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Sonic The Hedgehog Mafia - Who lives happily ever after in the Land of the Sky?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
@Sold2 - Same question for you Sold2!
Man, it sounds like we're getting put in time-out or something. I tried to prove a point SRB made wrong with a specific example. After that, he made a response that he shouldn't have been made, and then I made a response, that only half should have been typed, etc., and then everyone else had no idea what we were talking about. And yo, don't get impatient for an answer when you ask said question at 8:00 AM. I'm a sleepy dude.

Wheeere's Kirbyoshi..


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
First of all Sir, it's best not to juggle possible roles. It's way to early and we have to see past a night phase to see anything of worth. For now, I want to assume we're dealing with Mafia. What kind of roles they may have should be further saved the next Day

second, as far as leaders go, I feel we should all be dependent on one another like any other Mafia game. Yes, Nix is confirmed town, but he can't do this by himself. I suggest that we just talk and converse to each other and decide for things as a group (again, like any other Mafia game)

Also, let's continue the day as normal (that goes to putting the game on hold, to whoever suggested that). Pierce and Chibo should have no problem catching up.

Nix and Sold2- So...any reason why ya still have a vote on me? lol


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
It is not on you anymore Rockin =P It's on Swords, but if you miss my vote that much I can always put it back on there.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
So I'm trying to figure out how helpful it is that we know Nix is confirmed town. Has anyone else played in a mafia game that started with confirmed alignments? So far this is the only unusual part of the game. I'm sure more stuff will pop up after the first Night, but we need to figure out a plan toDay.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
So I'm trying to figure out how helpful it is that we know Nix is confirmed town. Has anyone else played in a mafia game that started with confirmed alignments? So far this is the only unusual part of the game. I'm sure more stuff will pop up after the first Night, but we need to figure out a plan toDay.
I feel it's pretty helpful. Having a confirmed townie, we can now fully trust what he says as well as when he shares his opinion. We don't have to worry about him trying to trap us or do some other scum-like tactic.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
For today....as much as I really don't like it, Sir DOES have a valid point as its totally plausible that there is a mafia recruiter out there....course if I was a mafia recruiter I would go after someone that wasn't the already confirmed townie cause you know <_< one does always have to wonder if that townie has been converted or not.....


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
FOS: SwordsRBroken

just for not reading what was said in the beginning of the thread.

Unfortunately, it's a bit too early for scum picks. I can't really get a solid read on anyone yet, though I find it amusing that Chibo hit me in RVS knowing I was away.

Oh, and I know this doesn't mean anything, but I figure I'd tell you anyway. I'm town.

I may or may not post once more before Apex. Obviously I'll post during Apex if I get a chance, but I doubt I'll get a chance.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
FOS: SwordsRBroken

just for not reading what was said in the beginning of the thread.

Unfortunately, it's a bit too early for scum picks. I can't really get a solid read on anyone yet, though I find it amusing that Chibo hit me in RVS knowing I was away.

Oh, and I know this doesn't mean anything, but I figure I'd tell you anyway. I'm town.

I may or may not post once more before Apex. Obviously I'll post during Apex if I get a chance, but I doubt I'll get a chance.
So, you think it's too early for scum picks, but you FoS'ed me?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Hey, he didn't vote...

He's just suspicious. So as long as you get your crap together, he won't have that FoS on you.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Gordito, FoS'es are used for suspicion, they're usually used when someone is suspicious of someone but not enough to vote that person.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I don't see him trying to say you're scum, but more like saying that he's gonna keep an eye on you for a little bit.

But I can see where you're coming from. I mean, he doesn't necessarily have to make it public, which is sort of a contradiction to his statement about thinking it's too early to tell.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I should of told y'all that I was going to a party but I didn't miss much.

@Rockin. My vote be on you because I don't find the Kirbyoshi or the UTDZac/Chibo wagons appealing, and I don't feel like unvoting. I do know who I'm going to change it to soon enough but I wanna wait until I can make a convincing case, ya' know.

@Zac, a set-up I've actually seen twice (once on AIMafia and once in IRL) uses a confirmed town-janitor. In this game just play as normal, keeping in mind Nix is town. Unless something hints to mafia recruiter(Yak flip) or an indy Cult(NO), of course. Speculation, but it would be really cool if this set-up used Comparison Cop, Confirmed Townie, and Mafia Recruiter. But that's a little too much like DBZ so I'd doubt it.

unvote. By the request of Rockin?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
This is why I hate playing mafia nowadays.

Am I scum because I said I don't feel like unvoting and then did it in the same post? What conclusion are you trying to get to.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I should of told y'all that I was going to a party but I didn't miss much.

