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Spider-Manfia: (Game Over! Roles Posted)


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
My point wasn't that the big posts are automatically the most important and should take precedence over everything else. My point was that they are gigantic, therefor you couldn't have missed them. And if you read them, I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't have an opinion on what was going on. Kiki's accusatory post pretty much single-handedly made Kevin the primary lynch target toDay. It changed the flow of discussion completely. If anything counts as an "avalanche starter" then I think that certainly does.

Basically, it just made me think that you don't have a very vested interest in who we lynch. That you would rather point the finger at Nic over nothing or press Macman for an answer that could have easily waited until D3 to discuss. Though now that you've placed your soft vote on Nic, it looks more to me like you were just looking for any shaky reason to vote for him.

When I first brought up that you were needlessly going after Nic, your defense was to blame Macman because "he did it first." Proof. Very first line. Don't accuse me of skimming if you can't even get the story straight yourself.

Regardless, the point was this: Agreeing with people a lot or repeating people a lot is not a scum tell. It's a method scum may use to try and feign activity, but I think it's fairly clear that Nic has just been active. I don't care if you think Nic is being a parrot; I care that you think that's scummy enough to point a finger at in the waning hours of the Day in light of sturdier information on other players. Everyone repeats what other people say for emphasis or agrees with someone out loud just to make the town aware of their thoughts. Everyone. What you have on Nic is not scummy and doesn't even justify a soft vote. We're approaching the end of the Day and you're looking for obscure targets.
Did you read the rest where I said "I did it first in reality" or "KevinM said it before Macman"?

Did I ever say it was a scumtell? No. I brought it up. I didn't realize we could ONLY talk about scumtells EVER in this game. I don't know why you and Nic are so adamant of picking me out of people who say something and try to tear apart my posts.

Why AM I pointing fingers at Nic?
Why ISNT Macman pointing fingers at Nic?
and Why ISNT KevinM pointing fingers at Nic?

And see what I did? I started another discussion for later use. Oh snapz. Get at me. I just didn't expect you to come in and pull stuff out your cavity to make it look bad for no reason.

Scum duo?
Peeves like role?
I don't know. But I think it has been interesting. =)

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Handorin, I have no idea what you are getting at.

Are you going to explain why you voted Nic?


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
No, I'm trying to figure out why Circus is on my case for no reason when I'm not the only one to bring up what Nic did.

Oh, and I kind of mentioned the thoughts I've been having about Nic as to why I would consider voting him.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
Sorry this is late, my internet went out last night when I was typing it:

My soft vote's going on Handorin right now. I don't like that his focus seems to be completely away from the current discussion (that is, not focused on who he actually wants to lynch and has made no comments on Kevin and the accusations made against him). He's focusing on smaller posts that don't seem to have much of anything to do with the immediate problem—who seems scummy enough to lynch? I get that he wanted to know why Macman claimed (though I think we could have all inferred what his answer would be by the time he actually gave it), but his issue with Nic's playstyle is not a pressing matter right now. Yet that's what his last few posts have focused on. It seems like he's deliberately trying to tip-toe around everything that's happening around Kevin and doesn't seem to be in a hurry to help form a group decision on the lynch, despite the fact that he himself has even less time to express his thoughts than most of the rest of us do. His lack of concern concerns me.
That was something similar that had come up with Handorin in Day one as well; when he was the leading lynch candidate. It was requested that he post his thoughts on the players, and he said he'd get around to it later, as well as that later might have meant the next Day.

I'm also combining that with the fact that he claimed to be silenced earlier in the day; but Rockin also had somewhat of a similar restriction placed on him that only allowed him to post once for the day. To me, it seems somewhat unlikely that both of these restrictions would be in the game, with their similar nature, but also in how simple it was to remove Handorins.

So, I will as well be placing my soft vote on Handorin.

If I were to pick a second person that I'd also support, I think it would be Kevin at this point. It did bother me a bit how he seemed to be pressing for Eor fairly hard in the begining of the day, and it did seem out of place.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
So posting my thoughts are bad now?

