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Spider-Manfia: (Game Over! Roles Posted)

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Oh yea, I am pretty sure Hando has an anti-town role. Seeing as how I doubt there would be 2 silencing type roles. Especially one that could be broken very easily.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Anyone else finding grenades exploding around them, or is that just me?

I've gotten PM's two nights in a row with grenades exploding around me.

Also, Macman, what exactly am I guilty of.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
First: I was reviewing how D2 ended when I came across Handorin's post saying that he would support a Kevin lynch as his second choice. I missed this when I criticized him for voting Kevin out of the blue, and while people voting without justifying why their vote target is scummy still bothers me, I did misrepresent Handorin's vote and I have to correct that.

That said, where was everyone?

@Xsyven: it was your head on the chopping block by the end of the Day, so you should have been among the loudest trying to defend yourself and press your own suspects. Instead you named five active players as throwing off unnamed scum vibes. I know you play a lot based on gut, and you're stepping into a role that amassed a fair bit of suspicion before you took it over, but you need to give us more than that. Are you going to elaborate on your comment from yesterday?

@Nick: you said you thought a Xsyven lynch would be better than a no lynch, but you didn't appear toward the end of the Day to vote for Xsyven. Since we were off by several votes I can't put the blame on any one person (and the fact that you voted at all puts you ahead of several other people), but I have to at least ask why you didn't do as you suggested you would and support a Xsyven lynch, seeing how he ended up with the most votes.

@Ignatius: you put your soft vote on Handorin. Why didn't you put your real vote on Handorin? He was a viable lynch candidate. If you had cast a vote for him sufficiently early we probably could have swung the Xsyven votes over to Handorin and gotten a lynch. The last three people to post D2 were Macman, me, and Marshy--all of us had votes on Xsyven, and (maybe I'm wrong, but push come to shove) I think we all would have moved our votes rather than no lynch. So even if I can't blame any single person, well, you sure deserve your share for not speaking up.

@smashman: you said "I got a feeling that we're gonna end up doing yet another no lynch." Sorry dude, but that's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You didn't vote, you barely posted, and I don't really know where you stand on a lot of things. Please be more active today.

@Sharpevil: have you caught up, or are you going to request a replacement? If the latter, let us know; if the former, please let us know what you thought of D2 and what's on your mind. (Even if for some reason you haven't read all of D2, it's not like there are a lot of posts to go through.) You also need to be more active today, and while I don't want to criticize you for things that were out of your control, this is not the first time you've been told this.

In response to posts above,

@Macman: I'm not really interested in speculating about extra kills from N1. We only had one kill last Night so I'm content assuming (for now, anyway) there aren't any other threats to town out there, or at least none worth speculating about now.

As for a claim, the benefits still aren't very clear to me. I think I've said this before, but I have to defer to Spiderman fans (i.e. not me) to decide whether they think a nameclaim will tell them anything about who's mafia and who's not, since if everyone just claims some villain (which seems viable, since the one mafioso who's died was a villain) it's doubtful it'll mean anything to me.

A role claim could be more useful, mainly because I know SWF games tend to have lots of people with actions and not too many vanillas. But if there are ineffective doctors or cops of varying sanities in the game (or even legitimate vanillas) this could still fail spectacularly. On the flip side, if we don't have issues with multiple doctors/cops, we might be able to significantly narrow down the field, but with 10 alive I'm not sure this is the Day to do it. D4 might be better.

@Xsyven: no, I haven't been having grenades explode around me.

@Anyone who may be silenced and have only one post: don't post until you have enough to really contribute and be useful. This should probably be toward the end of the Day.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Alright, well, first off, I just want to apologize profusely for missing the deadline. I didn't really miss it, but when Xsyven started pulling ahead in votes, I would have rather switched to him than let us No Lynch again. Like Kiki said, it would have taken more than just one vote to push Xsy over the edge, but I still could have helped.