@Rockin. My vote be on you because I don't find the Kirbyoshi or the UTDZac/Chibo wagons appealing, and I don't feel like unvoting. I do know who I'm going to change it to soon enough but I wanna wait until I can make a convincing case, ya' know.
Eh, I guess that's understandable. Seems some people have a certain style to voting. Didn't really had much of a problem with it on, but I was just curious.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Who's not going to be at Apex?
I'm still here.

@People saying not to assume roles, I'm not. All I'm saying is that I don't think Xiivi would put in a role like Nix's without having at least some type of role that abuses it, unless he put it in here simply so we could confuse ourselves with "WTF why would he put this role in?", which is kind of a ******* mod thing to do. Just don't assume Nix is 100% town if we never see a Yak or Cult flip, because it doesn't mean there isn't a recruiter, or some other role like it, out there. That's all I'm asking.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

I'm just asking why you'd say you wouldn't unvote, and then do it. Maybe it's a typo, or a mix up of words? I never suspected you of scum. That'd be way to jumpy of me. It was just a simple question of why it was said. That's all.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Unvoting was an after-thought because I like Rockin. If it makes you feel better, I really didn't feel like unvoting though. Also I'm not mad dun worry, just frustrated. Anyways I don't think Kirbyoshi is here... or has been here so I'll go on, as promised. Shoulda kept notes.

The real problem with this case is how does any of it lead to Kirbyoshi being scum.
I was with you (aka against voting for you) until this. Unless you're playing with a dumb town, scum aren't going to be making everyone believe ANYTHING so easily, just by saying "k guys, I'm leader, let's lynch everyone but my scummates". And if scum does assume the leadership role and effectively direct town, it's because the scum is a better player and is good at manipulation, not simply because they became the "leader". And wtf, are you implying that if the leader DOESN'T get NKed, that makes them more likely to be scum? That's just WIFOM all over the place. And like Tiger said, if I had the choice between getting good opinions/reads/ideas out there at the cost of getting NKed, or being a sheep and following others around while keeping my life, I'd get NKed.
This paragraph thoroughly rips his logic, but doesn't have a point yet. The only part here that could lead to Kirbyoshi = scum, is the part about use of WIFOM. It does reinforce the point in the next next paragraph.

Not only that, but this concept of "leader" (and how they direct town's actions) is pretty anti-town. The collective is more likely to find scum than the individual, for the simple fact that more brainpower=better conclusions. Even if those conclusions might be tainted a bit by the input of scum, I would rely way more on the town's collective thought process rather than one person pointing out scum and us lynching them. Yes, Nix is guaranteed town (at least for now) but that doesn't mean he's the only one we should listen to and it certainly shouldn't mean we should do everything he says. We should all be our own leaders. /corniness
Kirbyoshi's case on Chibo was saying that Chibo is trying to force himself as our leader. If I'm interpreting right, you think that leaders altogether are anti-town, so you's be supporting his case with this, not proving him to be scum. Unless you're talking about when Kirbyoshi implied that in the future we may need a leader, in which case we've already kinda made a consensus that a real leader is not a bad thing, given that the town doesn't let someone force themselves as leader, or falls for some scumtrick.

Your reason for voting Zac wasn't unreasonable and at least got us out of RVS, but this attack on Chibo seems forced and seems to be you simply picking another target after you saw no one was going for Zac.
Okay, that's thinking if he was scum point of view. It's good to see that, but think of it from a town point of view(semi-hypothetically).

He wants to lynch someone he thinks is scum, but nobody else agrees with him. He doesn't have anything else he can really prove vs the person. From there, he has 3 choices. 1.) Do nothing and sit on his vote that's not going anywhere, 2.) Sheep onto another wagon (his own?), and 3.) "picking another target..." who he also feels is scum(maybe not as much as the other). Those are his choices, and this is when he's already under I think 4 votes. When you're under vote pressure, you have to both sufficiently defend yourself, and also prove your own use(ESPECIALLY Day 1). Naturally, the best and almost only way to prove your use is by making an attack on a player you believe to be scum! So obviously, 3.) is basically his only good choice.

You vote him because he's making a forced case. But so far, what I've seen, is nobody in this town wants to make a move, nobody wants to make a case or anything. Kirbyoshi is a player who is making cases and creating discussion. That is, unless really sure to be scum, the opposite of what you want to lynch D1. D1 we need to be lynching someone scummy that it's going to be hard to get a read on at all(lurker, lazy), or someone who's not going to help town(lurker, lazy). In all honesty, other than myself and maybe 1 other, Kirbyoshi is the last person I want lynched on Day 1.