And being affected by a different super power is suspicious?


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
The fact that it seems to be an uphill battle every time someone asks a question of you; as well as the fact that I think that two powers that are fairly similar seems improbable.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Iggy- It isn't an uphill battle at all. It just seems I need to walk circus through every motion. Also, Where are YOUR thoughts on Kevin/Kiki.

Circus- Since you seem to care so much about thoughts on the Kevin/Kiki issue, why haven't you asked:
Smash, Sharp, Macman, Marshy (well, he mentioned it very briefly), Xsy, and Iggy

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey Lovers

Xsyven (1): KevinM

KevinM (3): Kirby King, Nicholas1024, Marshy

Macman (1): Handorin

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Long story short, AA delayed our flights till tomorrow, which totally screws us over. So I might have more time to post, but we are going to the airport now to do something about it. So consider this my last post.

Unvote Vote: KevinM

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Kevin, nows the time to role claim and give whatever you have left as a defense, you don't have time...


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Nope but we'll continue to let him coast right

**** this game.


I have two powers

I can either Track players

N1 I tracked Tom

or I can

Disappear into the night

in which no Night Actions can effect me.

There ya go.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Are there no restrictions on the role and what kind of result did you get N1?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Did you read the rest where I said "I did it first in reality" or "KevinM said it before Macman"?
Yes, I did. Which is why I linked to the post where you flat-out contradicted that. Meaning that you were trying to discredit me by implying that I was skimming when you yourself were recalling the order of events incorrectly (or just lying). I don't see what point you were trying to make here.

Did I ever say it was a scumtell? No.
You thought it was scummy enough to soft vote him when we had two days left before the deadline. I have to assume that means you think he's more likely scum than not.

I brought it up. I didn't realize we could ONLY talk about scumtells EVER in this game.
You're completely spinning my posts around. I said nothing about only being able to talk about scumtells "EVER." I said I think it's weird that you're wasting your time responding to Nic about his hardly questionable play when we're so close to the deadline. I think it's weird that you essentially voted for a player that you apparently have not gotten scumtells from when we are at the end of the Day. Bringing up discussion is great, but it would have been better if it had come earlier, when we had time for it. We need to decide on a lynch candidate soon or we're going to No Lynch again.

No one else is pointing fingers as Nic because no one else thinks that he's worth the town's time right now. He doesn't have enough scum signs pointing to him to make him a worthy lynch candidate, so we're not gonna lynch him. Not on this Day anyway. So even if you don't like the way he plays and think that he may be scummy, why bring it up now? It's a waste of time.

Also, this "quit picking on me" mentality you have isn't going to do you any favors. It's not like I'm arbitrarily dismantling all of your posts just to try and convince everyone else you're scum for no reason. You've just done lots of things that raise my eyebrows and I'm calling attention to them as they happen. I know that I'm irritating you; get over it.

Circus- Since you seem to care so much about thoughts on the Kevin/Kiki issue, why haven't you asked:
Smash, Sharp, Macman, Marshy (well, he mentioned it very briefly), Xsy, and Iggy
Because unlike ANY of the people you just mentioned (except Smashman, who I basically didn't decide to harp on because the posts he did make were actually pretty interesting), you avoided the posts and talked about other things. Everyone else you listed either did comment on it (Macman, Marshy) or just didn't post at all (Sharp, Xsy, Iggy), meaning they may not have even seen the posts by that time.

I hate how inactive Sharp is, but I have no solid case against him so I'm not going to push for his lynch. I don't like how quiet Xsy's been, but that's also something to worry about at a later date. You posted so that no one could accuse you of coasting, but you didn't give your opinion on who we should lynch (or at least who you found scummiest) or comment on Kevin. Basically, it looks like you're posting but not scumhunting. Even now, I have NO idea who you are suspicious of. You're vote is on Kevin now, but assuming you were telling the truth about him before, that seems to just be because you want to lynch someone and he's in the lead. Your soft vote was on Nic for basically no reason and you've apparently gotten no scumtells from him.