Anyway, Xsyven, I'm definitely looking at you toDay. You were present for the last moments of D2 but never cast a vote and basically just pointed at everyone for casting scum vibes. Then never elaborated on what those were. To someone like me, that might look like scum pointing at everyone and saying "I don't care who dies because I'm taking out just about all of you eventually anyway."

No, I've gotten nothing about any grenades so far.

Not supporting a name/role claim right now.

There was going to be more in this post but it'll have to wait. I'll be back on later today with some more substance.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009

I have not had any problem with grenades whatsoever. Are they having any effect on you?

@Kirby King

I would have supported an Xsyven lynch, but Handorin was my first choice at that point, and the vote counts were both low and nearly equal at the time.

@roleclaim ideas
I don't think a roleclaim will do us any good yet. Its no good to expose our cop/doctor/other power role with so many people left in the game. Perhaps it would be better on D4.

At any rate, I find Xsyven and Handorin the most suspicious. Vote Xsyven until he comes in here and explains himself.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
You are guilty of me being suspicious of you.

I want to hear your thoughts/ideas. Now with 2 votes on you I think that gives you some incentive to actually put more effort into the game.

Some questions to get you started:

Am I still suspicious to you, why or why not?
What did you think of Eor's fruedian slip from a while back?
Do you think there are 2 vig roles?
Do you think there would be two different silencing roles/powers?


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
@ Xsy- Sorry dude, but nothing involving grenades happened to me. Can you tell us if the nades had any effects on you just in case we get attacked? And now that I think about it, I think may know who threw them. Did these grenades look like regular grenades? Was there any distinct feature about them?

Vote: Xsy Guilty until proven innocent.
Macman, the line is "Innocent until proven Guilty". Xsy is currently innocent until you can back up your claims that he is mafia/anti-town with enough evidence to prove that he is indeed mafia/anti-town. I really don't like this post. I'm getting scummy vibes from it.

@smashman: you said "I got a feeling that we're gonna end up doing yet another no lynch." Sorry dude, but that's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You didn't vote, you barely posted, and I don't really know where you stand on a lot of things. Please be more active today.
I didn't vote because the one person I was suspicious of wasn't around to defend himself and I don't think it would be fair to lynch a man when he can't even defend himself. And yes, I will be more active today.

You are guilty of me being suspicious of you.
Alright, please tell me I am not the only one here that is getting scummy vibes from this line too?

I want to hear your thoughts/ideas. Now with 2 votes on you I think that gives you some incentive to actually put more effort into the game.
Ummm, I think he only has one vote unless you goofed up and revealed your ability.

Some questions to get you started:
Eh, I'll answer them just for the hell of it.

Am I still suspicious to you, why or why not?
Ummm, shouldn't you be the one who should be telling him why you're suspicious of him?

What did you think of Eor's fruedian slip from a while back?
I think it was an actual fruedian slip.

Do you think there are 2 vig roles?
Well, with the supposed grenade attack on Xsy and with Rockin dead, I see it as a possibility.

Do you think there would be two different silencing roles/powers?
I feel kinda doubtful that there are, but with the possibility of 2 vig roles, who knows.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Am I still suspicious to you, why or why not?
Of course you are, everyone is. I'm having a harder read on people than usual, but I think completely trusting anyone right now is a bad idea. You're not OMFG MAFIA, but you're not OMFG TOWN either. Make sense? It should, you should feel the same way about everyone as well.

Macman said:
What did you think of Eor's fruedian slip from a while back?
I have no idea what Eor was thinking-- whatever it was though, I don't think it was a Freudian slip, seeing as I have no idea what he'd slip about.

Macman said:
Do you think there are 2 vig roles?
Possible. Night 1 was insane, and Rockin' was confirmed one Vig. It's very possible that there's a second one, with all these grenades blowin' up everywhere. Without revealing too much, night one Eor used our night action on Kirby King. Before he got around to it, there was a "ping, ping, boom!" and my night action failed. Night two, I targeted Macman. Same thing happened. I don't know if I'm just lucky, but it seems like a little much for just a roleblocker.

