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SPMII (Game over, mafia win in a bloody finale!)

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Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I think Spam and Eorlingas are definitely mafia.

I see where Camo was getting at because as I was reading through I noticed that Eorlingas was attaching himself to other votes being all "that's a great idea!" and that would keep himself from suspicion.

Since almost the very beginning Eorlingas has seemed very suspicious, and he tries to lead a lot and control the town. He also gets VERY defensive when even a tiny bit of suspicion gets cast on him.

Spam master is very scummy in my opinion. Alot of the things he says and the way he acts are really suspicious

Most of the time i've noticed that Eor and spam go after the same targets (i'm not reading back at the moment so i guess i'll go back to try and make quotes if someone contests this).

My mafia picks as of right now- Eorlingas, Spam master, maybe blazer(from earlier)

****it, vote:Spam

We need to make a very informed decision about who we vote for because if we lynch a townie, then the mafia have a chance of getting another townie, then they mostly control the game.
You are aware that me and Spam_Master are not agreeing with eachother at all and that I claim he is mafia, and have done so since the first day, correct? Or did you just not read that part?


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Dude, I haven't agreed much with either of them. Besides that, my only move that seems scummy in the least was calling for Twist's lynch which was an honest mistake that wasn't just my fault. Notice that it took what was it 8 to lynch? I'm not the only one who thought he was mafia apparently so stop trying to pin the blame on me.

If anyone is suspicious right now it is probably Spam or Eor your right on that but, stop trying to lynch me just because I made a mistake that 7 other people made too, the only difference is I had reasoning that they apparently found good enough too.

This game is starting to make me mad because of all the dumb people in it.


psssh me lurking? nahh i just never have anything of substance to post ^_^


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I'm the same as Mink there's been no real reason to post this game because the dumb people are the majority and they've been picking who's suspicous.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
I realize that right now you're not agreeing with him, I just wanted to voice my opinion. I didn't ask anyone to act on my opinions I just wanted to say something since i've been inactive, I'm not saying I don't mean what I said though.

Anyways, from what I remember, you'd be going after the same goal as spam, then change your opinion to not look scummy. That's what I was talking about. In all honesty, I definitely think you're mafia but I still have doubts so...i dunno.

@Blazer- I didn't say you were going along with them on anything, I said that I still had the same suspicions on you from before because they were unresolved when the subject got changed.

I'm keeping my vote on spam though, because I believe that more strongly than anything.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I realize that right now you're not agreeing with him, I just wanted to voice my opinion. I didn't ask anyone to act on my opinions I just wanted to say something since i've been inactive, I'm not saying I don't mean what I said though.

Anyways, from what I remember, you'd be going after the same goal as spam, then change your opinion to not look scummy. That's what I was talking about. In all honesty, I definitely think you're mafia but I still have doubts so...i dunno.

@Blazer- I didn't say you were going along with them on anything, I said that I still had the same suspicions on you from before because they were unresolved when the subject got changed.

I'm keeping my vote on spam though, because I believe that more strongly than anything.
There was never a reason to be suspicious of me in the first place! Good lord this is making me mad! Go back and read what I said! It takes 8 to lynch, just because I was the only one of those eight to present any reasoning for my vote at all does NOT make me suspicious! This is making me want to hurt somebody gah! I'm sorry that I presented crappy reasoning to lynch somebody on day 1 where we had nothing to go on but someone not saying that they were town but I apparently wasn't the only ****** one to think it seemed wrong! STOP TRYING TO BLAME ME!

Geez this game is making me mad.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I look scummy mainly due too my defining character flaws, I'm almost never change mt mind after it is made up, and am extremely distustful of anyone who is on my sh*t list, especially if they have no evidence to back it up.

I think that smashman is mafia, I think he's lying about the being the doc and I think that by not lynching him today if he is mafia when it is six to lynch tommorow we could be in real trouble. If the mafia can convince just two or three town that the mafia decided not to nightkill smash just because he would get lynched the next day and that he is 100% town then we are screwed.

I am town, if I wasn't would I put myself out in the open and actively go after someone even when it's plain to see that the majority are convinced he is the doc?


