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Spider-Manfia: (Game Over! Roles Posted)

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
No Good Spidey Lovers

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Eor (2): SharpEvil, KevinM

Ignatius (1): Nicholas1024

Rockin (1): Marshy

Handorin (1): Macman

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
we should talk about something. like our suspicions or maybe give people feedback on theirs and actually vote dudes so we don't have another no lynch. aka play the game

deadline is going to blindside us at this rate

can we replace eor and medi. they haven't posted in nearly a week and have been inactive overall. i'd say rockin but he was pseudo active (constantly posting fluff) earlier

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
It's somewhat of a tricky situation, but presuming that Kevin flipped town I'd probably want to vote for Nic. Not so much because Id think he'd necessarily be mafia, in fact it'd probably be a town role, but because I think that he'd have displayed that he's a threat to the town with the usage of his daykills.
Being extremely active in a mafia game has never exactly been my cup of tea.
why do you people put up with this

i think it should be iggy or rockin toDay


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I agree, and I've said so before. However, it seems that mafia will win by inactivity. :(

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
I'm not interested in thinning the field to two so soon. Rockin and Iggy are both pretty legitimate choices the way things stand, but there's a lot of Day left and there are a number of other people playing whom I'm not willing to let slide by so quickly.

Eor hasn't posted yet today and he had the most votes yesterday. It seems silly to let him slide by without posting at all. I agree that he should be replaced. Medi too if he doesn't show up.

Rockin is posting in other games but hasn't made a post in here all Day. Combined with his lackluster posting yesterday I'm going to vote: Rockin at least until he posts and addresses my concerns. (Normally I wouldn't add a second prod vote, but it's been a few days since the first one went down and that obviously hasn't done anything.)

@Kevin, could you elaborate a bit on what's bothering you about Eor? You mentioned inactivity, that's clear enough. What specifically has he done that you find "scummy"? Feel free to quote others, including yourself. Who else is standing out to you besides Eor?

@Iggy: any thoughts at all to share? Marshy thinks we should lynch you or Rockin today. I assume you disagree, but maybe you don't? What do you think of Rockin? Anyone else standing out to you at all?

@Sharpevil: same questions: do you think we should lynch Rockin or Iggy today? What do you think of them? Circus rightly pointed out that you're also inactive as hell and you also owe him an answer to a question he asked you about me.

@Circus: since I'm bringing it up, I feel like I should clarify (at least for those who are skimming the thread and not really reading it) that Eor's vote was on me because he never unvoted before he voted Handorin, so had he unvoted Handorin would have had 3 votes to my 1. Doesn't change much but I mention it for posterity.

@Everyone: no one really objected to the notion of having an early, "soft" deadline. I think we should aim for our soft deadline to be 24-48 hours before the actual deadline and agree that we should avoid hammering anyone prematurely--so cast soft votes instead of hammer votes if someone's at L-1 (or better yet, like L-3).

There was disagreement on whether we should automatically lynch whoever has the most votes by the soft deadline. I understand the concerns of those who think voting patterns and such would be meaningless if we tried to mandate that, so maybe it doesn't make sense to have a hard and fast rule. That said I still think it's very important that we think very, very carefully about whether or not we want to no lynch, since one way or another we need to have a majority in order to lynch anyone. If we don't naturally obtain that majority then we need to come up with it somehow or we no lynch, and I think at this point we should really, really be trying to lynch.

Instead of moving all votes to the person with the most votes at the soft deadline, perhaps there's a better method--for instance, take the top two votegetters and require that everyone vote for one of them? This ensures that (except in case of a deadlock) we'll get a majority on someone, and it doesn't quite have the same level of determinism that might let people get away with casting votes without being held accountable for them. Thoughts?


Smash Rookie
Jun 9, 2009
what do you care?
We should replace eor.

