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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
i **** ed up too when i played your peach, otis.
but it does make sense to narrow your tournament games. i only play 2.
i support your logic o-no
but....... change my name (u put sheman -_-")


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Fun Matches with everyone i played with yesterday, and thanks to the people who let me use their controllers since i forgot mine. Congratz on 1st whodat and Shaeman (NN wins it all this time =] ).

whodat: Whenever you and your crew play id like to play with you guys since were all in NN and I dont have many people to play in the area. It be good practice seeing as dragoncharlz beat me in my first match then came back later to beat me again in the loser brackets...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2005
Don- That's cool you should just pm me your number so we can try to get some games in sometime. DK matches are fun. Don't worry about Dragoncharlz though he plays ROB. It's very annoying.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;

Thank you SoVa for the moral support [I was kind of a **** for it that night =D...I had all kinds of internal johns, but the moral support helped balance that out]

Whodat. About an hour after the tournament...I was at home and realize what has to be done. You'll have to wait and see what I've got waiting for you =D

Kadaj: I'm really sorry about that TV. The other ones weren't laggy and a couple people said that one you used was fine...but I should have tested it further. Guess I'll have to figure out how to change the display settings on that one properly >_>


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
Gah, I had to work literally ALL day yesterday...

Anyway. REAL congrats to Whodat, I would have enjoyed Falco vs Oli/Zamus, though I'm sure you probably wouldnt =D (gotta love a neutral combo that stops olimar's smashes...)

Toasty, thanks for running the brackets, even though i have YET to get a first round buy and I think you have had one almost every tourney! P.S.

O-NO congrats on placing pretty high in Brawl, remember I'm right down the street so like Toasty, I can help you improve as well. Even though I suck as a teacher so I will most likely just play you alot =D

D0N great matches man, your DK is great. hopefully gas prices will drop and we'll get to play more often =(

Kadaj good **** man, you are a really talented player and it was a pleasure fighting you for the first time.

Famous: we always seems to play eachother man haha good ****

Dobee sorry bout your results and your controller dying =( im just glad i didnt have to face Ganon =D

Mashi: What happened? I was expecting a repeat of last time: You and Toasty knocking me out...

Serpent: Our matches were great. I really need to learn not feel bad being tourney cheap in tourney matches against friends...I'm just in friendly mode all the time =( sorry bud. Great G&W though.

David BLKG: Awesome matches man. I really wish those had gotten recorded because both of us had some incredible **** go down! Though I will have to rant about how MK survived my 10+ SPIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uki thanks for runnin brackets, and sorrry to hear about your tourney slipups =( Practice makes perfect.

The tourney was really missing Jeff and Gum tho...


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
lol so what, it's about proving yourself to be better by using a better ranked character?
whatever u want man, ill give you a reason to keep playing lower tier =D
i just gota think of one....
i honestly dont know why i still main link.....
but i gots mah falcozors so idc ;)
it balances out.

i heard about hi-score




I will be editing this post in a few minutes about Cenacle tourney


Smash Rookie
May 2, 2008
*feels special about people saying the missed me* =]

I thought everything was 10 like venue and each tourny, so i decided not to go =[

Ill be at the next tourny though no questions =]


Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2005
Orland UCF for college, SoVA on breaks
@Slash: good matches indeed. Didn't even know you played MK, wish I could counter that.

Whoever I played in Melee: all good matches, I had fun despite being eventually ***** by Nava, I believe, who also beat me in Brawl. I don't know why I keep thinking I should use Marth in Brawl tournaments, mine isn't good...

Also, is anyone hosting anything anytime or would like to play? I'd love to get some Brawl in before CH, I've only been playing G&W for about a week's worth of Brawl sessions and I need to step it up.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
@Slash: good matches indeed. Didn't even know you played MK, wish I could counter that.

Whoever I played in Melee: all good matches, I had fun despite being eventually ***** by Nava, I believe, who also beat me in Brawl. I don't know why I keep thinking I should use Marth in Brawl tournaments, mine isn't good...