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Eorlingas said:
Camo, did you not read the next post?
Yes I did, and here is the one I found…

Eorlingas said:
real doctor

Was this intended to prove something?

Assuming this is the post after his post, as it actually says something more useful...
Eorlingas said:
Smashman, that was actually a really obvious answer. I'm upset that I didn't realize it.

Thinking on it, I have to say that I really do think Smashman is telling the truth. Nurse Gollem was the nurse from the first game, and it's unlikely that Smashman (being smashman) would re-read the last thread to find that out.

Unvote: Smashman90

Besides, if he is alive tomorrow, we know he is lying.
Some stuff you did wrong here:
1) this is not your next post
2) finding out the roles takes only two clicks and 5 minutes MAX on his part to find out that Nurse Gollem was the doc role
3) Under the assumption you ARE mafia, the last sentence is a way to influence a death of another townie in a subtle, almost reasonable manner

Still seeing mafia…. :O

Eorlingas said:
I didn't flip flop. Flip flopping would be if I just randomly started defending him. Posting a concession and then backing up my new idea is not flip flopping.
Flip flop, to me, means to change the way you’re thinking in a short period of time. What’s your definition?

Eorlingas said:
Please, re-read what you just said. Please. You are really trying to say I'm suspicious because I say that we "shouldn't kill the doctor, and instead try to dig out another mafia and lynch him". And how is that suspicious?
That was just to prove your flip-floppy-ness. First you say something like “BURN DA WITCH” and then you say “LET’S FIND ANOTHER WITCH TO BURN AND TAKE CARE OF THIS WITCH TOMORROW!” And to explain the nautical nonsense thing, the Spongebob Squarepants show has a line the goes “If nautical nonsense be something you wish, then drop on the deck and flop like a fish” Just another way to say flip flop. XD

Eorlingas said:
Please, it no more applies to me as it does to you, or anyone else who has ever made a post asking for us to lynch someone or accused someone.
This applies to you more because you were in a leadership-ish role more, with your Dr Twist stunt where you led the town into helping you get Twist’s alignment, and in recent events.

Eorlingas said:
What's with all this FOSing? I swear that is the stupidest thing. If you're going to vote, vote. FOS is a ***** vote.
Too lazy with the bold tags and I wanted to hear other people’s opinions first.

Eorlingas said:
If that was my plan, then why would I post it? What you just said was what I already outlined as a possible scenario, along with a possible way to counter it. I asked on people's opinions, though we got caught up in this.

Besides, it would be best for the Mafia to kill him today. If the Doc is alive tonight, then the town is controlling who they kill. If they don't kill him, then there is a chance that their night kill would be blocked.
The first part could be numerous reasons. One possible one is reverse psychology. Another one is that if you left it out, someone could point it out and you’d look scummy. As for the second section, it’s highly unlikely that the doctor actually saves someone unless it’s the obviously good people like frozen or ligolski or something…

Eorlingas said:
You are aware that me and Spam_Master are not agreeing with eachother at all and that I claim he is mafia, and have done so since the first day, correct? Or did you just not read that part?
Could be a ploy or whatever to earn the trust of the town, assuming you two are mafia. Currently, my sights are only set on Eor. But I did attack Spam a bit about flipflopping as well earlier, as well as for being too

I would also like to mention Eorlingas has played with frozen in the past (I have too, so it’s not that bad) and has seen how much of a threat he could be.

Ligolski’s apparent overusage of the ellipses has led me to believe he is mafia as well. >_>

Btw, WHOMG I actually did something. First long post FTW. And I also think that everyone should remember this is a game and not blow their tops off. Mr. Mod isn’t really setting too good of an example… >.>


PS I’ve probably screwed up on some tags… but I’m sure you guys can figure out what it was supposed to be
PPS Super duper sorry for the long post guys. I just wanted to try it for once. :x


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I'm back from China, land of the free, and have skimmed this entire thread. I do mean skimmed instead of read because there is too much, I am tired from lack of sleep, I and am a tiny bit constipated while typing this. Sue me.

Did anyone else notice that hidden vote on Eor a couple of days ago showed up right after I left and disappeared right after I made that "Hey guys, I'm in China!" post? I cant but help feel someone was trying to set me up. It could be a coincidence, but meh.