We need to lynch either iggy or Rockin. Iggy accused Nick of something that happened pages ago, and had put people on their toes. It's not even lynch worthy, i'm sure people have done it a couple times before. VOTE: IGGY


Smash Rookie
Jun 9, 2009
what do you care?
And i've found Iggy hard to read, he barely posting at all, just to last-minute lynch really. I'm also suspicious of Rockin & Eor, but more Eor for the same reasons as Iggy.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Okay, first of all, I want to note something VERY Clear. As you know, I'm rarely inactive upon a Mafia game, and if I am, it's usually out of computer issue or something else. I'll tell you my reasons for not posting once I post a bit of information.

I feel that town is too worried upon Eor and Handorin. Although I understand both acting very suspicious, I feel they shouldn't be much focus for the moment. The only reason people find Eor suspicious is how he's lurking and the 'slip up.' I have read a few games with Eor (as well as played with him in Nowhere Mafia). I'm pretty sure he's smart enough not to put such suspiciousion on him so early on in the game. Him being inactive on this game as well as him 'lurking' is so far telling me that he isn't Mafia in my eyes (at least, nothing I've seen yet from him tells me Mafia). Hando runs on the same boat as this. I feel Hando would play better then this. Indie or Mafia, both of those two know full well that the more suspicion you add on yourself, the closer you are to getting lynched/night killed

Now, onto the kills that happened. It seemed some crazy stuff happen and I have some theories here and there on what possibly happen. Here they are

Tom was attacked by the mole's vigilante. The reason why I feel for this is because if mafia made a vote on it, at least two would've died from this (leaving out the godfather), instead of just one. I don't know the mechanics and priorities EE has for this situation, but this is my personal theory. There's also the fact that Mafia chose Junglefever as their target.

Now here's the part where things become debatable. There could be THREE possible outcomes with Mentos

1) Mentos got night killed by Junglefever.

2) Mentos mismasoned Junglefever. Looking between Junglefever and Mentos, Mentos got ****ED up and his blade has goo, possibly the same type of goo from Carnage. And if you notice the damage, there's no signs of what looks to be bullet wounds on Mentos while JF's body explains it got peirced on the chest several times. It could be either anything sharp or bullets. This would explain WHY jf's body was moved. after carnage takes out burgular with a few bullet wounds (keep in mind, he can regenerate tissue quickly), he gets hit out of no where from behind by Mafia (notice how it says on jf's body that it's broken in several places.)

3) Mentos mismasoned Nick. We all know (or agreed) that nick has to be town after that stunt with the fake daykill, so it'd make sense to recruit him from Mentos. While he might not be mafia, he could be a independent. Junglefever may have gotten roleblocked. I say this cause in dinomafia, after I claimed cop and we lynched a indie (who was bullet proof), he got nked by mafia while indie nked me. Again, I dunno how the priorities work with EE, but we could say that JF possibly got roleblocked.

I'm going with number three cause it makes the most sense to me in my eyes. Now it's time I explained my predictiment

I've been poisoned. Basically last night, I was clawed and bitten on my back and thrown to my bed. Then I was shot with something and it made my character feel dizzy. I have a restriction at the moment. I can only post once. Only once, and that's that. After that, I grow silent till Day 3. I'm thinking of a character who has this said ability, but none really comes to mind. It could be possible that two characters targeted me. One was the claw and biter, while the other shot me with the poison. Basically, even after this post, don't expect anymore input or me answering any questions till Day 3 (assuming I don't get night killed or lynched). It's apparant that someone is trying to take advantage of my inactiveness on Day 1.

There is three people I find suspicious, and neither one is not iggy.

Mexican BJ (who is now replaced by Wario Man)
Kirby King - I just get bad mafia signals from him, and it's just by re-reading his post on day 1. Stuff he says puts me on alerts...I think it something has to do with the questions, especially his current one on me. There's no way I would be serious upon considering myself as a lynch. I was saying that out of frustration on town choosing a no lynch. Yes, I misread the deadline. I thought it would be at MIDNIGHT, not the afternoon. I don't like how you took my post too litteral, so huge Fos on you. While I want to vote for you, I don't want moles to take advantage of my lock-on vote.

