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Some rules I followed to get better, by LunInSpectra

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Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
Here are the rules I've followed:

->Play everyone better than myself as much as possible
->Create the best reactions
->Analyze as much situations beforehand and Determine the best options (know what to do all the time)
->Keep an open mind

->Do not think. Feel. (An acknowledgment to mind games)
->Be in complete control of my character

I had much more, but these are the most important to me.

7 Habits Of A Professional Smasher
By Luninspectra

All Top Playing Smashers Possess A Strong And Varied Collection Of Habits Which Give Them The Upper Advantage Against High-placing Competitors. Now I Am Not Talking About Physical Habits Such As L-cancelling Or Accuracy, I Am Talking About Mental Habits. Mental Habits Have A Strong Effect On High-competition And A tremendous Effect On Middle-level-competition (the Effects Are Emphasized More As Competition-levels Are Decreased). A Lot Of Us Wonder What The Mental Habits Are As A Minority Of Us Keep It A Secret Or Doesn’t Even Acknowledge It. I Have Derived 7 Major Mental Habits And Mindsets You Should Focus On:

1) Prediction
2) Case Constructions
3) Spontaneity
4) Dynamic Reactions
5) Patience
6) Unpredictability / Conditioning
7) Strong Mindset / Emotional Control

Now You Might Be Thinking, "what About Mindgames?". Ultimately, A Mental Construction Of What-to-do-next Is A Mindgame. These Are All Mental Habits, Or Mind Games.

These Are Habits! Habits! Habits!
When You Take A Piss Do You Think About Washing Your Hands After Or Do You Just Do It?

what Is A Professional Smasher

did You Ever Ask Yourself, "what Is A Rich Man"? How About, "what Is A Smart Girl"? They All Seem To Be Based On A Matter Of Opinion. Now When It Comes To The Top Levels, You May See "bill Gates" As The Richest Man In The World, But What If You Didn't Know Bill Gates? What If You Only Knew Your Rich Uncle?

Due To "professional" Being Based On Opinion, A Professional Player Can Be Someone Who Resides Only In Your Imagination Instead Of It Just Being Ken Or Isai. If You Can Imagine Someone Having $100 Billion (more Than Bill Gates), Then You Can Make That Your Image Of A Rich Person.

A Professional Smasher Is In Your Imagination; The Best You Can Ever Be Relies On Your Imagination.

so What Good Can It Do Me?

Personally, I Find The Mental Game Unquestionably The Major Factor Of Your Level-of-play. My Technical Skill Has Brought Me Only So Far Compared To Those Who Took Their Time Unraveling The Mysteries Of Strategic Playing. If You Are Located In Norcal, And You Played Aznspikes, You Will Understand. Aznspikes Is A Very Unflashy Player, But He Always Manages To Get The Win As Opposed To My Drillshine & Repeat Which Isn't Nearly As Effective As Him.

Technical Skill Does Get You Quite Far, But If You Have A Strong Desire Or Undying Obsession To Increase Your Odds Of Winning, You Must Pursue The Road Of Mental-awareness. If You Do Not Believe Me Just Download Anyone Of The Lunin Vs Irish/silentspectre/isai/nick Matches.

your Mental Habits Can Either Make You Or Break You. Fortunately, We Are Not Robots; All Of Us Possess Some Form Of A Mental-plan. But The Level And Sophistication Of Which You Focus On Your Mental-game, Is The Sole Factor Of How It Can Do You Any Good.

rey Will Always Be Fox
jeff Will Always Be Falcon


Throughout The Game You Must Be On A Constant Test & Apply Basis, Or Prediction & Action. I Call It Tests, To See Which Action The Opponent Will Take, And Action, So You Can Exploit It. Lets Take A Look At A Simple Prediction:

rey Runs Up To jeff After jeff Comes Down With A Missed Nair
When jeff Is On The Floor, rey Waits In Front Of Him
jeff Dodges
rey Grabs

