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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
no johns..except one..i should of had it down to within a stock on that dreamland vs fats...one missed laser got me gimped at 30ish:\ i hate that about the vs ganon matchups..you don't retreat with your laser like you intended and you die...

most amazing kill fats got on me was during one of my combos when he upaired out of it somehow and killed me...was amazing

the other big regret is that i should have done better vs ross's peach with fox...my mistake was forgetting my kill moves...i forgot that jabs set up for upsmash out of aerials, and i did some stupid stuff like get CC dsmashed on platforms..i'm not used to fighting peach..but anyways good games man...we will rematch sometime...i'm starting to get the hang of that matchup:)

fats..i was surprised how good falcon is vs ganon...for the record..falcon's nair is greater than anything ganon can do..though you should have cc'ed it more often looking back and you would have beaten me by more...

as for me...i did pretty well..i didn't think till the last life to use dair though..probably shoulda used that to setup for knee..but for never having played the matchup before i did well i thought:)

mashi..your fox is amazing..your marth i could handle..perhaps because i too am a marth-fox player, but ya..my sheik found your marth pretty easy...you need to incorporate more dtilt and CC grab into your game..though you did get two CC grabs..the more the better in that matchup:) dtilt spaces out sheik better

..in that set i forget what happened..i won sheik vs marth..then you counterpicked me FD and i went fox vs your marth....lost that.......i went marth your fox and lost again? t was an fod match, and your fox was sooo fast...first life you zero to deathed my marth:)

then i counterpicked you somewhere and won..fox dittos on FD i think?
and then you went fox vs my sheik on PS and won...that last kill was so tight...

i remember thinking..ya i DI'ed that in...and at this percent he only has a few frames in which to try for the upair before i can jump out...obviously it was a few frames too many

in conclusion next time we play a set you can expect me to go either all sheik or maybe counterpicking you in fox dittos if i can get that matchup...as opposed to trying marth-fox from any side since you won that both ways:)

SPD..i remember your fox has gotten faster:) also, i was impressed with the shine spike out of me dairing you...to be exact i think there are 2-3 frames between dair hits..so you had a 1-2 frame window to time that shine:) craziness

kits your fox was beast

let's see i won yoshi's first match vs your falco..i was impressed by how you came back after my first life of zero-death..stereotypical cheap *** marth combos..i played conservative for the rest of the match making sure to trade as much as possible to keep my lead and it worked

second match you counterpicked me FD and managed to beat my marth...you were a full stock ahead but i pulled a zero to death and caught up...still lost though

then, we did fox vs falco on fd which i won...and then i did fox ditto on japes which i won pretty easy:p it's unfortunate, but my roommate counterpicks there all the time...he plays falco, jiggs, and peach so pretty much all of his char love that stage

you probably should have gone dreamland in a fox vs falco match..i would have at least

kyle's johns---since kyle isn't here i'll john for him..his only real complaint is..

"i played horrible..and apples explode"

....poor kyle:) ask schoolie for details on the green greens bowser + apple ****..no fair with the double team schoolie:)

he said that he was happy with how well his peach did against schoolie's jiggs..said that he was at one point up by a stock but schoolie pulled a reverse nair to rest and then clenched the first match although it was close...not bad but pretty good for someone with two days of peach practice:) unfortunately jiggs counters falco..and he doubted his abililty to beat another jiggs main with 4 times the experience

i watched his matches vs C-stick and i'd have to say taht overall his play was ok minus a few too many pounds...and that he kept missing places where he should have naired out of shield....at one point he tried to fair out of shield instead and it was too slow thereby getting him upsmash killed

anyways, WM got rocked..both of us went out 3rd round in a double elim tournament:)

although i'm content..because i did so well in my money matches...down 5 dollars..but winning the one against the char matchup that i'm good against..and losing by only one match against other top players:) and i'm confident i can improve on my performance with time..i just need a lot of peach, ganon, link, roy practice...in that order..i'm always so bad at new matchups

meh i hate to give actual useful advice to ross, but i want him to play even better when i train and play him next...so some of the times when you got camped zero to death..the reason you lost was because you weren't grabbing enough....dash attacks into shields ***** you....even if peach runs slow you have to mix in more grabs

oh also WM placed 3rd in teams...we actually went from playing like garbage at the beginning to getting some teamwork going on in later matches:) it was pretty satisfying to improve teams play that much in an hour


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
F*ck being 15 with no car.