Mexican and Nicolas are the only two that were at the time, questioning/gunning for me, but mainly Mexican. He was involved in the bandwagon for Hando for that small moment, and I'm getting bad feelings off of him.

I was hoping that Town would move on a bit and let me find a more reasonable time for me to say my things before I become silent. I also wanted to give Wario man a chance to say his 2 cents before I do 'something,' seeing as how he's a new and fresh replacement. However, I was dissipointed where he just gave two shouts to either lynch me or Iggy. Those two posts he made solifies my decision

Sorry Wario Man

Burn: Wario-man5780

Hopefully if I live Day 3, I'll explain a bit more as well as contribute to the discussion. What I reccommand town to do is continue discussion and possibly table both Eor and Medi for the next day, as we're not clearly sure what happened to them. I'm sure either of those two would like to play the game more.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Oh, I forgot I was going to post my thoughts regarding the night actions due to my restriction.

tmw (mafia) killed Tom. This is apparent. I don't agree with what Rockin said though. I've never seen a game here where mafia actually voted on the kill. In my game, the mafia thought that they had to vote for some reason or another even after I told them that wasn't how it worked. If someone happened to send me in a different name, the majority still got the kill and they all visited the body (save the GF).

Mentos either mismasoned or got killed by the jungle. I think both are a likely possibility.

Jungle got killed by a town vig. Looking back, I can see some places where there could be some not protown interpretation.

@Kiki- I agree with the predeadline. At that point, I think it would be a good idea for at least the top candidate to do a name and/or role claim. That way we have a couple more days to reevaluate our lynch.

And what will (or not) be coming seems to be interesting.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
(Post preview: this post is in response to Rockin)

Obviously you can't respond to this, and I'm obviously wondering what you just did to Wario-man, but your post bothers me for a few reasons.

Tom was attacked by the mole's vigilante. The reason why I feel for this is because if mafia made a vote on it, at least two would've died from this (leaving out the godfather), instead of just one. I don't know the mechanics and priorities EE has for this situation, but this is my personal theory. There's also the fact that Mafia chose Junglefever as their target.
I've never heard of a mafia-aligned "vigilante" and I don't know where you got "the fact" that mafia chose Junglefever. If that's true the flavor left that pretty ambiguous and it bothers me that you claim to know otherwise. This strikes me as very suspicious.

3) Mentos mismasoned Nick. We all know (or agreed) that nick has to be town after that stunt with the fake daykill, so it'd make sense to recruit him from Mentos.
I don't know where this comes from either. I don't think Nick is town just because he used a fake daykill. Anyone can fake a daykill and I don't think "it's too suspicious" excuses Nick from scrutiny. So your reasoning here strikes me as faulty.

There is three people I find suspicious, and neither one is not iggy.

Mexican BJ (who is now replaced by Wario Man)
Kirby King - I just get bad mafia signals from him, and it's just by re-reading his post on day 1. Stuff he says puts me on alerts...I think it something has to do with the questions, especially his current one on me. There's no way I would be serious upon considering myself as a lynch. I was saying that out of frustration on town choosing a no lynch. Yes, I misread the deadline. I thought it would be at MIDNIGHT, not the afternoon. I don't like how you took my post too litteral, so huge Fos on you. While I want to vote for you, I don't want moles to take advantage of my lock-on vote.
I don't even really know how to respond to this, because you didn't do much to justify your suspicion and obviously you can't elaborate right now. I posted several times on D1 so I don't even know what "post" you're referring to. And if you took my question about lynching you literally you missed the point--you obviously weren't serious (unless you're a jester, I guess), nor was I serious in asking if your offer stood. I pointed it out because I think even offering to have yourself lynched is suspicious, and doing so in a flurry of post-deadline activity is especially suspicious. The implicit question is "why did you bother to suggest it in the first place," which you thankfully managed to answer. My response to that, then, is this: I expect people to be able to resist mere frustration in this game--if you're bothered that much about something in this game, write up your post and don't submit it. Don't do something boneheaded and then blame it on frustration.