Kirby King and Macman, did you not hear the explosions? :c

Macman said:
Do you think there would be two different silencing roles/powers?
Possible. When you say silencing, you mean being unable to talk like Rockin, right? I only have a guess, which is most likely wrong. Guessing doesn't bag mafia, evidence does. So speculating how many silencers isn't so much important as finding said silencers.

Or you know, Mafia.

Kirby King said:
@Xsyven: it was your head on the chopping block by the end of the Day, so you should have been among the loudest trying to defend yourself and press your own suspects. Instead you named five active players as throwing off unnamed scum vibes. I know you play a lot based on gut, and you're stepping into a role that amassed a fair bit of suspicion before you took it over, but you need to give us more than that. Are you going to elaborate on your comment from yesterday?
Yesterday was my first day of the game, I'm still getting my head on straight. I really don't have any suspects right now. And the fact that you've targeted two town in a row (Kevin, then me), makes me think you don't know much about what's going on either. I don't expect you to assume I'm town at all, but I want you to at least open up to other options.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Smashman, i didn't ask you...
That's all you have to say? Methinks you didn't read all of my post, which if that's the case then shame on you Macman. First off, if you did read my post then you would've noticed that I answered those questions for the hell of it whether they were directed at me or not. Secondly, I'm starting to suspect that you were the one who targeted Xsy during the night. I would like to correct something I said about the 2 votes on Xsy, I didn't notice Nic's vote, my bad. And right now, I wouldn't mind if we did a nameclaim (not roleclaim) today. And I think if we do, then we should have Xsy claim first.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
unvote for now

Of course you are, everyone is. I'm having a harder read on people than usual, but I think completely trusting anyone right now is a bad idea. You're not OMFG MAFIA, but you're not OMFG TOWN either. Make sense? It should, you should feel the same way about everyone as well.
I see your point, however that is clearly not what I meant when I asked the question. I am wondering if you are getting more scum vibes from me than you are town vibes? I want to know if you are more suspicious of me than others, if my behavior has seemed scummy to you.

Possible. Night 1 was insane, and Rockin' was confirmed one Vig. It's very possible that there's a second one, with all these grenades blowin' up everywhere. Without revealing too much, night one Eor used our night action on Kirby King. Before he got around to it, there was a "ping, ping, boom!" and my night action failed. Night two, I targeted Macman. Same thing happened. I don't know if I'm just lucky, but it seems like a little much for just a roleblocker.
So essentially you got roleblocked both nights? Much for a roleblocker? Do you have any ideas on what the power might be then if not just a roleblock. Do you think that the explosion could have been a viable cause of the extra death on n1.

Kirby King and Macman, did you not hear the explosions? :c

Possible. When you say silencing, you mean being unable to talk like Rockin, right? I only have a guess, which is most likely wrong. Guessing doesn't bag mafia, evidence does. So speculating how many silencers isn't so much important as finding said silencers.

Or you know, Mafia.
Well my point here is that, Handorin also claimed silenced. And in a different way than rockins was. Does that bother you at all? Do you believe Handorin?

Macman, the line is "Innocent until proven Guilty". Xsy is currently innocent until you can back up your claims that he is mafia/anti-town with enough evidence to prove that he is indeed mafia/anti-town. I really don't like this post. I'm getting scummy vibes from it.
I know what the line is. Evidence is not very easy to come by smashman. The only surefire evidence would be a result from a night action. However you are right in the ideas that my suspicions should have some kind of basis. And they do.

What do you find so scummy about it, it was a pressure vote.

Alright, please tell me I am not the only one here that is getting scummy vibes from this line too?
Same question as above.

I think it was an actual fruedian slip.
Would you like to expand on this a bit.