Also, I don't even know what the Kirbyoshi wagon is about at this point. To my knowledge, there's no 1 reason why everyone is voting him, and they're voting for various weak reasons. That wagon smells like scum imo.

Vote: TigerWoods
So far, you've: jumped on a very easy wagon for a very weak reason. Had very good activity... but very little content. #84 is helpful insight, but still does little to bring us to our goal of catching scum. Other than that, you've been coasting this game. It's only been 10 pages so far... so it's not that big of a deal.

Tell me what I missed, I know I did it.

Note: I HATE walls of text.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
Town points for Sold! =P

I am slightly annoyed...but only at the fact that I have no idea who's inactive, or who's inactive because of Apex.

@Zac - Where be you?

Also, if I recall correctly...Kirby voted Zac, who voted me (the cleared townie) and someone along the lines said Kirby shouldn't of done that because Zac made a simple mistake....and yea...not sure about the others.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
I'm still here.

@People saying not to assume roles, I'm not. All I'm saying is that I don't think Xiivi would put in a role like Nix's without having at least some type of role that abuses it, unless he put it in here simply so we could confuse ourselves with "WTF why would he put this role in?", which is kind of a ******* mod thing to do. Just don't assume Nix is 100% town if we never see a Yak or Cult flip, because it doesn't mean there isn't a recruiter, or some other role like it, out there. That's all I'm asking.
Everyone, think about this. if bedevere is scum, then he is just trying to get us to lynch a confirmed townie not today, but tomorrow or later. This would work out to scum's advantage because no one would be confirmed town. This would make it a lot harder for town in endgame.

unvote vote: sir bedevere


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Annnddd.....town points for sold. I agree with what he has to say about bedevere & tiger woods.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2009
Oddly enough Swords <_< I actually DO agree with Sir...there is a possibility of a alignment converter out there so it is something that should be taken into consideration after today....


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Deadline has been set for August 11, 2010 11:59PM EST.

It's takes 7/12 to lynch!

Day 1 Vote Count 3:
GorditoBoy69: (0)
Kirbyoshi: rPSI, vVv ChiboSempai, UTDZac, TigerWoods, Sir Bedevere (
Nix2100: (0)
Pierce7d: (0)
Rockin: (0)
rPSI: (0)
Sir Bedevere: SwordsRbroken (
Sold2: (0)
SwordsRbroken: Nix2100 (
TigerWoods: Sold2 (
UTDZac: (0)
vVv ChiboSempai: Kirbyoshi (
Not Voting: GorditoBoy69, Pierce7d, Rockin (

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

The parts of your post addressing my first two paragraphs are correct. In hindsight, I'm realizing now that most of that post was me attacking what I considered terrible logic, but terrible logic /=/ scum. That was my mistake, sorry.

And from now on, if I'm talking about the leader, assume I'm talking about the leader you/PSI were talking about before, and not the dictator-like one I thought Kirb was talking about.

He wants to lynch someone he thinks is scum, but nobody else agrees with him.
Did he not consider that the reason no one was agreeing with him was because his reason for voting Zac was not strong enough to really make a case, as others were saying? I did say that I wasn't going to vote Kirb for his case on Zac, but that was mostly because it got us out of RVS, and also because his case was possible, but not likely. Not something I would follow, but not something I would vote him on either.

He doesn't have anything else he can really prove vs the person. From there, he has 3 choices. 1.) Do nothing and sit on his vote that's not going anywhere, 2.) Sheep onto another wagon (his own?), and 3.) "picking another target..." who he also feels is scum(maybe not as much as the other).
You're forgetting option 4.) Backing down. Once he saw that no one was going with his case, he should have realized that his case simply was not a strong one and admitted his mistake (or are you saying that you agree with his case on Zac?). That would have been one way Kirb could have avoided my vote, but he continued to pursue Zac even after he switched his vote to Chibo.

When you're under vote pressure, you have to both sufficiently defend yourself, and also prove your own use(ESPECIALLY Day 1). Naturally, the best and almost only way to prove your use is by making an attack on a player you believe to be scum! So obviously, 3.) is basically his only good choice.
But you're forgetting the reason why he switched targets in the first place; he thought Chibo was trying to be the leader, which somehow made him scum. He explained why later, but as Tiger pointed out, if no townie became the leader, we wouldn't get much done, which is pretty anti-town. So, he started attacking a player for a very weak and anti-town reason (which, as Chibo said, seemed to be him grasping for straws), which, to me, doesn't seem like he's going after scum, more that he's going after the player that was "leading" the lynch on him, and effectively OMGUSing him (which he coincidentally accused Zac of in the same post). It was really his sudden switch to Chibo more than the post I quoted that made me vote him; the post I quoted simply confirmed that he wasn't voting Chibo for a very good reason at all (or do you also agree with Kirb's case on Chibo?).

