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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
To Clarify:

I do not think Spam_Master made that plan up because he knew that the mafia could then have more power. It’s too far of a stretch that he came up with it like that. Instead, I think he is mafia and is tried to come up with a “system” in order to make himself look more town like. Why do I think so? Because anyone trying to come up with a system that’d work would think deep and hard about it. They’d make sure it was a working system.
That system has open and obvious flaws. It reeks of being made up on the spot, doublechecking anything he said. It adds nothing, and by adding steps, makes it more complicated. And he claims it was so we would get results.

If the town can’t decide to lynch someone yet, then we don’t lynch someone. We don’t force a lynch, and we don’t force a lynch and make it so less people count. That in itself is overly mafiaish. It is a ruse.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
4.)After one of the three is elimated from the running everyone in the town except for the two remaining suspects will vote for who they think should be lynched. In the event of a tie the person with the least posts preceding this post will be lynched.
Oooh, ****.

I misread it. Thought it was still three people there. If four people voted for each person, then it would have counted.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003

didn't mean to send it yet, i wasn't done writing.

let me finish up, ignore that post


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
BTW the whole thing isn't set in stone, any changes that anyone thinks we should make are ok with me.

Also, eor you say that using our current way of voting the mafia can't force a vote because they are only four or five people, but I disagree. While the mafia can't lynch a person of their choosing their postion makes it so we can't vote to lynch any mafia unless the town are unanimous.

I doubt anyone here's ability to bind together every single townies vote, especially in the face of mafia defense.

It doesn't matter if the mafia can't force a vote, if they can block one.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
That was a dumb mistake on my part. I appologize

I made a mistake about the lynch. However, the vote you have before the lynch, where one person is removed, is easily manipulated by small votes.

It's still an overly long system with no benefits. Forcing us to lynch someone is mafiaish, if we can't decide with the current system, forcing our hand will not help us.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Bah, you posted while I was posting. let me read what you said


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Also, eor you say that using our current way of voting the mafia can't force a vote because they are only four or five people, but I disagree. While the mafia can't lynch a person of their choosing their postion makes it so we can't vote to lynch any mafia unless the town are unanimous.
They'd have to be completely ****ing ******** to do that. By voting with the town, they're blending in. By staying out, they're singling themselves out.

Even then, I cannot see why you would bring that up. Your plan does not solve it. In any way.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
But it doesn't matter if they don't vote with the town because if the mafia that is under fire is never lynched each town that voted for the mafia could well think that the mafia that was attacked was actually town and the others that voted with him are the mafia group.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
also to answer your question about the vote to remove one person. I'm think that the person who is least suspicious is going to be fairly obvious after the questioning. I really think any mafia players will break under pressure once their isolated from the other mafia.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
Also could somebody check to see when the two people aon vacation are comming back, casue if it's in like two days then we can flush everything I just said down the toilet.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
your plan is too involved for this game spam...while it may have some benefits, it reeks of being messed up by other players here, who are, no offense, less intelligent and unable to go through with your plan sucessfully...i also think it unduly lengthens this day to point where people would unfortunately lose interest...so for the benefit of some people's mind and the ability of the mafia to somehow find a flaw in your system and exploit the town, i nay this plan


May 7, 2007
yeah essentially your plan will work....if the town is completely perfect in it's voting.
I think you're forgeting that there's a very good chance the town disagrees on who's mafia.
Ligolski think's eor's mafia, and I do not, that's already gonna mess up who people think is mafia based on their voting in this "suspect list". I think it's unneccesary, frustratingly long, and flawed.
Voting to vote is kinda dumb.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
Why does this remind me of my plan from that other mafia game in which I was killed and it didn't turn out well? Yeah...complicated plans in here don't work...other than like a mass name claim.


>_< i disagree with that plan as well.... Oh and agentli are you suggesting a mass name claim? there are positives and negatives to one of those and if you are i think we should discuss the possibility of one. I'm not sure if it's appropriate in this situation as some power roles could be revealed, but i think it should be considered as an option. Maybe some discussion on this topic?


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
>_< i disagree with that plan as well.... Oh and agentli are you suggesting a mass name claim? there are positives and negatives to one of those and if you are i think we should discuss the possibility of one. I'm not sure if it's appropriate in this situation as some power roles could be revealed, but i think it should be considered as an option. Maybe some discussion on this topic?
How about No. A mass name claim is probaly the stupidest thing I could think of. Maybe, it;s a good isea when there are one or two mafia left but on day 2? The only thing it would acoomplish is make sure that our cop and doc are night killed on consecutive nights.

If anybody is looking for evidence look no further. The only people a mass name claim would help are mafia.

