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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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May 7, 2007
That's 4 votes on spam.
I'm witholding my vote. I don't like this sudden bandwagon. I feel it's safe to say toat mafia is actually the one voting for spam.
Who's voted for him:
Agentli I believe

You hypocrites!
Don't you realize you're doing exactly what spam is?
lig had a diehard attack against eor. Is he being killed off for that?
Eor's been pissed at spam the whole time, continually bringing up his dislike for him (and voting for him whenever he even thinks he has a chance.) (actually you'll notice, when spam had his idea of voting up for the most suspicious people, eor misread and voted for spam. Spam even explained his idea for him, cleared it up, yet eor didn't take his vote off Am I the only one willing to cry foul?) Is he being killed off for that?
Now all of you are swarming spam. While I don't really like him. I honestly don't find him to be mafia. His style actually reminds me exactly how my cousin plays (which is quite hysterical I must add) He goes around the room, accusing everyone, finally decides on one person to lynch, and he's usually right. And he's never been mafia. So I just have a hard time with all this. Especially with you guys saying "Spam you attack people too much, lol that's why we're all gonna swarm you with complaint votes!"
hypocracy! I say.
I especially don't like how gotmink and smashman feel they can just tack their vote on saying, "uh, yeah, I definately agree with the TOWN. Because I am definately TOWN. Did I mention I'm TOWN?"
however, I'm paranoid about them so it's likely I'm going to be biased.
Regardless, I know that really you guys won't listen to me, and say "U MUst B MaFIA 2 LOLZ!
that would be the pot calling the kettle black, because I got lambasted for making the 'defense' arguement earlier.
and spam, if you turn out to be mafia. I will be extremely angry.
once again. HYPOCRACY


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Eor's been pissed at spam the whole time
Lies, I have no problem with Spam. I'm not pissed at him at all. Only time I've been pissed at him was when I was pissed at everyone I have no personal problem with Spam. I'm suspicious of him.

(and voting for him whenever he even thinks he has a chance.)
Second time I've voted for him. Both for a specific reason. First day was because I called him on lying to the town and manipulating, which he admitted. Of course, I kept it on because he proved me right.

(actually you'll notice, when spam had his idea of voting up for the most suspicious people, eor misread and voted for spam. Spam even explained his idea for him, cleared it up, yet eor didn't take his vote off Am I the only one willing to cry foul?)
I'd be willing to call that you didn't fully understand that exchange. I voted for him for several reasons. The "four people deciding who gets lynched" thing was a mistake on my part. But that was just one point of many. I conceded it. The rest was still there.

Most of the rest I have to agree with. The fact that gotmink and smashman jumped onboard is suspicious. The fact that it exploded so quickly much more evidence popping up is odd. Does it prove anything for Spam_Master? No, the mafia could just as easily jump onboard in order to try and make themselves less suspicious. Or, otherwise. I'm believing the former, because I still believe Spam_Master is mafia.


HM i did FOS him and say that i was possibly going to vote for him early on, then the next day voted for him, here let me find the post number...

Hadn't you been accused of twisting words in the past Spam? I'm not sure if that's just how you play however it's making me very suspicious of you. FOS Spam, possibly a vote soon, i'm going to look back to see the other reasons he was under suspicion.

that's post #1027 right after ronike voted for him and i think eor had his vote on him as well.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
That's 4 votes on spam.
I'm witholding my vote. I don't like this sudden bandwagon. I feel it's safe to say toat mafia is actually the one voting for spam.
Who's voted for him:
Agentli I believe
Actually, Spam Master has a total of 6 votes. You forgot Blazer. But I think we should give him a chance to speak before somebody places anymore votes. I want to hear what he has to say. But I think I will go ahead and unvote Spam Master, Unvote: Spam Master. Because I think that he might possibly be the cop, it would kinda explain his interrogating style (even though a cop shouldn't act that aggresive) and when he said "that's my job", kinda made me further my theory that he could be the cop. I still get bad vibes from him, but I don't think I wanna risk that chance now.