Well, with the supposed grenade attack on Xsy and with Rockin dead, I see it as a possibility.
Xsy is alive though, why would that make you think whoever caused the explosions was a vig? Also he says he was hit with them 2 nights in a row. It seems to me as though this attack is not lethal, and if it is, works with some kind of probabibility factor.

That's all you have to say? Methinks you didn't read all of my post, which if that's the case then shame on you Macman. First off, if you did read my post then you would've noticed that I answered those questions for the hell of it whether they were directed at me or not. Secondly, I'm starting to suspect that you were the one who targeted Xsy during the night. I would like to correct something I said about the 2 votes on Xsy, I didn't notice Nic's vote, my bad. And right now, I wouldn't mind if we did a nameclaim (not roleclaim) today. And I think if we do, then we should have Xsy claim first.
Why would that make you think I didn't read your post. The point was I didn't ask you the questions and would have rather you not answer them before Xsy did.

What makes you suspect that I am the one who targeted xsy?

What would a nameclaim accomplish and why should Xsy go first?

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
@smashman: answering questions that were directed at someone specific but not you is considered bad, even if you mean to be helpful by offering your opinion. Feel free to offer your opinion, but only after the people who were addressed specifically have responded, lest you influence their answers.

Who I find suspicious is a different story. Everyone is shooting scum vibes everywhere, except KevinM ironically. I could vote for Macman, Circus, Kirby King, Nicholas, or Marshy and not feel bad about it.
You named five active people and said you could vote for any one of them. (Never mind that you voted for none of them.) You also said everyone was shooting scum vibes, even though you still haven't said what any of those scum vibes were.

I really don't have any suspects right now.
If you don't have any suspects, why did you name five people specifically and say that you could vote for them "and not feel bad about it"? Would you have felt bad voting for one of the players you didn't name? Why?


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
I know what the line is. Evidence is not very easy to come by smashman. The only surefire evidence would be a result from a night action. However you are right in the ideas that my suspicions should have some kind of basis. And they do.
Funny you should mention night action results because *Cue dramatic pause* I searched Xsy's room for information about his character last night. I know some stuff about Xsy that you don't and some of this stuff that I found makes me think that he is Town.

Xsy is alive though, why would that make you think whoever caused the explosions was a vig? Also he says he was hit with them 2 nights in a row. It seems to me as though this attack is not lethal, and if it is, works with some kind of probabibility factor.
Well for one, Xsy posted that after I said that, so I assumed that it could've been a vig failing to kill Xsy at that time.

What makes you suspect that I am the one who targeted xsy?
Because you claimed GG, and I think we all know what one of GG's favorite weapons is (and I'm not talking about the Glider). It would make sense seeing as the pumpkin bombs are grenade-like and the Goblins are well known for using them.

What would a nameclaim accomplish and why should Xsy go first?
Because it could help us in determining who is town and who is mafia, but then again the fact that Bullseye was mafia could make it difficult for us to determine who is mafia and who isn't. So it probably would be a bad idea if we all nameclaim. As for Xsy, as I mentioned before hand I know some stuff about Xsy that nobody else knows. So if we do a nameclaim or if we get him to nameclaim, then I'll be able to figure out if Xsy is telling the truth or not. That is why I suggested that Xsy go first if we do a nameclaim. I wanted to be 100% certain that he is indeed a SS member and not with Spidey's group.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
valid points. Though xsy did say he was targeted twice before you made your posts.

I am very interested to see what you found in his room that would lead him to being town. Remember, most people do not have to lie about their characters in this game since anyone could be SS and anyone could be w/e mafia is.

Xsy would you be willing to name claim, and everyone else are you ok with him nameclaiming?


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
*sigh* Kirby King has a bad habit of answering his own questions. I didn't vote for anyone-- so what do I need to answer? He even acknowledged that I didn't vote for anyone. I'm just feeling uneasy about everyone.

Being vocal doesn't make you town. Just because you're active doesn't make you town. My bark is definitely worse than my bite. I talk a lot, and it might not make sense to you, but it's working for me and what I know.

