The Spook Factor
Dipper: "The place is usually pretty safe during the day, though."Sothis: "...This world truly is no better than Fodlan at times..."
Azura: "Indeed, and I always try to point it out to them. Though I shall give credit where credit is due, Kanna has been learning to make her own meals to get around that problem, something Shirou was obviously very happy to act as her teacher for."
Weiss: "This was a rather unorthodox method but that's a direction you need to take sometimes. And based on the results, this was a very good decision."
Oh right, I heard about that! Kanna's already one of the most considerate gluttons around with that being the cast. At least she's willing to make and even learn how to cook her own meals.

(I have to admit, it was definitely one of my toughest battles with the Lancer Queen so far. I got the idea to try and freeze it up close once I realized it was flying too quickly for most of my ranged attacks to hit it, and that was still a risky move...)
That dialogue was from Lancer, not one of the Frogadiers.Alear: -doesn't understand Pokespeak, but can get a general idea of the context based on their expressions- "Are these allies?"