--at This Point, jeff Will Know That rey Is Waiting For A Grab—

rey Runs Up To jeff Again After A Missed Nair
jeff Grabs As rey Waits

It Takes Some Memory To Handle Predictions. There Will Be A Lot Of Aspects To Predict Too. To Test, You Will Need To Work On Your Case Constructions.

case Constructions

The Amount Of Case Constructions You Have Determines The Ability You Have To Play Against New Players Comfortably. You Construct Cases To Mentally Minimize The Possible Actions Your Opponent Can Take. Here’s An Example:

rey Double-jumps As jeff Is Standing There
jeff Knows That rey Can Only:

1) Come Down With An Aerial
2) Firefox Or Illusion To Another Part Of The Stage
3) Waveland
4) Land
5) Airdodge

jeff Will Now Be A Statistician And Remember What rey Did When He Double-jumped. (you Don’t Actually Have To Use A Log Or Count…but If You Can That Will Be Amazing). Mostly At This Point, You Should Remember The Primary Action rey Will Take (coming Down With An Aerial), And The Secondary Action (wavelanding). You Can Then Minimize It Even More, Because rey Will Either Come Down With An Aerial Or Waveland. What Move Counters Both Of Them? Possibly The Raptor (falcon’s Forward+b).

Apply The Best Move For The Situation Or Use It By Chance/prediction. I Minimized The Actions To 2, Which Means The Lowest Chance You Have To Get Him Is 50% (assuming You Do The Right Moves). It Would Just Be A Little Hard, If rey Did An Airdodge To Avoid The Raptor Or Knee, Because He Never Did That At All In The Match Until Then.


Everything Has To Seem As If It Were Out Of Nowhere. Being Spontaneous Is Actually A Subcategory Of Being Unpredictable. You Have To Feel When Your Opponent Will Least Expect A Move, Then Do It. Not All Of The Time It Has To Go By Statistics, For If You Feel It Is Correct To Do Something, Do It. Right When You Expect Your Opponent To Catch On, You Change. In Yet Another Example:

rey Always Dodges When jeff Runs Up With A Grab
jeff After Getting Usmashed 5 Times After Falling For The Dodge, He Backs Up And Waits A Bit, Or Changes His Style. (any Change In Movement, Pauses, Or Style Usually Indicates An Acknowledgement)
rey Notices The Change
jeff Runs Up And Expects A Dodge
rey Grabs

Be Spontaneous, Look For Changes In Your Opponent. Although Looking For Changes Doesn’t Always Work (top-level Pros Like Ken). You Can Use It Quite A Bit On Medium & High Level Players (noobs Seem To Be Spontaneous A Lot…and They Get A Little Farther Than You Expect Quite A Bit For Their Low-skill Level If You Didn’t Notice Or Experience It). To Be Spontaneous, You Need A Case Construction Of Your Own Possible Actions, Or Dynamic Reactions.

dynamic Reactions & Movement

You Can’t Always Do The Same Thing Every Time. So You Can Switch It Up By Knowing Your Options. Changing Your Style From Offensive To Defensive Is Dynamic. Fsmashing Instead Of Dsmashing Is Dynamic. When You Are Dynamic, Your Opponent Has To Worry About More Cases (nice Word). If You Overload Your Opponent Just Enough, You Can Have The Upper Advantage By A…landslide. You Can Only Think About So Much During A Match, And If You’re Fighting A Mid-level Competition Guy And He Has To Worry About His L-cancels, It Will Be Worse Than A Murder.


Every High Player Has Patience. Being Patient Isn’t Being Defensive; Being Defensive Is A Style And Not An Aspect. You Can Be Offensive And Patient, For Example:

jeff Knows rey Will Double Jump Soon In The Match So jeff Can Finish It Off With A Knee
jeff Pressures rey With Nairs & Grabs
rey Double Jumps
jeff Knees

Pick One Of Your Opponents Vulnerabilities (double Jumping), And Exploit It. Not Everything Has To Be A Rush. Nothing Should Be A Rush Unless You Play The Stupid-offensive Style.

unpredictability / Conditioning

Unpredictability Is The Combination Of Spontaneity And Dynamic Reactions & Movement. It Is The Mystery Of "what Is Coming". Anything That You Do That Works In Your Favor And Is Unexpected By The Opponent Adds To The Overall Unpredictability.