Kirby King said:
You named five active people and said you could vote for any one of them. (Never mind that you voted for none of them.) You also said everyone was shooting scum vibes, even though you still haven't said what any of those scum vibes were

If you don't have any suspects, why did you name five people specifically and say that you could vote for them "and not feel bad about it"? Would you have felt bad voting for one of the players you didn't name? Why?.
Basically, it's just my funny way of saying "I don't know who to vote for, so I don't care who gets lynched." I didn't vote for anyone because I had no solid evidence against anyone. It's ... just what happened. I dunno, I don't think that's worth questioning at all.

Time for a question for Kiki, and you too Macman: If you have a handful of people that you trust your life with, tell me who and why you trust them? Who're you lining yourself behind? Why them?

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Time for a question for Kiki, and you too Macman: If you have a handful of people that you trust your life with, tell me who and why you trust them? Who're you lining yourself behind? Why them?
I don't trust anyone 100%. I don't really trust anyone much at all--I get townie vibes from some people, but it's incredibly difficult for me to trust anyone in a mafia game. I'm not implying that you should, either. But you don't have to trust anyone in order to be suspicious of people.

Did at least you see what I was getting at in my questioning? I think what you think is me answering my own questions is really me asking leading questions, highlighting things I find strange or inconsistent. In this case, in one post you specifically named five players that you said (or at least suggested) you were comfortable voting for, but then later you said you had no suspects. So I wanted to know what made those five people you had previously named so special. Correct me if I'm wrong, but your answer suggests nothing made them special.

Let me ask you something else: what do you think about a no lynch? Was a no lynch justified yesterday? Do you think a no lynch would be justifiable today (let's assume no one dies between now and the end of the Day)?


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I was definitely okay with a no-lynch yesterday, since my *** was on the line. Today, not so much. We have a whole new day to find scum-- we need to take a shot.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Xsyven, would you rather have lynched Handorin yesterDay? I know you say you have no suspects, but I have to believe that different people are higher and lower on your list than others. Like Kiki was getting at earlier, you mentioned specific people that you wouldn't feel bad about lynching. Would I be correct in assuming you would have felt bad about lynching Handorin?

I'd like to read some thoughts from Iggy. Specifically opinions on Xsyven, Handorin and Smashman if I could.

Also, Handorin, whenever you get back on, could you please elaborate on how exactly you were silenced on D2? Without quoting your PM from EE of course.

And it would be great to know what's going on with Sharpevil.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Ok, I'm back. Since I traveled alllll day though, had to wake up early, and have work at 945 am tomorrow, I won't read or post thoughts until at least tomorrow afternoon/night (maybe morning if I wake up early enough).

P.S. Mango vs Armada. Epic.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
@Ignatius: you put your soft vote on Handorin. Why didn't you put your real vote on Handorin? He was a viable lynch candidate. If you had cast a vote for him sufficiently early we probably could have swung the Xsyven votes over to Handorin and gotten a lynch. The last three people to post D2 were Macman, me, and Marshy--all of us had votes on Xsyven, and (maybe I'm wrong, but push come to shove) I think we all would have moved our votes rather than no lynch. So even if I can't blame any single person, well, you sure deserve your share for not speaking up.

@Sharpevil: have you caught up, or are you going to request a replacement? If the latter, let us know; if the former, please let us know what you thought of D2 and what's on your mind. (Even if for some reason you haven't read all of D2, it's not like there are a lot of posts to go through.) You also need to be more active today, and while I don't want to criticize you for things that were out of your control, this is not the first time you've been told this.
Just quoting things I haven't heard back on. I believe Marshy has also not posted at all yet D3.

