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Spider-Manfia: (Game Over! Roles Posted)

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey Lovers

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Eor Xsyven (1): KevinM

Ignatius (2): Nicholas1024, Marshy

Handorin (1): Macman

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
@ Iggy

I'm thankful you actually posted, and forgive me but I'm metagaming slightly, considering Eor is known to be an aggressive player for him to be quiet and his little slip near the beginning, as well as a couple of posts I wasn't so sure about, just because they didn't seem Eorish, I couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

In fact I felt he was a good lynch candidate Day 1 but we went with the no lynch, but with no new information really presented except for the two silence roles, which I intend to look into in greater detail soon, I think its a perfectly logical thing for me to do, continue pressing Eor that is.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Just because you are a replacement doesn't mean we will wipe your slate.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Well, at any rate, hooray for replacements. :)


What are your thoughts on Rockin daykilling Wario-man out of the blue?
Do you feel inclined to vote him? (as this situation is somewhat similar to the hypothetical situation that Kirby King put forward to you some time earlier.)

true, we shouldn't wipe his slate, but the main count against Eor was inactivity, and hopefully Xsyven will remedy that.


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Guys, I think Rockin' is an indie. If he were town, he'd be smart enough to consult the town before using his kill-- if he were Mafia, he'd sure as hell not just open up and kill someone out of the blue.

I'm guessing he has to kill a certain someone for a win.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Guys, I think Rockin' is an indie. If he were town, he'd be smart enough to consult the town before using his kill-- if he were Mafia, he'd sure as hell not just open up and kill someone out of the blue.

I'm guessing he has to kill a certain someone for a win.
Well, first of all, he said he could only post once.

Also, having to aim for one person to kill is a possibility in this game. Except you usually don't kill who ever you target. You only kill when you get the right one.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Well, first of all, he said he could only post once.

Also, having to aim for one person to kill is a possibility in this game. Except you usually don't kill who ever you target. You only kill when you get the right one.
Can't daykillers in most mafia games also be able to send PMs to the game mod about who they want to kill ? If so or if it is possible for Rockin to do that then he could've asked us to decide which person we wanted to kill and he could've PM'd the target to EE. Anywho, after reading everything last night, I got more I want to say but I'll post it later. There was a post that caught my eye which seemed suspicious to me but I'll need to search for it again.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
@smashman: most games? I dunno. Daykills are often anonymous, yes, but not always. I'm assuming Rockin wouldn't have daykilled publicly like that if he didn't have to.

@Kevin: maybe this game is just moving slowly, but I feel like I've waited long enough for your answers. So I'm going to get all this off my chest now, and make use of what time's left to discuss it.

I'm pretty suspicious of Kevin. He did some things that caught my eye D1 and his behavior D2 has been offputting. I'm going to try to be pretty thorough about what I've noticed so don't mind the length of the following (but do please read it, don't skim it--I trust the BRoomers among you will at least be somewhat used to this).

In P150 Kevin FOSed people who were discussing Tom's post restriction. It was a fair move on its face because discussing the post restriction was indeed bad (for reasons discussed then, I'm not going to repost them here), but it bothered me because Kevin didn't mention anyone by name. He just mentioned "Anyone who continues to draw attention the the restriction". I brought up my concerns in P158, which essentially went like this: if discussing the post restriction was suspicious enough to garner a bold "finger of suspicion," why wasn't it also suspicious enough to warrant FOSing people by name who had discussed the restriction? FOSing no one by name takes an FOS (which is already pretty weak, compared to a vote) and dilutes it further by not making it clear who you're actually suspecting, so (a) they're less likely to object to your suspicion and potentially put more attention on you, and (b) they're less likely to defend themselves if they think your suspicion is misplaced. It also doesn't require that you read the thread carefully enough to note who's actually engaging in this suspicious behavior, even though noting who's acting suspiciously seems like something one would do if one were legitimately suspicious of something someone (or some people) have done. In P163 he clarifies his FOS was against "anyone that will keep talking about it or those that drew attention to it multiple times"--but again, he didn't name names, despite the fact that I had asked him who in particular he was suspicious of. In P169 and P173 he just reiterates why he FOSed, but didn't explain who exactly offended him so or why he didn't want to name them.

In P190 Kevin votes MexicanBJ with no explanation. Much of this discussion has been had already so while I don't want to rehash it all, I think it's worth reminding everyone what happened. P217: MBJ wonders what KevinM expected in response to his vote. P235: Kevin asserts he did have a reason for his vote (contrary to MBJ's suggestion): he basically says MBJ is feigning activity, not commenting on the game, and asking questions about terminology (like "FOS") he already should have been familiar with. Okay, but in P243 and P260 MBJ responds pretty reasonably: it's unreasonable to expect him to familiarize himself with "FOS" in advance, his posts that don't relate to terminology questions amount to more than what several other people had contributed thus far, and Kevin's vote (being devoid of explanation) had no indication of being either serious or a joke. Kevin never really responds to these points, perhaps in part due to Nick's fake daykill (P307). But his reasoning for voting MBJ in the first place seems inadequate, and when MBJ (and others) pressed him on it, he didn't have all that much to add.

In P250, I ask Kevin who else he suspected besides MBJ. It was a one line post with no other content, partly because I wanted to see how closely Kevin was reading the thread and I thought a post like that would be hard to ignore (compared to tucking that question within a longer post, at least). In explaining his FOS he had complained that other people were skimming the thread, so I figured he should be reading the thread pretty closely. But his next post P255 makes no reference to my post. I vote him to see if it gets his attention and he responds in P305. Eventually he answers my question (Nick was suspicious after he fake daykilled, then "no one worth a vote," but Marshy was "pseudo coasting"). At this point many people (including myself) were focusing on Nick's fake daykill, however.

Fast forward a bit. Eor's last post of D1 (and, well, ever) was P505. In P524 Kevin votes no lynch, saying "the only players with pressure on them are real power players." Compare that to what Kevin said about Eor in P682:
In fact I felt he was a good lynch candidate Day 1 but we went with the no lynch, but with no new information really presented except for the two silence roles, which I intend to look into in greater detail soon, I think its a perfectly logical thing for me to do, continue pressing Eor that is.
Now it sounds like he's putting the blame for the no lynch on others--"we went with the no lynch," but "I felt [Eor] was a good lynch candidate". But you didn't vote for Eor! In fact, I couldn't even find a post of yours D1 where you so much as hinted at a suspicion of Eor, so saying you thought he was a "good lynch candidate" D1 seems totally revisionist.