In any event, you've posted, I guess, so unvote.

I'm a bit uneasy with the fact that Handorin claimed silenced and now Rockin is claiming to be "poisoned," while in fact being more silent than Handorin. Pending this "burn" action though Rockin's claim looks to have more weight behind it.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I've never heard of a mafia-aligned "vigilante" and I don't know where you got "the fact" that mafia chose Junglefever. If that's true the flavor left that pretty ambiguous and it bothers me that you claim to know otherwise. This strikes me as very suspicious.
I kinda explained this in my last post. It also said tmw was a mafia hitman, so that's another reason why he chose vigil as his word. (Meaning, the guy who performs the kill)


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009

First of all, I don't think your theory about what happened with the mafia and tom is the most likely scenario. I think that the mafia godfather chose to NK Tom, and so sent his hitman tmw_redcell to execute the job. With regard to mentos, either 1) or 2) seems likely, while 3) is complete nonsense. (I mean, there was goo on Mentos's blade. That matches up perfectly with Carnage.)

As to your suspicions, when D3 comes around, I definitely want to see them justified, as your justifications to them in your above post were pretty poor.

Finally... you really just daykilled Wario-man out of the blue. Your post might have explained your inactivity, but it hasn't allayed my suspicions.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005

First of all, I don't think your theory about what happened with the mafia and tom is the most likely scenario. I think that the mafia godfather chose to NK Tom, and so sent his hitman tmw_redcell to execute the job. With regard to mentos, either 1) or 2) seems likely, while 3) is complete nonsense. (I mean, there was goo on Mentos's blade. That matches up perfectly with Carnage.)

As to your suspicions, when D3 comes around, I definitely want to see them justified, as your justifications to them in your above post were pretty poor.

Finally... you really just daykilled Wario-man out of the blue. Your post might have explained your inactivity, but it hasn't allayed my suspicions.
This is also a bunch of nonsense. Do you realize how broken having 2 kills as mafia is?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Sorry, I worded that badly. What I meant, is that the godfather chooses who to kill, and tmw_redcell is (or should I say was) the one to actually do the kill. (as he's the one who received the bomb backlash.) I don't think the mafia has two kills.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
A voices hisses from across the table.


Withered and skeletal, every bone glowing like a Christmas tree, Shadrac walks around the conference table, vacant eye sockets burning with the underworld's fury.

He points to one of the Sinister Seventeen. The man, in response, pushes his glasses back up his nose with his left hand.

"Yes... yoooou. You've been working against us from the beginning... CONNORS!"

Dr. Connors stands, brow sweating, chair tipping over. He backs away.
"Stay away from me, Shadrac! You don't know what you're saying!"

"Oh but I do... I feel it. I feel it... buuuurrrrnniiiiing at me!"

Shadrac grins, as his bones continue to glow, and a flame begins to start.

Connors cowers in the corner.
"No, no NO! You have to understand! I had my best intentions! I swear to you!"

"Not good enough... Connors..."

Shadrac extends his arm as the flames begin to build from within, licking wildly before focusing as a pure ball of brimstone and fire in his palm.

And in a blinding flash, Connors was dead, a charred skeleton twitching and steaming upon the floor not unlike his killer, glasses melting out of the frame.

Dr. Connors/The Lizard (Wario-man5760; SS-alligned mad scientist) has been burned.

Shadrac collapses to his knees, coughing and steaming. "Uhghghghgh....."

There is a silence. Then someone thumps the table with a mighty fist.

"We'd better continue. Before we tear ourselves apart."