Again, if any of you are silenced like Rockin was, don't let me pressure you into posting. But I very much doubt that all three of you are silenced and I'm wary of people trying to pretend that they are. So if you're not silenced, I would at least appreciate you acknowledging that you can post so we can figure out who was silenced, if anyone. (It'd also be nice to know if anyone has the same kind of restriction that Handorin claimed yesterday, and seeing how that's easily reversible that kind of restriction shouldn't preclude you from posting to let us know.)


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
From my point of view, he hasn't been scumhunting toDay and his "silenced" claim still doesn't sit right with me.
I'll make sure to announce to the thread when I am scum hunting and when I'm not.

He hasn't been scumhunting ............snipz.................. In addition, soft voting me for something that he said isn't a scumtell (or heavily implied that it isn't) just isn't logical.
I didn't soft vote you for that reason. It's just a collection of small things that bother me. Especially that you continually grasped on straws early on, tried to make it infallible, and pushed for my lynch.

Why AM I pointing fingers at Nic?
Why ISNT Macman pointing fingers at Nic?
and Why ISNT KevinM pointing fingers at Nic?
This was never answered. I feel it is important to the debate of me posting about Sheep Nic.

Anyone else finding grenades exploding around them, or is that just me?

I've gotten PM's two nights in a row with grenades exploding around me.
No, sorry.

Also, Handorin, whenever you get back on, could you please elaborate on how exactly you were silenced on D2? Without quoting your PM from EE of course.
I've said all I can say (other than something in a second). I've asked EE about stuff I can say, but a lot of it crosses the line. My breadcrumb and mechanic explanation were ok though. I was essentially "gagged" to put it on other terms. You know, like you have something in your mouth, and you try and say stuff but it just sounds muffled and people can't really understand. My one post was kind of like that and my vote/unvotes were like nodding or using facial expressions.

Also, did I miss something somewhere about smashman? He seems to have semi role claimed or power claimed. (Not to role fish or anything)

And I also was quick to conclude the bombs were thrown by the GG (Which Macman claimed). It's one of the few characters I know, and he used them A LOT. /semi agreement with smashman
There is some speculation I have on that character, but I believe it would be safer not to discuss possible town roles at this point in the game.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
I didn't soft vote you for that reason. It's just a collection of small things that bother me. Especially that you continually grasped on straws early on, tried to make it infallible, and pushed for my lynch.
Please clarify. Do you think it's suspicious on its own that Nick was pushing to lynch you, or are you saying that you think Nick was going after you in a suspicious manner (straw-grasping/sounding infallible)? Or something else?

I've said all I can say (other than something in a second). I've asked EE about stuff I can say, but a lot of it crosses the line. My breadcrumb and mechanic explanation were ok though. I was essentially "gagged" to put it on other terms. You know, like you have something in your mouth, and you try and say stuff but it just sounds muffled and people can't really understand. My one post was kind of like that and my vote/unvotes were like nodding or using facial expressions.
Did the PM you received use the term "gagged" or "silenced" or some other term (or no other term)? Did you receive any flavor that might suggest who gagged you, even if you don't want to say who? Consider what Rockin did reveal to us about what happened to him:
I've been poisoned. Basically last night, I was clawed and bitten on my back and thrown to my bed. Then I was shot with something and it made my character feel dizzy. I have a restriction at the moment. I can only post once. Only once, and that's that. After that, I grow silent till Day 3. I'm thinking of a character who has this said ability, but none really comes to mind. It could be possible that two characters targeted me. One was the claw and biter, while the other shot me with the poison.
Feel free to clear your response with EE; I'm not trying to get you to say anything you shouldn't, but I do want to try to find out as much as possible.

@Macman: how are you feeling about Xsyven now? Still suspicious of him? More so? Less so?

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Less so, though I'm still very suspicious of him. I want to focus on Hando for now however, because I don't believe his silenced claim at all. I'd like to here was xsy has to say about that though.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I don't know what focusing on my silence claim will bring about other than more suspicion of it (it seems like that anyways).

Please clarify. Do you think it's suspicious on its own that Nick was pushing to lynch you, or are you saying that you think Nick was going after you in a suspicious manner (straw-grasping/sounding infallible)? Or something else?