Backing up a bit, in P599 Kevin votes for Eor:
I think with Eor's extreme lurking and extremely scummy behavior he's an easy lynch candidate in my mind.

Vote: Eor
Eor hadn't posted since Kevin decided he was for a no lynch D1. Extreme lurking? Okay, he wasn't alone, but I'll give you that. Extremely scummy behavior? Uh, what? Kevin is now saying Eor is "extremely scummy" when he didn't even seem to be on his radar as of Eor's last post. To be sure, other people (myself included) had called Eor scummy for things he had done. But Kevin didn't say specifically what he thought was scummy about Eor either D1 or D2, or what other people said was scummy about Eor that he agreed with. It's almost like a delayed "me too" vote, where Kevin just assumes that we all still think Eor was scummy because he seemed that way yesterday, even though Kevin himself didn't want to lynch him then or indicate that he found Eor suspicious at all. It all appears very opportunistic.

Moreover, this is the same kind of behavior Kevin himself criticized earlier in the game (P456, talking to Nick):
You keep mentioning you have scum tells on players, care to actually point some of them out or are you just blowing smoke.

I'm always extremely wary of people that sing their own praises by saying they have picked up scum tells on people without pointing out where they got it from.

It's like you're attempting to look valuable without actually posting anything of substance.
Yet Kevin's complained about Eor's "extreme scumminess" and him "giving off scum vibes" without explaining where either comes from.

P600: I ask Kevin if he's going to look at other people or not today, because he's gunning for Eor early and steadfastly. In P603 Kevin insists he's still planning on scumhunting, but besides posting about general inactivity in the thread and some posts relating to Handorin being silenced, he shows no signs of looking into anyone else in his next posts. In P638 he just reiterates that he wants Eor to post.

P645: I ask Kevin to elaborate on his suspicions of Eor, and discuss who else he thinks is suspicious. P659: Kevin votes Rockin after he daykilled Wario-man, and in P661 a couple minutes later he puts his vote back on Eor. In P663 he finally explains his other suspicions, saying "it's all based off of inactivity"--except for Eor, who is also "giving off scum vibes". To be honest I expected more substantive scumhunting from Kevin. Claiming that your suspicions are "all based off of inactivity" doesn't really convince me that Kevin is paying close attention to the game or forming legitimate, substantive suspicions.

I've gone into this some already, but his reasoning for voting Rockin also bothered me. Like I said before I thought it was suspicious given the discussion we had about sudden daykills. I also mentioned that Kevin's reaction--"being pissed"--was very unlike Kevin. Even in this game he's bemoaned "sensitive players" who vote based on hurt feelings rather than substance (see P304-305), so his vote for Rockin just because he was pissed seems artificial; like I told Rockin, I think players (experienced players especially) should be able to avoid doing things out of simple frustration. I honestly don't know what he meant by saying he doesn't think Rockin is town, and maybe there's an obvious explanation I'm missing, but when he unvoted he said it was because he didn't want to lynch Rockin "based off one stupid mistake". If you think it was a mistake I don't see how you can think Rockin isn't town--again, I could be missing something (and if you think I am, tell me so), but I don't think so.

Another point, probably less important than what I've said above: Kevin complains that Rockin used his daykill "without asking for even a vote first". Never mind the fact that Rockin had only one post for the entire Day, so if he were to ask for a vote in his one post he would just be revealing his vig powers without getting a chance to use them. True, it might have been preferable for him to just not daykill at all D2, but that's not what Kevin said--he said Rockin should have taken a vote first. That's not even a workable solution so I don't know why he suggested it. It makes Rockin look bad, I guess, but not really for a valid reason.

So. That's a pretty decent overview, I think. The one remaining thing is that I'm still waiting for Kevin's elaboration on why he suspects Eor. You might argue that I haven't given him enough time to respond to those requests, but I'd argue given how he's been on Eor's case all Day and his earlier criticism of Nick I really shouldn't even have to ask why he finds him scummy. He should have already told us.

Vote: KevinM


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
To be honest, I've never liked how KevinM has played Mafia-- I don't think he's Mafia though.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Kirby King makes some good points. KevinM didn't find Eor scummy at all on D1, but D2 comes around, and Eor is suddenly the scummiest person there is. He hasn't been explaining his votes, except for "I have my reasons". And, he criticized the exact same behavior! To quote him, "It's like you're attempting to look valuable without actually posting anything of substance." I'm going to give KevinM a chance to refute Kirby King's points, but if he can't do so, then I'm going to vote him.


Would you care to elaborate on why you don't think he's mafia?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Right, so I was at least expecting Kevin to have something to say about Kiki's last post (and I've basically been waiting to see what he would say). I haven't found Kevin very scummy up to this point, though he has seemed a little off in this game and Kiki's points highlight that (I find the part about KevinM not even voting for Eor on D1 to be particularly enlightening since apparently I just glazed over that before). But it's been a whole Day since Kiki made his super post and Kevin has said nothing in his own defense. One day isn't really that long, but for a player who has been pretty consistently active in this game, I would expect Kevin to have at least checked the thread and seen this by now. And if he has seen it, I can't imagine why he wouldn't want to defend himself. Quickly. Silence from Kevin, in this scenario, sounds a little bit like "I can't defend myself" to me.

@Sharpevil: I'm sensitive to your situation, Sharp, believe me. But I really can't allow myself to take my vote off of you because you still haven't really contributed much since the game started. And it feels like your plan is to just give us more nothing. If you don't think you're going to be able to give some substantial thoughts soon, then I would urge you to consider asking for a replacement. Evil Eye may eat some of your vital organs if you don't.