No Good Spidey Lovers

SharpEvil (1): Nothing Rhymes With Circus

Eor (2): SharpEvil, KevinM

Ignatius (1): Nicholas1024

Rockin (1): Marshy

Handorin (1): Macman

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Mad scientist. Interesting to see that role in here, but not surprising. I kind of forgot about it.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Well, Rockin just killed our vote blocker with no apparent reasoning and as such I'm inclined to


Vote: Rockin

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
let's not kneejerk and kill rockin for being dumb

that daykill makes me much less suspicious of rockin. there was a vig daykiller in ee's last game and i've been keeping an eye out for one this entire time. this might also explain rockin's reaction to nick fake-daykilling though i'll let rockin get to that if he isn't killed toNight

rockin you didn't explain why you didn't voice any suspicions day 1 which is the main reason i was suspicious of you. hope you get to that when you can along with responding to kiki's questions

also from now on don't god**** kill without taking our advice

unvote rockin vote iggy


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401

Vote: Eor

Actually I don't feel right just lynching you based off one stupid mistake.

I'd like to hear what the **** you were actually thinking tomorrow though.

Still would love to hear from Eor or at least lets replace him.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Well, Rockin just killed our vote blocker with no apparent reasoning and as such I'm inclined to


Vote: Rockin
We just had a whole discussion about why this kind of reaction is exactly the opposite of what we should do. Seriously?

Can you answer the other questions I asked you now?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
On who I would find suspicious?

It's all based off of inactivity, with Rockin Iggy and Eor being at the top of the list but with Eor being a player who isn't known for his quietness i feel something is wrong and he's giving off scum vibes, but yes I will search for some quotes for you.

Yes Kiki I knee jerked before realizing I wanted to hear him out, forgive me for being pissed that he day killed our vote blocker without asking for even a vote first.

I'm going to go back and reread the thread now.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Yes Kiki I knee jerked before realizing I wanted to hear him out, forgive me for being pissed that he day killed our vote blocker without asking for even a vote first.
Being "pissed" and kneejerk voting are emotional responses. I don't expect emotional responses from you, Kevin--you detest emotional responses. I expect more methodological thinking from you.

I give you some credit for unvoting so quickly, but we had a discussion about daykills, and voting Rockin in the first place--especially in light of that discussion and especially when you think he just happened to make a "mistake," implying you think he's town--is amateur at best and scummy at worst.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Being "pissed" and kneejerk voting are emotional responses. I don't expect emotional responses from you, Kevin--you detest emotional responses. I expect more methodological thinking from you.

I give you some credit for unvoting so quickly, but we had a discussion about daykills, and voting Rockin in the first place--especially in light of that discussion and especially when you think he just happened to make a "mistake," implying you think he's town--is amateur at best and scummy at worst.
I don't believe he's town, but if he is, it's a stupid mistake.

As of no I have no comment on his suspected alignment, but the way I look at it, is if I vote for him because he made a dumb kill, and lynch him we now lose 3 townies in the day/night sequence.

Mafia Kill

and maybe something else, who knows.

All I know is that those aren't odds I want to take, so I'm hoping its just a dumb mistake. A mistake that could prove to really hurt us in the long run, but as for now I'm putting it down as that. If he's town I don't believe he would intentionally kill another townie, so a mistake is what it would be.

I stand by my wording ;).

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
A stupid mistake? Rockin knows better than to use his daykill off of a hunch. It makes no sense to me why he would feel the need to use his daykill today.

Maybe he was afraid of being lynched?

I want to vote him, but there is no point since he apparently cannot respond. Sigh, if anything he should have waited until there was much more progress today before he made his decision/post. Even if it meant being seemingly inactive and risking being a lynch candidate.

I have more to say but I don't feel like tying it up now.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Rockin, I don't follow any of your logic. You say that your third theory is the one that makes the most sense to you, yet it is actually the one that requires the most leaps of faith. There's no reason to specifically mention Nick when he wasn't mentioned anywhere in the flavor. And your belief in this theory seems to be your only reason for being suspicious of Nick (I wouldn't know since you didn't mention anything else).

