are we talking about charizard now?
Guys, we're still on Ivysaur... however, if you feel that we have covered everything on it, we can continue to talk about Charizard. I'll settle for 55:45 Sonic's favor on Ivysaur, seeing as how even the PT mains are saying this themselves, and I have no arguement. Ivysaur is all too easy to gimp... even if I didn't do it myself, but this is when we theorycraft about Sonic & Ivysaur being at the highest level of potential (I'm no better than some of the other Sonic's around here like K.I.D. or DJ for example, if you could fight them they'll give you more of a challenge). We've already gotten some points across so I'll save some internet and not repeat them.
I've read everything, and the only thing I've picked up on is that Kinzer kept Homing Attacking into your Flamethrower.
Bad times. Good Sonic's don't Homing Attack.
<3 Kinzer
I saw wat u did thar.
Sorry, but I'm just trying to be the rebel... representin' HA yo! I'll find a use to make this move moar usable, just you wait!
I say it's 40:60, Sonic's favor.
Rawr, I'll settle for a 55:45 advantage if everybody else wants to, you're the only person so far who has said that Sonic has a solid advantage on Ivysaur, but I'm not too sure on that.
Also I'm not taking out the Haunter.
Others have already covered you on this, but I guess I'll go on ahead and give mah 2 cents.
I'll give it to you though, Charizard has more kill moves and lives a lot longer, but continue reading please.
Rock Smash hurts, but it won't make Sonic get a bijillion % damage.
Don't listen to what the SBR has to say about Sonic, listen to us. We're telling you that Sonic has minimal priority at worst, but that's no problem thanks to our Speed. We also don't spam SpinDash liek we used to back in March/April.
If you ever discuss Sonic over at the PT boards, I'm gonig to tell you know you should play a patient/defensive/campy game, because we will only make your life miserable if we can read you like a book. Flamethrower is kind of laggy, nothing is stopping us from just waiting for you to let your FT die down/cancel and approach to fake you out. FT shouldn't be used too often with Sonic, he can get around just fine regardless. You'll be noticing we'll approach from teh air a lot, seeing as how most of our ground approaches can be stopped by whatever Charizard decides to use that has a decent horizontal hitbox for him. Then again, Sonic has decent moblity to not get grabbed like maybe more than 5 times a stock Vs. Charizard, and Sonic has decent shieldpokes... what with ASC (Aerial SpinCharge) into a SDJ (SpinDash Jump) into whatever Sonic wants to follow-up with if he happens to have knocked knocked you into the air.
Sonic is a about 10 times heavier than Jigglypuff, and just like you won't be gimping a good Meta Knight, Sonic isn't exactly limited in his rcovery either. Don't let those spikes you might've landed on me in Wi-Fi fool you. I probably got predictable/mispaced an UAir/didn't react right.
12 might be an exagguration, just how often do you think you'll be landing a Forward Smash on a Sonic? Not too often I'll tell you... I would settle for 7 solid kill moves at the most for Char. Let's not blow things out of proportion here now, I need to be as accurate and unbaised as I can to do a fair write-up. You wouldn't want me to go say that Squirtle is a lightweight character with no range/killpower now would you?
Err... look at the front page, all those Greys are either dead even or 5 ponits in their favor, we then have like 8+ matchups in our opponent's favor, and so far only 2 6:4 advantegeous matchups who happen to be Link and Ganondorf/C.Falcon. Let's get along now, we both play terribad characters.
Your points on Ivysaur and Charizard seem okay to me, so I won't argue them.
We need to do some Wi-Fi again Steeler, I don't think you've ever fought a good Sonic with Squirtle. Hit me up sometime, and we'll see what we can do. Still though, we need to talk about Squirtle on his own, and then talk about PT as a whole
Uair is just a move we use if you happen to be in the right place for a star K.O., it won't be killing you unless your like above 200% with Squirtle/Ivysaur, and I don't even want to think how long it could take to kill Charizard with that same thought. BTW DSmash is our 2nd best K.O. move.
DSmash is just a move to punish those who like to roll/spotdodge a lot, you won't be seeing as lot of it unless you're Ivysaur. I dunno about our rolls increasing our range (unless you mean Sonic's dash attack), but it does get him around.