I Found That Trusting Your Intuition Is A Risky Move, But It Also Has A High Potential Outcome. If You Believe Something Will Be Unpredictable, Do It.

If You Want To Be Unpredictable, Focus On What The Opponent Is Expecting, And Exploit It. It's Simple As It Is, But It's Not Easily Applied Unless Consciously Done (for Me Personally, And I'm Sure There Are A Lot Of People Like Me).

I Believe Conditioning Another Player Is The Greatest Skill One Can Attain Throughout Competitive Game Play. Have You Ever Watched Ken Manipulate Someone? The Subtle Conditioning He Does To Many Players Bewilders Even Some Of The High Level Competitors How He Can Own Someone By A Large Margin Compared To Other Players That Own The Same Person.

Did You Ever Play The Game Rocks/paper/scissors? If I Play You In 4 Games Total, I Believe I Can Condition You At Least Once. This Will Be Done As If I’m Playing Someone Who Is Competitive & Knowledge. Here Is An Example:

I Pick Rock, You Pick Scissors <-- Random, Just For Test

I Pick Rock, You Pick Rock <-- You Believe I Am Guessing, But Have A Feeling I’m Going To Do Rock Again

I Pick Rock, You Pick Paper <-- You Predicted Me And Now You Believe I’m Going To Change Up

I Pick Rock, You Pick Scissors <-- Even After Failure I Use It

strong Mindset / Emotional Control

"all You Have To Do Is Not Get Hit"

I Dwelled Upon His Advice Long Enough To Come To The Conclusion:

"the Best You Can Ever Do Is Choose The Best Path. Pick Something To Do With The Greatest Turnout And The Lowest Risk."

Before I Got Isai's Advice, I Adopted The Frustrate & Intimidate Mindset. I Would Often Chaingrab --> Reverse Blaster With Fox Against Fox. I'd Run Away As Often As Possible, Taking Advantage Of The Blaster. The More You 'play-up' On Your Opponents Emotions And Limits, The More Of An Advantage You Have. A Frustrated Player Doesn't Play As Well As A Calm Player (a Majority Of The Time).


Everybody Has To Chunk What They Are Doing. A Lot Of People Responding To This Thread Are Basically Saying:

"we Don't Have Time To Consciously Think Lunin! I Mean, I Have To Move My Thumb Approximately 2 Centimeters Up My Controller, Left One Centimeter According To My Index Finger, Send A Signal To My Finger To Press Down, Send A Signal To Lift Up, Move Back Down 2 Centi--"

If You Read What I Say At The End Of My Article, It Will Say You Must Not Worry About Your Technical Skill. Crystallize It, Have The Ability To Not Second Guess The Ability Of Your Technical Skill.

Once That Has Been Achieved, You Can Chunk. Chunk Information! How Do You Do This? Well Lets See:

My Opponent Is Always Coming In At Me With C. Falcon's Nair (shorthopped).
I'm A Fox At Fd. What I Can Do Is Full Hop --> Drill Because His Nair Has No Vertical Attack.

That's Chunking. Assessing What He Does, Looking For A Weakness, Determining The Best Thing To Do, And Having It Practically Automated By Your Fingers To Do It. Everybody Already Has The Ability To Chunk.....but At What Level No One Knows But Themself.

---my Own Thoughts---

.:a Lot Of The Professional Players Have Extremely Accurate Spacing. For Example, Ken Would Fair You From A Distance So That Even If He Jacked Up You Wouldn't Be Able To Shield Grab Him.

.:pros Mastered Movement Before Mindgames.

.:when Playing Smash, Think Of And Do The Best Thing You Can Within Your Own Capacity.

.:extremitize (haha) Any Aspect You Play Up. Be The Most Patient Player, The Most Defensive/aggressive. But Make Sure It Is Done To Your Advantage!

.:before You Can Reach Optimal Strategic Playing, You Must Not Worry About Your Technical Skill At All. Tech Skill Must Be Crystallized So That It Is Almost Perfect. (to Avoid Arguments, I'll Say, "within Your Own Capacity").

