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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Are you guys really just going to use the "He's too defensive!" agrument? I don't see how attacking a long post with another long point is being too defensive. I had every right to be pissed about the "reveal your alignment" thing, and still people are using it because they refuse to actually read what has been said. And just now, I wrote up a huge response, and Ligolski just ignored it.
i didn't ignore it...don't worry i can read...your last post as in the longish one has nothing that says anything about your temper...

Even worse, you are all trying to claim that I am allied with Spam_Master. How can you possibly come to that conclusion? How is that ****ing possible? I am getting so god**** angry because nothing against me has any god**** reason behind it, minus the fact that I'm getting angry. You see? The more crap you throw, the angrier I get, and then you say more nonesense. It's a deadly cycle.
first off you lie...we ar not "all" saying you are allied with spam_master...next, see you are using pathos on an extreme level once again to persuade...=bad

unfortunately i fell ill today and don't have enough time at the moment to go more in depth with what i have found...sorry


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Ok, I am officially caught up.

Some of you, whose names escape me, are baboons for starting this whole 'Eorlingas lead the town into killing Twist' thing again. Honestly, people have minds of their own. It's exactly like Blazer said. I made the decision to vote against Twist myself. I take full responsibility. Eor never once encouraged anyone to vote against Twist, nor did he ever even outright accuse him of being such. He simply said he believed him to be Independant which Twist made some er, interesting comments, and that was the end for him. Let's never mention the DrTwist incident again.

Camo-man did not have good points. Eor's response was exactly what I would have said if I had decided to defend him like I did Agentli.

There is nothing wrong about being aggressive in this game at all. Ligolski and Lance are wrong. (Yeah, this is a weak argument, but this is all opinion. >_<)

Eor, I think you're underestimating Smashman90. Dont make such a simple mistake.

If Smashman is a fraud, real doctor, please come out already and sacrifice yourself so we can end this whole thing. Until you're unwilling to sacrifice yourself then I will continue this game with the belief that Smashman is telling the truth and will do everything I can to defend him against attacks. If he turns out to be a liar, and we lose the game because of it then I will blame you. It's really simple. You come out, he dies. Doctor is a crappy role anyway.

Pythag and Blazer said something about checking who's doctor through the cop or something like that. It's a waste of time to do that when we can simply kill Smashman.

Defend yourself, don't throw tantrums like a *****.
He did defend himself very well.

And Spam_Master in collaboration with Eorlingas? Ha!
I shall be investigating ligolski shortly.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Before I say anything else....

Your fuses are about as short as as the 7 dwarfs... >____________________>

*is magically unbanned*


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
i didn't ignore it...don't worry i can read...your last post as in the longish one has nothing that says anything about your temper...
I'm aware you can read. It's just that you did ignore it. You could have read it yourself, but you made no mention of anything or any points I had in my post.

first off you lie...we ar not "all" saying you are allied with spam_master
That's a good point. I appologize, I was mistaken

...next, see you are using pathos on an extreme level once again to persuade...=bad
Bull****. I am proving your points wrong with evidence and facts. I'm adding pathos to show you how angry I am that I have to repeat myself. I even addressed the anger in one of my last posts.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
The "your" in the last phrase is misjudged. I didn't mean ligolski personally, just all the points against me


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Common, no. If we are going to risk having the real doctor come out, then we should just kill Smashman. That way, if he is the real doctor, we loose the same as if the doctor came out. if he isn't, the real one is still hidden.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
I've come to a couple of conclusions.

First off, I'm too lazy to respond to Eorlingas' huge response post. XD

Second, I think we should logically tell the plan we feel is the best course of action for today, along with reasons to back up each action.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Some things I want to address...

Eorlingas said:
Correction: Using your terms, I first said "BURN DA WITCH". Then, I said "WAIT, NOT A WITCH. FIND NEW WITCH".
Not true. In one of your posts it finishes with the sentence along the lines of "If he's alive tomorrow, we'll kill him cuz there's no way the doc would be left alive"

Eorlingas said:
Currently, my sights are only set on Eor. But I did attack Spam a bit about flipflopping as well earlier, as well as for being too
Nothing really to attack here, but I don't really understand what you're trying to say here...

Commonyoshi said:
Camo-man did not have good points. Eor's response was exactly what I would have said if I had decided to defend him like I did Agentli.
;_; Ouch, that hurt. Meanie. This was my first time trying this too!


May 7, 2007
I don't think eor is mafia.
He's actually talking out his points and reasoning with people.
He's adding and contributing to the town discussion to further develop everyone's character.
Now he has done this in previous mafia games when he's mafia (or at least as far as I've seen) but i think this is just because he's a good player.
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but the same can not be said about gotmink and agentli.
Li posted a bunch when he was under the microscope but aside from that really lays low, and gotmink posts very little.
I mean, this discussion is pretty big, how is it possible that these two people have absolutely nothing to comment on?
Even saying "Hey, I think eorling's is mafia" or "Hey, I don't think eorlingas is mafia" would at least give us an idea of who you are agreeing with.
It really bothers me and it makes you look scummy.

