Something that's currently bothering me: I have a stuttering problem. It isn't severe, where I stutter in every sentence or anything, but I tend to stutter when trying to say certain names in a sentence. I struggle with saying my friend's name, "Miguel", and I also struggle with saying "Meta Knight" at times! It irks the hell out of me. I dunno what it is that causes stuttering, but it apparently runs in the family, especially among males. It can't be a genetic mental thing, is it?
Sometimes, I'm afraid to even speak, because I ask myself, "will I stutter if I speak?". What worse, is if I want to say a sentence and I know for a fact that I will stutter, in which case, I sometimes don't say what I want at all. I sometimes have to speak using a different combination of words that will make saying my trouble words a little easier. It's such a hassle, and I hate it! If only there was a way to just "magically" fix this quirk of mine - and by extension, those with the same problem as me, be it more severe or otherwise. T-T