I especially don't like how gotmink and smashman feel they can just tack their vote on saying, "uh, yeah, I definately agree with the TOWN. Because I am definately TOWN. Did I mention I'm TOWN?"
None of us said that. Would you have wanted me to list everybodies reasons again to explain my vote? Because I thought the same things about Spam. He was acting overly aggresive, twisted people words, went after people who were defending others. Heck he probably would've voted on me if I sneezed. *sneezes*


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
I said earlier on that I suspected Spa mas being mafia and was tossed up between him or Eor and actually i'm pretty sure I had a vote on him for a while but the town didnt see enough reason.

I'm gonna hold my vote until I reread just to be sure because he's so close to a lynch, but I wouldnt be too upset if he got lynched because he is, after all, one of the few that i'm suspicious of.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
That's 4 votes on spam.
I'm witholding my vote. I don't like this sudden bandwagon. I feel it's safe to say toat mafia is actually the one voting for spam.
Who's voted for him:
Agentli I believe

You hypocrites!
Don't you realize you're doing exactly what spam is?
lig had a diehard attack against eor. Is he being killed off for that?
Eor's been pissed at spam the whole time, continually bringing up his dislike for him (and voting for him whenever he even thinks he has a chance.) (actually you'll notice, when spam had his idea of voting up for the most suspicious people, eor misread and voted for spam. Spam even explained his idea for him, cleared it up, yet eor didn't take his vote off Am I the only one willing to cry foul?) Is he being killed off for that?
Now all of you are swarming spam. While I don't really like him. I honestly don't find him to be mafia. His style actually reminds me exactly how my cousin plays (which is quite hysterical I must add) He goes around the room, accusing everyone, finally decides on one person to lynch, and he's usually right. And he's never been mafia. So I just have a hard time with all this. Especially with you guys saying "Spam you attack people too much, lol that's why we're all gonna swarm you with complaint votes!"
hypocracy! I say.
I especially don't like how gotmink and smashman feel they can just tack their vote on saying, "uh, yeah, I definately agree with the TOWN. Because I am definately TOWN. Did I mention I'm TOWN?"
however, I'm paranoid about them so it's likely I'm going to be biased.
Regardless, I know that really you guys won't listen to me, and say "U MUst B MaFIA 2 LOLZ!
that would be the pot calling the kettle black, because I got lambasted for making the 'defense' arguement earlier.
and spam, if you turn out to be mafia. I will be extremely angry.
once again. HYPOCRACY
a) i am not a hypocrit...i certainly gave my reasoning and in spams next post HE ADMITTED to trying to dig up junk on gotmink which is definetly scummy...trying to pin a player with BS...this is basically why i voted him he was twisting words...and he admitted it...thats pretty good for me, unless he comes up with a spectacular defense...so tell me how the heck am i a hypocrit?

b) don't use real mafia as any indication in an online game...as we saw before there is already major differences...in real life you can read facial expressions...here you can't...

Because I think that he might possibly be the cop, it would kinda explain his interrogating style (even though a cop shouldn't act that aggresive) and when he said "that's my job", kinda made me further my theory that he could be the cop. I still get bad vibes from him, but I don't think I wanna risk that chance now.
c) this is to smashman: i don't see how that is any kind of way to conclude he is the cop...thats the worst reasoning i have ever seen...

my vote stays for now


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I only have one thing to say in my defence.

Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, Chef's attorney would certainly want you to believe that his client wrote "Stinky Britches" ten years ago. And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself! But, ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, [approaches and softens] does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

Also, ligolski is right in that I'm not the cop, but I did have a reason for my behavior, and will reveal if everyone wants me to.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
He was wasting your time with rediculous nonsense.

I cant say I exactly want Spam dead though I was suspicious of him on Day 1. (Day 2 was just one big whole mess with situational evidence everywhere. I lost interest, but I'll probably go back and re-read once the day is over.) Some of the arguments among the town, including Spam, were more annoying than suspicious so I dont have an actual target.

However, thought it may make me seem scummy, I want someone to die today. Lines connecting certain players together have been drawn. I think if just one Mafia is revealed, we could get at least one more if we follow these lines and definitely know who isn't. Maybe I'll post who I think are connected later in the (mafia) day.
Example: If Eor is mafia, there is no freaking way Spam Master is mafia.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
No lig I'm not chewbacca, one of my friends who reads this sent me Johnny cochran's famous chewbacca defense and said I should use it.