I think it would be best to either go back to our original ideas and either lynch smashman or agentli.
Yes smashman may be the angel, or he could just as easily be mafia. The thing is, we don't know, and his assumed role reveal puts the town in an extremely sticky situation. IF we lynch him and he's telling the truth, we're helping the mafia. If we don't lynch him then we are giving the mafia complete control over our situation.
I'm thinking it's a good idea to lynch smashman now, just so the town can regain it's footing.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Not true. In one of your posts it finishes with the sentence along the lines of "If he's alive tomorrow, we'll kill him cuz there's no way the doc would be left alive"
Yes, but I then recanted that position a little while after I said it. I actually do think that it was my next post.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I don't think eor is mafia.
He's actually talking out his points and reasoning with people.
He's adding and contributing to the town discussion to further develop everyone's character.
Now he has done this in previous mafia games when he's mafia (or at least as far as I've seen) but i think this is just because he's a good player.
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but the same can not be said about gotmink and agentli.
Li posted a bunch when he was under the microscope but aside from that really lays low, and gotmink posts very little.
I mean, this discussion is pretty big, how is it possible that these two people have absolutely nothing to comment on?
Even saying "Hey, I think eorling's is mafia" or "Hey, I don't think eorlingas is mafia" would at least give us an idea of who you are agreeing with.
It really bothers me and it makes you look scummy.

I think it would be best to either go back to our original ideas and either lynch smashman or agentli.
Yes smashman may be the angel, or he could just as easily be mafia. The thing is, we don't know, and his assumed role reveal puts the town in an extremely sticky situation. IF we lynch him and he's telling the truth, we're helping the mafia. If we don't lynch him then we are giving the mafia complete control over our situation.
I'm thinking it's a good idea to lynch smashman now, just so the town can regain it's footing.
Lynching Smashman now though could be awful for us if he was the doctor. The mafia gets rid of the doctor and possibly someone else of importance in one day/night period? We absolutely can't have that. I say go for Mink. He's the least helpful of all the players we currently have. I understand his reasoning for not posting as it is hard to simply come up with something to post on that's why I'm not as active as I was in say, the KH mafia(I can't take it COMMON PAY ATTENTION! KINGDOM HEARTS NOT KINGDOM OF HEARTS!!! Lol). But, if he seriously can find nothing at all to contribute to the situation ever then he's just going to be an inncactive and I don't like innactives.

Lynching Smashman is my second choice though. It would help us to get more control as long as noone else role reveals.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
*Bashes Pythag and Spam Master over the head with an old and hardened bagette."

I told you guys that I was the doc, heck I even told you guys who I protected the first night. And you still don't believe me? And Pythag, how the hell will the town gain a footing if I get lynched? You would still be left with nothing and you would just make yourself look like mafiascum.

*Hits Pythag over the head again with the bagette."


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Kingdom Hearts? >_> Well that's a dumb name!

I still think the Doctor should reveal himself. Then we would have absolute evidence that Smashman is lieing. We get to kill a mafia/independant today as well as find out the identity of someone who is town, for sure. If we lose him during the night, it shouldn't be that harsh of a loss because Doctor is a pretty crappy role anyway and we got a mafia out of it. One town for one Mafia is pretty good, unless the town ends up the cop. It would only be bad if someone 1337 at mafia ended up being Doctor. I really wouldn't miss someone like GotMink who doesn't really do much.

Of course, I still dont know why a majority of you have decided to believe Smashman. I know I wouldn't have (normally), but this oddly resembles something he did in The Thing which makes me kinda believe him now. So I'll argue for his side today and tommorrow if he's still alive until some real doctor comes out.

Sigh, I guess we wont be able to pull off the Doctor/Cop combo now.


May 7, 2007
*eats bagette and projectile vomits on smashman*
@ smashman
You claim to be the doctor and you claim you saved...ronike? I believe.
you state I will be helping the mafia if we lynch you.
whoo whooo! here comes the clue train!
Anyone can claim to be the doctor, and anyone can state who they saved.
Here it comes, ready for it?