Just to make this more official (though it kind of sucks that Hando may not be here to further defend himself), Vote: Handorin.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Hey, I'm still here-- just lagging behind from irl johns, like Circus guessed. Holiday weekend and all.

I'll read up on this tonight, and talk.
What happened to this? Though I know it's hard to replace into a game like this, I think you should have been able to read through the thread and atleast give some more input than you have been.

You also haven't answered my question or soft voted.

vote: xsy

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
The circle slowly began to tighten as, one by one, the Sinister Seventeen's members began to rise from their chairs and circle around one. Some cast doubts, picked on secondary targets, but their focus was becoming all too clear.

Some cracked their knuckles, or necks, as they drew closer. Some readied their various weaponry. The Chameleon tugged at his collar.

"You people have no idea, the level of the mistake you're making... you're all being fooled! I know a thing or two about deception. You don't have a, a clue!"

He went ignored. One member drew closer, when suddenly, the Chameleon launched his chair backward with a mighty heave of his legs, slamming he and his would-be attacker into the wall. A scuffle ensued, and before long, with a slight flash of light, there was a tangle of two of the same man rolling across the floor.

The dopplegangers rose.

"It's him!" barked one. "He's the Chameleon!"

"No!" replied the other, in the same voice. "It's him!"

A silence. A hesitation. It was all the Chameleon needed.

He bolted toward the door, sliding between the legs of one attacker before heaving a mighty jab into his testicles and disappearing through the door behind him.

One man thumped the desk with his fist.
"Seal off the exits! He's going to escape!"

Another merely stroked his chin, as he walked toward the window. "No... no, let him. Leave the exits be."

A menacing shadow cast across the window of their conference room the moment they saw the Chameleon charge into a crowd of pedestrians below. The shadow gave way to a red and blue uniform that all within the room knew quite well, much to their ire.

The wallcrawler fired a web to the adjacent building as he swung lower and lower, increasing in velocity, when the Chameleon grabbed a random pedestrian and cast them tumbling into the street. His hologram flickered as he tried to disappear into the scattering and panicking crowd, as Spider-Man arced away from him and snagged the pedestrian from the eager clutches of a diesel truck.

The crowd continued to scatter, as Spider-Man continued his arc and landed in the middle of the road. And there, before him, he found himself face to face with a second Spider-Man.

Translucent blades unsheathed at the wrists of the new Spider-Man as the original charged. Launching himself over his foe, Spider-Man crashed back toward the earth, a sure foot leading his path. His opponent dodged lithely and swung a blade, catching the wallcrawler across the face, and then again across the chest before he was able to flip away. He touched at the cut, which had sliced free a large section of his mask, as the copycat charged.

Of course, the Chameleon hardly expected the webslinger to tumble forward before thumping both feet hard into his chest. But, as he launched through the air, he recuperated quickly, firing his own webshooters and swinging his way over to the nearest rooftop. Thinking quickly, he ran over to the nearby water tower as the hero swung up in quick pursuit, and slashed his blades across the supports before kicking it hard to topple it.

Again, the predictable hero altered his actions, turning to fire a new web and catch the dangerous cargo while the gawking bystanders hurried to get clear. This is when Chameleon made his move.

Leaping through the air, he slashed Spider-Man's web before landing upon the hero's back and sinking the opposite blade into his back. Chameleon wrapped both legs around the webslinger as he guided them straight down and allowed his prey to take the impact as they landed prone on the water tower and crashed through it.

When the waves of crystalline water and wood parted, the Chameleon was seen once again, in his true form, one hand pinning the hero's head to the ground and the other preparing for the killing blow, blood still fresh from the first strike.

And just when all seemed hopeless, one crimson gloved hand found itself encased in webbing, and Spider-Man caught the blow before the blade could enter his skull. Rolling, he thrust out his left fist and belted Chameleon with a mighty backhand that sent him skidding across the pavement.

And before the dodgy shapeshifter could react, the spry hero drew a garbage dumpster toward him with his webbing and pivoted, swinging it full force into the rising villain. A metal thunk rang through the air as he tumbled even farther down the street...