Also, is anyone hosting anything anytime or would like to play? I'd love to get some Brawl in before CH, I've only been playing G&W for about a week's worth of Brawl sessions and I need to step it up.
I didnt even know you played Marth haha.

Hey if you want to make the drive over here (I live like 2 min from ONO now) I'd be happy to play against you (especially that **** GW =D)

839-9426 call/text

Ive been working alot lately but Im up to play today (monday) after 5

i really want more practice for CH too


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2006
San Francisco
So now that I've finally played some of you guys in tourney, who lives around the Buckner Farms area? Let's play. :)


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I had a great time at Hi Score. I would love to participate in anything that happens there again.

Toasty maybe next time we could get a few matches in. I would love to add on to your great accomplishment. (But I won't make it that easy for you... <.< )

Also to that one Falcon player I was eliminated by, I would love to play him again some time. He was fun to play aginst (even though he completly obliterated me, too good of a Falcon.)

O-no - I understand your decision on Melee. But you have to give me a few friendlies sometime. I beg of you! lol And if not, it was great to play you the few times we did.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
OMG @ your sig! haha...dunno that status was achieved, but cool =D

And yesss we need to play Melee. You can actually blame some certain late person for fuxing up the brackets hahaha, we were supposed to play first :( oh well. Glad you liked Hi Score. I want to hold an event there maybe two weeks after Critical Hit? or maybe a week later [since most of you guys aren't going to Critical Hit...I dunno though, because that event is going to cost the 8 or 10 SoVa kids who are going a good deal of money :(] I'll see. not sure how much time I can devout to running **** because my dad is part of a committee that is holding a huuuuge doctors conference in Norfolk at the end of July and that man does not know how to use computers very well at all. sooo I have to do all the correspondence and organizing :(

as for that CF player...was he....NDN!?!?!?! [indian] that man is too good. that's why he's my Accountabilibuddy =D

EDIT: I love love LOVE Ness Vs. Young Link. Probably one of my favorite matchups in the game =D


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Norfolk, VA
Yeah... Ganon and Falcon will rise one day.

lol But uh shouties
Whodat: Good ish on winning the tourney

Toasty: Good ish on doing the tourney and recording on the tv in which i got my tourney falcon punch. :)

Kadaj: Why'd you have to **** my Falcon and Ganon with Wario like that?

Slash: Man I guess ima have to get a different controller.... But don't feel sorry for my low placing. I don't. I know im getting better with ganon and falcon. If I would have used someone else I probably would have gotten further, but it wouldn't have been as fun.

Whoever I played: Good matches yo.

Now time to practice for CH3.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I see. I'll keep the plans in mind. Also that name will haunt me in my sleep. Critical Hit is gonna be worth it. If I had me some cash......and a car.....I would go in a flash.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2006
everyone is too good. amazing. good **** to everyone that went. hopefully there will be more soon. i don't know whether to play melee or brawl. very hard to choose between the two. might pull an o-no. except vice versa. unless it's true cause brawl makes more money. lol.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
ill still play melee casually. im sure ill still join tourneys also but, im not making any efforts to get better or practice or anything like that.

as far as the money goes mash, when have you ever played a melee tourney in sova that payed out more than 100$?

or even one that people entered with a 10$ entry on top of a 10$ venue fee?

the money issue was clear enough for me to choose.

so who is down for practice on Thursday?

5$ for pizza and drinks. mini tourney? free 3rd strike lessons as usual.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
as far as the money goes mash, when have you ever played a melee tourney in sova that payed out more than 100$?
I was just talking about this with Anther last night. I told him about how it was sad when only 17 people entered Melee and he said "man that'd be like a record around here :(" and it reminded me: wait...same here!!! And then I told him of Epic Sadness Vol. III When people TRAVELED to SoVa to play in my tourney and TOTAL, including travelers, entrants was?????????

...13. There were 50 at my house that weekend...and only 13 wanted to enter. Only 4 teams, so there wasn't even a teams tourney.

