was also suspicious of smashman90 and myself for defending someone he "knew" was mafia. We know that smashman is not mafia and i know that i am not mafia, however he really had no evidence against agentli that the town could see and i was defending li because of that. But if spam had investigated agentli and found him to be mafia then it would make sense he would attack agentli like that. Therefore

Vote: Agentli


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
I will

Vote: Eorlingas due to Lance and Ronike's point.

Also, last night, I attempted to nightkill him with my one shot vig powers and he is still alive, either indicating smashman protected him or he has a survival power, given to either independants, or mafia on rare occasions. *shot by all*


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004

Even if he's not mafia in trigun he has to be mafia here! He tried to kill Eor last night!



Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Shouldn't we look at who spam master was suspicious of? We know he was town, and the cop, and he said he used his power(the one he made up) on agentli, and then tried to make it seem like when he went to agentli's house it seemed like he was mafia, because he didn't want to reveal he was the cop. It is quite possible he investigated agentli and got a guilty, and tried to tell us that without revealing that he was a cop.

He was also suspicious of smashman90 and myself for defending someone he "knew" was mafia. We know that smashman is not mafia and i know that i am not mafia, however he really had no evidence against agentli that the town could see and i was defending li because of that. But if spam had investigated agentli and found him to be mafia then it would make sense he would attack agentli like that. Therefore

Vote: Agentli
I've been suspiscious of Agentli for a while, and this just seems like the last nail in the coffin.
Vote: Agentli

And I'm not votin on Eor to spare myself his angry wrath and because, as I said, there is no way to prove that he doesn't actually feel that way. I just was making that point to show that at the very least, his argument should be ignored. Im not saying we should disregard it completely, just that it should not be used in his defense.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Ack, I don't know who to vote for. I don't trust either one of them but I can't decide which one is scummier.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Wow this is much more complicated then I remember it being.

Just wondering how many mafia are there?


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Anywhere from 3-5

Response to everything above coming soon


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I know this looks bad for Agentli, with him being the prime suspect of the cop and all, but just stop. Dont go there.

I'm deciding wether I should make this post or not as I am very tired after reading Harry Potter. It could hurt me. Meh, I'll just post this, er post.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
gotmink makes a great point on agentli and spam...i think we have found mafia

vote: agentli

and i think Eor is the godfather b/c they are usually unnightkillable and that definetly explains why he would't die last nights attack...he should be killed tomorrow after li


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
Shouldn't we look at who spam master was suspicious of? We know he was town, and the cop, and he said he used his power(the one he made up) on agentli, and then tried to make it seem like when he went to agentli's house it seemed like he was mafia, because he didn't want to reveal he was the cop. It is quite possible he investigated agentli and got a guilty, and tried to tell us that without revealing that he was a cop.

He was also suspicious of smashman90 and myself for defending someone he "knew" was mafia. We know that smashman is not mafia and i know that i am not mafia, however he really had no evidence against agentli that the town could see and i was defending li because of that. But if spam had investigated agentli and found him to be mafia then it would make sense he would attack agentli like that. Therefore

Vote: Agentli
He was also suspicious of you if you weren't paying attention, as was most of the town. Although you could say that was because you were defending me, it still doesn't defeat the point. The argument that you know that you're not mafia is just as valid as me saying that I am not mafia. Therefore we don't know that. Personally I know that I am town. But then again, you can keep going along by saying that you're town. After all of this, we might just have two townies dead in the end...and that probably wouldn't end up well.

You're going on speculation here. He was probably attacking me based on the fact that he didn't understand that I lied about my role as a town mason. The very fact that it's orchestrated to single out a specific person is wrong. Spam_master was not only suspicious of me. While he went after me, other people were being attacked as well.

gotmink makes a great point on agentli and spam...i think we have found mafia

vote: agentli

and i think Eor is the godfather b/c they are usually unnightkillable and that definetly explains why he would't die last nights attack...he should be killed tomorrow after li
That is the scummiest post ever. You posted
A) without evidence
B) trying to kill two people with one stone by trying to urge the town to kill two members

Personally I have no opinion on Eorlingas, I haven't really read any of the recent posts on it throughly,but if Eorlingas really survived a night attack, then I would say that he would either be an independant or mafia. No townie would really ahve that power.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
He was also suspicious of you if you weren't paying attention, as was most of the town. Although you could say that was because you were defending me, it still doesn't defeat the point. The argument that you know that you're not mafia is just as valid as me saying that I am not mafia. Therefore we don't know that. Personally I know that I am town. But then again, you can keep going along by saying that you're town. After all of this, we might just have two townies dead in the end...and that probably wouldn't end up well.

You're going on speculation here. He was probably attacking me based on the fact that he didn't understand that I lied about my role as a town mason. The very fact that it's orchestrated to single out a specific person is wrong. Spam_master was not only suspicious of me. While he went after me, other people were being attacked as well.

That is the scummiest post ever. You posted
A) without evidence
B) trying to kill two people with one stone by trying to urge the town to kill two members

Personally I have no opinion on Eorlingas, I haven't really read any of the recent posts on it throughly,but if Eorlingas really survived a night attack, then I would say that he would either be an independant or mafia. No townie would really ahve that power.
thats not scummy what the frick is the point of just repeating verbatum what gotmink said when i believed his wording was fine as well as his logic behind it...why is it scummy to try and kill two people...both had evidence presented and i agreed with both...hardly scummy...that last point looks to me as a stupid little way to divert attention from u and eor who imo are both mafia...i have seen scummier posts, i can't believe thats the "scummiest post" you have seen...thats freaking sad...ur mafia and trying to divert attention


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004

Lig is right your not putting out anything that tells me your not mafia. I agree we were all suspicious of Mink but that was because of innactivity not because he was actually suspicious.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Guys, just stop. Spam couldn't possibly have used his cop abilities on Agentli the first night because I role blocked him. Why do you think he didn't even gve us a clue as to who is definitely town? Then I role blocked Agentli last night because I could see where today would end up going. No, the mafia cant perform a night kill when I role block even one of their members so Agentli is not mafia. Well, unless he has some sort of special ability.

The point is, Spam could not have known. All he did was suspect.

Frankly, I still have my eye on ligolski.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Shouldn't we look at who spam master was suspicious of? We know he was town, and the cop, and he said he used his power(the one he made up) on agentli, and then tried to make it seem like when he went to agentli's house it seemed like he was mafia, because he didn't want to reveal he was the cop. It is quite possible he investigated agentli and got a guilty, and tried to tell us that without revealing that he was a cop.
Thrown out because it never happened.
He was also suspicious of smashman90 and myself for defending someone he "knew" was mafia. We know that smashman is not mafia and i know that i am not mafia, however he really had no evidence against agentli that the town could see and i was defending li because of that. But if spam had investigated agentli and found him to be mafia then it would make sense he would attack agentli like that. NO! Therefore

Vote: Agentli
See... All we're left here with is that Agentli had nothing on him from anybody. I do see where you're going with this, but unfortunately, I role blocked Spam Night 1. Bad move on my part.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
So then, there's no possible way Agentli could be mafia? Are you sure that they can't kill anyone if one is roleblocked? .... I'll unvote just so we can see if there is an actual bit of reasoning behind lynching him first.

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