...and to both his and the hero's horror, beneath the eager wheels of yet another diesel truck.

Chameleon gasped, groping out at the air, trying to draw air into crushed and decimated lungs, and then he collapsed, still choking on his own blood.

The Chameleon (KevinM; SS-alligned cowardly tracker) has been RUN OVER BY A GODDAMN TRUCK. A.K.A. Modkilled.

And in their ivory tower, the Sinister Seventeen twiddled their thumbs.

"I guess we got that one wrong."

Another checked his watch. "We don't have long before nightfall. Not long at all."

The deadline remains the same.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey Lovers

Handorin (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Xsyven (1): Macman

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
well then. New plan of action...

I'm afraid we'll end up NLing and going through with this as thought it was a normal lynch. Though I personally would still like to lynch someone, however I do not see that happening.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Remember, kids:

-No quoting of any role PM information whatsoever, including your purty picterrrr.
If you think you might be breaking the rule, PM or IM me first. Better safe than sorry.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Crap, Kevin got modkilled. Macman, I agree with you that Xsy needs to talk more (as do I), I would like to hear what he has to say. If I could vote on a person right now, it would probably be Hando (assuming he was here) due to his playstyle in this game so far. But seeing as he isn't here, I won't vote on him as I think that it wouldn't be fair vote on a person when he can't defend himself. Honestly, I got a feeling that we're gonna end up doing yet another no lynch.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Well...I suppose if we were just going to lynch Kevin anyway then No Lynching today wouldn't be as bad since the results would have been the same.

But I do urge everyone to review the posts and try to come to some kind of decision. Let's not take this as a good reason to sit back on a No Lynch and instead try lynch correctly (easier said than done, I know). This really puts us in a bind because we don't have a lot of time to go over what Kevin's flip means for everyone else. Off the top of my head, I'll just say that I'm looking more closely at Marshy since I was already a little wary of his vote on Kevin back when he made it (maybe scum trying to get a bandwagon going with the third vote and all that jazz).

I'll look back through the thread and see if anything sticks out.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Vote: Xsyven

I have to leave soon for a couple hours, so I don't have a ton of time right now to look through things a lot. I do know at least that Xsyven never cast a soft vote or even indicated that he wasn't going to. He said specifically he didn't find Kevin scummy, which normally would work in his favor, but he didn't explain why he thought that, even when asked directly. It could be someone being very astute about Kevin's alignment, or it could be someone who anticipated Kevin might get lynched and wanted to be able to say "I told you so". (It certainly would seem to offset the fact that Kevin seemed to suspect Eor for no apparent reason.)

Add that I did think Eor was suspicious enough to earn my vote D1 and this seems like a reasonable place to put my vote, at least for now. I don't know whether I'll leave it here or not; I'll take a closer look and decide, but if nothing else I want to pressure Xsyven into posting (a) why specifically he didn't suspect Kevin, as he was asked days ago, and (b) who he does find suspicious now.

And I agree with Circus that lynching someone seems less necessary now than it did before Kevin was killed. At the same time I think we need to spend today (real life today) trying to lynch someone, so at least we have the choice to lynch someone or no lynch.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Everyone, the deadline is tonight. I know Kevin got wiped out at an inopportune time but we need to rally here. Even if we don't end up with a lynch (we should really try!), I still expect to seem some votes. In fact I expected to see them a while ago. There are only 11 of us left; Rockin can't post (though I certainly hope he's been following the thread because I don't want to wait for him to catch up at the start of D3), Sharpevil seems to have basically checked out of the game and Handorin's busy (and his vote got run over with Kevin). Three people have voted so far, which means that there are five of you left who are capable of voting and just haven't yet. I know you can't all be stalling members of the mafia.

Right now, I'm a little uneasy about Handorin not being here to say anything but since it's so close to the deadline, he wouldn't have much time to defend himself anyway. I'm comfortable with lynching him, though it's obviously not happening if I'm the only one voting for him. From my point of view, he hasn't been scumhunting toDay and his "silenced" claim still doesn't sit right with me.