I still want to hear from Kirb before/if we decide to lynch him, so if anyone puts him at L-1, I'm unvoting.

And where's Kirb. >_>

@Mod, requesting prod on Kirbyoshi.

Everyone, think about this. if bedevere is scum, then he is just trying to get us to lynch a confirmed townie not today, but tomorrow or later. This would work out to scum's advantage because no one would be confirmed town. This would make it a lot harder for town in endgame.

unvote vote: sir bedevere
...And if Bedevere is town, he's trying to stop us from assuming Nix is 100% town for the rest of the game and getting ourselves killed. >_>

I knew someone would try to bring up this point eventually, but it's flawed, because you seem to be under the assumption that immediately at the start of D2, I'm going to say "k guys, a recruiter could have got to Nix, let's all lynch him just to be sure". I'm not. Essentially, at the start of D2, Nix simply becomes a regular townie just like the rest of us, and should be under the same scrutiny as the rest of us; i.e., if he does scummy things and we think he's scum, we lynch him. Just like any other townie.

Note: Part of my motive for starting this whole "can't trust Nix 100%" thing was to keep Nix from getting lazy and doing scummy things by accident, but I guess that's out of the bag now. Just trying to stop Nix from being his own agent of destruction.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Just want to say I'm going to post something in either the next 30-hour. I've been having some computer issues.

sowwie T_T


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
I'm still here.

@People saying not to assume roles, I'm not. All I'm saying is that I don't think Xiivi would put in a role like Nix's without having at least some type of role that abuses it, unless he put it in here simply so we could confuse ourselves with "WTF why would he put this role in?", which is kind of a ******* mod thing to do. Just don't assume Nix is 100% town if we never see a Yak or Cult flip, because it doesn't mean there isn't a recruiter, or some other role like it, out there. That's all I'm asking.
It just FEELS like you're kinda assuming roles (or at least putting a possible worry to something that does or does not exist). I don't want any of us to try and out guess the mod.

As far as we're concern, we got at least one town member to trust right now. Let's try to take advantage of it.

I agree with Sold's points as concerns to Kirbyyoshi. Yes, his reason for voting Zac was idiotic, but I feel scum would be smart enough to not push that (or at least so seriously). Chibo push was also dumb. I'm getting more of a dumb vibe then scum with Kirbyyoshi.

I'll be glad when APEX is over on sunday. Activity would pick up again

Did you just vote the confirmed townie?!?!?!?!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
People need to check the V/LA thread. For real.

@Swords: Why are you suspicious of Sir Bed for wanting to protect town from otherwise extremely easy deception?

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I don't feel the need or personal will to respond to anything I don't so you know :v
You're forgetting option 4.) Backing down. Once he saw that no one was going with his case, he should have realized that his case simply was not a strong one and admitted his mistake (or are you saying that you agree with his case on Zac?). That would have been one way Kirb could have avoided my vote, but he continued to pursue Zac even after he switched his vote to Chibo.
His case was good, given how early-game it is, but I see what you mean. And backing down is a lot like 1.) Sitting on his vote. But the point is that he was under pressure from other voters and needed to prove he's worth to keep alive. Backing off and saying "I got nothing" wouldn't do much to help.

But you're forgetting the reason why he switched targets in the first place; he thought Chibo was trying to be the leader, which somehow made him scum. He explained why later, but as Tiger pointed out, if no townie became the leader, we wouldn't get much done, which is pretty anti-town. So, he started attacking a player for a very weak and anti-town reason (which, as Chibo said, seemed to be him grasping for straws), which, to me, doesn't seem like he's going after scum, more that he's going after the player that was "leading" the lynch on him, and effectively OMGUSing him (which he coincidentally accused Zac of in the same post). It was really his sudden switch to Chibo more than the post I quoted that made me vote him; the post I quoted simply confirmed that he wasn't voting Chibo for a very good reason at all (or do you also agree with Kirb's case on Chibo?).
A townie should know that they become a "leader" by doing pro-town actions and being smart. The logic is that a townie has no reason to try and force the title of leader, knowing that it will come to them if they're who the town needs. A scum player on the other hand wants to have influence over the weaker townies, and (mis)leading all the (weak?) townies is exactly what they want. People listen to leaders. The real problem is proving that Chibo wanted to "slip" his way into leader. I'd have to go back and read all of Chibo's posts to say if he was or was not, and I'm not going to prove a case right or wrong for someone else.

Obviously, as been said before, give him time to work with.

If you all lynch Kirbyoshi, I fully expect everyone on the wagon to step it up. I refuse to work with a town that has little discussion and few or no attacks.
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