F*ck having 1 friend with a car who's mom is phillipean(spelling TBChecked)
And won't let him drive. (yes, he has a license.)
PTZR's Mom should get educated.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I had such a good time at this, my first V to date. I have to do shout outs.

KP- man, I almost lost to you in both teams and singles. you are really good, and kept giving me pointers in our singles matches, lol. Helping the enemy may not always be the best course of action, that's just a little advice. Yeah, when I counter picked battlefield, I was being sarcastic when I told you to go falcon, as that is a crumby falcon stage. your nairs were pesky, but you never followed them up with anything significant. oh well, I almost lost that match, its just that ganon can gay the edge far too easily.

Cstick/O-No - stop picking so many different characters when we fight! its annoying, I have to keep adjusting my play style.

Schoolie - I will figure out how to "out - Gay" you at japes. I refuse to accept that as an unavoidable loss. now you know what to ban against me, tho. I'm gonna have to think of another gay level. always fun matches, always close.

Kitsune - man, our fights were so weird. you would **** me or I would gay you. whoever could do it more wins. for the record, mute city is an awful sheik stage, just be gay and go peach or something... I'm gonna steal your death combos that you did to me on FD and use them to beat my brother's sheik. I think you ended one of my lives with a nair -> dair. let's fight more next tourny, I never get to fight falcos. oh, and thanks for the advice vs marth.

Mashi - way to knock me in to loser's first round. your marth is so smart. I can never, NEVER get the grab on you. that's the main reason why I can't beat you. I also think I'd have a better chance going ganon on FD against your fox, then falco against your marth. hopefully we can play again. you are really good. your set with Cstick was ******** good.

O-No - thanks for hosting and teaming with me. I killed you an unusually high amount. But we secured 2nd place. if you wanna team again let me know, but we didn't do as well as I thought... there's still hope though. Fun playing you in finals.

Toasty - always a pleasure seeing you out and about on the smash scene, sorry I got there so late, we could've gotten in so many games. Your marth is pretty danm technical now, i just saw you kill yourself every single game you played. you still have a vicious pika, glad I didn't have to fight it. I hate that rat.

Spdyoshi - overall I'd say you did really well, your fox is no joke, you just gotta learn to tear right through peaches. lvl 1 computer practice. way to **** in crews, yoshi counters kirby I guess. you proved that you are definately worthy of having the name yoshi in your smash tag.

Russ - aw man, amazing set. I was saying on the ride home that your peach is so scary, you leave very few holes in your game. you know when to jab, grab, dash attack. that's scary to me. I always felt dumb after you would death combo me, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it. especially because I have so much peach practice already, so I thought I would be immune that stuff.

Ether - you were missed

****, I've written alot, I'm gonna stop.
Unreal, KP's friend, anyone else who made it out to this, you all get a shout out.



Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
sup guys sorry i couldnt show up but i will def. b there this upcoming weekend and that crew battle will go down. so is it gonna be (not in that order just asking is that the crews?)

Squirtle squad. V.S. P$C.
O-NO Kadaj
Ether Fear
C-stk or kitsune BOSS
Schoolie DEE FATS

IF so FAtS ill pm u my # Cause just about all of hampton r gonna be playin this friday b4 the tourny
on saturday maybe u can swing by and play with us cuz were gonna b plain all day fron about 11am till 12pm maybe longer


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
yeah, I got your pm. I'd be down for a session friday, maybe I could find another CNU player to accompany me to hampton for some smash on friday early afternoon. I don't think I'll be down to do crews on saturday, I'm not even sure I'm going yet.

O-No, do you think you are gonna have another teams tournament next week, and do you plan on starting at 12 - 1 again? I just want to make sure I know everything before hand, I failed this last time.

lastly, is anyone from CNU trying to go to this again?