Looking back over Marshy's posts, I don't think he's scum. If there is anyone else who I'd support a lynch on, it would probably be Xsyven. He hasn't been scumhunting either and he's been coastier than usual. Xsy seems like the type of player who would clam up tight as a mafioso unless he absolutely has to speak (like in Lonely Island mafia). We also do have to keep in mind that he replaced Eor, who strong (now confirmed) town players like Tom and Kevin expressed suspicion of. I never really latched on to an Eor lynch the way other people did, but I still think this says something.

After Xsy, Iggy gets my attention. I think I tend to naturally suspect Iggy just because he's been an anti-town role in just about every game I've been in or watched. And it seems like his strategy in those cases was to post something of substance (perhaps false substance) to look like he's participating and then glide through the Day, which seems pretty in-line with what he's doing here.

Going over the numbers again and seeing all the players who are basically indisposed right now was kind of disheartening. I don't know if we actually have enough active townies to come to a lynch majority on our own.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
i'm torn. i could go for a coaster/inactive (xsyven, iggy, sharpevil, smashman in order of preference. i admit this fluctuates a lot but this has been bothering me all game) and be happy that at worst we'd lose someone who was difficult to trust.

i'm actually not as suspicious of hando right now as i thought i'd be. this is mainly because i think literally every single player left has said that they've suspected him at one point or another. course it's possible that the mafia could've bussed him but i'm worried that if he flips town that we'll gain little info from it


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I suppose I should also point out that Marshy and Nic did have their votes on Kevin before the modkill, but they still haven't found another place to put them yet.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Marshy seems the most townie to me. I would have no problem getting rid of Xsy. And marshy, because redcell wrote out a lengthy post against Hando late d1 I haven't really thought he was mafia, but i do get alot of indy vibes from him.

Xsy has had the chance to say something and he hasn't thus far. I would be completely ok with lynching him and I actually want it to happen.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Marshy seems the most townie to me. I would have no problem getting rid of Xsy. And marshy, because redcell wrote out a lengthy post against Hando late d1 I haven't really thought he was mafia, but i do get alot of indy vibes from him.

Xsy has had the chance to say something and he hasn't thus far. I would be completely ok with lynching him and I actually want it to happen.
I would argue that TMW's defense of Hando could easily have been a bus, especially late in the Day when Hando had already accumulated a lot of suspicion. It's also worth mentioning that tmw didn't vote for Handorin; he just kind of expressed suspicion and said he didn't like that he was being jokey. And around that time, when a Hando lynch was really gaining momentum, he was one of the players who said "pump the brakes." Granted, Kevin also did this, but my point is that it's not like tmw was ever really for a Hando lynch in a way that should clear Hando.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
WTF@ my proofreading. "tmw's defense of Hando could easily have been a bus?"

How about "tmw's spat with Hando could easily have been a bus."


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Well, I think my first choice would be to

Vote Handorin

He hasn't been scumhunting whatsoever, and given his past actions, I probably won't be able to trust him any time this game. (barring solid proof, such as the cop coming out and proving handorin town) In addition, soft voting me for something that he said isn't a scumtell (or heavily implied that it isn't) just isn't logical.

However, given the extreme lurking of Xsyven (I know he replaced into this, but he has been lurking quite a bit), and the fact that both Tom and KevinM (now both proven town) have expressed quite some suspicion of Eor, I think an Xsyven lynch would be better than a no-lynch.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
KevinM was more of a gut thing than anything-- just didn't get the vibe.

Who I find suspicious is a different story. Everyone is shooting scum vibes everywhere, except KevinM ironically. I could vote for Macman, Circus, Kirby King, Nicholas, or Marshy and not feel bad about it.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
That doesnt help at all. Everyone is shooting scum vibes? Can you point out what they are?

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Hmm. I've already said that I was less suspicious of Handorin earlier in the Day, but I have to agree with those who were underwhelmed by his scumhunting. Granted, I was underwhelmed with a lot of peoples' scumhunting today, so that alone doesn't really make him a great lynch target.