Xsyven, I believe you have a question to answer.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
According to Kevin's profile he hasn't been online since before I made that post, so while I do want to hear what he has to say his silence thus far isn't scummy at all.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey Lovers

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Eor Xsyven (1): KevinM

Ignatius (2): Nicholas1024, Marshy

Handorin (1): Macman

KevinM (1): Kirby King

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
@smashman: most games? I dunno. Daykills are often anonymous, yes, but not always. I'm assuming Rockin wouldn't have daykilled publicly like that if he didn't have to.

@Kevin: maybe this game is just moving slowly, but I feel like I've waited long enough for your answers. So I'm going to get all this off my chest now, and make use of what time's left to discuss it.

Finally! Some discussion, I wouldn't expect anything less from you

I'm pretty suspicious of Kevin. He did some things that caught my eye D1 and his behavior D2 has been offputting. I'm going to try to be pretty thorough about what I've noticed so don't mind the length of the following (but do please read it, don't skim it--I trust the BRoomers among you will at least be somewhat used to this).

Seriously, for those involved in this game expect to read a lot with Kiki, he's not much for conciseness but he's very very analytical his posts can be helpful if you take the time to look into them

In P150 Kevin FOSed people who were discussing Tom's post restriction. It was a fair move on its face because discussing the post restriction was indeed bad (for reasons discussed then, I'm not going to repost them here), but it bothered me because Kevin didn't mention anyone by name. He just mentioned "Anyone who continues to draw attention the the restriction". I brought up my concerns in P158, which essentially went like this: if discussing the post restriction was suspicious enough to garner a bold "finger of suspicion," why wasn't it also suspicious enough to warrant FOSing people by name who had discussed the restriction? FOSing no one by name takes an FOS (which is already pretty weak, compared to a vote) and dilutes it further by not making it clear who you're actually suspecting, so (a) they're less likely to object to your suspicion and potentially put more attention on you, and (b) they're less likely to defend themselves if they think your suspicion is misplaced. It also doesn't require that you read the thread carefully enough to note who's actually engaging in this suspicious behavior, even though noting who's acting suspiciously seems like something one would do if one were legitimately suspicious of something someone (or some people) have done. In P163 he clarifies his FOS was against "anyone that will keep talking about it or those that drew attention to it multiple times"--but again, he didn't name names, despite the fact that I had asked him who in particular he was suspicious of. In P169 and P173 he just reiterates why he FOSed, but didn't explain who exactly offended him so or why he didn't want to name them.

I feel I've adequately explained why I did this as I believe you mentioned, it's sucha long paragraph that I can't remember if you said I adequately did or not, let me check... Yeah ok you said I did but your main complaint is that I didn't say who?

Kind of a mute point this late after it happened but I was mainly posting towards people like Hando and Marshy, whom both know that fishing for a role restriction is never particularly helpful for townies. However since it was early in the game and I hadn't picked anything up on them yet at that point I didn't feel the need to draw a lot of attention to it and have the weaker players jump on it like it was gospel word.

In P190 Kevin votes MexicanBJ with no explanation. Much of this discussion has been had already so while I don't want to rehash it all, I think it's worth reminding everyone what happened. P217: MBJ wonders what KevinM expected in response to his vote. P235: Kevin asserts he did have a reason for his vote (contrary to MBJ's suggestion): he basically says MBJ is feigning activity, not commenting on the game, and asking questions about terminology (like "FOS") he already should have been familiar with. Okay, but in P243 and P260 MBJ responds pretty reasonably: it's unreasonable to expect him to familiarize himself with "FOS" in advance, his posts that don't relate to terminology questions amount to more than what several other people had contributed thus far, and Kevin's vote (being devoid of explanation) had no indication of being either serious or a joke. Kevin never really responds to these points, perhaps in part due to Nick's fake daykill (P307). But his reasoning for voting MBJ in the first place seems inadequate, and when MBJ (and others) pressed him on it, he didn't have all that much to add.

I didn't have all that much to add because there wasn't. It was a simple press for information, I had nothing else to discuss with him besides the fact I hadn't felt he contributed at all. I got the responses I needed from him and felt satisfied. Had I been more suspicious I would have continued to prod him. You of all people should know that's how I use my early votes, I press for info and if I'm satisfied I move to the next,

In P250, I ask Kevin who else he suspected besides MBJ. It was a one line post with no other content, partly because I wanted to see how closely Kevin was reading the thread and I thought a post like that would be hard to ignore (compared to tucking that question within a longer post, at least). In explaining his FOS he had complained that other people were skimming the thread, so I figured he should be reading the thread pretty closely. But his next post P255 makes no reference to my post. I vote him to see if it gets his attention and he responds in P305. Eventually he answers my question (Nick was suspicious after he fake daykilled, then "no one worth a vote," but Marshy was "pseudo coasting"). At this point many people (including myself) were focusing on Nick's fake daykill, however.

To be honest, I didn't feel the need at that point to make a suspect list that early in day 1 when I'm still looking for slip-ups. I ignored it yes, and sorry if you feel offended but at that time your question wasn't pressing to me. I didn't feel the need to name names and have them switch up their playstyle, but like I said, mute point but the people I was looking at were Hando and Marshy.

Fast forward a bit. Eor's last post of D1 (and, well, ever) was P505. In P524 Kevin votes no lynch, saying "the only players with pressure on them are real power players." Compare that to what Kevin said about Eor in P682:

Now it sounds like he's putting the blame for the no lynch on others--"we went with the no lynch," but "I felt [Eor] was a good lynch candidate". But you didn't vote for Eor! In fact, I couldn't even find a post of yours D1 where you so much as hinted at a suspicion of Eor, so saying you thought he was a "good lynch candidate" D1 seems totally revisionist.

I did feel Eor was a good lynch candidate. But I'm not about to swing a bandwagon on an inactive player Day 1 with little to no evidence besides the few small things I had on him up to that point. No lynch is a safe option on day 1, it's also IMO the best course of action to take in that situation.

Backing up a bit, in P599 Kevin votes for Eor:

Eor hadn't posted since Kevin decided he was for a no lynch D1. Extreme lurking? Okay, he wasn't alone, but I'll give you that. Extremely scummy behavior? Uh, what? Kevin is now saying Eor is "extremely scummy" when he didn't even seem to be on his radar as of Eor's last post. To be sure, other people (myself included) had called Eor scummy for things he had done. But Kevin didn't say specifically what he thought was scummy about Eor either D1 or D2, or what other people said was scummy about Eor that he agreed with. It's almost like a delayed "me too" vote, where Kevin just assumes that we all still think Eor was scummy because he seemed that way yesterday, even though Kevin himself didn't want to lynch him then or indicate that he found Eor suspicious at all. It all appears very opportunistic.

