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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
So then, does this put us all the way back at square one like I think it does or do we actually have some hard evidence?


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
It's day two fool, it's not exactly like we have a whole bank of info too draw from. Btw, what do you mean by "hard" evidence, unless I missed something nobody has role claimed as mafia yet, so either you and I have a diffrent definition of hard evidnce or you are simply inquiring as to whether the evidence we already have would be useful in bludgeoning someone to death.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
hard evidence pretty much doesn't exist in mafia...its all theory...hard evidence is like the mod telling who someone is...and that won't happen here...


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
A mafia form of hard evidence is more someone having is something that almost definitely says mafia. Which I'm guessing we do not have.

Would the evidence we have be good for bludgeoning someone to death? *whacks Ligolski with our evidence*.... Guess not.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I don't know what happened there. Lol. Grammar mistake of the day for me.

Rephrase into something that makes sense: In mafia, hard evidence is more when we have something that almost definitely screams mafia.

Now I wish we could edit in mafia... Lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
The only ideas that I have are:
a) To lynch an inactive person.
b) Do a no-lynch vote.

I don't think that we should do a no-lynch vote yet. In my opinion, it seems a little too early to do that. And if we try to lynch an inactive, then who would it be? I'll try to think up of more ideas later.


May 7, 2007
My two cents!
Lynch smashman
Lynch Gotmink
if something is to happen i would wish it to be one of these


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
The more productive of the two would be to lynch Smashman


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I like the cut of your jib pythag, I'll will agree hardily with the will of the group....as long as the group pick one of the three lovers


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I'm more for a vote on smashman too. Just can't bring myself to completely trusting him but, at this point I really don't have an opinion on anything really. I'll vote on whoever we decide to vote on I guess unless I seriously disagree.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Uh, Spam Master, I think you meant two lovers: yourself and Pythag.:laugh: Besides, we really don't have much evidence except for suspicions and my word against yours. And neither of those are good reasons to lynch a person.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
"I'm going to stop with the quotes in the titles unless you guys really want them, because I'm lazy" Vote Count:
GotMink: 2 (Pythag, spam_master)
Eorlingas: 1 (ligolski)
smashman90: 1 (Ronike)
Blazer: 1 (commonyoshi)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I really cannot think of anything else.

Vote: Smashman90

Spam_master, I am still overly suspicious of you. But almost everything I am wary about could simply be mistakes on your part, and not mafiaisms.


i think so....

Vote: Keep the quotes (that's not voting to lynch the keeping of the quotes, that's a vote to keep them =(^-^)= )


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Ok so here it is guys…

Since when did Doctors know if they actually saved someone? No one does that.
This post by eorlingas (#788) is total bs, of coarse you know if you saved someone…they didn’t die along with whether if anyone else died…its that simple…

real doctor

Post 789 by eorlingas is the main focus of this whole post…

WHY would you NOT want the doctor to come out and smite him…that way you are guaranteed a dead mafia one way or the other…and with this few people in the game, this is vital…as it is in any mafia game really no matter of the size…eorlingas has only one reason why the doctor shouldn’t come out…because he is mafia…this is why eorlingas said before that he believed smashman BECAUSE HE HAS TO BE THE DOC!!! Eor, since he is mafia, knows that smashman must be telling the truth and decided to say that he believed him which he does or at least did (more on that a little later)…see, by allowing the real doc to go unlynched as eor had planned, the mafia could lead the town into killing another townie and then the mafia could kill smashman and that would be that! But all did not go well for eor’s plan…the game started to stagnate which is why most of you are considering voting inactives or as eor just did vote smashman for a lynch…this is a MASSIVE flip that further shows he is mafia…he believes him as seen in this quote (post #797):
Thing is, I think that is his real role
But now its:
The more productive of the two would be to lynch Smashman
I really cannot think of anything else.

Vote: Smashman90
What happened to believing him eor? Hmmm…??? O yea that’s right, your mafia, and don’t care who dies as long as it isn’t another mafia scum member…

Of coarse most of you are wondering, what about day 1??? Well eorlingas saw an opportunity as mafia to pick on a townie or at least someone who is anti-mafia…to his luck he said all the wrong things and even made the rest of us think that he was anti-town…which inherently is no ones fault…

So there…eor is mafia as explained above…should be a good lynch for today


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
This post by eorlingas (#788) is total bs, of coarse you know if you saved someone…they didn’t die along with whether if anyone else died…its that simple…
Info flash: just because you targeted to save someone does not mean that they where targeted to die