I'm the doctor and I saved Smashman last night.
ZOMG! I must be teh d0ctorz because I said so lolz!

the simple fact is: you've proved nothing and contradicted yourself.
You've lied about your role multiple times, you've admitted to purposefully acting scummy, and lying! (did I mention the lying?)
Guys, I'm either the doc or the cop. OMG! just kidding, I'm neither. Wait not seriously, I'm the doc! Believe me! I admitted it!
not the greatest defense you could've come up with.
now this whole thing was essentially me chiding you I guess.
do you see me voting for you?
I have forgotten the leverage that the town would gain.
Maybe it seemed like it earlier, but I'm thinking killing you would be unbeneficial.
I just had to get that off my chest.
I'm angry at you, because you've put us all in a terrible spot, and made a terrific blunder
I'm much much more pissed/suspicious at gotmink.
seriously, it angers me that he thinks he can just ride on our conversations. And I honestly think you are lurking. You've given me no reason to think otherwise. Reading what's going on and not contributing I believe means you are lurking. I had the same issue with camo but he started posting substance thank God.
Vote Gotmink


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Alright, Im kinda suspiscious of Eor, but not really so much. It definietely doesnt warrant a vote, and no one else really does, so its down to the inactives IMO: Gotmink and Agentli. A lot o people seem to be going after Gotmink, and I really dont know why as agentli was the one we found suspiscious before. THe posts of Gotmink that I have read were all not all that suspiscious, so im voting: Agentli If there is some reason we all are voting mink, someone enlighten me.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
I think I can explain why people are going after Mink. I believe that it is because he has offered very little help, barely done anything(except for voting in Day 1), and some people just don't like lurkers. Did I miss anything?

P.S. Sorry if I sounded mean in my earlier post Pythag, I am mad that it has been raining here and I have been wanting fire off some fireworks tonight. But since I can't, that has just kinda made me mad.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I like the plan eor proposed in which we just kill smahman, but since i'm pretty sure he just proposed it to prove a point I'm gonna go ahead and vote for gotmink because Idon't like lurkers and two, I realize that if we take out one corner of the smash/agnet/mink love triangle then I have a significantly greater chance of proving that I was right and everyone else was wrong. I'm calling right now that smash, mink, and agent are the at least 3 if not all of the mafia.



Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
I just got two questions for you Spam Master:

1. Why wasn't I notified that there was a love triangle? I guess the rumors are true, 1 is truly the loneliest number of them all. Can I have a hug, preferably from commonyoshi(this is not my second question)?

2. How could I communicate with Gotmink and Agentli if I don't even have AIM or MSN? And they certainly don't know my email address (unless they have hacked into my profile) and I am not a telepathic. And I would've caught pm'ing by somebody since quite a few of you guys are online most of the time except for Gotmink and Agentli since they seem to be the most inactive in this game.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
What was that common, about underestimating him?


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Just to clarify, i'm not voting on Eor just because he gets mad, he has acted like he's mafia, period (IMO).

I was planning on posting a lot tonight but work sucked so I changed my mind.

I might post tomorrow before I go to work, I might not. I'm just not feeling it right now.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Just to clarify, i'm not voting on Eor just because he gets mad, he has acted like he's mafia, period (IMO).

I was planning on posting a lot tonight but work sucked so I changed my mind.

I might post tomorrow before I go to work, I might not. I'm just not feeling it right now.
If you're going to keep your vote on me, then I actually going to demand that you post your reasons


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
....Voting is hard

I really don't want to vote on Gotmink. I don't think he's mafia. But he is a lurker and that is EVIL in my book. I'm going to wait 24 hours before I vote on him. If by then he hasn't provided an adequate defense and isn't posting commonly then I'll vote on him.

When did we start making love triangles? I want in the Smashman/Common one lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2006
The Not-So-Secret Secret Agent
I find it quite hilarious actually that people are starting to blame me and mink just to take heat off of themselves. Look at spam, he's doing it, although his mafia list seems to change from minute to minute. YOu want to know the reason why I don't participate? Because I'm jsut looking on and seeing the absolute wasteland that is our town right now. It's disgusting how we're starting to fling around votes for absolutely no reason at all other than:

"He seems suspicious to me therefore we should all collectively lynch him."

When in reality, there's marginal evidence at best. And whenever someone actually puts up some sort of defense for someone else who they genuinely believe to be a townie, there's an inquisitor who automatically goes "Well why are you defending him, are you mafia with him then?". The real reason of course is no, they're just defending him because the people who are voting him have no reason at all...other than "suspicion" of course.

What is suspicion? There is no way you can blame someone for having "suspicion" of someone. But in reality you can, if that's all they're using to vote someone else. Do you want to know the reason why I'm not talking? Because the mafia has us whipped right now! Just take a look at who the people are fanning the waves of discontent in the game right now. And wonder, why? Why would people want to lynch smashman90 on minimal evidence at best, other than his word against someone else's.