I answered this in the last bolded statement but I will reiterate why I want to at least get Eor/Xsy posting in this game. The reason is, Eor is such a powerful player and a normally active player that if he's mafia, and we're letting him coast the one or two days without anyone besides me putting pressure on him, we're putting ourselves at a severe disadvantage. Call my extreme scumminess a hyperbole, but it proved to be largely ineffective, as the votes are scattered and not more then half the people are even voting at this point. If we could have put pressure on Eor we might have been able to hear some discussion out of him but you're forgetting that at one or two votes you don't even have to respond early game and largely it will go unnoticed. So I continued to reiterate that i thought Eor was scummy and stuck my vote on him deftly. I don't like his inactivity and I surely don't want to give a dangerous player a free ride to D3 or 4.

Moreover, this is the same kind of behavior Kevin himself criticized earlier in the game (P456, talking to Nick):

Yet Kevin's complained about Eor's "extreme scumminess" and him "giving off scum vibes" without explaining where either comes from.

P600: I ask Kevin if he's going to look at other people or not today, because he's gunning for Eor early and steadfastly. In P603 Kevin insists he's still planning on scumhunting, but besides posting about general inactivity in the thread and some posts relating to Handorin being silenced, he shows no signs of looking into anyone else in his next posts. In P638 he just reiterates that he wants Eor to post.

Explained above for you :D

P645: I ask Kevin to elaborate on his suspicions of Eor, and discuss who else he thinks is suspicious. P659: Kevin votes Rockin after he daykilled Wario-man, and in P661 a couple minutes later he puts his vote back on Eor. In P663 he finally explains his other suspicions, saying "it's all based off of inactivity"--except for Eor, who is also "giving off scum vibes". To be honest I expected more substantive scumhunting from Kevin. Claiming that your suspicions are "all based off of inactivity" doesn't really convince me that Kevin is paying close attention to the game or forming legitimate, substantive suspicions.

The problem is we don't have enough votes being moved around to form strong discussion. Think about it, lets look at the votes real quick.

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus: Voting bassed off of inactivity, and wanting to see more opinions.

Eor Xsyven (1): KevinM: Voting based of inactivity, wanting to generate discussion, a couple of weird posts and wanting to actually see some voting power swing around

Ignatius (2): Nicholas1024, Marshy: Voting mainly based off inactivity and a couple of odd posts from Iggy.

Handorin (1): Macman: I believe inactivity, I may be wrong maybe he has more about it.

KevinM (1): Kirby King: I'm not quite sure he had some big post or something ;).

Thats a whole lot of nothing its easy for any scum to just silently sit through all this, it doesn't matter.

Town needs to act uniformly there votes are their voice but they need to use them in tandem. One vote means nothing this early in the game, Hell if I wanted too I may have been able to sit through all of this no problem.

I've gone into this some already, but his reasoning for voting Rockin also bothered me. Like I said before I thought it was suspicious given the discussion we had about sudden daykills. I also mentioned that Kevin's reaction--"being pissed"--was very unlike Kevin. Even in this game he's bemoaned "sensitive players" who vote based on hurt feelings rather than substance (see P304-305), so his vote for Rockin just because he was pissed seems artificial; like I told Rockin, I think players (experienced players especially) should be able to avoid doing things out of simple frustration. I honestly don't know what he meant by saying he doesn't think Rockin is town, and maybe there's an obvious explanation I'm missing, but when he unvoted he said it was because he didn't want to lynch Rockin "based off one stupid mistake". If you think it was a mistake I don't see how you can think Rockin isn't town--again, I could be missing something (and if you think I am, tell me so), but I don't think so.

I agree it was very unlike me, but I also like to take these seriously so if something like that goes that wrong I get a little upset, plus there was a double motive behind it, and that was to reiterate my vote on Eor maybe to get the vote swinging again. Also my stupid mistake thing is based off IF he is town. So you didn't miss anything, you merely misinterpreted where I was coming from

Another point, probably less important than what I've said above: Kevin complains that Rockin used his daykill "without asking for even a vote first". Never mind the fact that Rockin had only one post for the entire Day, so if he were to ask for a vote in his one post he would just be revealing his vig powers without getting a chance to use them. True, it might have been preferable for him to just not daykill at all D2, but that's not what Kevin said--he said Rockin should have taken a vote first. That's not even a workable solution so I don't know why he suggested it. It makes Rockin look bad, I guess, but not really for a valid reason.

Meh, I wasn't thinking straight, I'll give you that, it was a very dumb idea. I have no defense for this, I concede this point to you.

So. That's a pretty decent overview, I think. The one remaining thing is that I'm still waiting for Kevin's elaboration on why he suspects Eor. You might argue that I haven't given him enough time to respond to those requests, but I'd argue given how he's been on Eor's case all Day and his earlier criticism of Nick I really shouldn't even have to ask why he finds him scummy. He should have already told us.

Hope I've helped.

Vote: KevinM

Answers in bold.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
I feel I've adequately explained why I did this as I believe you mentioned, it's sucha long paragraph that I can't remember if you said I adequately did or not, let me check... Yeah ok you said I did but your main complaint is that I didn't say who?

Kind of a mute point this late after it happened but I was mainly posting towards people like Hando and Marshy, whom both know that fishing for a role restriction is never particularly helpful for townies. However since it was early in the game and I hadn't picked anything up on them yet at that point I didn't feel the need to draw a lot of attention to it and have the weaker players jump on it like it was gospel word.
Hmm, I guess that makes sense. The one thing I might say is FOSing someone and then watching who latches onto that without contributing anything could potentially have yielded some leads, but it's hard to fault you for not laying out that trap.

