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SOS2! May 15th/16th. Burlington, NC. Be there or be...a weenie.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2009
Burlington, NC
Yeah seriously, nobody wanted to enter. And sourdou and moneybags had to leave early.

@ Damage Points - we should definitely chill some time, I could always use the Wario practice.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
Favorite smashers update:

1. Shiz
2. Crystalnite
3. Twitch
4. Stingers
5. Dr Peepee


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
well.... the list is just how i feel at a specific moment.... a 'snapshot', if you will, of my top 5 favorites that i only reveal at some point shortly after a tournament has ended. so in other words, it's always changing even though anyone else is only able to see change from tourney to tourney.

and recently you've made a good impression on me. lol is that a problem? shouldn't you just be like 'oh cool'...

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Vilt/Nisp- Thanks for hosting. Sorry I left so early.

Karn- Thanks for letting me chill at your place.

Mike- Legit.

Twitch- <3

Cam- <33

Rain- boo


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
nc melee is so predictable these days =( its kinda sad someone needs to get good and switch it up
Twitch beat Mike at the Greensboro tournament bro. Karn and Mike had some back and forth action over the last period, and Theo(when he was around) shook things up.


Edit: Chris: You have to ask for stuff. We aren't just gonna go around handing out advice. HLS brooooooo.

Edit for Josh: You have to also be on my level to comment on the matchup at my level.......

Edit for me: booooo

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
2. jon

thats all i heard.
Wow man, Kale and Jon TIED for second at this with the same record, Im so god **** tired of people like you Kieth, thinking that kale isnt good, I heard what youve been saying about him and quite frankly i dont like it, He Beat Some random MK main last NCSU what was his name? ILOVE? something like that, The one before that he beat Seth, and Mits, who both didnt play their mains because they needed to hard counter Kale with Diddy and MK. I mean, Kale only plays one character and people dont look at character Ability, If a guy who barely beats Kale or some other D3 playing metaknight, they are automatically considered better, no one thinks about the fact that if you lose that match up as MK, your basically ****ing ******** and should never reproduce. BEST DEDEDE ATL SOUTH bar none, and you guys need to acknowledge.


I got on looking for a reason to post this because Kadaj honestly thinks that kale is the best brawl player besides stingers and shady. And that made his ****ing week haha.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Makin movies makin songs &amp; FIGHTIN ROUND THE W
^You guys suck for not showing up! Seriously, the Brawl singles consisted of me, Stock, Kale, Snap, Kadaj, and Jon. Results:

1. Kadaj
4. FYRE :(

.............................I think. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Stock-thanks for the ride.
Damage Points- come chill with me, Stock, and sPiTe
Snap- HOW 'BOUT THAT PIT!?!?!?!
everyone else- thanks for humoring me

Damage Points

Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2010
Apex, NC
@ Fyre and Stock

Def we need to all meet up and play. I should drive out there sometime in the next few weeks and we can play all day.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
Wow man, Kale and Jon TIED for second at this with the same record, Im so god **** tired of people like you Kieth, thinking that kale isnt good, I heard what youve been saying about him and quite frankly i dont like it, He Beat Some random MK main last NCSU what was his name? ILOVE? something like that, The one before that he beat Seth, and Mits, who both didnt play their mains because they needed to hard counter Kale with Diddy and MK. I mean, Kale only plays one character and people dont look at character Ability, If a guy who barely beats Kale or some other D3 playing metaknight, they are automatically considered better, no one thinks about the fact that if you lose that match up as MK, your basically ****ing ******** and should never reproduce. BEST DEDEDE ATL SOUTH bar none, and you guys need to acknowledge.


I got on looking for a reason to post this because Kadaj honestly thinks that kale is the best brawl player besides stingers and shady. And that made his ****ing week haha.
I'm not sure if your trolling, but i have never said anything bad about anyone in NC, especially behind their back. If i have a problem with someone, you will know it. i do think he complains about mk to much, and i have told him that. I have never said he sucked, or that anyone in NC sucks.

except Dark hart


Novus Ordo Seclorum
Sep 22, 2008
North Carolina
Shady and I were almost able to make this, but alas, we did not.

Good **** to Jon and Ledger in doubles. Sure, the turnout wasn't much, but I'm surprised you bros placed ahead of Fyre and Stock. Those two are mad legit and I thought it would have been them and Kadaj/Kale in grand finals.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Kale's record was 6-4 and Jon's was 6-3 iirc.

Kale went 6-3 as well actually. but its whateverrrr. I cant compete with ledger logic ;D

@kieth idk man, why wouldnt he complain about MK? its all he loses to most of the time, both times hes played john its been mad close and thats like, D3's second worst matchup, i just think hes mad under rated.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
I'm not sure if your trolling, but i have never said anything bad about anyone in NC, especially behind their back. If i have a problem with someone, you will know it. i do think he complains about mk to much, and i have told him that. I have never said he sucked, or that anyone in NC sucks.

except Dark hart
Hey I brought kadaj's mario to one stock with my scrub May 2008 Diddy. I ain't that bad at your dumb game. =P