I don't know why you're suspicious of Kirby King since you really didn't bother to elaborate on what struck you as scmmy. Since you knew this was going to be your only post of the Day, you really should have built up your case against him.

Also, you decided to kill Wario-man based on no information. You were suspicious of Mexican for "gunning" for you and little else. Then you just pulled the trigger on Wario-man before he had basically said anything.

Finally, it is incredibly strange to me that being poisoned would cause you to clam up after one post. Poison is the kind of thing that generally ends in death or a role block or something (clearly the latter is not the case).

I wish you were able to post to fill in some of these blanks for me, but it is what it is.

@Handorin: Though your claim of being silenced technically checks out according to the rules you presented, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still suspicious of it. You were allowed to make one post with actual content but couldn't say anything about your predicament? Why would EE bother designing it that way? If you were silenced, I would think you would have to be totally silent. It makes no sense for you to be able to talk, even on a practical level since you couldn't even tell us how to help you.

And since we now know we can cure silence with a round of applause, that ability is now totally ineffective. If it's a mafia ability, then one mafioso is now entirely useless (other than being able to be the godfather's hitman) and if it's a town ability...well, then it was really never that effective to begin with since it can be undone so easily. Plus, I don't really see how it could be a town ability since it doesn't help the town for any player to be silent—even members of the mafia. And the mafia has no reason to silence you since that does nothing but make you look more townie.

I don't know; I'm rambling. Basically, your whole situation just doesn't sit right with me. If there is precedent for a silencing role like that, then point me to it (anyone) because I've never seen it.

SHARPEVIL, you are not giving me any reason to lift my vote.

Also, are we just supposed to be ignoring Macman's name claim? Is it just understood by everyone else that it's a joke or what? I'm not getting why that little comment didn't at least receive a "wut."


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
@Circus- Do you really doubt abilities like this in a super hero game? Mild/diluted poisons could very well have an effect like that on Rockin. +Mafia/Indy have no reason to have another way to kill, it just makes the game unbalanced. What happened to me could have been a one time thing (*thinks of a Jack of all Trades role*).


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Rockin hasn't really helped his case here. I know that daykilling mafia roles are unlikely, but his daykill hasn't helped us out. I'm not going to vote for him just yet (especially because he can't post again today), but I'm going to keep my eye on him.


Circus raised a good point. Why did you nameclaim the green goblin? What was it supposed to accomplish?

@Evil Eye
Could we get Eor and Ignatius replaced? They're just extreme lurking.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
man that daykill was mindblowing. now we're at 12 and 4 of those players (eor, iggy, medi, sharpevil) hardly talk and give us little to work with. plus mbj was just one of the least suspicious players

who's everyone leaning towards lynching? i think it's interesting that medi doesn't have any votes on him so far

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
I don't know; I'm rambling. Basically, your whole situation just doesn't sit right with me. If there is precedent for a silencing role like that, then point me to it (anyone) because I've never seen it.
there is. in hp mafia one of the mafia members had a silencing role where they'd do the same thing that happened to hando. we agreed that it'd just serve to make someone more townie so we waited until the endgame to use it. maybe the mafia in this game are just dumb and suck

also there was a way to cure it in that game too but it wasn't like this. when we silenced the person they could not talk at all to tip people off. the role was a 1-shot though and i'm thinking it could be the same thing here because it's essentially useless now. but we'll find out sooner or later

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
i think it's interesting that medi doesn't have any votes on him so far
I sort of do too, but if you'll indulge me and my metagaming....

EE replaced MBJ just because he said he was going to be away for a week. It's been almost a week since the Day started and neither Eor nor Mediocre have posted, but neither of them have been replaced (and we know Xsyven is waiting to replace someone, so it's not for lack of replacements). Looking at Eor's wall EE seems to be trying to talk to him, and looking at Mediocre's recent posts he hasn't posted anywhere in more than a week (although he was online a couple days ago).

