Illya: "Ah... I'm sorry about that! It's just... I thought I could do something for you like this"
-Lilith feels a metaphorical arrow piercing her-
-Followed by a series of quick punches and kicks!-
-Indeed, Sayori can tell and then she pats her-
Natsuki: "......H-Huh?!"
-Draco is not for quips or angered yelling now, she has finally registered Shez as a threat, and isn't gonna gloat until she's in her last legs-
-As their blades kept getting force applied toone another's though, her rage was still evident-
Kanna: "It's alright... It's not like I don't mind you helping out. It's just the title of retainer that feels off on you..."
-and now she had a feeling why Qrow played hard to get? :V-
-which Dark Pit replied with his own-
Alear: "Awwwww, such good friends."

Byleth: "And this seems to be the moment Draco finally realized what she's fighting."
Shez: -dodged a slash by moving really fast to get to one of Draco's sides- "Lemme ask you a question real quick." -dodged another, moving to the other side- "How do you kill..." -dodged a third, getting right in front of Draco's face with a grin- "...
the unkillable?" -does a magically enhanced punch-
-earlier in the fight, Draco would have thought Shez was exaggerating, but Draco just landed two slashes that would have been fatal on any other human, yet this one keeps on fighting as if nothing happened...-
Shez: -to herself only-
Maybe I shouldn't take a third one though... Time's almost running out...
Dipper: "There are a few beaches by the lake...but there you have to worry about a giant sea serpent and a huge upside down head monster that disguises itself as an island during the day."
The amount of food an average family eats daily is probably still way less than what they typically order from the cafeteria.
(How was my performance this time?) -Wondering about stuff like her time and skill-
Sothis: "...This world truly is no better than Fodlan at times..."
Azura: "Indeed, and I always try to point it out to them. Though I shall give credit where credit is due, Kanna has been learning to make her own meals to get around that problem, something Shirou was obviously very happy to act as her teacher for."
Weiss: "This was a rather unorthodox method but that's a direction you need to take sometimes. And based on the results, this was a very good decision."
-Yeah, they totally do, as the dragon mother and daughter guide people aroooouuuund-
-Hmmmm, who to go for Leif...?-
-Hmmm, let's say they fell right where Lancer and Charlotte were-
-That would be Heart, whose arm clashes with her blade!-
Stacey: "Hopefully, to never be repeated..."
-Ahue to both-
Sayori/Yuri/Natsuki: "A million?!" :O
-Danny said "Uuuuuh, a very hard pebble?"-
Atalanta: "I wonder what she would think to see this"
Illya: "...Fair enough"
Hayate: "Yeah, how's the place you live in?"
Takeru: "And I don't want to think any child ould deserve death by a shot..."
Makoto: "Takeru..."
Rin: "Either way, we can't change that she's here now...."
Atalanta: -Nods- "Then we'll have to go stop it there"
-What do the training grounds look like?-
Star: "Piece of cake, I call my attacks all the time! EMBLEM WARRIOR BRACELET ACTIVATE!" -Raises her arm in the air with her fist clenched, the same arm currently wearing the bracelet-
...I think these people are friends, Charlotte! Chaldea friends!
Dedede: "Well, ya said yourself. Your old punk of a father is a goner, right?"
-Fair comparison lmao-
Peridot: "WHAT?! A million followers?! That's statistically highly improbable! Let me see! Let me see!"
-A negative buzzing sound is even heard, as was the case with the last wrong answers-
Tetra: "For starters, there's a lot of water, with most civilizations being separate and spread out across various islands far apart. Fish are considerably difficult to find."
TLink: "A lot of you guys visited it once, but most of Chaldea stayed at the abandoned Forsaken Fortress to use it as a temporary base and hiding spot."
-Would some of them point out that calling it both "abandoned" and "forsaken" is kind of redundant, not realizing that the "Forsaken Fortress" is literally it's name?-
Steven: "We've got to get to the bottom of this and figure out what cursed or corrupted Spooky's spirit!"
If the answer is important, I'm sure we'll figure it out, but first, Steven's right. We have to get to the bottom this. And more quickly, stop her army...
-It's too late by htis point, as mere seconds later, high pressure water bursts from various sewer grates and buildings nearby, sending the sewer grates flying, breaking windows and doors, and very quickly causing the entire district to flood-
-they look like training ground-
-joking aside, due to being a very medieval world, it lacks simulations or anything like that but is still functional as a training room due to wooden dummies, targets for bows and enough space for typical spars-
-this is one of the things Rulers would keep in mind for what to upgrade-
-Kanna finds her room was just how it was the last she saw it!-
Kanna: "Whoa... it's like I never left!"
-perhaps Gil?-
-Star would find her outfit had changed-
-and uniquely, Robin remained present but Chrom did not-
Alear: "Huh?" -looks at where the voices came from-
Shez: "Heheh, think you can keep up with me?"
-all while Sothis was facing off the other with seemingly comparable enthusiasm to Shez-
Sothis: "Do you truly think you can stand against the divine? Such foolishness! Time to put you in your place!"
.....I have a bad feeling about letting these two fight together...
Pandora: "You're right. With how pretty I am, I should have way more."
-but she does indeed show Peri that she has over a million followers-
-Blake is getting invested in this show now-
-and what's what Kanna would do~!-
Azura: "Abandoned Forsaken Fortress? What a redundant name..."
Yang: "And what's the plan on doing that?"
Ruby: "I don't really know enough about her to think of something..."
Blake: "This is bad. Really bad!"