Bri - makes fun of me
Bri's cats - you guys all rock
Vilt - quit saying Fox is more broken than MK you dumb sack of ****
caddage - enter Melee
$mike - get at my Samus!! and ness =P
Dylon - can you upload the video of my Samus beating $mike? and lol at manley's **** block, I'll yell at him for you
kale - sorry about being a *****, I can't stand irl trolls when I'm tired lol
smithy - I love you, bro. Falcon dittos and Kirby air ride all dai
cam - you're pretty funny mang
twitchy - I'm salty in B-
Kevin - get better scrub
Stingers - why am I leaving you a shoutout?
Mullins - glad you didn't self-combo yourself
Alex/DJ - You guys are so **** helpful omg I need to come over to chapel hill before the brofest or something. You guys make me think about things I've never even considered as important. but Dj I'm not impressed with your Fox.
Josh - dude you **** so much, and I love you more than you ****, so that's a lot
Asheboro - I put you all in one shoutout since all of your are awesome unlike PopePo John the Johner. Fox main bro saved the day with rolling paper, g&W bro impressed me so much, JMH and EMB, you guys have gotten so much better since I first me you.
Black peep who hooked me up and I smoked with - you guys are pretty cool
baby on the floor - not even funny...
bl@ckchris - yea I bunched you with the black people, get at me and my Fox bro. no more combo videos.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2009
Cary, NC
My record was 7-4, I don't remember anyone elses besides Kadaj(10-0, lol).

Grats to Fyre on ****** me with arrows. lol

Thanks to Damage Points for the ride.

Good job to Ledgr in doubles. 2x Kirby is fun.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Raleigh, North Carolina
Kale went 6-3 as well actually. but its whateverrrr. I cant compete with ledger logic ;D

@kieth idk man, why wouldnt he complain about MK? its all he loses to most of the time, both times hes played john its been mad close and thats like, D3's second worst matchup, i just think hes mad under rated.
I mean, Ledger-logic is pretty pro, but this isn't even just me writing a page of half-***** arguments out of boredom. I don't know if someone misreported their games or something, but there were like 5 people looking at TiO when the winners were declared and it wasn't a tie. But whatever. It hardly matters.

Kale is too pro. In the future, pro-ness should be measured in terms of Kales, where Kale is 1, and 99% of everyone else is <1. And if you're >1, you're either lying, or you're Kadaj.

@Uncle - Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence ;P


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
cullowhee, nc western carolina university
i'm bored so i guess i'll do shoutouts now. :)

kevin: get better than 1st, get 0.

cam: we'll get kevin's falco sometime...sometime soon.

mike: 2-1 then 3-2 i hate you. naw, you're cool. i've never seen you goofing off before so it was...interesting.

dark hart: bring it.

snap: you're not that ugly...

josh: be happy more. :):):)

DJ: your sheik sucks boii, player.


jim: you ****.

bl@ckchris: keep playing, bro. dat sig ain't for show.............:)

brawl: haha, get *****.

karn: wow, i almost forgot to shoutout to you. you suck at kirby air ride. just saying.

vilt: brawl- was fun but i don't really feel like playing it again if not just to try out luigi.

random people in nisP's house: quit smoking.

oh yeah, there was also a sign on my trip with kevin that said SCRUBS --->
so we went left, of course. screw dat.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
you do realize I've been to almost every tournament that I wasn't in wilmington for, and I've been the host of quite a few smashfests, right? I also played dshep almost every day this whole time, and I'm still getting fourstocked by ****ing josh's sheik. Not to insult him at all, but it's pretty evident that although I've made progress these last 8 months, attending tournaments where I'm not even good enough to learn from my opponents isn't going to help me. So unless the part of nc that's also learning and getting better wants to show up to tournaments too, me and maybe others in a 9 man bracket against people who can fourstock me if they didn't feel sorry for me isn't really getting it done for me.


edit: that was more a rant to stingers, I didn't see ur post matt. I'm just tired of getting ***** without completely understanding why. It doesn't usually happen to me.
as a side note, i started in august and have been to twice as many things as you and hosting prolly twice as much and im still doing the same as ive always done. it's just how things go. . .

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
You all have improved, but none of you have shot up at a faster rate than the others are improving in order to overtake the majority of players here. That's why every little thing you learn matters, because it could give you that edge over someone else that hasn't learned it yet or has started to slow down.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
I feel like I'm learning such elementary things to get better. Still makes me laugh that I only learned to look at the other character a couple weeks ago.

that's part of what was irritating. If I didn't know something that seems so basic now...its crazy to imagine what other vital information that I'm completely ignorant of.

*chuckles* I'm such a scrub.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2008
Castle Doomstadt
I feel like I'm learning such elementary things to get better. Still makes me laugh that I only learned to look at the other character a couple weeks ago.

that's part of what was irritating. If I didn't know something that seems so basic now...its crazy to imagine what other vital information that I'm completely ignorant of.

*chuckles* I'm such a scrub.
I'm a bigger scrub than you are.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I feel like I'm learning such elementary things to get better. Still makes me laugh that I only learned to look at the other character a couple weeks ago.

that's part of what was irritating. If I didn't know something that seems so basic now...its crazy to imagine what other vital information that I'm completely ignorant of.

*chuckles* I'm such a scrub.
I'm tellin you man, just talk to me/other experienced people in NC/the boards. We all have lots of things you can learn, and the obvious things that you kick yourself for not thinking of are the ones you'll remember best and apply well. =)

Also, I might just start writing up general smash things in the HLS group(everyone go back to posting in there btw). I talked to Twitch about one today I had forgotten that I learned around RoM2 time that I'm itching to talk about.
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