My biggest concern is anyone (including Eor and Medi, if they just happened to not post for no particular reason) can fake getting silenced or poisoned since we already have had two people claim that. But I'm also going to put some faith in EE attending to the need to deal with truly inactive players and hope that he'll replace/suitably threaten anyone who tries to go an entire Day (or more) without posting without being prohibited from doing so. This means that if we're going to worry about voting inactives today, I think we should be looking at inactives like Iggy and Sharp--people who have already posted D2 with no signs of any kind of restriction.

In terms of who I'm "leaning toward lynching," I haven't entirely decided yet, which I think is an entirely fair position for anyone to have less than halfway through the Day. I think you've been awfully aggressive about choosing a lynch candidate early. One of your proposed lynch candidates appears town, so if we had all signed onto your plan to lynch either Rockin or Iggy we would have had at best a 50% chance at hitting scum and with little to show for it. So you'll excuse me for not having made up my mind days ago like you had. I've got candidates in mind but I'm more interested in gathering information at this point rather than simply pointing fingers, since creating a paper trail will be useful for later regardless of whether or not we lynch correctly today.

You were leaning toward lynching Rockin or Iggy, and now that Rockin appears town that just leaves Iggy. So I'm going to ask you the same thing I asked Kevin: is there anyone else you're looking at? Both of you have thus far said you're looking mainly at inactives (which is less than half of those alive, by your (Marshy's) own count). So I'd like to know who else you have in mind, if anyone.

I'm also going to throw this out: if anyone (just Eor or Medi at this point, I guess) has a similar kind of restriction that Rockin has (one post and that's it), don't just post now for the sake of getting attention off of yourself.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
well when it comes to inactives it's mostly iggy and sharpevil. though i'm more inclined to vote iggy because of what i quoted earlier plus being unhelpful in general. yesterDay he had voiced suspicions towards people (me, hando, eor too maybe? whatever) in one of his posts. what happened to those suspicions and why hasn't he voiced any toDay?

i hadn't thought medi was terribly suspicious day 1 because he seemed to be actively scumhunting so he's probably my last choice of those inactives. of course i want him to contribute more

sharpevil i've been giving the benefit of the doubt because it's his first game and i know that should stop. i keep thinking that if eor's town, he may be mafia voting an inactive just to slip by. yesterDay he had thought you (kiki) and hando were somewhat suspicious. again, what happened? noticed anything yet?

and then eor has been getting a lot of hate. at first i agreed that he was fairly scummy but i have my doubts, mostly because of how many people have been suspicious of him. if he was near a lynch near the end of the Day i'd probably support it. i'd rather he just post some more and go from there

when it's not inactives it's just kevin but i'm not as confident with him. he's been doing little things from time to time that makes me question him. that includes him encouraging joke votes early day 1 when discussion was getting a little more important, him not answering your question day 1 (if not for mbj who would you be suspicious of) until you voted him, and then voting for nick for his fake daykill and then doing it again with rockin though i give him credit for unvoting like you said

i'm somewhat suspicious of macman too but i can't really argue it. that's mostly because i'm not as confident in him being near-cleared town as i am say circus or nick and until he gets there i'm going to be skeptical


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@Circus- Do you really doubt abilities like this in a super hero game? Mild/diluted poisons could very well have an effect like that on Rockin. +Mafia/Indy have no reason to have another way to kill, it just makes the game unbalanced. What happened to me could have been a one time thing (*thinks of a Jack of all Trades role*).
I don't think Rockin is mafia because of this. I'm just pointing out that this is not what I would think poison would do to a person (I know, I know, too much analysis of the flavor, right). I'm betting Rockin is town at this point (or at least not mafia), but that doesn't mean he can't still fake a restriction if he feels like it.

there is. in hp mafia one of the mafia members had a silencing role where they'd do the same thing that happened to hando. we agreed that it'd just serve to make someone more townie so we waited until the endgame to use it. maybe the mafia in this game are just dumb and suck

also there was a way to cure it in that game too but it wasn't like this. when we silenced the person they could not talk at all to tip people off. the role was a 1-shot though and i'm thinking it could be the same thing here because it's essentially useless now. but we'll find out sooner or later
Okay, fair enough. I still don't see the point of it, but I at least have an easier time believing it's real.