I didn't have all that much to add because there wasn't. It was a simple press for information, I had nothing else to discuss with him besides the fact I hadn't felt he contributed at all. I got the responses I needed from him and felt satisfied. Had I been more suspicious I would have continued to prod him. You of all people should know that's how I use my early votes, I press for info and if I'm satisfied I move to the next,
I guess my main concern here then was that you didn't really make it clear that MBJ had addressed your concerns. It seemed like you had made a case against him, pushed him even as he was answering your questions (and other people were questioning your case), and then your case against him just sort of disappeared as if you wanted to pretend it never happened. Like I said this was probably in part because of the fake daykill but I still thought you dropped the case remarkably quickly, like you wanted people to forget about it. I could be overanalyzing.

To be honest, I didn't feel the need at that point to make a suspect list that early in day 1 when I'm still looking for slip-ups. I ignored it yes, and sorry if you feel offended but at that time your question wasn't pressing to me. I didn't feel the need to name names and have them switch up their playstyle, but like I said, mute point but the people I was looking at were Hando and Marshy.
Alright, I guess I can appreciate that you didn't want to cause people to change their playstyles, since that's a point I hadn't considered. But I don't think it would have been difficult to just acknowledge that a question had been asked of you, even if you didn't want to answer it. (As a side note, did you maybe think it might have been useful to have Handorin change up his playstyle at that point?)

I did feel Eor was a good lynch candidate. But I'm not about to swing a bandwagon on an inactive player Day 1 with little to no evidence besides the few small things I had on him up to that point. No lynch is a safe option on day 1, it's also IMO the best course of action to take in that situation.
Here is where I have more of a problem with your reasoning. I don't understand how Eor was a "good lynch candidate" if you had "little to no evidence besides [a] few small things". I don't even know what those "few small things" were since you gave zero indication whatsoever that Eor was even marginally suspicious in your eyes. Basically I don't see how a good lynch candidate isn't also an acceptable lynch candidate. If you thought no lynch was an okay option at that point I guess it's hard for me to disagree on that point alone, since it's not like it preempted discussion. I still think we would have benefited more from a lynch, since we might have gotten mafia and we at least would have had a more conclusive end to that paper trail.

I answered this in the last bolded statement but I will reiterate why I want to at least get Eor/Xsy posting in this game. The reason is, Eor is such a powerful player and a normally active player that if he's mafia, and we're letting him coast the one or two days without anyone besides me putting pressure on him, we're putting ourselves at a severe disadvantage. Call my extreme scumminess a hyperbole, but it proved to be largely ineffective, as the votes are scattered and not more then half the people are even voting at this point. If we could have put pressure on Eor we might have been able to hear some discussion out of him but you're forgetting that at one or two votes you don't even have to respond early game and largely it will go unnoticed. So I continued to reiterate that i thought Eor was scummy and stuck my vote on him deftly. I don't like his inactivity and I surely don't want to give a dangerous player a free ride to D3 or 4.
I wouldn't say you were the only one putting pressure on him. He had plenty of pressure on him D1--he almost got lynched. You might have been the only one to pressure him D2 but you did that pretty early (at least relative to the number of posts that had been made, which admittedly may not be saying much). You seem adamant about not letting a dangerous player through to D3 without contributing much, but I don't know why Eor couldn't have been pressured more D1--surely you must have been willing to lynch him if he didn't respond to the pressure?

As to "extreme scumminess": the problem here (my problem, at least) is that you didn't explain what was "extremely scummy" about him, so instead of inciting people to add pressure to Eor it looks like you're just clinging onto D1's bandwagon without any justification. You've taken up to three different positions on Eor: there was "little to no evidence" against him (so you didn't want to lynch him D1), he was a "good lynch candidate" (as you said D2 re: what you thought D1), and he was "extremely scummy" by the beginning of D2 (which I think is stronger than "good lynch candidate," especially since when you claimed to have thought he was a good candidate you didn't want to lynch him, but when he's "extremely scummy" he's now an "easy lynch candidate"--which I guess means you're now really willing to lynch him? You said this was all pressure though so maybe it's more like two viewpoints).

This is probably my biggest hangup. I don't know what you thought and when you thought it since you've claimed, in my view, at least 2-3 pretty different viewpoints and acted, on the whole, inconsistently. Since I don't know what exactly you thought was "extremely scummy" (or, if you say that was hyperbole, "scummy") about Eor, it's even harder for me to try to reconcile your apparently contradictory viewpoints.

The problem is we don't have enough votes being moved around to form strong discussion. Think about it, lets look at the votes real quick.

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus: Voting bassed off of inactivity, and wanting to see more opinions.

Eor Xsyven (1): KevinM: Voting based of inactivity, wanting to generate discussion, a couple of weird posts and wanting to actually see some voting power swing around

Ignatius (2): Nicholas1024, Marshy: Voting mainly based off inactivity and a couple of odd posts from Iggy.

Handorin (1): Macman: I believe inactivity, I may be wrong maybe he has more about it.

KevinM (1): Kirby King: I'm not quite sure he had some big post or something ;).

Thats a whole lot of nothing its easy for any scum to just silently sit through all this, it doesn't matter.

Town needs to act uniformly there votes are their voice but they need to use them in tandem. One vote means nothing this early in the game, Hell if I wanted too I may have been able to sit through all of this no problem.
It's pretty hard to disagree with you here in terms of the town's activity. It's been pretty pitiful. The sad thing is this kind of thing tends to happen every game, so I think I'm sort of used to it at this point. :ohwell:

I agree it was very unlike me, but I also like to take these seriously so if something like that goes that wrong I get a little upset, plus there was a double motive behind it, and that was to reiterate my vote on Eor maybe to get the vote swinging again. Also my stupid mistake thing is based off IF he is town. So you didn't miss anything, you merely misinterpreted where I was coming from
If Rockin's "stupid mistake" was conditional on him being town, it wasn't very clear in your post. It implied that you thought he was town even when you voted him, but then decided it wasn't worth lynching him over a stupid mistake--as if it was okay to lynch him in the first place over it, even though it seems unlikely he would be mafia with a daykilling power. Obviously no one wants to lynch a townie, so "if" someone is town we shouldn't lynch them. So I'll ask this: what do you think about Rockin's alignment? We shouldn't absolutely rule anything out, but given that he did have a daykill (and based on the flavor and my checking of Wikipedia, it seems to be his, rather than something he got via his poisoning) how likely do you think it is that he's mafia? independent?