Did the PM you received use the term "gagged" or "silenced" or some other term (or no other term)? Did you receive any flavor that might suggest who gagged you, even if you don't want to say who? Consider what Rockin did reveal to us about what happened to him:
Feel free to clear your response with EE; I'm not trying to get you to say anything you shouldn't, but I do want to try to find out as much as possible.
Mainly how he was doing it. I'm trying to use the "Who Posted?" button, but it isn't really loading at all (so I can't look at Nic's posts). IIRC; a large number of his posts (Other than about me) just agree with someone and use some odd logic. Kinda like he's grasping for straws, but not trying to make a big deal out of it since his main target seems to be me (and he has people to back him up).

It used both. I was essentially silenced, so that's why I've been choosing to use that rather than gagged, which is more flavor. Looking back at it, it might have been better to say this, but my knowledge of the spider man universe is limited, so I couldn't think of a use for it. But yea, basically I was just ambushed/attacked in the night and I was gagged so I couldn't speak until my gag was removed (aka the votes).

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
no grenades here

i'm more suspicious of kiki now because of xsyven's claim of being roleblocked and smashman's role hinting that he believes xsyven is town. if smashman's lying then i feel like he's gonna have to spill the beans sooner or later meaning he'll be caught.

as for roleclaim? not toDay but i'd be lying if i said i don't want more clarity from smashman. i'm wondering what he's doing by hinting at an investigative role for finding a townie and not expanding on it especially when that townie already said something that'd hint at their townieness

and to elaborate on the kiki suspicion it's because if anybody has a motive to roleblock eor it's kiki. i say this because eor was kiki's loudest opponent day 1 and i think one of the few to even question him then. only person to vote him and he wasn't very vocal about suspecting others. add in that tom who was another of the few players to question kiki dies the same night and you get an interesting picture

i'm not so suspicious of hando because most players have said he's suspicious. also now that he's provided flavor for his silence then i don't see why he'd lie about it because if it was used again he'd obviously be caught


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Xsyven, would you rather have lynched Handorin yesterDay? I know you say you have no suspects, but I have to believe that different people are higher and lower on your list than others. Like Kiki was getting at earlier, you mentioned specific people that you wouldn't feel bad about lynching. Would I be correct in assuming you would have felt bad about lynching Handorin?
Xsyven? Heyheyhey?

Iggy and Sharp can't both be silenced the way Rockin was. T'would be super for one of you to post.

@Handorin: Is EE telling you that you literally aren't allowed to tell us what you were gagged with? I have to assume you were told as there's no feasible way for your character not to know what was in his mouth. And if Rockin was allowed to say he was poisoned, then I don't see why this would be out of the question.

i'm not so suspicious of hando because most players have said he's suspicious. also now that he's provided flavor for his silence then i don't see why he'd lie about it because if it was used again he'd obviously be caught
I don't see how Handorin would be caught if someone else were to claim silenced the way he did. I know you said it was a one-use thing in HP mafia, but does that have to be true here?

Also, I don't see the benefit in suspecting whoever you think is throwing the grenades since it could just as easily be a town role as a mafia one. I wouldn't put it past a town roleblocker to block Xsyven/Eor considering the way he has played this game so far.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
@Handorin: Is EE telling you that you literally aren't allowed to tell us what you were gagged with? I have to assume you were told as there's no feasible way for your character not to know what was in his mouth. And if Rockin was allowed to say he was poisoned, then I don't see why this would be out of the question.
What's the difference between what I said and Rockin said? I was gagged, he was poisoned and clawed. Neither of us can (or perhaps know) say with what.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
no grenades here

i'm more suspicious of kiki now because of xsyven's claim of being roleblocked and smashman's role hinting that he believes xsyven is town. if smashman's lying then i feel like he's gonna have to spill the beans sooner or later meaning he'll be caught.
I don't think I'm being roleblocked. I think someone's trying to splode me, but failing.