I will say that his vote for Kevin seemed to come out of nowhere. After being hounded by Circus for not saying anything about my case against Kevin or his responses, it seems a little odd for Handorin to come out and say "hi I'm voting Kevin see you D3"--I don't doubt his reason for leaving, but he didn't explain his vote at all and casting it right before you leave certainly makes it difficult for others to scrutinize it. Even if he had said "well it looks like Kevin is most likely to get lynched, so I'm casting this vote to help the town lynch someone today even though I disagree with it/and I agree with it" I would be more willing to accept it, but as it is it just seems like bandwagoning. In sum I'd support his lynch over a no lynch.

I'd also support a lynch of Iggy. Among the inactives I would say he's the most suspicious; his answer to the hypothetical I posed D1 still doesn't sit any better with me now than it did then. I give him some credit for sticking to his guns on the issue (in my limited experience, that tends to suggest "wrong townie" rather than "malignant scum") and for not voting Rockin, but even with that said I'm not sure I buy his explanation that the two situations are as dissimilar as he claimed. Beyond that his contributions have been pretty minor and unimpressive, and whatever slack he deserved for replacing into the game D1 is well gone. Like Circus said his whole playstyle in this game has been similar to how he's played in any game I've played with him, although he's almost always been anti-town, so that doesn't help him much.

I think an Iggy lynch would be similar to a Handorin lynch in terms of eliminating someone who's been not-terribly-helpful and borderline distracting. So I'd support lynching either of them, noting that I am leaving my vote on Xsyven (and also support lynching him).

@Xsyven: you couldn't have said "it's a vibe" when you were asked about Kevin in the first place? Not that it's an incredibly persuasive answer, but it's certainly sufficiently short and straightforward that you could have stuck it into any one of your posts between "I don't find Kevin suspicious" and Kevin getting modkilled. (No, you didn't know that Kevin was going to be modkilled, but the fact remains that there was plenty of time to answer the question and you didn't.)

I also think it's really interesting that you sort of ticked off the names of five active players. This isn't actually an accusation, it's just an observation: are you just overlooking people who haven't been posting as much?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
there are 2 votes on both hando and xsyven. guess that means one group'll have to "budge" and vote the other and we hope for someone else to show if we want a lynch to actually happen

vote xsyven

i think he's more suspicious than hando and i've already explained why i think we'd gain little from a hando lynch. i also want a lynch to happen, am wary of players who say little, and was suspicious enough of eor that i voted him yesterDay. so he gets my vote

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
The Sinister Seventeen slowly stood from the table, the Chameleon's shocking death still fresh in their minds.

A few suspicions were cast about, but ultimately, they agreed that they could afford no more bloodshed in the Day.

Night has fallen. Night actions are due July 12th at 11:59:59 PM

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. The forces of evil still prevail... for the time being.

The Sinister Seventeen are none too surprised to find death this morning, albeit somewhat elated to find only one body. In his room, Shadrac (Rockin; SS-alligned Oneshot Vig) lies with several of his visible bones broken, a dent in the wall, and his skull caved in.

Slowly, the meeting comes together, as each of those remaining take a seat at what now feels like an enormous conference table.

"Times are rough," offers one. "I propose that we get to business early. Time to roll up our sleeves, as it were."

"Agreed. No more delays."

Day 3 Begins!

A deadline has been set for Jul. 24th at noon CST.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005

so I don't feel like we got any info from Rockin dying. Maybe he shouldn't have wasted his daykill/roleclaimed the day he was silenced...

Good thing mafia may have thought he had stronger vig powers. Nope! They essentially killed a vanilla townie.

So um, do people think there could be another vig in the game? That could have been responsible for the extra kill last night. Any ideas as to what could have caused the extra kill that night and why there wasn't one today?

Someone compare the flavor to the previous nights, maybe we can find a comparison. I would do it... but i'm hella tired.

Thoughts on name/role claim?

Vote: Xsy Guilty until proven innocent.
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