@Everyone else: do you guys have any thoughts on anything? Some of you have had questions asked of you that have yet to be answered; I'm just going to put out a blanket request that people answer questions that have been asked of them--question askers, reask them if you need to. I'm uneasy about the fact that almost all discussion basically ceased after I made my last post--only three other people (besides Kevin) even posted at all. I understand that it was long and maybe intimidating and Kevin didn't respond right away so you didn't want to preempt him, but it's not like you had to comment on it right away, or you couldn't have said anything else about anything else. Trust me, I wasn't going to forget about that post.

@smashman: you said there was a post that struck you as suspicious. Particularly since you're a replacement do you think you could dig that up for us? Actually anything you have to say would be pretty helpful, since your replacee has said nothing recently and you only have one post.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Well, after reading through KevinM's response and Kirby King's answer, I'm going to have to


Vote KevinM

The main reason I'm voting him is that he was quite inconsistent on how scummy Eor was. He was unwilling to lynch him D1, but on D2, he backtracked and said he found Eor extremely scummy, without saying why. Your answer to that point was unsatisfactory in my opinion. A "good lynch candidate", should be someone you would be willing to lynch.

(As a side point, I agree that the town activity is incredibly pathetic. :( )


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
@smashman: you said there was a post that struck you as suspicious. Particularly since you're a replacement do you think you could dig that up for us? Actually anything you have to say would be pretty helpful, since your replacee has said nothing recently and you only have one post.
I have found it, it was this post:

I claim the Green Goblin.
Circus I believe has already mentioned Macman's claim but nobody seemed to notice that. This strikes me as suspicious because Macman wasn't getting lynched or anything. I don't think anybody even had a vote on him and if there was, then I doubt there would've been enough to nameclaim to save yourself. He basically had no reason to claim the Green Goblin. Macman, why did you nameclaim? There was no suspicions against you until after you claimed GG. And I doubt that there is any role restrictions forcing you to claim GG.

Besides the Macman/GG thing, I've been reading the Carnage death over and over. Maybe I'm overanalyzing it or something, but Carnage wouldn't die that easily. Symbiotes have a weakness against fire and sonic attacks (although Carnage has some resistance to those weaknesses). It would take more than a neck break and a few other wounds to take down Carnage. I doubt EE would overpower Carnage by making him bulletproof or something, so I'd say he just toned Carnage down or something. Perhaps I shouldn't dwell so much on his death, but something just feels off about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if Venom is in this game. If he is in the game then I wouldn't even be surprised if it was him that killed Carnage seeing as those two hate each other. I can see Venom being a Vig in this game. If Venom is in the game, then perhaps JungleCarnage had a win condition where he had to kill Venom to win the game.

But it's obvious that Carnage isn't gonna win this game seeing as he is dead unless EE gave Carnage the ability to take over a person and have that person say what he wants him to say. But that would be overpowering Carnage, and if he could do that, then why couldn't the other symbiotes (assuming others are in the game)? So I doubt that the Symbys can take over a player due to that making the Symby's rediculously overpowered. I'm probably just overanalyzing everything way too much, but at least I am looking at other possibilities.

I want to hear what Rockin's reason for killing Dr. Connors/The Lizard is whenever he can speak again. I would feel bad for lynching a potential townie when he can't even speak to defend himself.


Smash Rookie
Sep 30, 2008
Okay, I'm back in full force, and have finally took the effort to start to read the thread again. That's the good news.

The bad news is that after reading the last few pages, I haven't found much to be suspicious of, other than Eor's mysterious silence and the daykill. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to peruse the entirety of the thread that I missed right now. I'll chug a mountain dew around midnight. Hopefully that will power me through it. If not, I'm just going to get what info I can from the posts to come.

Sorry, circus. I realize this doesn't give you any more reason to take your vote off me. For now, however, I need to attend to my own game.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
The main reason I'm voting him is that he was quite inconsistent on how scummy Eor was. He was unwilling to lynch him D1, but on D2, he backtracked and said he found Eor extremely scummy, without saying why. Your answer to that point was unsatisfactory in my opinion. A "good lynch candidate", should be someone you would be willing to lynch.
IIRC; Kevin said he thought he was scummy and would have voted him, but that the situation turned so that the best option ended up being a no lynch. He then brought it back up.

I still don't quite agree with it.

I have found it, it was this post:

Circus I believe has already mentioned Macman's claim but nobody seemed to notice that. This strikes me as suspicious because Macman wasn't getting lynched or anything. I don't think anybody even had a vote on him and if there was, then I doubt there would've been enough to nameclaim to save yourself. He basically had no reason to claim the Green Goblin. Macman, why did you nameclaim? There was no suspicions against you until after you claimed GG. And I doubt that there is any role restrictions forcing you to claim GG.
This. I also want to know why. We haven't heard much from him at all since he claimed.

Vote: Macman
Until we get answers at least.

Okay, I'm back in full force, and have finally took the effort to start to read the thread again. That's the good news.........
......I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to peruse the entirety of the thread that I missed right now.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey Lovers

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Xsyven (1): KevinM

Ignatius (1): Marshy

Handorin (1): Macman

KevinM (2): Kirby King, Nicholas1024

Macman (1): Handorin

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Well, after reading through KevinM's response and Kirby King's answer, I'm going to have to


Vote KevinM

The main reason I'm voting him is that he was quite inconsistent on how scummy Eor was. He was unwilling to lynch him D1, but on D2, he backtracked and said he found Eor extremely scummy, without saying why. Your answer to that point was unsatisfactory in my opinion. A "good lynch candidate", should be someone you would be willing to lynch.

(As a side point, I agree that the town activity is incredibly pathetic. :( )
Wow Kiki, I didn't know you were capable of ventriloquism, pretty impressive.


Anyways, I'm not quite sure where you're finding my viewpoints to be contradicting as much as I see them as varying levels of scrutiny upon Eor.

However, defending myself at this point from anymore of it would be beating a dead horse I believe we can agree or concede on that point.

I understand where your suspicions of me are coming from, if we had more town activity we could perhaps shirk this but its seemingly impossible when we have barely anyone posting and one of them just posted a smaller version of what you said showing no logical thinking for himself.

