Kay I missed that video the first time. That's pretty dumb.
Lots and lots of trial and error for 100%? I'm not trying to troll I promise, I just don't know how anyone can get through a level (especially those parts where you can't stop going forward) without getting glitch killed at least a couple of times.
I certainly had glitches effect me a few times but the most common ones I found ways around. For example, performing Homing Attacks onto rails from below made you get stuck to them. You would still move along them, but you couldn't jump. And since some rails end abruptly, this could lead to death.
However, it was something I could adapt to easily. Unacceptable, but '06 didn't have too many unavoidable glitches really. Honestly, there were more glitches I used to help me than ones that killed me (like the aforementioned Purple Gem).
Also keep in mind that I was 12-13 years old. I got the game on release, and would have 100%'d it well into 2007. So Sonic '06 is not something that people can't play through and beat.
And in case anyone believes I am lying about getting all of the achievements in '06, here is my old Gamertag from years ago:
(I have no idea why it says the last year I played it on was "1753", at exactly midnight on 1st of January. I have not touched my original Xbox 360 in years, so I don't know if someone was messing around with the date on it, or if maybe the date I last played it on was around before this website existed, and this happens to be the default date)
I'm not saying it's a good thing per se. But here's a proposition. Say there's someone that have played neither of the two games and they want a Sonic game to rent and their only choices are Rise of Lyric and Sonic 06.
Would they want one you could finish a game over the weekend even when they're entirely new at it or at least want to try that Knuckles glitch for ****s and giggles if they've heard of it to beat the game within just one hour?
Or would they rather have Sonic 06 that drags on and on, and sometimes you could make you do-over sections of the game that take a half-an-hour (Ex: Doing the trials again if you lose all your lives in Kingdom Valley in Sonic's story) or more if you die alot on certain levels.
From that point of view, Rise of Lyric is quite a bit more friendly to the player. You aren't going to be doing over huge sections of the game if you fail.
Actually, I'd easily recommend '06 over RoL, for the following reasons:
-At it's core, the game plays like a Sonic game. Sonic '06 is essentially Sonic Adventure 3 in all but name. And like I said before, Sonic's levels in '06 are actually well designed (unpolished =/= badly designed). Not all of them are, but in general, Sonic's levels don't have an overabundance of combat, they are over within 3 or 4 minutes and don't drag, they have a lot of routes to take and are highly explorable most of the time, meaning they are replayable should you like them enough (Tropical Jungle in particular gets a gold star for this).
-It has more relevance to the series as a whole. Especially since it is represented in Sonic Generations, and even Smash Bros.
-Shadow's story (not his levels) is actually very good in my opinion, and outside of SA2 and the Japanese Sonic X, '06 is the best representation of his character, and is leagues above RoL's 2edgy5me representation of him that's worse than even his own titular game. It really felt like the most natural development of his character after SA2, with Heroes and ShTH only being unnecessary road blocks to this milestone in his development, due to the whole amnesia thing.
-If you wanted to see the game Silver debuted in and learn about him first hand (and Silver's story isn't COMPLETE garbage either), this is the game where you play to do it.
-Even if you cannot agree with the above points, you cannot deny that, if nothing else, '06 is an excellent history lesson - this is Sonic Team's lowest point (in conjunction with Sonic Genesis). This is the game that convinced Sonic Team to get their **** together (Sonic Team was entirely restructured after '06, with a lot of new employees fresh out of college developing Unleashed), so something good did come of the game. To see what caused them to do this first hand is pretty significant, for a Sonic fan. RoL, on the other hand, was made by a Western studio. If anything, it's just gonna convince SEGA to not let any other Western developers near Sonic, at least not for a while. Which is actually a huge shame, especially considering that many recent mobile Sonic games, that are very good, were made by a Western studio. Specifically, the remakes of Sonic 1, 2, and CD - these three remakes are the definitive versions of each title (the Sonic 2 remake even brought back the long lost Hidden Palace Zone), and are made by a Western team, headed by Taxman and Stealth of Sonic Retro. It was a lot of people's hope that those guys would be able to go on to make a brand new entry in the Classic series, but RoL may genuinely diminish any hope of that - simply because Iizuka (the producer of the Sonic series right now) is not going to trust Western developers - especially since
Iizuka did not like Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric BEFORE release (there was a Japanese Stream before the game came out that was not heavily publicised, in which he reacted quite badly to certain segments of the game).
So yeah, I'd easily recommend '06 over RoL right now, especially since '06 is dirt cheap, while RoL costs as much as Smash Wii U.