.:if You Want The Best, You Must Give The Best.


May 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
You put too much thought into it.

I believe that most smashers do these things subconciously; only a few are aware.

I think most of us act on impulse, do things because of experience.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2005
You managed to list the mindset of nearly all elite professional atheletes.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2005
South San Francisco, ca
agreed karthik...
but thinking ahead isn't too bad either.
i just don't think that people sit there with some kind of a spreadsheet anayzing video or just watching video to get better *cough*lunin*cough*

it's all about the player style...
if you don't have your own style, then you do have to take these things into consideration because you don't have the experience behind the style... making the need for this,,,

i predict this thread will be locked >.>;;

EDIT: also, remember that alot of things can happen in 2 sec... you can doubleshine, then wavedash and get grabbed... that alot in 1 sec, if say falco is coming bac down from an u-smash at 60%, then you on;y have 1-2 sec to react.i doubt you are gonna think "well, he can do this.. but then again... blh blah...." they are gonna play it safe or take a big risk, and that depends on the stock and %


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2005
Chicago, IL, USA
While the poster above me may be correct, I still think this is an interesting read. It may also be a wake-up call for some gamers who are too concerned with technical flashiness and yet make the same predictable mistakes again and again.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2005
South San Francisco, ca
LunInSpectra said:
Locked? Anybody who locks this overlooks the deepened analysis.
you are assuming these are the habits of pro smashers... each person has thier different habits, styles, etc....
this is another "what if" thread that talks about hypotheticals and etc.

have you even analyzed a video or a person playing?
you have to prove something to be true before you can say "this is what happens"

some things i agree, with, but most, i do not.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
In the last place you look
i never really thought of all these things as seperate. i just lump the whole group into the category of "thinking while you play"

flamestar the fact is you do have to be thinking at all times, even during intense action. when you're in the middle of comboing someone if you're thinking about when they can double jump out you can follow them up there and continue the combo.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
If you think about it enough, these all fit into what professional smashers do. The reasons these are all TRUE is because its only based upon 1 aspect :: Mind Games.

1) Prediction <--Can Ken/Isai/Chu/PC Predict you?
2) Case Constructions <--Does Ken/Isai/Chu/PC know your options?
3) Spontaneity <--Do Ken/Isai/Chu/PC always do what you expect?
4) Dynamic Reactions <--Do Ken/Isai/Chu/PC always respond the same way?
5) Patience <--Are Ken/Isai/Chu/PC stupid aggressive or smart agressive?
6) Unpredictability <--Can you predict Ken/Isai/Chu/PC easily?
7) Strong Mindset <--Do you think Ken/Isai/Chu/PC has a weak perception of smash?


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2004
Daly City, CA
Wow rey, nice work! I agree with everything you've mentioned, and it all makes perfect sense too, those mental habits really do define a skilled player. i agree with gameangel in that smashers today tend to lean more towards their 'technical flashiness' sure, a guy can wavedash and lcancel perfectly all the time, but is it still considered skillful if u wavedash perfectly into my "FALCOOOOON PUUNNNNCHHH!'???? I think not =P


Smash Lord
May 24, 2005
South San Francisco, ca
Cra$hman said:
i never really thought of all these things as seperate. i just lump the whole group into the category of "thinking while you play"

flamestar the fact is you do have to be thinking at all times, even during intense action. when you're in the middle of comboing someone if you're thinking about when they can double jump out you can follow them up there and continue the combo.
that is one of the things i do agree with... thinking is a major part of playing competitively, that thing i don't agree with is eliminating possibilities that the opponent will do... so trying to say "ok, he's gona do one of X ammount of things" isn't practical... and will most likely get you killed..

this is over thinking it... just keep plsying and you'll get better


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2006
Covina, Ca
..couldnt you have just said "fox and falco" instead of all that jeff and rey nonsense? made it way too complicated dude.. i think most players will play worse if they're thinking of all that stuff. experience goes a long way, and you do all that crazy bible code stuff with enough experience. Interesting to read nonetheless. 8]

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Lunin this is good ^_^ This explains a lot of what I tried to tell people around here and I can't say it right. Very nice. Thanks for doing it!
It also explains how the pros can own you if you aren't aware of said things. Bing.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2006
Covina, Ca
LunInSpectra said:
LOL KaNif...I did the Rey & Jeff thing so Norcal & I ...I mean "I" can have fun.
Oh yeah, I also did that because fox doesn't have a mind game but Rey does.

