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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
****it ****it ****it!!!! Now We Only Have 8 Actives Including Smash!!!!
(i Know It Is In All Caps...it's Because I'm Screaming At The Top Of My Lungs!!!!!!!)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Spam, act normal. If he really is the doc, what point is there for us to lynch him? There is none. But because he has claimed that role, the mafia would be pretty dumb if they don't kill him now, wouldn't they? So if he survives the night, that will say enough about him.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
My last post didn't even turn out right!!!! I have to take a break from this game before I go insane. It won;t be more than like 5 days, but it doesn't matter anyway because we don;t have enough votes to lynch any body cause everyone seems to have at least one ally, especially smashman and his two love birds agent and mink.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
That was indeed a pretty stupid way of argumentation. You look like you're desperate to kill him. Wait, which people also insist to kill one single person? Eum.... ow yeah, mafia.


May 7, 2007
kuj, I know I'm flip flopping, and believe me I'm as annoyed about it as you.
I honestly cannot make up my mind about this whole thing.
I decide one thing, and then I think about it and see how the other option is a better choice.
I know it looks scummy and I'm sorry. But I really can't make up my mind.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Well I'm back and confused.

I'm having difficulty believing Smashman and find Spam to be very scummy for being so very persistent on wanting him lynched no matter how hard to believe it is.

I'll make a decision on which one is scummier and vote tonight or not vote if that's the conclusion I come to.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
back...lots of reading to do so give me some time....but i still see we are on the same day


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I apologize for my behavior last night I flipped out and that isn't right, but I still find it hard to believe that you guys find anyone other than myself to be as scummy as smash?

I think it's a good idea to break down what can happen today. We mainly have to big options and then their are things that can happen from those choices.

#1: We lynch someone other than smashman.

In this scenarion there are six things that could happen.

Other person is mafia,smashman is town and is therefore nightkilled=we lose a townie and kill a mafia, may also make day 3 lynch a gimme depending on who is lynched today

Other person is mafia, smashman is mafia so he survives and we lynch him the next day=we kill two mafia but still lose one town

Other person is mafia, smashman is town but a diffrent town is nightkilled so we lynch him the next day=we kill a mafia but we lose two town

Other person is not mafia, smash is town and is nightkilled=two town die and we have no leads day 3

other person is not maifa, smash is town but is not nightkilled so we lynch him day 3= We lose 3 town and have no leads

other person is not mafia, smash is mafia so we lynch him day 3=we lose two town and kill a mafia


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
ok...no super long posts, i have other forums to read up on as well but here it goes...

with the suggestion of thinking of characters earlier...bad idea, helps mafia in terms of faking roleclaims and such if it ever got down to that...

someone, whoever has a lot of time, should look for someone who has been posting but not voting...then we have found our invisable voter probably

somewhere there was a small discussion on the cop and his revealing and investigation of others...don't say anything...(i think this was what was discussed...i have anotpad and all i wrote down was "cop->reveal" and it failed to truly remind me of what i wanted to say...o well...)

there was a suspicious post of blazers back a ways but i failed in copying it and i will retrieve it later...

NOW...on to smashman...vote: smashman

a) your plan sucked and the people you are suspicious of and your reasons also were low leveled...
b)your fake and your "real" role claims were both power roles and they are usually attempts by a cornered mafiascum to try and dig his way out of a sticky situation...seen it done before...and i have used it myself as well...(hehe, lost mafia!)...

so i don't believe you


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
#2: we lynch smashman today

Smashman is mafia, we lose a town to nightkill=We kill a mafia but lose one town, but we have more than enough posts to lynch a mafia in every subsequent day

Smashman is not mafia, we lose a town to nightkill= this is bad but at least we now have like 5 or 6 people who are definetly not mafia.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
K, i'm back and can't remember if i let you guys know before i left =) I went to a tournament in GA (i live in memphis) and i just got back today...to find out that my internet on my desktop doesnt work at the moment (i'm on my bro's laptop right now) so i might be active in spurts, i'll let you guys know if i need to be replaced.

i plan on catching up tonight


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
What it comes down too is that smash man dies every time, and if we kill someone else the chances of killing more mafia or at least the smae amount as town the who die are only 1/3 where as it's 1/2 if we kill smash now.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Spam Master, all of your posts fail because they don't take in the effect of nights or simple logic. The train of thought you've been using would justify the statement that "Every football game, the Bears have a 50% chance of winning because there are only two teams". Your post doesn't take into effect suspicion, and the football post doesn't mention skill.

