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SOTP north attleboro MA 1/9 results


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2009
I hope everyone who attended had a good time. sorry i had to rush doubles a bit, the bartenders werent to pleased with me. they werent too mad after though. I had a blast however playing friendlies and what not. thanks to kevinM for all the help it went pretty smooth. there will be another one soon.

Singles bracket is as follows:

3.Banks (33.5$)

Doubles :

1.G$ and zoso
3.solar and sai
idk how much they mad maybe like 50, 20, 10 or something?

This was wicked fun and a lot of people went for a second tourny. next time we need more setups and it will be awesome. we have the other half of the store to use if we have too.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
1st and not there.

I don't know anything except Th0rn BEASTING COMING BACK FROM LOSERS GOOD STUFF.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
There were 35 entrants for singles, and 8 teams. Just so no one thinks it was a 5 person event...

fleshwang = Banks/th0rn

payouts for teams are correct


Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2006
Maine Aim = Neil1337
Sweet tournament, and excellent practice for pound! Definitely use more of the space for more setups though!

A bar that serves alcohol right across the room during a tournament... FREAKING AWESOME

Quick shoutouts :
Sai : Wow man you got good! Pleasure teaming with you. Def got a good groove going.
Mike : Good job, you're clearly improving.
Ryan : The same can be said for you!
Th0rn : You're freaking insane. Way too good.
Banks : Nice smash DI BRUH!
ZoSo : Awesome friendly's at zeb's! Lol@sleep deprivation.
Haley : Good to see you are becoming quite competitive now!
Zebski : Lol@your partying venture!
KevinM : Don't hide it, Reveal your puff to the world!
Bananas : You are my favorite fruit


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
it's hard to do shoutouts without copy/pasting full results lol

th0rn: good job bro, raperape

G$: good times trading ****, i hope you remember that 3 stock on battlefield forever.
Because i already forgot about the other two games

Banks: enjoy your 45 dollars

KevinM: good games, lol fox. you would use fox. good times runnin dat ****

awsmsean: fun playing you at zeb's, your captain falcon is rapesauce

sai: lol **** man, you brought planking to melee. good games, glad i didn't get rested too much

roman: i have your pride for now, until pound! gg's at matt's, make sure to fully incorporate the moonwalk lmao

kyu puff: didn't have to play you this time, but you can chain grab me next time

zoso: shoulda entered singles! good stuff in teams, those were really close. but we so would have won if they didn't make us play mini-finals teeheehee. also lol @ playing until 7am

mattdotzeb: thanks for letting us stay at your place, hope we didn't wake anyone up with our stair walking =p

solar: good stuff with the pecha, you seem like u r ready to rip at pound

hoggle: nice job getting far with the samoose and mario. very solid

pixel: you should have done better than you did but maybe next time if you stay away from venue bars and green beans you'll do better >____<

vigilante tom: good friendlies, nice to see you again

haileyM: you are travelling at a stately pace on the road towards BEST FEMALE SMASHER OF ALL TIME

emily: nice IC's, you are also on the same road towards BEST FEMALE SMASHER OF ALL TIME

relax: nice playing you in those team friendlies, the falcon is too good

pimpfish: thanks for running the tournament, it was a good venue and the turnout was really good. sucks that we had to cut the GF of teams to 2/3 but we know it wasn't your fault =p

Irish Mafia: you have gotten a lot better, you started off very strong in our pools set. idk about the rainbow cruise falcon hehe

Variola: ur fox is nice on poke stadium vs sheik, it was tough

DXM: good games, you have a very good fox second game was scary

AOI: you also have a very good fox, you should play more again lol

ROFL: good games in pools, i was very confused by the doc tornado midstage at unexpected times, not many people do that haha

puppet master: good games, you should def practice on the marth matchup you seem alot better vs other characters

cogsmooch: didn't play you, but i got to witness your glorious beard. and that will hold me over

Dan Deez: hope you had fun (was this ur first tournament?), and good stuff making it out of pools

Dan's cousin: i talked to you a bunch of times but i don't know if i ever caught your name haha, but looked like u had a good time watching some epic sets. you should definitely start playing more and smack people around

spife: good games, keep trucking with that sheik you are certainly a lot more comfortable and fluid at using her(it) each time i see you

ryucloud: i don't think i played you except in teams friendlies maybe, we should definitely get some games in next time =)

hero/sky/lawrence crew: sucks you couldn't get here, hopefully next time

sorry if i forgot anyone, this is all from memory

also there were a few people i played who i didn't catch the names of, but good games to everyone, this shiiet it was lots of fun


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Banks I didn't even hear you guys leave, don't worry about it.
I just went downstairs and was like "They're gone? Well, ****. There goes wendys" XD


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
LOL matt, yea basically what happened was we played until 7am and zoso was getting ready to leave, neil suggested it would be easier for us to drive home than to try to sleep without our sleeping supplies and end up getting home really late with sore backs

i will fedex you a crispy chicken sandwich regardless


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA

I found andy playing Kirby 64 and he said he didn't know when you left either lol
Too bad I only have one controller because IRISH MAFIA HAS MY OTHER N64 CONTROLLER.



Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
I'll come back to this when I"m less tired/have gone to bed

questor: wtf we didn't play :(((
Cogsmooch: also didn't play double ewe tea efram?! (wat about boondock saints?)
Relax: i'ma have a ****ing kidnapping of eastern ma smashers just to play you ****ing cats (translation: ^see above)
Roman: sad face, I wanted to take a game
MattDotZeb: we didn't play either and this is becoming a trend that I'm willing to break if you are. On the other hand you're to busy bringing home the bacon to make love soooooo...
KevinM: we also didn't pl- ha I get it. Thanks for everything budsters!
Variola: Everybody likes-a jiggs v ganon on a stupid stage and 66d :3
AwesomeSean: good to see you, bad to see corneria, but that's the first time I've lost on that stage since you've been gone...(teehee)
Th0rn: Sadface at no mm :( play me and teach me stuff
Banks: yeaaaaah mm, I kind of forget how it went, and the friendlies afterwards were top tier
Dudutsai: jiggs is dumb :embarrass: wut evs I'll get you next time
AOI: :3 glad to see you, sad to not play
G$: fun stuff, yo falcock's too good though
smashers in pools: told you I'd forget your names ;3 ggs though
Chize: needs more play

I'm forgetting people though, what evs, good games everyone, awesome turnout, hope to see AT LEAST this many at pound 4 :D

times these words were mentioned
Not/didn't: to much
Play: to much


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2003
Fall River, MA
i am pretty upset that i didnt get to make this... i was kinda trashed and molested from foxwoods the night prior... someone let me know when these goes on so i can show my face once in a while :) xxkirbysanxx on aim or hit me up with a text message 774-644-9353. i never go on aib or smashboard anymore so i have no idea what goes on anymore :(


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
**** 35 singles?

good stuff

perhaps more ppl can make it next time. alsmot made it up there with g if I didnt have work. he def called me dumb early yesterday morning.

=) good stuff g

wow this was actually pretty close relative to NJ. hmm have another one of these. =)


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I have no idea why we ran pools considering the time constraints, but it was very gracious of the owners to let us stick around for that long.

Fun times. Hope we can do more of these.


Smash Hero
Feb 17, 2005
Maine (NSG)
what don't you even?
I can't be sure...

don't call me out like that

besides... if i didn't see it as a joke i woulda said something like "oh, well you owe me a cube now"

i'm nothing without my pride =((
if i owed you a cube, i would have given you my gamecube as a joke and kept the rubik's cube

and don't worry I have your pride in a safe location and i'll bring it to pound, i've been feeding it very well.

and i think we could have had time for everything including pools if we started the teams tournament earlier in conjunction with singles instead of basically after it ended. We fit most of everything in though


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Agreed, I don't think pools did anything to harm the tournament and with a lot of new players entering that scene for their first tournament I think it was the best course of action.

You don't get new players to come back by 2-0ing them in bracket and then having no open TVs as the rest of the set-ups are still taken by later sets. You get them to come back by making sure their experience is superb they get to play a lot of people, meet a lot of people and get more then their moneys worth.

Shoutouts later

<3 you guys.

Pinkie Pie

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2008
1. G$ + Zoso ($50)
2. Fleshwang (Thorn + Banks) ($20)
3. Solar + Sai ($10)
4. Sean Puff
5. Super Happy Phun Thyme
5. Sandbag
7. Emily + John
7. G$ is stupid

I'd post the bracket but I don't really know how to post images.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
Lincoln MA
If you ever do figure out, I would like to see the brackets.

Th0rn: Good games in pools, a little less good in bracket (completely my fault). I hope you were able to enjoy even a bit of it, because even camping felt pretty intense to me.

Banks: Great playing you again. You are the only Sheik other than KirbyKaze who I've seen destroy the crouching strategy, so thanks a lot for the practice!

KevinM: Thanks for calling and making all the red lights turn to green lights. Didn't play you in singles, but teams was fun, even though it was rushed.