Whatcha mean by bible code stuff?

The whole bible code thing was just a joke, comparing the depth of your thread to that of the bible code (interesting, but maybe a bit overboard?) but, like all jokes, it's kinda not as funny when explained :laugh: anyways, like i said, it's an interesting read nonetheless. at least you're tryna talk about something fresh.. and not some dumb "need help implementing my wavedash" thread. :D


Aug 19, 2005
Somewhere people speak french
Really cool stuff, although noobs will always consider themselfes as professionnals :p

you got some really interesting points for explaining what's "mindgames", that's really impressive! I didn't know someone could manage that...


Jul 15, 2004
Yeah... thinking deeply about this game is a terrible way to improve. How on earth are you ever going to get anywhere if you analyze your style of play and look for ways to do things better? Pssht. Noob.

Oh. Wait.

Just because you don't have time in a fast paced match to actively run through all these things doesn't mean the mental process doesn't happen. The processes are, as LunIn put it, HABITS. As in, they go on without you paying attention to them. And you can cultivate them so that you will adjust properly to your opponent without having to pull out a graphing calculator.

"Just keep plsying and you'll get better." First off, I appreciate that the s key is next to the a, but try harder. Second, do you know how many people have played this game for years and STILL just roll and smash? You HAVE to be willing to dissect your game if you want to continue evolving it. Some people don't do it consciously, some do. Maybe you don't categorize it, but LunIn did. Oh teh noes. Teh 4rmag3dd0ns.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 17, 2005
i would have to agree with what lunin saying. Obviously these mind game Set me back from playing jeff cause he predicts my style all the time and techs and their fore uses it to his advantage to basically destory me.

Their are options people make and i make choices from the option i think like comin from an edge for instance Ex: me falco vs random fox player.

i have choices on how he is gonna come back, is he gonna FF hop Foward B or maybe coming back from sweet spot the edge with UpB.

i have to look for diff way he will come back and pick the best option that closely or related to his style if i play him enough time.

This thread is a good way to think hmmm maybe opening options in ur game is a good thing. It will make u twice as fast on ur reactions as well.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2006
I never unestimate a challenger, I ever try to use my third or second character to see my challenger tactics after that he trust "more" in himself but when I took my main he being anger and that affects his playmode, a very important thing it's be agree when you lose or win, it's just a game, and I know lose isn't the best but nobody's perfect uh?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2005
Chicago, IL, USA
Honorbound said:
"Just keep plsying and you'll get better." First off, I appreciate that the s key is next to the a, but try harder. Second, do you know how many people have played this game for years and STILL just roll and smash? You HAVE to be willing to dissect your game if you want to continue evolving it..
I think the difference is, there are people who play alone or play with the same group of friends for years, and then there are the players who play with many different people. If rolling and smashing is enough for a player to conquer his or her friends, that person feels like the "best smasher in the world," and sees no reason to modify his or her playing style. Even players who want to advance their game might not get far without being exposed to multiple different playing styles.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2005
This is a pretty good way to analyze those things we do subconsciously. To be honest, I'm not sure I need to organize it as of now. Thinking too much about thinking and I'll start missing imporant things like stage placement, damage %age (for me or my opponent), anything the opponent is holding (turnips, bombs), and in effect, "fall off the bike."

I'm sure someone out there is fully appreciating this though, so gg. =P


Smash Lord
May 24, 2005
South San Francisco, ca
Haha, actually, i really like this thread, if i didn't i wouldn't be posting in here. The reason i was giving Lunin a hard time, was because he IMed me a link out of the blue, then i asked him what it was, and he took forever to respond. personally, i have nothing against what he said because for the most part, it's true... but i still don't think you should learn to overanalyze things... try to predict yes, but don't over think it or else you will get PWNED by an experienced player.