Also, since when did any of you start listening to the role claims of a person about to be lynched? I haven't decided whether to believe Smashman or not yet, but I disagree with five or so people all just believing him like that and taking their votes off. Could someone tell me why you all decided to believe him like that? "I dont want to risk killing the doctor" is a pathetic reason. I expect people to be sure he is who he claims to be.

And you people stop making those "well, if so and so dies today, and we lose someone tonight, we have a six players remaining blah blah blah" posts. This isn't a game of probability.

If Smashman doesn't die tonight, it means nothing. Smashman could have saved himself, or the Mafia could have chosen a different target expecting us to lynch Smashman the next day. We cant condemn him to death because so many things can happen.

I know some/most will disagree with me on this, but if Smashman is lying then the real doctor should come out. I've always had the view that Doctor was a crappy ability anyways. Honestly, I dont think I've ever seen the doctor successfully save someone in my whole history playing Mafia at SWF. I'd gladly lose the doctor to kill a Mafia. Heck, I'd gladly lose a doctor over someone smart who has an otherwise crappy character ability.

Carp, I'm tired. -_-
Have fun in Japan, Kuji. I know I did when I was there a couple of years ago.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I'm back from China, land of the free, and have skimmed this entire thread. I do mean skimmed instead of read because there is too much, I am tired from lack of sleep, I and am a tiny bit constipated while typing this. Sue me.

Did anyone else notice that hidden vote on Eor a couple of days ago showed up right after I left and disappeared right after I made that "Hey guys, I'm in China!" post? I cant but help feel someone was trying to set me up. It could be a coincidence, but meh.

Also, since when did any of you start listening to the role claims of a person about to be lynched? I haven't decided whether to believe Smashman or not yet, but I disagree with five or so people all just believing him like that and taking their votes off. Could someone tell me why you all decided to believe him like that? "I dont want to risk killing the doctor" is a pathetic reason. I expect people to be sure he is who he claims to be.

And you people stop making those "well, if so and so dies today, and we lose someone tonight, we have a six players remaining blah blah blah" posts. This isn't a game of probability.

If Smashman doesn't die tonight, it means nothing. Smashman could have saved himself, or the Mafia could have chosen a different target expecting us to lynch Smashman the next day. We cant condemn him to death because so many things can happen.

I know some/most will disagree with me on this, but if Smashman is lying then the real doctor should come out. I've always had the view that Doctor was a crappy ability anyways. Honestly, I dont think I've ever seen the doctor successfully save someone in my whole history playing Mafia at SWF. I'd gladly lose the doctor to kill a Mafia. Heck, I'd gladly lose a doctor over someone smart who has an otherwise crappy character ability.

Carp, I'm tired. -_-
Have fun in Japan, Kuji. I know I did when I was there a couple of years ago.

The doctor succesfully saved Ronike from me in the KH mafia. It's a very helpful role depending on who has it but, if Smashman has it, actually if almost anyone in this game has it, it's wasted.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
commonyoshi said:
If Smashman doesn't die tonight, it means nothing. Smashman could have saved himself, or the Mafia could have chosen a different target expecting us to lynch Smashman the next day. We cant condemn him to death because so many things can happen.
In most games, docs can't protect themselves. Let's ask TheDocsAlive

btw, tuna, I'm bored...

Thanks guys for da support. I hope I don't get killed for this. >_<


May 7, 2007
Yes let's all just congradulate camo.
Excellent diversion mafia!
no, but seriously, camo your condeming a pretty useful tactic that eorlingas used.

Smashman has come out saying he's the doctor. If he is or not we don't know.
What we do know is that if he is, this gives everyone else a free night, because the mafia shall target him. If smashman is lying, then he shall die tomorrow in an easy lynch.
What essentially this does is keep us 1 day ahead of the mafia, as now we have tomorrow "decided". We now have a whole day to discuss another possible mafia. And seriously? You're typing all this to tell people they're flipflopping? Heck, I did that. I couldn't make up my freaking mind about the situation, and still have no clue as what to do.

as of right now, spam is going crazy, blazer and lance are pissed, eorlinga's is under the microsope and is going to be pissed (possibly drunk), smashman is the doctor, camo suddenly got smarter, and gotmink and agentli are going under the radar (has anyone else noticed that?) and there are still like 3 mafia out there. So I don't know what to do, I think I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut, as it's working for others.

