junglefever6478 said:
you have a pig?!?! sweet.
No, not really.
Not only are we not allowed to have her in the city, she's not even ours.
We'll still get in trouble for it.
Not to mention that she's prone to getting uppity and knocking her water dishes over for no reason, and then we get in trouble for "not giving her water for days."
I'm sorry, but it isn't my fault the ****ed thing is a ***** and knocks her water dishes over. She gets fed twice a day and watered once. If she knocks it over while she's throwing a fit, she can ****ing deal with it.
It's not even our pig. It's Cody's mother's pig.
I really, really wish animal control would either take it away or she would find another home for it.
A 200 pound pig should not live in a small pen in the middle of a city.
Especially if I have to chase kids out of my yard
every single day because they won't leave the pig alone.
On a side note, I think the next time his mom throws a fit about the pig "not being taken care of," I'm going to call animal control and have the pig taken away and put somewhere that she can be comfortable.
Taku, I can't stand earplugs.
I have headphones, but I'd rather wait and listen to see if someone accidentally falls in the wood chipper. :>