Vote: GotMink


I never said i supported it... i said discussion about it would be beneficial... Not discussion as well as votes being flung around..... srsly.... anytime anyone ever brings up ANYTHING to be discussed they get voted for...

and besides agentli is the one that said complicated plans never work except name claims, i was asking him if he thinks we should have one.......


How about No. A mass name claim is probaly the stupidest thing I could think of. Maybe, it;s a good isea when there are one or two mafia left but on day 2? Alright ty for your opinion, stopping at the end of this paragraph would be called discussion and i'd have nothing wrong with that The only thing it would acoomplish is make sure that our cop and doc are night killed on consecutive nights. I DO believe i was the one that first said that power roles may be revealed and that's why it would be a bad idea

If anybody is looking for evidence look no further. The only people a mass name claim would help are mafia. Evidence for what? why i'm mafia? because i suggested that we discuss and idea that agentli semi-suggested?

Vote: GotMink just.... no.......
>_< can you PLEASE read what i posted.... your response is as if i was pushing for a name claim... if you actually read what i wrote you'd find it otherwise... discussion is never wrong...

my edits are made in red....

I think pythag and spam_master are out to get me...


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I never said i supported it... i said discussion about it would be beneficial... Not discussion as well as votes being flung around..... srsly.... anytime anyone ever brings up ANYTHING to be discussed they get voted for...

and besides agentli is the one that said complicated plans never work except name claims, i was asking him if he thinks we should have one.......
Agentli simply stated that the only large scale strategy that was effective in mafia games was a mass name claim which is true, but only when there are just one or two mafia left. But, agentli never suggested that we name claim he was just using it as a single counter example to his statement.

YOU were the one that saw his statement and recognized that something that no sane mafia player would start a conversation about, had just been mentioned in such a way that if somebody called you on suggesting it, namely me, you could pass the buck.

A mass name claim this early in the game has only negative effects or the town, in fact I would go so far as to say that it would ensure a mafia win. Every pro-town player here knows this, it's obvious.

This leads me too believe one of four things:
1. Your a pro-town player who inactive except when attacked, and an idiot
2. You an independent with a killing ability who hopes to find all the people who are a threat to him
3. Your mafia and honestly thought that you could trick us into a mass name claim, and an idiot for thinking so
4. Your mafia and thought that you push suspicion onto agentli and you executed you plan poorly


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
... Wow Spam, you are taking this way out of proportion. He just said the pros and cons to a mass name claim, which is a completely valid thing to do considering the amount of new players to the game. Little too out of proportion IMO, and mixed with all the other stuff that has been said about you, its a little too much I think...
Vote: Spam


Hadn't you been accused of twisting words in the past Spam? I'm not sure if that's just how you play however it's making me very suspicious of you. FOS Spam, possibly a vote soon, i'm going to look back to see the other reasons he was under suspicion.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
My "twisting words" was a joke with eor.

Alright then.... what constitutes someone being mafia? This day has been going on for like a month, and all I want to do is find a mafia. W ehave had cases for lots of people but as I've stated beofre no maifa player can get lynched while we don't have everyone.

If you guys want to lynch to me that's fine, cause frankly the way the mafia is playing everyone like a fiddle is frustrating the crap out of me.

here's my mafia list:

1. Smashman
2. Agentli
3. Gotmink

And maybe if there are 4 or 5
4. Eorlingas
5. Blazer


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
A mass name claim this early in the game has only negative effects or the town, in fact I would go so far as to say that it would ensure a mafia win. Every pro-town player here knows this, it's obvious.
Well shucks... I supported a name-claim in the last Mafia game because I had an ability which would determine wether people were faking or not. In fact, I would support a name claim in this game as well except for three reasons. One is that I dont know enough about SouthPark to make this useful to me. People hated it in Kingdom Hearts Mafia. And our game mod isn't giving us clues and narrations at the beginning/during the day. Name claim isn't downright bad when the gaming situation is right.

But yeah, it would be useless in this situation. Not harmful, just plain useless.

This leads me too believe one of four things:
1. Your a pro-town player who inactive except when attacked, and an idiot
2. You an independent with a killing ability who hopes to find all the people who are a threat to him
3. Your mafia and honestly thought that you could trick us into a mass name claim, and an idiot for thinking so
4. Your mafia and thought that you push suspicion onto agentli and you executed you plan poorly
You spelled "you're" wrong in every single post. :) Sorry, just had to point that out.

And why exactly is Blazer suspicious? I can understand your reasoning behind the rest of the people even if I dont necessarily agree, but Blazer has just been typical Blazer. The only thing I can comment on is how his playing style has drastically changed from Day 1 to Day 2, but that could be because he has lost interest or something simple like that.