The only thing is that if eorlingas is mafia, then we have a problem. If he's mafia than it's obvious he's leading the mafia, hence he's making all the decisions. He could decide not to kill smashman, letting the town kill him tomorrow, and then they get essentially 3 kills in a row.

...just to plant that seed of doubt in my own mind...
ok, I'm done.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Camo, if the noobs of this game decide to lynch you for this I'm promise to make their lives on the Forum Games heck lol. How I don't know, but it will happen. Unless someone comes up with major evidence against you that is lol.


May 7, 2007
aghh, more posts.
@ common, if the "real" doctor comes out, how are we going to know?


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
eorlinga's is under the microsope and is going to be pissed (possibly drunk), .
This made me laugh a bit.

If the real doctor comes out the only way to find out is to lynch them or to have someone who can check roles(Sometimes in the game sometimes not) check. But we can't believe anyone so we'd have to lynch them.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
The thing that everyone has too relize is that,especially since we have been talking about it, no matter what smashman is not going to get nightkilled, unless a vigilante gets him. If he is mafia, he survives, and if he is the doc then the mafia will let him live till tommorow, so IF smashman is the doctor he will still be alive tommorow just the same as if he was mafia.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
Waiting till tommorow is not going to provide any info on smashman's alignment. *Cough*mafia*Cough**Cough*


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Yeah I doubt if mafia ever planned on killing smash man. They'd go after more experienced smarter players. But you never know I guess.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
1) this is not your next post
I'm sorry for confusing you. I was under the assumption that the post I was referring to was my next one. The fact that it was the post under my next post doesn't actually mater.

2) finding out the roles takes only two clicks and 5 minutes MAX on his part to find out that Nurse Gollem was the doc role
Wrong. It takes that, plus the idea of going back to double check. Smashman90 is not that man. Read the Thing thread. Did you see how he died? He tried to save a head-shot victim who was in a room burning to the ground. He burned to death.

3) Under the assumption you ARE mafia, the last sentence is a way to influence a death of another townie in a subtle, almost reasonable manner
Circular logic. Evidence means nothing if it only works when the conclusion is already assumed.

Flip flop, to me, means to change the way you’re thinking in a short period of time. What’s your definition?
Changing your opinion without any reason. Period of time has no meaning to the term. At all.

That was just to prove your flip-floppy-ness. First you say something like “BURN DA WITCH” and then you say “LET’S FIND ANOTHER WITCH TO BURN AND TAKE CARE OF THIS WITCH TOMORROW!”
Correction: Using your terms, I first said "BURN DA WITCH". Then, I said "WAIT, NOT A WITCH. FIND NEW WITCH".

with your Dr Twist stunt where you led the town into helping you get Twist’s alignment
Not that nonsense again. I didn't lead the town. You followed me without my wish and turned it into a catastrophic failure. Seriously, it's like I bought you guys a car, and you ran me over with it

The first part could be numerous reasons. One possible one is reverse psychology. Another one is that if you left it out, someone could point it out and you’d look scummy.
Why would I be the one to look scummy? It is Spam_Master who is leading the charge for killing the doctor. Don't confuse me with him

As for the second section, it’s highly unlikely that the doctor actually saves someone unless it’s the obviously good people like frozen or ligolski or something…
Exactly, the type of people the mafia would want to kill.

Could be a ploy or whatever to earn the trust of the town, assuming you two are mafia.
Circular logic. Only works by assuming we are mafia. And I am not.

Currently, my sights are only set on Eor. But I did attack Spam a bit about flipflopping as well earlier, as well as for being too

I would also like to mention Eorlingas has played with frozen in the past (I have too, so it’s not that bad) and has seen how much of a threat he could be.
Almost everyone here has. And only one of them would even need to be mafia if we are going to assume that Frozen was killed from past experience.

Btw, WHOMG I actually did something. First long post FTW.