Brawl definitely makes more money. this was only a $5 entry fee and 1st STILL paid $100.

I'll still compete in both =D


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Portsmouth VA
The pay out might be terrible but I think I'll stick to Melee and retire from competitive Brawl. Losing to MKs, Snake, and Robs, plus SDing with Ike and Marth isn't my idea of fun nor is it very economical for me since enterance fees are always higher.

I'll place alot better in Melee once I stop doing the "deer in the headlights" thing whenever I play competitively.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Vallejo CA! (for lowlifes that dont know) Teh Bea
yeah, the lack of people playing, sucks. im sure its just the fact that alot of people are new to brawl and are aiming to be pro from the start. lots of brawl players are melee players that wanted to be good, but diddent feel like they could keep up with the speed of things one wave dashing and other quick techniques came into play. then you have to complete new players. they dont wanna touch melee thinking its to late to learn it. they only wanna play brawl because its new and they feel they have a chance to pull off a win since its still new.

either way it goes, the brawl scene is still like 75% noob.

that goes for new players AND veterans.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
K Here it Is:


Due to a lack of positive response from people, I can possibly move the tentative date of this SATURDAY to the possibly better date of SUNDAY.

INFO: Melee tourney on Sunday, June 29
Brawl side event(s) may occur upon request.
$10 tourney fee for tournament (per tournament if Brawl happens)
$5 venue fee [in addition]
Double elimination
Place will be open virtually all day (12 pm-11 pm)

other info has already been given etc.

I just need to know if Sunday is good.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
The pay out might be terrible but I think I'll stick to Melee

I'll place alot better in Melee once I stop doing the "deer in the headlights" thing whenever I play competitively.

Arby! **** yes man that's exactly the attitude we need =D keep it up with Melee...you've got some great ideas and are pretty good with timing/spacing. I'll come through and play some time. Also, a lot of us have a crap ton of experience in Brawl, relatively speaking. I understand your frustrations as I've experienced them myself. We can try playing around with Brawl so you get more comfortable with it maybe? I haven't played you yet or even seen you play so I don't know what to add other than never give up! haha

You really really should play Schoolie...and get him to play Brawl again! :( :( :( His ROB is probably still better than mine haha, I need to take that SoVa ROB title away from him!!! Sheeeeit I wanna claim best ROB in VA soon! ^_^ And then all I need to do is dominate Nackers from MD and place higher than him [the man DID just beat Azen's Lucario yesterday in a tourney set at C3 and placed 4th @_@] so I can claim best MD/VA ROB hahaha...

actually I really don't care about claiming titles >_> I just want that **** to be KNOWNNN rofl

I'll place alot better in Melee once I stop doing the "deer in the headlights" thing whenever I play competitively.
I've been there, man. The first big tourney I ever went to, I was scared out of my mind in FRIENDLIES when I first got to ChuDat's house. I sat down at a TV where these people were sitting:
Husband, Cactuar, Kirbstir, and...**** I don't even remember who else. Anyway. I didn't even know who they were at that time [I had heard of Husband, though]...I picked Ness against Cactuar's Marth and froze...I could hardly play at all [I was doing full double jumps for no reason ON the stage...no DJ-cancel...nothing.

I did...36 damage to him? The whole match? Anyway, it took a whiiiile for me to get the tourney nerves out of my system...and when someone like me is shouting about "the toasty comeback"...well..it reminded me of playing against O-NO a long time ago..if he was squandering, he would start spouting all kinds of gibberish and I'd be like o_O and I'd try to continue to play OK but I would slowly choke and end up losing whatever lead and ground I gained...

that'll come with experience though...you'll be quite good soon =D I need to improve as well :(


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
I wanted to play IrArby lol
i think im really starting to learn the basis of smash
though im later than a blonde realizing a joke. (no offence to schoolie)

but ive heard something about slash having a smashfest or something the saturday coming up.....
is this true?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
O-NO, I'm down 4 Smash on Thursday. Along with some 3S and CvS 2 training as well.
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