Wow what a terrible list. Like the only good choices there were Rooftop Run and Angel Island, and maybe Wonder World. All the amazing songs to choose from and they went with a bunch of cringey vocal themes that never had any place in the series to begin with. They didn't even include Endless Possibilities, the one vocal theme that doesn't suck besides maybe reach for the stars.
Seriously, they kept Seven Rings in Hand over any of the other multiple songs they could have chosen. That isn't even bad in the "this song really isn't a good representation of Sonic music at all" sense, that's a legitimately awful song.
My song list for the hypothetical situation that the people who chose the songs for Windy Hill didn't have their heads up their asses (still no actual remixes since for some reason the people working on Smash and/or SEGA just seem to be completely against that idea for some reason)
Classic rep
Modern Green Hill Zone - because having a 16-bit Mega Drive song, one of the slowest most relaxing songs in any of the games at that, is frankly pretty silly
Chemical Plant/Casino Night Zone - both iconic Sonic 2 stages, were included in Generations console/3DS respectively. imo Chemical Plant would be better, but since there are no remixes and I feel like Modern Chemical Plant deviates a bit too far from the source to really count as a "classic" song if it were included, Casino Night might be better just due to being able to recycle the Generations 3DS version.
Angel Island Zone - Ideally this would actually be Hydrocity Zone, but since there's already an Angel Island remix in Brawl it's better to go for that for obvious reasons. Ice Cap would also be a good choice but there's a whole load of licensing issues surrounding that so that's pretty much impossible I think.
Flying Battery/Sky Sanctuary Zone - yes Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles count as different games shut up. I wasn't too sure which to pick here. Sky Sanctuary was in Generations which gives it an advantage but Flying Battery is also ****ing badass and would totally be a better song choice. They both have official remixes so no issue there.
Stardust Speedway Bad Future - again, included in Generations, pretty iconic track due to being the theme of the Metal Sonic race in both Sonic CD and Generations. Maybe have both the US and JP/EU versions in the game, with home region as a starter track and other version as an unlockable.
Modern rep
Now we're getting into the era that uses actual instruments, which obviously allows for direct porting without getting a load of 16-bit songs.
Speed Highway - come on, who doesn't love this stage and this song. There's no contest for this one.
City Escape - honestly I don't even like this song and don't get why so many people do, but at this point it's pretty much 3D Sonic's Green Hill Zone, so it's pretty much obligatory. Preferably the Generations mix since I find it slightly less cringy.
Rooftop Run/Endless Possibilities - Rooftop Run is probably the most popular Unleashed stage both due to its aesthetic and its amazing music, so it's a pretty obvious choice. On the other hand Endless Possibilities is pretty iconic for Unleashed as a whole, and is a rare example of a vocal song in a Sonic game that I don't hate. In Smash 4 Rooftop Run is the Generations mix, but personally I prefer the original version. Either is acceptable though.
Planet Wisp/Reach for the Stars - basically the same as Rooftop Run/Endless Possibilities. I think Planet Wisp is a better choice in this case due to better fitting the stage's aesthetic. It's quite a relaxed track but not so much that it'd feel out of place.
Lost World for relevance
Wonder World - main theme of the game and an amazing track in general, Sm4sh team actually didn't **** up with this one.
Windy Hill - honestly not a very good song imo, but it's the theme of the level so they can't exactly not include it.
Honeycomb Highway - both the level and the song are pretty popular and its fast pace and jazz elements make it seem like a great song to Smash to.
Deadly Six theme - either orchestral or electric guitar/banjo version work, possibly a mishmash of the two.
Dr. Eggman Battle - final boss of the game and a ****ing badass song to go along with it. A nice hardcore song to go along with all the feel-good gotta-go-fast type songs.
Seabottom Segue is also an amazing and incredibly popular track, but I don't think it would really mesh well with the stage. Dragon Dance could possibly be swapped with Honeycomb Highway.
Obviously this is all affected by my personal opinions and biases but I think this is a good range of songs from all eras and tried to pick ones that were both iconic and fit the stage and the gameplay. Most importantly it doesn't have Seven Rings in Hand.