Post 789 by eorlingas is the main focus of this whole post…

WHY would you NOT want the doctor to come out and smite him…that way you are guaranteed a dead mafia one way or the other…
Because if Smashman is mafia, they get the doc. Do you not remember the first Smashpark mafia?

eorlingas has only one reason why the doctor shouldn’t come out…because he is mafia…this is why eorlingas said before that he believed smashman BECAUSE HE HAS TO BE THE DOC!!! Eor, since he is mafia, knows that smashman must be telling the truth and decided to say that he believed him which he does
Proof for anything you said? If I was the only one who believed him, you'd a small point. I'm not.

see, by allowing the real doc to go unlynched as eor had planned, the mafia could lead the town into killing another townie and then the mafia could kill smashman and that would be that!
Again, you have no proof or basis for what you say. You believe I'm mafia, and so you're making up outrageous "strategies" that i'm doing whenever I do something that benefits the town. It's circular logic, and circular logic does not work.

But all did not go well for eor’s plan…the game started to stagnate
It stagnated because people tried to lynch me and I proved their arguments false. Lance still hasn't brought those posts he claims he has up.

which is why most of you are considering voting inactives or as eor just did vote smashman for a lynch…this is a MASSIVE flip that further shows he is mafia…he believes him as seen in this quote (post #797):

But now its:


What happened to believing him eor? Hmmm…???
Um, nothing. I still do believe him. Where did I claim otherwise? Considering the rest of your post is based on the fact that you think I said something I didn't, i'd say that it's a terrible argument. I said Smashman would be the more "productive" lynch, not that I all of a sudden stopped believing him. If we lynch him, either we find out he's the doctor, or that he's mafia. That is productive. If we let him live, and he dies during the night, then it's still productive. But if he lives, then we have a full second day debating about Smashman. Lynching him solves it, without there being a doubt. What good does lynching an inactive do? Inactives simply don't play the game that much. It could be a terrible mafia ploy, or it could be that they just don't play the game that much. I've been inactive a ton of times, simply because i lost interest, and I've been both mafia and town when that happens. Unless we're incredibly lucky and find a mafia player, then it'd just be a random lynch. And the odds are in a random lynch that we'd kill a town. Besides that, I still believe that Spam_Master is suspicious. As I've said. If smashman is the doctor, like I still believe, then I'd vote for him.

O yea that’s right, your mafia, and don’t care who dies as long as it isn’t another mafia scum member…
So if that's the truth, why would I go against killing the doctor? If I have no opinion on who would die, then why would I do that?

Of coarse most of you are wondering, what about day 1??? Well eorlingas saw an opportunity as mafia to pick on a townie or at least someone who is anti-mafia…to his luck he said all the wrong things and even made the rest of us think that he was anti-town…which inherently is no ones fault…
Are you ****ing serious? You're AGAIN going back to the "Hey dr_twist what's your alignment", even though I've crushed all arguments against it several times? Jesus christ man.

And, ****ing again, circular logic. You brought nothing up in that entire post except for what you claim I'm doing. And why do you think I'm doing that? Because you think I'm mafia. And why do you think I'm mafia? Because I'm doing that.

Circular logic.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Anyone notice the Catch-22 I've been placed in by the people who want me dead? If smashman is the doctor, then I'm mafia and so therefore knew it. If he is mafia, then I'm just defending a mafia player they believe I'm allied with.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
If smashman is the doctor, then I'm mafia and so therefore knew it. If he is mafia, then I'm just defending a mafia player they believe I'm allied with.
You make an excellent point. If he's the doctor your mafia, and if he's mafia your mafia. This leaves only one outcome, your mafia. Thanks for letting us all know your mafia.

Unvote: gotmink
Vote: Eor


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Spam- lol, by editing out the first sentence in that statements puts the point that Eorlingas was trying to get across completely out of context. I think he's mafia but I don't want him to go down like that.

FOS-Spam, for trying to twist Eorlingas' words around.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Curses, logic has defeated me once again

You are joking, right?


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Because if Smashman is mafia, they get the doc. Do you not remember the first Smashpark mafia?
yea your point is what?, the whole thing is to get a mafia player...not to allow one to slip by...

Proof for anything you said? If I was the only one who believed him, you'd a small point. I'm not.
care to reword? that makes no sense

Again, you have no proof or basis for what you say. You believe I'm mafia, and so you're making up outrageous "strategies" that i'm doing whenever I do something that benefits the town. It's circular logic, and circular logic does not work.
its not curcular logic, i showed you are mafia through the fact you would rather let a mafia slip away...i then followed this up by explaining what your plans were in connection that you were mafia

It stagnated because people tried to lynch me and I proved their arguments false. Lance still hasn't brought those posts he claims he has up.
it stagnated b/c people couldn't get on and had little else to say, but i do...