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
I dont think me nor Kitsune will be there next weekend, so you guys gotta deal with Mashi and someone else of equal **** instead. Either way, the SS is gonna commit another holocaust


Smash Hero
Jan 18, 2007
Throw that P***y at me? B***h I think Im Babe Ruth
o thats cool fats and c stk im lookin forward to it

o yea i might need a partner for teams idk yet but if so. i have a nice captain falcon good fox and good sheik workin on marth any takers cyrain, schoolie, o-no, fats, geos, or tope possibly?

but if all goes well i might have a partner :confused:


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2006
best match. me vs c-stick.

ganon f-air me. i tech in the middle of the air get meteor smashed from air nothing touched me, i up+b held up on my controller it went left. =[


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
mashi..you're so asian!!!

sorry i had to say that lol

and ya you should give me some fox-marth pointers sometime

ie come live at wm some week

we get so few guests up here..we should just host tournaments sometime i suppose


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
i don't mind MM but i don't have much money, how about 2 dollar every best of 5 and we just do it all day long?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2006
Sova, CNU
It looks like this saturday will be intense. Ether, let's stomp the doubles bracket.

How many confirmed "crews" or regions are coming to this, anywho?


Smash Cadet
Aug 21, 2007
Anyone trying to smash this week, I won't be in town this weekend.

I need real practice.

I'm tired of beating the kids I live around.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
I'll probably come and end up entering crews and then either singles or doubles, depending on if I can get a partner. I'd most likely have nothing to do this weekend otherwise. v_v ****ing katsucon grumblegrumble

~insert some cocky statement concerning crews and the fact that whichever team I'm on will be winning here~

Ps: Zero Suit Samus > Everyone else in brawl


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2006
Midlothian, VA
Lmao. If he weren't teaming with Ether, it'd be with me. XD

ALSO, O-NO, can we come friday and stay overnight and ****? Or do we just have to come saturday ---> leave saturday.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2006
Midlothian, VA
Lmao. If he weren't teaming with Ether, it'd be with me. XD

ALSO, O-NO, can we come friday and stay overnight and ****? Or do we just have to come saturday ---> leave saturday.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2003
sigh. i might show up.
though, i appear to have the starts of a flat tire, so we'll see how that works out


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
any 3rd strike goin on this weekend o-no? a friend of russ' wants to try to get better so he wanted to play u.

The Fear

Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2007
wow, I guess a team like that deserves an opening video, nice way of encouraging people to enter too, lol

The Fear

Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2007
im going home this weekend so I'll get a ride the with the crew, thanks anyways though tope, see ya guys there


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I bet this is gonna be mad huge. if some how we could get 6 set ups that would be dope. Tope, I want to get a good amount of games in with you, against your sheik, fox, and falcon.

I plan on ****** spacies real bad at this tourny

seems that crews will be fun, too bad I don't have one lol. i'll spectate tho

Lastly, who am I giving a ride to? Cow I could take you if one of the potomac guys can't go.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
ok, heres the deal. sigh ups at 12 pm, tourney START at 1 pm. be on time because i dont want **** runnin late like last time. if your not here, your not in.

***** rule in FULL effect. 2 match types. singles, crews, teams or whatever.

TR, im off friday and you guys can come down. the only thing is i have some **** to take care of that may run late so unless my roomate is here you may have to see if you can hang with some of the other sova smashers until i get done.

im gonna run 3rd strike also.

5$ venue, im gettin pizza in ****.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I'll be getting there right about 12 then. CNU smashers, get back to me!

if TR wants to stop by CNU for a few hours today, we could smash. but by 8:30 or so everyone I know is gonna start getting blacked out drunk, but that shouldn't interfere. epic teams session could go down today.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I was thinking we could leave around 10:45, hahaha. Schoolie, since I covered you last time, you don't mind paying my venue fee do you?

Toasty, I know you're reading this. we gotta step up the teams action tomorrow!

hahahahah, schoolie your sig is too funny man. TR let me know what's up, I'm down to play this afternoon or if you are leaving late that's cool too, I'll catch you tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Imma chargin mah marth. Be prepared for soooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuch neutral air.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2003
I'll be getting there right about 12 then. CNU smashers, get back to me!

if TR wants to stop by CNU for a few hours today, we could smash. but by 8:30 or so everyone I know is gonna start getting blacked out drunk, but that shouldn't interfere. epic teams session could go down today.
lemme know if you smash at all today
i seriously haven't played in like two weeks. even if i don't go tomorrow, i need to play. ****.
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