Honorbound... Oh ****ing no... i pressed s instead of a... grammer nazi? i think so...

and to the n00bs...(yeah, i'm talking to you... especially the ones who IMed me telling my how they like my combo videos even though i have a fat *** thing saying i don't even have combo videos
http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=60043 ... like the one who told me "I liked your video evousion" < yes grammer nazi... he spelled it like that) don't think that you can sit there and read this and say "OMG i'm so pro!" you can't call yourself a pro and have it be true... you have to earn the title...


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2006
meridian ID
The unexamined life is a life not worth living! And the unexamined smasher is a smasher not worth smashing...

Yeah though. I like this. I aim to do all this, but I never named it. Analyse an opponent's options, run them through their habits, compare them to your habits and how it might influence it, then react. All in a matter of seconds! And, once you've developed it, a good chunk of it is done subconsciously. Pretty amazing that that's even possible.


Jul 15, 2004
No, I'd be a grammar nazi if I spent more than a single sentence correcting you (or if I cared to capitalize nazi since it's really a proper noun, albeit used out of original context). Rather, it's a small comment that reflects the nature of your posting: you don't really care enough about communicating accurately to make sure that your writing is readable. Additionally, I wasn't being a grammar nazi. I was being a SPELLING nazi. Speaking of which, grammar has an "a" in it.

See, now I'm just giving you a hard time for the sake of my own amusement. As far as I'm concerned, I'm having barrels of fun.

I do agree with you; overanalysis mid-match is bad. But if you can work on these habits outside of a tourney match until they become split-second and natural to you, nothing wrong with that, now is there?

Deleted member

lolol you guys are funny.

just play the game and do your best, that usually works. If you want to be better, practice.

if you ran away and spammed lasers on me like if I played zelda or something, I'd just fox ditto you and **** you. Get that gayass **** outta here, that's why this game in gay in the first place. Don't be a turd, all you'll get is hate. Dingle-berries ruin my character.

lol @ how many people take this seriously.


Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2006
New York Bronx
This is really informative. i really need to work on all that is said on that list. BTW this thread should be stickies =D


Smash Lord
May 24, 2005
South San Francisco, ca
well, i dunno about stickied...
maybe you should just suscribe, no?
LOL if you sticky it, you're gonna have n00bs (more n00bs that is) running around going... "LAWL! I CAN 11-STOCK ISAI AND KEN ON A TEAM!!!!!111eleven"
XD, jk... but seriously.

Any competitve player should take most of this to heart, but for the others who play just to play, just have fun with it.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
This is amazing lunin. Great job.

It's things like this that allow players to keep reaching a higher level. You have to analyze your **** at some point if you plan on improving at a good rate; if you ever want to be one of the best out there.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2004
North Jersey
no jk thats much of how i think wen i play lol and ive sometimes analyzed pro play and yah thats pretty much wut it is nice


Faster than most vehicles
Aug 6, 2005
The tall grass
This thread contradicts itself. Spontaniatliy is not forming a plan before hand, but it is thinking on the spot. I used to think like that, usually saying to myself, "Okay, if he dodges my n-air, I'll wavedash backwards and SH a drill.." This resulted in my only thinking about doing this, and it really screwed me over, due to the fact that I was focussing on carrying out my plan.

You cannot forese your own attacks, nor your opponents, that's why I would recommend not to try.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
I think you're confused. If you're not confused then I am.

It's Spontaneous to the OPPONENT, not yourself.

Also, you can forsee the Possible and most repeated attacks. Then you can apply the best action to what can happen. I don't think I should explain this analysis anymore, this is also informative, my goal isn't to argue. (Which means you don't have to prove me wrong, just pick up the ideas, believe what you want to believe)

The 5th Police

Smash Journeyman
Jan 4, 2004
Jamaica Queens
All of these habits are gain from experience. However, most people do not pick up on it. I know I just now realized that I should think of new ways to annoy my opponent, but not to repeat it tho.
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