I still find you suspicious. All you are trying to say is "Well he will die anyways so lets kill him now".

Please, give me one **** good reason we should purposefully kill the doctor?

Unless your thing is that you don't believe him, of which I really can't help you think otherwise. The vibe I'm getting from Smashman90 is that he's telling the truth, for reasons already stated.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
I dunno man, he could be telling the truth, Im really not sure. Im sure enough to be uncomfotable with lynching him. Your reluctance to let this go is kinda suspiscious though...


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Or not...
Actually Im startin to think of something, though its not worth posting. I gotta think about things.

Kuj, seriously, you are blaming me for side switching too much?! I did it to give him time to answer without getting lynched during a real night without our noticing. And this, I honestly did think of something right when I posted. FOS: Kuj for that.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
whats to say that smashman is telling the truth and isn't lying and trying to pull a trick that always appears in mafia games or at least many of them...I just don't believe him and thats what this is going to come down to...a matter of believing him...i could unvote him if someone gave me a good logical statement/argument besides the possibility him of being cop that truly shows he has acted more town than mafia...i have been gone so I can't remember everything from the preveious posts


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Am I really the only one that believes him?

I mean, seriously, I don't want to be right. But I believe I am, and so I'm cautious on voting for him. If he is the Doc, it's better to let him live a night, so he can at least protect one person. Spam_Master is missing that the mafia are all about controlling the events. If we leave Smashman alive, we are forcing their hand. We are controlling them.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
someone, whoever has a lot of time, should look for someone who has been posting but not voting...then we have found our invisable voter probably
The only people that I could think of who hasn't voted but still is posting is Gotmink and maybe Lance. I have noticed that they haven't placed votes recently, but I might be wrong on that. I am gonna check it out now just to be forsure.

If he is the doctor then I'm Jackie Chan.
Can I have your autograph Mr. Chan? lol.

Other than that, I got nothing to say.


I haven't voted recently but i did vote for dr twist day 1. If that helps so you don't have to go back and look.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I'll drop the smashman thing if someone can give me somebody who is more mafia like, and some good reasons why. (And, yes Eor...I'll count myself too)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Ok, I think that you're acting the most suspicious at the moment because you tried to get us to KILL THE DOCTOR ON PURPOSE.

But, of course, that is only on the basis that Smashman is the real doctor.

And I cannot see any way to prove that he is.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Yeah, someone says they are the doctor and you keep going after them very strongly does make you kind of suspicious, but I can see where you wouldn't believe him. He could well be mafia trying to defend himself. This is all very confusing.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Ok.... It's after the weekend and I'm back like I said I would be. ^_^ Yay me.

Anyone noticed Eorlingas' kinda flip-flopping too? Check out this post.

Eorlingas said:
smashman90 said:
the person that I protected in night 1 was Ronike because I had a feeling that he was gonna get nightkilled, but I was wrong.
That is what bothers me

Since when did Doctors know if they actually saved someone? No one does that.

Doctor is the exact same role Camo claimed
Now, as honored as I am to be remembered so well, in this post he shows suspicion against smashman. btw, I claimed Secondary doctor in attempts to have something obscure enough to slip away.... but liggy got me with his privileged (READ: not supposed to have) info. >:O

Now Eorlingas is saying we shouldn't kill the doctor, and instead try to dig out another mafia and lynch him.

This is NAUTICAL NONSENSE! (Congrats if you get it)

Next, he says

Eorlingas said:
I mean, seriously, I don't want to be right. But I believe I am, and so I'm cautious on voting for him. If he is the Doc, it's better to let him live a night, so he can at least protect one person. Spam_Master is missing that the mafia are all about controlling the events. If we leave Smashman alive, we are forcing their hand. We are controlling them.
Unfortunately for him, this applies VERY MUCH to him. He leads us quite a bit, I find. From his own logic, there's a high chance he is mafia.

Therefore, FOS Eorlingas.

And finally, FOS ligolski.

Why? It's because he's started using ellipses a whole lot more than he did before. What did you do to the real ligolski?! >:O

Yay, I tried doing something for once. XD


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
btw, my theory for the flip-flppping on Eorlingas' part is that he first thought he could easily put smashman, the possible doctor, out of commission very easily.... and then he thought 'WHOMG I could get the town to lynch someone else today, then mafiakill someone else, and then watch as smashman gets pwned hard cuz he wasn't nightkilled for being the doc'


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Ok.... It's after the weekend and I'm back like I said I would be. ^_^ Yay me.