Which btw is exactly why I didn't point out the FOS people like I said.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
i agree that kevin FOSing everyone who discussed tom's "post restriction" was strange. i never speculated about it either. i just said "this could be fake keep it in mind" for down the road and was surprised kevin took it at face value

kevin what was nick supposed to do? if kiki laid out what he agreed with then a regurgitation is necessary

personally i'm swaying between iggy and kevin right now. i admit iggy is mostly for coasting but i don't think that's so bad. he coasted his way to victory once and to the endgame in another. at worst we lose someone who hasn't given us much

kevin i've been thinking is the most suspicious of the "active bunch" (everyone who isn't iggy, sharp, smashman, and xsyven) and kiki's latest posts make me a little more confident in it. i plan on looking further into their back and forth soon

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
also are we trying to do that early deadline thing or what? where we vote who we think is most suspicious shortly before deadline pretty much. it's in 3 days and i'd like to see where everyone stands right now because we're not going to have a lynch at this rate. i like the idea a lot right now because i don't know who maybe half of the game is considering at the moment


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Marshy are you going to pull the, I'm going to look into this soon post and then not post for a few more days thing again?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
and to answer your question i'll choose between you and iggy (assuming i don't find something else) and explain why and give you something to work with

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I don't know why I nameclaimed, I tend to act on impulse and noone was saying very much of anything at the time.

I don't know where I stand on KevinM. Kiki's post brought up some good points. Meh, I don't like posting when I have nothing to say. I wanted to make a longer post with some actual content, but I've been trying to reread the thread but I keep getting distracted by other stuff. I haven't really been able to formulate strong opinions/suspicions that can be backed up with reasoning. Butttttt, I am really going to make an effort to actually contribute something of worth.

I just want to say that it seems like Nic just parrots what other people say and never seems to have any of his own ideas. Though I think he is town, this has just been bothering me.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I just want to say that it seems like Nic just parrots what other people say and never seems to have any of his own ideas. Though I think he is town, this has just been bothering me.
I'd say that you're wrong on that point. If I feel that I have a good scumtell on someone, (or someone says something that bothers me) then I follow it through. However, when I'm having trouble picking up tells from anyone then I wait for someone else to give me some more discussion to work with and then state my opinion on that.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I don't know why I nameclaimed, I tend to act on impulse and noone was saying very much of anything at the time.
Here you go. Refresh your memory.
I claim the Green Goblin.

I just want to say that it seems like Nic just parrots what other people say and never seems to have any of his own ideas. Though I think he is town, this has just been bothering me.
I'd say that you're wrong on that point. If I feel that I have a good scumtell on someone, (or someone says something that bothers me) then I follow it through. However, when I'm having trouble picking up tells from anyone then I wait for someone else to give me some more discussion to work with and then state my opinion on that.
Yes, I agree. I believe I pointed this out before (though it might have been more prominent on mbj at the time). I think really the only times this hasn't been true was in his bouts with me. Other than that, it has been mainly sheep work.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Here you go. Refresh your memory.

Yes, I agree. I believe I pointed this out before (though it might have been more prominent on mbj at the time). I think really the only times this hasn't been true was in his bouts with me. Other than that, it has been mainly sheep work.
Then prove it.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Just for fun (not that it was really "fun", but play along) I checked some people's last activity times (all ET):

Circus (last post: July 5 early AM): Today 3:44 AM
Ignatius (last post: July 2 evening): July 5 12:22 PM
Xsyven (last post: July 4 early AM): Today 4:36 AM

Those are all the people who haven't posted since Kevin's response to my post, aside from Rockin (so about 36 hours at this point).

@Circus, Xsyven: hi! You're around so it'd be nice to hear from you. The deadline is Friday and the soft deadline is tomorrow/Thursday. On top of that the votes are very spread out right now, so even though you may have posted two or three days ago everyone needs to be more active than normal (even if you were normally active, ahem). Please catch up and give us your thoughts.

@Iggy: seems almost pointless to talk to you, but if you read this you'd better know you owe us a lot. If Circus and Xsyven just need to catch up and let us know what they're thinking, you owe us a novel.

@Everyone: You need to be more active too! How do people feel about another no lynch today? Do you care if we don't get a majority?

Yo EE what happened to Iggy? Can you, like, super prod him or something so he logs on?

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Nic, it's not like an attack on your character or anything it's even expected of a new player to be somewhat "sheepish". I was just bothering me. I don't really think we should be talking about this at all, since it's not really contributing to anything.

Yes it was real KevinM. :lick:

Anywayss, I am only on page 5 on my reread, [i've been slacking I know] But I saw some stuff that I wanted to make sure would be brought to the table.

What we know: Redcell is mafia. Redcell made 10 posts in this thread. Not fairly active. And the posts have been on like 2-3 different things.

First post was a joke/unimportant post

2nd Post:
The problem with so many votes going on Tom isn't just that there could be an executioner, it's that it was during the jokevote phase. If they were real votes, then at least the person executed would be someone suspicious.
Comes in after I make the 4th or 5th vote on Tom and after people begin to talk about an executioner. He feels the need to give his input, and I would consider this a slight FOS on me.

After Tom questions his thought process, he makes his third post post [post 157] pretty much saying the same thing.

4th post:
KevinM isn't FOSing anyone, he was just explaining what it meant.
He uses another post to back up KevinM even though he was completely wrong about what KevinM was doing.

His 5th post [177] is yet another post talking about the potential executioner.

Is it not obvious? You never had five votes on you. I do not find Eor's vote suspicious since he unvoted right away, Macman's vote came rather soon after and I consider it a possible scum move but not a likely one. He could simply be lying about not knowing about executioners and being swept up in jokevoting but I buy his explanation for now. Certainly if an executioner role comes up then I will find it suspicious enough to consider his lynch.

Also this: "what does it cost us to try to avoid giving one [an executioner] the opportunity?" was not a rhetorical question.
Yet again, he continues to back his argument, while FOSing me more strongly.

*Does more rereading because I haven't caught up to the rest of his posts.*

Tom replies to Mashad's post and asks him questions about it but mashad seems to fade away after the case against Handorin starts to get pushed more stronger.