Um, nothing. I still do believe him. Where did I claim otherwise? Considering the rest of your post is based on the fact that you think I said something I didn't, i'd say that it's a terrible argument. I said Smashman would be the more "productive" lynch, not that I all of a sudden stopped believing him. If we lynch him, either we find out he's the doctor, or that he's mafia. That is productive. If we let him live, and he dies during the night, then it's still productive. But if he lives, then we have a full second day debating about Smashman. Lynching him solves it, without there being a doubt.
why is lynching somebody who YOU believe to be truthful with his claim productive...that makes absolutely no sense...you believe him wholeheartedly but are willing to lynch him...your productivity BS is just that BS...an attempt to hide behing language that you can manipulate...

If smashman is the doctor, like I still believe, then I'd vote for him.
so you willingly want to kill a town member...thats mafia to me

So if that's the truth, why would I go against killing the doctor? If I have no opinion on who would die, then why would I do that?
i answered that already...in my last post


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
So I'll add in the quotes next time, but remember, I'm still lazy! :-D

Also, as a reminder, I'm leaving for Florida early tomorrow morning, and won't be back until the 14th. See post 917 for more details.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
yea your point is what?, the whole thing is to get a mafia player...not to allow one to slip by...
Who said anything about slipping away? I had a full strategy made up and posted about making sure we knew if Smashman was telling the truth. Several pages back. It involved asking the cop to investigate Smashman, and I asked if people agreed. No one answered, and all of this stuff happened.

care to reword? that makes no sense
My bad on that. You claimed I was mafia because I believed Smashman. I said that, if I was the only person who believed smashman when no one else did, you'd have a small point. However, because I'm not (common and Pythag also believe me at the least), it's a baseless claim.

its not curcular logic, i showed you are mafia through the fact you would rather let a mafia slip away...i then followed this up by explaining what your plans were in connection that you were mafia
No, that is not proof. That is you just stating what you believe because you believe I am mafia. If I am not mafia, then everything you say is false. If evidence is only evidence if the conclusion you have already concluded is accepted, then it is not evidence.

This is exactly what you are doing. Example of circular logic

"I'm not mafia, but Ligolski keeps trying to get me lynched. Must be that he's mafia. Ah, so if he's mafia, that explains why he is trying to get me lynched, because he knows I'm town and wants me dead. Therefore, the fact that he's trying to get me lynched proves that I am mafia"

That is a terrible and useless claim, like what you're saying.

it stagnated b/c people couldn't get on and had little else to say, but i do...
It stagnated because no one other then you and Lance believed it.

why is lynching somebody who YOU believe to be truthful with his claim productive...that makes absolutely no sense
I answered that in the bottom half of that post. Here, I'll restate it again

me said:
If we lynch him, either we find out he's the doctor, or that he's mafia. That is productive. If we let him live, and he dies during the night, then it's still productive. But if he lives, then we have a full second day debating about Smashman. Lynching him solves it, without there being a doubt.
I also accept the possibility that I'm wrong.

...you believe him wholeheartedly but are willing to lynch him...your productivity BS is just that BS...an attempt to hide behing language that you can manipulate...
What's this?

...you believe him wholeheartedly but are willing to lynch him...your productivity BS is just that BS...an attempt to hide behing language that you can manipulate...
Ahahahaha. You're manipulating what I say just there, then trying to yell at me for doing nothing of the sort. Where have I said that I am 100% positive that Smashman is the doctor? I believe him. Not whole heartily.

so you willingly want to kill a town member...thats mafia to me
Answered already

i answered that already...in my last post
Yes, but it didn't match with what you claimed there. In the rest of your post, you claimed that I was feverant that Smashman wasn't lynched, even though I think he's town, and then in that quote you claimed I didn't care who got lynched as long as they're not mafia. It doesn't match up.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003

Did you just completely ignore my post, or do you just not care? If you still have doubts, post them. Don't just ignore it.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
omfg...what has this game turned into? Since when has this game turned into voting without actual reasons? Eorlingas has answered every point exactly, and there's really nothing anyone else can do to prove him wrong, especially with the lack of any real evidence.

The fact that Ligolski is twisting around Eor's words to something else is extremely disturbing. I think the rest of us know what he's really trying to say.

Vote: Ligolski

FOS: Spam_master

for doing the exact same thing, but to a lesser degree.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I don't think I'll participate in this vote guys. There's nothing major against Eor and Ligolski is trying to find a mafia person in accusing Eor. I'll at least wait to see Ligolski's next post before I vote if I do at all.
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