And I also think that everyone should remember this is a game and not blow their tops off. Mr. Mod isn’t really setting too good of an example… >.>
Haha. Banned.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
I agree with Smashman. That was really funny actually whether intentional or not. W'ere getting into too much comedy now though.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
i didn't get enough time yesterday to do the longish post...will try to do it today but i want to throw out one point while i have some time...

obviously everyone must have noticed that when something went wrong for eorlingas he got extremely angry...an anger i have only seen from frozen like when he was independent in that other mafia of which i can't remember the name...i believe this anger is characteristic of someone who is anti-town...the anger we have seen was a use of extreme pathos (emotion) to convince us...the overuse of pathos is bad when it comes argumentive/persuasive issues is basically considered a logical fallacy...i will add more later

vote: eorlingas


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
GAH! Too much stuff posted in one day, and too much needless spam in there too! Ill try and read up later....


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
I've also thought that Eorlingas has been way too aggressively defensive. I think he's mafia, but I think Spam's mafia too. The thing about this game is that when someone gets accused for something little or the way they are acting, all they have to do is defend themselves or put up a fuss about it and the town won't go through with the vote most of the time.

Eorlingas has been dodging the bullet a lot by using his rawrzorz style defense.



I'm not piggy-backing ligolski on this one, i've already voiced my opinion on Eorlingas, if he's not freakin cartman or at least mafia i'm gonna be surprised.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Are you guys really just going to use the "He's too defensive!" agrument? I don't see how attacking a long post with another long point is being too defensive. I had every right to be pissed about the "reveal your alignment" thing, and still people are using it because they refuse to actually read what has been said. And just now, I wrote up a huge response, and Ligolski just ignored it.

Even worse, you are all trying to claim that I am allied with Spam_Master. How can you possibly come to that conclusion? How is that ****ing possible? I am getting so god**** angry because nothing against me has any god**** reason behind it, minus the fact that I'm getting angry. You see? The more crap you throw, the angrier I get, and then you say more nonesense. It's a deadly cycle.

I have answered all of yours points, and it was just ignored. Lance87 is seriously just coming up with stuff that has no basis, and you are all believing him. I agree with SPam_master? He claims I am allied with him when I have never trusted him, posted against him since day one, in an argument where I'm calling him mafia, and he just ignores all of that. Bring up those posts you claim you have, Lance. If I agree with Spam_master, it'd be a small thing that almost everyone agreed on.

And now he claims I am dodging bullets. Does he just not read anything I have posted? I have answered all of his questions. I have even answered why I am so angry. And then he just ignores it and claims I dodged bullets.

Am I the only one that sees this?


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2004
Long Island, NY
"Hell, everything's legal in Mexico, Ned. It's the American way!" Vote Count:
Eorlingas: 2 (ligolski, Lance87)
smashman90: 1 (spam_master)

Seven to lynch.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2006
Memphis/Millington --- Runaway 7 till I die.
Coming up with nonsense? I didn't says you "allied" with him, i said you went after the same targets. I've gotta be at work in 25 minutes but i guess i'll go back and actually quote stuff when I get off tonight since you're acting like a big ****ing baby. Defend yourself, don't throw tantrums like a *****.

This type of aggressive defensiveness is exactly what we're talking about, and you're only making yourself look childish.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Voting for someone just because he gets angry is dumb. >_>

Remember in KoH Mafia when Frozenflame got angry at ligolski for making him repeat his points over and over? Frozen was town. Frozen was angry. Frozen was town AND angry.

There is nothing wrong about having "aggressive defensiveness". I got that way in KoH Mafia when I thought Kuji and Blazer were absolute prats for voting agaisnt me. (No offense) I was town. I was aggressively defensive. (I wrote a mini-essay) I was town AND agressively defensive.

Vote: ligolski
for using that as a reason to vote against Eor. He could have said something like "I agree with Lance", but not this. -_-


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
Unless something huge were to happen (like him admitting he was mafia), there is nothing that would make me think that ligolski is mafia, I trust him almost as much as I trust ronike. In fact there two of the three people I have on my "confirmed" town list.

Also, I'm tired of people pinning me and eor together, eor can lick my hairy sack for all I care, and the only reason I'm not voting for him right now is because I still think smashman is lying about being the doc.
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