Anyone noticed Eorlingas' kinda flip-flopping too? Check out this post.

Now, as honored as I am to be remembered so well, in this post he shows suspicion against smashman. btw, I claimed Secondary doctor in attempts to have something obscure enough to slip away.... but liggy got me with his privileged (READ: not supposed to have) info. >:O
Camo, did you not read the next post?

Smashman, that was actually a really obvious answer. I'm upset that I didn't realize it.

Thinking on it, I have to say that I really do think Smashman is telling the truth. Nurse Gollem was the nurse from the first game, and it's unlikely that Smashman (being smashman) would re-read the last thread to find that out.

Unvote: Smashman90

Besides, if he is alive tomorrow, we know he is lying.
I didn't flip flop. Flip flopping would be if I just randomly started defending him. Posting a concession and then backing up my new idea is not flip flopping.

Now Eorlingas is saying we shouldn't kill the doctor, and instead try to dig out another mafia and lynch him.

This is NAUTICAL NONSENSE! (Congrats if you get it)
Please, re-read what you just said. Please. You are really trying to say I'm suspicious because I say that we "shouldn't kill the doctor, and instead try to dig out another mafia and lynch him". And how is that suspicious?

Unfortunately for him, this applies VERY MUCH to him. He leads us quite a bit, I find. From his own logic, there's a high chance he is mafia.
Please, it no more applies to me as it does to you, or anyone else who has ever made a post asking for us to lynch someone or accused someone.

Therefore, FOS Eorlingas.
What's with all this FOSing? I swear that is the stupidest thing. If you're going to vote, vote. FOS is a ***** vote.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
btw, my theory for the flip-flppping on Eorlingas' part is that he first thought he could easily put smashman, the possible doctor, out of commission very easily.... and then he thought 'WHOMG I could get the town to lynch someone else today, then mafiakill someone else, and then watch as smashman gets pwned hard cuz he wasn't nightkilled for being the doc'
If that was my plan, then why would I post it? What you just said was what I already outlined as a possible scenario, along with a possible way to counter it. I asked on people's opinions, though we got caught up in this.

Besides, it would be best for the Mafia to kill him today. If the Doc is alive tonight, then the town is controlling who they kill. If they don't kill him, then there is a chance that their night kill would be blocked.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
Ok.... It's after the weekend and I'm back like I said I would be. ^_^ Yay me.

Anyone noticed Eorlingas' kinda flip-flopping too? Check out this post.

Now, as honored as I am to be remembered so well, in this post he shows suspicion against smashman. btw, I claimed Secondary doctor in attempts to have something obscure enough to slip away.... but liggy got me with his privileged (READ: not supposed to have) info. >:O

Now Eorlingas is saying we shouldn't kill the doctor, and instead try to dig out another mafia and lynch him.

This is NAUTICAL NONSENSE! (Congrats if you get it)

Next, he says

Unfortunately for him, this applies VERY MUCH to him. He leads us quite a bit, I find. From his own logic, there's a high chance he is mafia.

Therefore, FOS Eorlingas.

And finally, FOS ligolski.

Why? It's because he's started using ellipses a whole lot more than he did before. What did you do to the real ligolski?! >:O

Yay, I tried doing something for once. XD

not my fault a mafia member did something stupid...
and no worries i am the same ligolski!...

at first glance through I did not find eorlingas's last few statements to be scummy...i will reread tomorrow hopefully to see what i feel after a good ole' fashioned reread...

*spites camo-man...*


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
I think I may be on to something...but for now unvote: smashman ...this is going to be huge...I will post more on it later today


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
I think Spam and Eorlingas are definitely mafia.

I see where Camo was getting at because as I was reading through I noticed that Eorlingas was attaching himself to other votes being all "that's a great idea!" and that would keep himself from suspicion.

Since almost the very beginning Eorlingas has seemed very suspicious, and he tries to lead a lot and control the town. He also gets VERY defensive when even a tiny bit of suspicion gets cast on him.

Spam master is very scummy in my opinion. Alot of the things he says and the way he acts are really suspicious

Most of the time i've noticed that Eor and spam go after the same targets (i'm not reading back at the moment so i guess i'll go back to try and make quotes if someone contests this).

My mafia picks as of right now- Eorlingas, Spam master, maybe blazer(from earlier)

****it, vote:Spam

We need to make a very informed decision about who we vote for because if we lynch a townie, then the mafia have a chance of getting another townie, then they mostly control the game.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
i will be adding more against eor sometime soon when i have the time to put it all down nicely
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