Smash Rookie
Sep 30, 2008
Hey, sorry guys. Look, I only have time to make this one post, but I've been around even less than usual due to a death in the family. My grandfather just died recently, and I've been out of town visiting family, so I've had no time to so much as read the latest pen and sword entries.

I promise I'll be back in a day or two to look everything over and give you my suspicions. For right now, since I'm not sure what's going on, I'm just going to unvote: Eor


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
I'm sorry I haven't been posting, but my low post count isn't me trying to skate by unnoticed. The only games I've played before this were much faster than this one, so I've mostly been trying to learn scumtells. As it is, I've only been posting when I've had content to share. I don't want to clog up the thread with fluff.

As it is, I don't have any suspicions right now. Handorin struck me as independent more than mafia, so while not entirely cleared in my mind, I don't think he deserves my vote. I do want to do one of those pressure votes, however.

Unvote Handorin (If the votes carry over)
Vote: Eor

You alive there, buddy? Say something.
I think with Eor's extreme lurking and extremely scummy behavior he's an easy lynch candidate in my mind.

Vote: Eor
This is something that I've found to be pretty interesting looking back into earlier toDay. Only a few posts after Sharp puts a vote on Eor to try to get his attention, KevinM is saying on Day1 that he already believes Eor to be a good lynch candidate today. Combine that with these two posts:

Well, Rockin just killed our vote blocker with no apparent reasoning and as such I'm inclined to


Vote: Rockin

Vote: Eor

Actually I don't feel right just lynching you based off one stupid mistake.

I'd like to hear what the **** you were actually thinking tomorrow though.

Still would love to hear from Eor or at least lets replace him.
And he still seems to be really focused onto Eor. Is there any reason you're so focused onto Eor rather than say, Medi for coasting as well?

yesterDay he had voiced suspicions towards people (me, hando, eor too maybe? whatever) in one of his posts. what happened to those suspicions and why hasn't he voiced any toDay?
When I made that post day one, you weren't exactly an active member.

But as for Hando, the fact that he had originally stated that he was going to wait till late in the day to post his thoughts on original members bothered me. And his claim of being silenced, but being able to break it with 3 votes being upon him seems a bit odd as well toDay, especially combining that with Rockins latest psot describing his restriction as well. It's a little fishy at the moment, and looks like he may have been attempting to fake a restiction placed on him to try to gain credibility as he was a target; but at this point I don't think that's enough against him to warrant him as a lynch candidate.

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
@Kevin: interested in looking into anyone else today, or are you just going to be deadset on lynching Eor? Seems a bit early to be putting a lynch vote down on anyone.
KevinM is saying on Day1 that he already believes Eor to be a good lynch candidate today.
@Handorin: Though your claim of being silenced technically checks out according to the rules you presented, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still suspicious of it.
But as for Hando... his claim of being silenced, but being able to break it with 3 votes being upon him seems a bit odd as well toDay, especially combining that with Rockins latest psot describing his restriction as well. It's a little fishy at the moment, and looks like he may have been attempting to fake a restiction placed on him to try to gain credibility as he was a target; but at this point I don't think that's enough against him to warrant him as a lynch candidate.
Thanks for posting. Are there any other points other people have already made that you'd like to reiterate?

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Xsyven replaces Eor.

smashman90 replaces Mediocre.

This had better not happen anymore. I will seriously consider modkilling out of spite if anyone else goes inactive with no effort to warn me or anything.
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