Basicly without revealing my role I was super suspicious of agentli at the begining of the day, and when I questioned him gotmink and smashamn rushed in to defend him and agent dissappeared, it was so coordinated in appearance that I was sure they were three of the mafia, but after smash took his vote of me on the last page to hear me out, I'm not so sure about him anymore, it didn't seem very mafia like and it is possible that he is just the doc and honestly thought agent is town, an apology may be in order after I look back and read over today.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
spam_master: 4 (Eorlingas, Blazer, ligolski, GotMink)
ligolski: 1 (commonyoshi)

Seven to lynch.

EDIT: fix'd, sorry.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Rawr! I'm mad. Lousy people on different forums SUCK at mafia. I cant say how happy Smashboards' mafia players make me. <3 you all for being intelligent

I've pretty much destroyed every single one of this guy's "arguements" on another forum and all he can say is "Well, you're defensive. (meaning I pwned his terrible logic) and scummy. Why do I think you're scummy? Becuse u are." Blargh! And he's suddenly the town hero because he role claimed a random character, and he's turning the town against me. Grrr...

Seriously, I appreciate all of you. I didn't know how bad it was out there.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Exactly. Ive looked else where to find a mafia game when I was bored, but everyone was too stupid...


May 7, 2007
I think common yoshi is actually pretty mafiaish
He's trying to buddy buddy with the town now!


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Well that was a fun read. I'm still going to stand by my reasoning for Spam. He has presented little to no defense that I've seen so far besides " You guys are aggressive too LOLZ!!111" which isn't true. We have each attacked maybe one person if that. Spam has attempted to have anyone found suspicious by anybody, lynched and been very aggressive in doing so. It seems to me that he would take anyone getting killed not just his chosen three. I just don't like the situation and think he's very scummy. Sorry if I turn out to be wrong but, I seriously think that he's mafia and I'm not taking my vote off of him.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Yeah, I was sitting and waiting for more defense, but it doesnt seem to be coming... so... since your defense was pretty extremely lame:
Vote: Spam


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Ok, I'm bored. I've decided that if he was innocent, most of the mafia should have jumped on, he should already be dead. So he's still alive because he is mafia. ... >_>

Unvote: Ligolski (still itchy about him, but it's a rather small itch)
Vote: Spam_Master


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I asked you butt holes if you wanted me to Role reveal. I'm gonna assume that those votes count as requests.

My role is Miss Stevens, head of the getting gay with kids choir which is what my mason group is called. Basicly, each night I can go to a persons house and if they're a kid they join my choir. So, seeing that agentli was a mason on day one I thought I'd try to get him so i'd essentially I'd get two people in one night.

But, on night one when I went to his house I couldn't even find him much less see if he was a kid. Then during today when he said that he had actually lied about being mason I put two and two together combining that he wasn't home during the night and he had lied day one that he was probably mafia, then as soon as I started asking him questions smashman and gotmink defended him almost instantly and agent completely dissappeared, this seemed like a coordinated mafia defense, and that is why they are my top 3 mafia picks.

Also blazer any of my votes that have been for someone other than the core three were joke votes, if you looked at the evidence you would see that since the end of the agent argument I have only gone after the three people that I have named.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
But, on night one when I went to his house I couldn't even find him much less see if he was a kid. Then during today when he said that he had actually lied about being mason I put two and two together combining that he wasn't home during the night and he had lied day one that he was probably mafia
That sounds like you where role blocked. If everytime a person wasn't there meant they where mafia, then that would mean that you where a second cop, and having two cops is overpowered. Your logic fails on the next part, as you also directly lied about the same thing he did, and lied even before that with the purpose of manipulating the town.

Miss Stevens is a one-time character from a single show that isn't even popular (the character, that is). It is unlikely that Thedocsalive would make a role based on someone like that, when there are hundreds of better characters to choose from.

Since we know that cartman is mafia, that would mean that he could be in a masonry with both mafia and non-mafia players.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
or he was role blocked, is untouchable at night, or li isn't a kid...you can't assume he is mafia just on that imo...

your role also sounds like a cult role almost and makes me suspicous and unsure


If Miss Stevens is an unpopular character as Eor said, then this makes me more suspicious of you, as if you were mafia you would choose a not very popular character to avoid role claiming a role someone else already has. My vote stays.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I didn't mean unpopular as in hated, but unpopular as in simply not popular, aka not known
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