PS: I have defended pretty much everyone on that list from attacks. Just thought I should point that out to you. :p


May 7, 2007
If camo man has been mafia the whole time, I'm gonna be so pissed.
Because he's pretty much the only one I'm not suspicious of.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I really don't suspect blazer that much, it's just that five has been one of the numbers tossed around and everyone else I'm not suspicious of at all.

I also when I named two of the three people I trusted completely the third one was you common, so if you turn out to be mafia I;m gonna hunt you down in RL, jk.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Yay for Common finally getting "Kingdom Hearts" right!!! Go Common! (huzzah for me posting substance too!)

I've not had anything to say BTW. The little input I have is forced at the most. There's noone who I've felt was worth lynching yet until just now. (If I'm wrong I swear you all bring this up as me "leading" you all I will just quit until Trigun Mafia starts.)

Spam has been accusing people left and right and taking things ferociously out of context and I've started to feel as if he would just have anyone lynched if he could. A kind of desperation for control. Right now, as much as it may seem it, we are in control. The mafia has no way of swaying people in any way because everyone has an airtight alibi. Yet still Spam persists with trying to lych the people that have already been suspected of being mafia before and have defended themselves quite well enough for us to just leave them be. Though I'm sure at least one of these people have been mafia, probably in an attempt to make himself look better, I feel as if Spam's attacks on these people is becoming really dangerous to us as a whole. He could convince us to lynching townies at this rate just because the townie is unable to do anything or gets extremely aggravated with his CONSTANT questioning and refuses to defend themself. For an example see his first accusations of Smashman where he repeated himself multiple times after more than just Smashman had defended him and given excellent reasoning to him not being mafia.

I can't see us letting something like Spam's exploits just slide. It's your choice whether you agree or not but I find Spam to be at the point of absolute mafiaism. I just can't think of any good explaination for his actions at this point. If good evidence against it comes up I'll unvote but at this point I just can't help but to do this anymore,

(If none of that makes sense I'm sorry, it's 1:30 and I am VERY tired but I felt the need to say this before I went tos sleep and forgot my whole reasoning.)



Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
unvote: eorlingas forgot to do that earlier

>_< i disagree with that plan as well.... Oh and agentli are you suggesting a mass name claim? there are positives and negatives to one of those and if you are i think we should discuss the possibility of one. I'm not sure if it's appropriate in this situation as some power roles could be revealed, but i think it should be considered as an option. Maybe some discussion on this topic?
there is nothing suspicious about this in anyway...he doesn't suggest that we start a massive name claim...he suggested we talk about this as an option...

How about No. A mass name claim is probaly the stupidest thing I could think of. Maybe, it;s a good isea when there are one or two mafia left but on day 2? The only thing it would acoomplish is make sure that our cop and doc are night killed on consecutive nights.

If anybody is looking for evidence look no further. The only people a mass name claim would help are mafia.

Vote: GotMink
you twist minks words into a meaning that he absolutely wants to do a name claim...which he did not...this combined with all your other over zealous approaches makes me scared that you are just slamming people for tiny things and could possibly cause the lynch of townies just through sheer aggressiveness...and btw a name claim CAN help the town...but in this situation that we are in probably not and is the reason i won't support it...but either way your attack on gotmink is uncalled for and makes me think you are mafia...an over zealous one...

vote: spam_master


i shall Vote: Spam_Master as well, due to reasons listed above(that includes the reasons I listed, not just others =P)


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Your job is not to interrogate every member of the town who dares to make a move in any direction. What you've done is just that. It's hurt us more than helped us and probably prolonged this day a lot. You've tried to have almost everyone lynched but a few people and those few have been the more skilled players like Ligolski, and you probably didn't go after him because you knew he just might own you and prove to us all that you are mafia which seems to very well be the case. (I'm officially feeling helpful. Go me!)


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I've tried to lynch almost evryone? oh please, since when does almost everyone count as the three people who I think are mafia. And guess what, two of those people were legitimately suspicious. The only reason I stood out is because I stuck to my guns, and kept naggin about questions that were and still haven't been answered. If you think I'm overly aggresive you can kiss my ***. I'll admit I was looking for something too get gotmink on because I was and still am pissed that so far two of the three people I think are mafia have bs'd their way out of the line of fire. If you want to lynch me go ahead, I'll laugh my *** off when you see my role. I've named the three people I think are mafia, and apparently you think they're all town. If you guys decide to vote on one of the three I'll vote too but I don't have enough evidence on anyone else to justify any kind of vote other than a joke one.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Pythag said:
If camo man has been mafia the whole time, I'm gonna be so pissed.
Because he's pretty much the only one I'm not suspicious of.
Would you like me to be more suspicious so you don't have to shoot yourself? XD

ligolski has teh ellipses fevar agin!!!

That's all I got. =/
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