Roman: Good games, I don't know if you were choking or something, but whatever it was, I got lucky again... still afraid to MM you.

People in pools: Great games to all, thanks for making this the funnest pools I've ever played.
Kyu Puff: Quit NOSB, Eat Pizza, Dsmash Grant's face in. You Got This

SOLAR: Nice playing against you in singles and with you in teams. Took us a bit, but we really did awesome. Sorry I kept sucking the entire time later, those bairs are uncontrollable >_>

Spife: Never learned your anti-puff strategy. I have a theory, but I'm not sure. Also, don't look down on saijumping until you've tried it. It's freaking hard, I messed up a ton of times while I was learning how to do it consistently.

Zengar: Nice meeting you. Thanks for the fox practice. Never heard of you before, but you're really good.

Pimpfish: Thanks a ton for hosting the tournament and helping us to stay so long! Holding down is the best advance tech in this game. Keep up the Sheik, you almost beat KevinM, and after you stop grabbing I'm sure you'll beat me too.

Zoso: Failed this time, I think I simply got outplayed, but I'll prove it to you next time! Jigglypuff is untouchable when she's in the lead vs Falcon and Falco


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
i am pretty upset that i didnt get to make this... i was kinda trashed and molested from foxwoods the night prior... someone let me know when these goes on so i can show my face once in a while :) xxkirbysanxx on aim or hit me up with a text message 774-644-9353. i never go on aib or smashboard anymore so i have no idea what goes on anymore :(
Hayato, no johns. I was at a party the night before this too. :laugh:

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Great tourney, good seeing everybody :)
Agreed, I don't think pools did anything to harm the tournament and with a lot of new players entering that scene for their first tournament I think it was the best course of action.

You don't get new players to come back by 2-0ing them in bracket and then having no open TVs as the rest of the set-ups are still taken by later sets. You get them to come back by making sure their experience is superb they get to play a lot of people, meet a lot of people and get more then their moneys worth.

Shoutouts later

<3 you guys.

Also if we could get the other half of the store (?) and start a bit earlier then this would be super amazing great.

I played like poopy in my pool but whatever lol My falcon was doing some work in friendlies so um I'll just main him now and ****.
Assman sean: LOL @ our 10 second conversation. good stuff.
Joeeeeeeyyyy: <3 I never get to see you any more. Hopefully this will change. Nice hanging out and fun friendlies.
Pixel: fun friendlies
Roman: <3 ggz. I like playing you, I always get better doing it.
KevinM: why are you so good? falco ****** my peach. "WORTH IT." <3
HaileyM: continue training and you will be a CHAMPION soon. peach dittos are fun.
Dave: why have we still like never played a single friendly ever lol. Good to see you... buy me good headphones. <3
Spife: we didn't play :( wtf also I'm in the boondock saints.
Hoggle: ggz I like SDing A LOT
DXM: ggz nice fox!
Max: keep working on that ganon. ggz
bobby banks: you are so tall I just can't understand it. <3
uhh forgetting people?

Oh I forgot to say GL at Pound everybody!


Smash Ace
May 6, 2007
Boston, Massachusetts
irish mafia - we didnt get to play each other in singles at all but we played enough teams to make it worth it
spife - i dont think i played you either but it was still good to see you/talk to you
questor/zach - i dont think i played you in singles either but i definately played you a few times in teams. im glad youre having fun at school keep whoopin people.
**** tom - good to see you too. i beat you a bunch of times but i think you would have won in a money match
cog smooch - good games. good one dollar single game match. shinespikes, theyre gay.
kevinM - gg's at the end. when i play you and a lot of other people now a days i can really see how much ive improved, just don't ban me.
haileyM - i shoulda beaten you in teams =(
MATT.zeb - i aint givin you ****. haha good games though, your falco is so freaking good it's annoying. i did some cool moves though.
roman - good money match. i should have went falcon for match three, i dont know what i was thinking when i chose fox.
zoso - im glad i didnt have to waste your time by playing you :-P
G$ - youre not stupid that was the irish mafia's idea. playing you was humiliating as always lol
banks - good matches. i was impressed watching you kick everyone's *** in pools. we should money match next time i see you
aoi - good matches. it was fun teaming with you and stuff.

overall a fun tournament. sorry if i forgot anybody!


Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2009
Providence, RI
GGz Dudutsai, Ryucloud, Kyupuff, Mattdotzeb, and the two icies that knocked me out. Was fun actually going to a tournament!

I need to get better vs Falco lolz
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