KevinM FOSes MBJ somewhere there. Doesn't seem very important but I felt like pointing it out since Rockin kills MBJ.

lol fake daykill.

KevinM votes nic right after it.[318] Similar to what he does to Rockin. Don't really know how we should interpret that though.

KevinM foses marshy for psuedo coasting. [324]
Rockin baby votes Nic as well. [327]

Finally Mashad posts again! [354] Pointing out something Handorin says asking for explanation. Also comments on other stuff.

*And I don't really want to read much more right now so I am just going to skip to the rest of Redcell's posts.*

After 7 days Redcell makes a lengthy post Fosing Hando.[483] This is also late in the day. Then he responds to a post Marshy makes about how noone is looking at redcell at all. Marshy made the point that KevinM called marsy out for coasting but he seems to have disregarded redcells inactivity.

Redcell posts again telling people to relax on voting Hando. [492]

Tom brings up the odd point of bandwagoning statements [514] which I thought was funny at the time but in retrospect I can see how it makes sense. Redcell, Eor and KevinM were the people Tom was talking about.

Redcell makes his post after he dies.

OK so I know this post is kinda all over the place, I'm just going to point out things that I want people to take away from it.

*4/8 of redcells post was about the whole potential executioner. It seemed like he was trying to put in the roots of a potential argument he could use to get me lynched later in the game. I know that Mafia tend to FOS or even vote eachother early in the game but Redcelll never formally FOSed me so it doesn't seem like his intention was to let people know that he thought I was suspicious. So it doesn't seem like this was just one mafia casting clear suspicion on the other. This all FYPOV obviously since I know that i'm town.

*Redcell makes a post attempting to back up KevinM even though redcell wasn't even clear of KevinM's intentions.

*KevinM calls out Marshy for coasting but doesnt say anything about Redcell.

*Redcell presents a late day argument against Hando.

*Rockin doesn't seem to ever show any suspicion of MBJ prior to his kill.

And other Stuff

There might be more but I don't feel like rereading what I wrote XD so I guess just take from this post what you will.

If I were to vote for a lynch right now it would be KevinM since the points Kiki brought up seem pretty solid.

I'm very suspicious of Rockin and I don't know why others aren't.

Less suspicious of Marshy and Hando than I was before.

And just saying that if KevinM flips town, and Kiki is alive tomorrow I will be very suspicious of him.

/yet another post I don't really like. Sigh, I tried =D

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Ew this post looks terribly formatted sorry lol. It was just a bundle of stuff I found interesting.

And I agree with prod/replacement of IGGY. And i really want to hear what Xsy has to say.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Oh and I would like to point out that Mafia killed Tom over Kiki [even though they are both strong players], maybe because of who he was targeting and who his suspects were. Tom was the only one that was really on Eor's case, and he was also the only one to grill Redcell. Just something that came to mind, because I like wondering about why Mafia makes the choices that they do.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Yeah, yeah, I've been lurking. Honestly, I have nothing to john about. Basically, I'm just feeling very unsure right now.

I don't want to unvote Sharp because I really feel like he owes me (and everyone) a legitimate post and I don't want to just let him off the hook after all of this. But it's quite clear that he's not actually a viable lynch target right now as he's never going to get the majority vote based on his (in)action. My situation with Sharp is rather like my situation with Scamp for any of the Broomers following/playing SWF mafia. I'm sure Kiki has an interesting perspective on that. To be honest, I don't think I would mind leaving my vote on Sharpevil if I didn't know that without some vote shifting this Day is going to end in another No Lynch (no thank you!).

But then that leaves me with few options. I'm tempted to vote for Iggy, but (aside from his recent absence) he's not exactly playing the way that I've come to expect scummy Iggy to act. Earlier in the game he made a statement about killing players regardless of alignment that some people (including myself) got scum vibes from. But the more I thought about it, the more it felt like scummy Iggy wouldn't say something like that. It's a controversial opinion, to be sure, but I'm quite sure it's what Iggy genuinely believes rather than a scum slip, so it's nothing I'm going to vote him for.

Xsyven's been silent, but that is due to irl johns from what I understand (and it seems like Xsyven kind of just does this?) so while it's something I'd like remedied, it's not something I can push a lynch for. It would be a little silly to take my vote off of Sharp just to essentially prod vote Xsy or Iggy, especially this late in the Day.

I do not find Kevin suspicious. Kiki, you brought up an interesting case against him and his inconsistency on his opinion of Eor still looks fishy, but I'm just not feeling him as a lynch target. However, if he's mafia, this would not be the first time that you've pegged a mafioso that barely even blipped on my radar.

Something that kind of just came to me as I was typing this and rereading the recent posts:

I think it's interesting that Handorin decided to vote for Macman. It seems to be more of a prod for an answer than anything else, but I don't think Mac's claim is something worthy of suspicion (in fact, it makes him appear very townie to me), so a vote on him this late in the Day seems like a waste of time. Sure, maybe it was the push Macman needed to give an answer for his name claim, but at this point, I don't see why something like that couldn't have waited. We have an actual lynch to decide on, so prodding a player for something that is not really that scummy seems like it could just be a distraction with such a small amount of time remaining in the Day.

Quick comment at the post Macman made while I was typing this: Though I think many people have had a problem with the decisions Rockin has made this game, I think most people are keeping their fingers pointed elsewhere because the likelihood of a mafioso with a legitimate daykilling ability seems minute. Plus, he can't defend himself toDay, so it's not like people who are suspicious of him can even press him for any more information right now. I'm sure he'll be getting more scrutiny on D3.

Also, I like your observations of Tom and redcell. It does give me some pause in my opinion of Kevin (and Xsyven, as Eor's replacement). I'm going to mull this over and probably read through the thread again later today to try and form a proper soft vote.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
If I were to vote for a lynch right now it would be KevinM since the points Kiki brought up seem pretty solid.


And just saying that if KevinM flips town, and Kiki is alive tomorrow I will be very suspicious of him.
I'm clearly biased here, but does this combination of observations strike anyone else? I'd like to think it would stick out to me even if you replaced "Kiki" with someone else's name but I thought I'd ask.
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