I think that's all I've got at the moment. I think Gotmink, after not playing in the last few mafias, just plain has a relative disinterest in the game.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
I find it quite hilarious actually that people are starting to blame me and mink just to take heat off of themselves. Look at spam, he's doing it, although his mafia list seems to change from minute to minute. YOu want to know the reason why I don't participate? Because I'm jsut looking on and seeing the absolute wasteland that is our town right now. It's disgusting how we're starting to fling around votes for absolutely no reason at all other than:
if you are disgusted maybe you should post more often and try to do something...not sit on the sidelines and watch


Lost interest in this game? me? nahhhh >_> . I mean look at all these good ideas going around on how to uncover mafia. "Eorlingas is an angry person he seems like he's mafia"oh here's a good one "Vote: Smashman90 Just because I can." Here want me to join in? i'm voting for pythag because he's suspicious of me. oh and Fos all the other people that voted for me. sorry i can only have one vote. The only one attempting to argue logically is Liggles and agent, and agent's just defending himself, while Ligglesworth, while i don't think that accusing eor of using emotionally filled arguement is a valid idea, is at least trying to logically think about this game.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Gotmink, Id like to note that I didnt vote on you. Im also trying to think logically.

Now, about smashman's second question "how could I have contacted them?" You arent supposed to unles you are MAFIA! Since this is his first game, consider for a second if he were in fact mafia and told he could communicate with his fellow mafia members. Why wouldnt he then think he could talk to anyone via pm? Whereas if he were town, he wouldnt think to contact people outside of the game, especially if he read the rules. So...

unvote: li
Vote: Smash

Ive always kinda thought the doctor thing was kinda weak, but I didnt want to lynch the doctor. Im convinced now though that he isnt the doctor and is in fact mafia because of that and some other stuff.


i agree with ronike that smashman's argument is really weak and the fact that he claimed cop then said he really wasn't and then claimed doctor doesn't make any sense to me. why would he claim a power role putting himself in danger of the mafia and then switch to a different power role? if he told the truth in the first place about what power role he actually had it wouldn't make him any more a target for the mafia. Also Eor's sudden belief in smashman actually being the doctor is somewhat suspicous, i can understand if he's being cautious, but he seems to fully believe smashman is the doc, which i don't believe. so


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
i agree with ronike that smashman's argument is really weak and the fact that he claimed cop then said he really wasn't and then claimed doctor doesn't make any sense to me.
I didn't claim cop, I was giving a hint to what my role was, which was either cop or doc.

why would he claim a power role putting himself in danger of the mafia and then switch to a different power role?
I didn't switch any freakin power roles. I am the doc and I have been the freakin doc since the beginning day.


i'll read back and read over what you said again *wants to be able to edit*


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Lost interest in this game? me? nahhhh >_> . I mean look at all these good ideas going around on how to uncover mafia. "Eorlingas is an angry person he seems like he's mafia"oh here's a good one "Vote: Smashman90 Just because I can." Here want me to join in? i'm voting for pythag because he's suspicious of me. oh and Fos all the other people that voted for me. sorry i can only have one vote. The only one attempting to argue logically is Liggles and agent, and agent's just defending himself, while Ligglesworth, while i don't think that accusing eor of using emotionally filled arguement is a valid idea, is at least trying to logically think about this game.
Funny, because "liggles", as you call him, was the one doing the "he seems angry" vote.

And mine was a joke. Sheesh.

Unvote: Smashman90
Vote: Blazer
for being creepy as well.

I'll um, come back later and make a real post.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
"Screw you guys, I'm going to be home schooled!" Vote Count:[/U
Eorlingas: 2 (ligolski, Lance87)
GotMink: 2 (Pythag, spam_master)
smashman90: 1 (Ronike)
Blazer: 1 (commonyoshi)

Seven to lynch.

By the way, I'm going to be visiting family in Florida July 8th-14th, and I may have very limited access (i.e., only post vote counts once or twice during the week) during that time. Though I may be able to get on more, I can't promise it. So be careful with your votes during that time! You are welcome to post unofficial vote counts if you like. If a lynch is reached during that time, please obey the rules about twilight posting as mentioned in the first post.
first post said:
5. After a player is lynched, but before I post in the thread announcing the player's role and alignment, the game is in a "twilight phase." You ARE allowed to post in the twilight phase, UNLESS you are the person who was just lynched.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Funny, because "liggles", as you call him, was the one doing the "he seems angry" vote.

And mine was a joke. Sheesh.

Unvote: Smashman90
Vote: Blazer
for being creepy as well.

I'll um, come back later and make a real post.
What'd I do? Lol NVM I see now. You know you want us Common. Lol. Just kidding!


uhhh i do believe the "while i don't think that accusing eor of using emotionally filled argument is a valid idea, is at least trying to logically think about this game." covered that part.



Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Everyone has grammar issues. XD Stop speed typing and think so we don't have to solve military codes geez. >_>

Pythag said:
I had the same issue with camo but he started posting substance thank God
At least some people appreciated me for my effort. :D
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