I'm actually curious as to what Smashman found of mine that'd reveal me as town. If it helps, I say unveil the secret.

Circus said:
Xsyven? Heyheyhey?
Hay gurl, hay!

I wouldn't have felt bad if Hando was lynched. He's Mafia. I know the same way that I knew about KevinM, though. Magic. Jk, I have no idea. Wouldn't be against a Hando lynch though.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Quick hit: Not editing is one of those understood rules that I didnt' mention in the OP, like unvoting before a new vote.

But yeah, try not to edit posts without my permission first yeah? Xsyven's good, though. I checked it out. It's just a grammar thing.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Last edited by Xsyven; Today at 11:20 PM.

I smell shenanigans.
Yeah, mindlessly edited without thinking about it. I quoted stuff from Circus's post that wasn't even directed at me. I let EE know right after I did it, even. :p


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
What's the difference between what I said and Rockin said? I was gagged, he was poisoned and clawed. Neither of us can (or perhaps know) say with what.
I'm pretty sure Rockin could only have been poisoned with poison. You could have been gagged with anything. I'll admit that I haven't really dedicated the proper amount of thinking and research to figure out what kind of character would make sense as a "poisoner," but it does at least feel more like a character specific ability. If you were just gagged generically (with a sock or something of that nature), then that would be strange to me because it doesn't really fit for any specific character. But if you were gagged with some kind of object that would be specific to a character, that would be more helpful (and would work better with my idea of how EE has set up this game. He seems to be too into flavor to just go with "oh, you were gagged"). I mean, Xsyven isn't being blocked by locked doors or anything; there are bombs involved. Rockin didn't just generically kill Wario-man; he "burned" him. This leads me to believe that there's something character-specific about what happened to you that you're not telling us (or you were faking).

But I admit I'm basing none of this on anything concrete right now. I'm just trying to get your silenced situation settled a little better in my head.

I don't think I'm being roleblocked. I think someone's trying to splode me, but failing.
Rockin had a one-shot kill, Jungle was an SK, Tom was a bomb and there's a good chance some other vigilante was responsible for one of the deaths on N1. I would be surprised if the person throwing the bombs is yet another non-mafia killing role since it clearly wouldn't be another townie with a one-shot kill. Even if it's a role that has the potential to fail (maybe often), I find it unlikely. If you're being bombed, your role has failed on both Nights that it has happened, and you haven't died, then I feel safe saying you're being role blocked. Just in a really flashy way.

I have a brief hypothesis regarding Handorin, but I think I'll wait for him to say a little more before I post it. It's nothing majorly insightful so I don't want anyone waiting with bated breath here, but I'd rather he respond before I bring it up.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I have a brief hypothesis regarding Handorin, but I think I'll wait for him to say a little more before I post it. It's nothing majorly insightful so I don't want anyone waiting with bated breath here, but I'd rather he respond before I bring it up.
A little more

P.S. There are different kinds of poison for one to be poisoned with.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Mainly how he was doing it. I'm trying to use the "Who Posted?" button, but it isn't really loading at all (so I can't look at Nic's posts). IIRC; a large number of his posts (Other than about me) just agree with someone and use some odd logic. Kinda like he's grasping for straws, but not trying to make a big deal out of it since his main target seems to be me (and he has people to back him up).
Well, can you at least look back the thread and give an example of such?

Also, the biggest count against you, was that you were completely unwilling to help scumhunt despite nearly being lynched. You still haven't been scumhunting much since that one post (back in D1) where you gave a small summary of your suspicions on each person.

Where in the world did you two go? It would be nice to hear from you guys.

I don't think we can really afford another no-lynch. How about we start voting more freely, pushing people up to L-2 if that's what it takes to get them to defend themselves. A lot of people have just been coasting, so by being a little more free with our votes, I think it might force them to be somewhat more active.
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