ChaldeaDex Entry:
Literature Club Members #1, 2, 3 & 4
Monika, Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki
Class: Moon Cancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 160cm/134kB (Monika), 157cm/58kB (Sayori), 165cm/30kB (Yuri), 145cm/44kB (Natsuki)
Alignment: Lawful Good (Sayori), Neutral Good (Yuri, Natsuki), Chaotic Good (Monika, formerly Neutral Evil)
Origin: Project Libit- “That’s confidential”
Debut: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Likes: Planning, leadership, maybe you (Monika), writing poetry, snacks, helping others (Sayori), manga, baking, downtown (Natsuki), fantasy novels, tea, nature (Yuri)
Dislikes: Abusive parents (Natsuki), people who are mean to others (Yuri), herself (Sayori, Monika)
Line: “How do I…?” “I want breakfast!” “I’m not cute!” “S-Sorry!”
Comment: This entry is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed
The 4 Unspeakable Horrors of the Club. September of 2017, Doki Doki Literature Club! released, a subversive pyshological horror visual novel disguised as an amateur-made dating simulator that explored the existential crisis of its main antagonist under the realization she wasn’t real. The characters built on various anime tropes are Sayori, the daydreamer, Natsuki, the tsundere, Yuri, the shy girl, and Monika, the class star and the main antagonist who manipulated the game's files to communicate with the player, desperate to interact with someone that was real unlike her.
The game was discovered and played by E-102 Gamma, who taking pity on Monika, granted her a living place inside him as an additional AI, until his tragic destruction, after which she managed to attain a new body. Over time however, the expansion Doki Doki Literature Club! Plus was released, showing non-seen before sides of the characters, Monika ended playing the game. Repentant and feeling awful about herself for leaving the others abandoned, she implored that they’d be freed with new bodies just as she was, a wish that got granted.
As non-combatants, they remain under administrative and supportive roles, seemingly living content and wish to remain like this, though Monika still hopes that one day, she can make up with them.
Strength: D
Endurance: A
Agility: C
Mana: A+
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: EX
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank C. Protection from magic effects.
Item Construction: Rank C. The ability to produce various magical items.
Territory Creation: Rank EX (Equivalent to D). The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus.
Rises when the users find themselves in digital spaces.
Personal Skills
Existence Outside the Domain: Rank EX. One's status as a life form beyond this world or having been possessed by one.
Self-Modification: Rank A. The ability to modify one’s body.
Monitor Kernel Access: Rank A. An advanced and self-aware AI that, in the realms of a digital space, one can hack files however they please, deleting and recreating them to their desire.
The Lady Who Knows Everything: Rank A. A version of Charisma that works better with small groups united under the same hobby and interests. This also serves to makes the user self-aware of their environment.
Exclusive to Monika.
Save Me: Rank B. Even if deleted, the user is still able to make interferences in a virtual space. Had to make sure the player and the others don't commit something wrong.
Mental Pollution: Rank -. A state of madness that blocks external interference on the mind.
Due to the circumstances of the users, this skill has been lost.
Noble Phantasm
Just Monika: Delete Me, or Stay With Me Forever: Rank EX, Anti-Unit type.
Monika’s Reality Marble. A duplication of the game’s 3rd act when she had deleted everything and everyone but herself and her classroom, under her domain nothing outside exists other than the emptiness of space, able to trap anyone with her for as long as she desires. Sayori, having once been under similar circumstances, also has her own version of this Noble Phantasm.
Attribute: Man
Traits: Mechanical, Humanoid, Weak to Enuma Elish, Immune to Pigify
Notes: Would normally be Foreigners, the circumstances for this remain unknown, even if many theories point at a name, “Libitina” but BB allowed them to be Moon Cancers. Yuri and Natsuki both have a deep hatred of Monika for her misdeeds against them, which while she’s repentant, believes is deserved, but Sayori still sees her as a friend, after having briefly gained self-awareness in the game. Due to their similar circumstances as AIs going rogue to be with their beloved and using hacking to their goal, BB has found deep interest in Monika.
Tom: "Cool!" -Just casually waiting during the next three minutes for the pancakes to finish baking now-
Linebeck: "Did you forget who I was
literally just talking about?
That guy!" -Pointing at King Knight-
The summoning chamber was totally busted the last the Rulers and scientists checked, right?
//There's one Servant that was originally an enitre
knowing her, she notable doesn't think it's necessary...but yeah, you might owe her something.
-Who waggled his tail and smiled cheerfully- (Morning, Miss Scáthach!)
(Huh? That's Cú's Pokemon. He's been under Scáthach for way longer than I have...)
Lily: "Sooo, now we really just got to wait..."
Oui: "Oh yeah, it's just that he's not the only one, but he's the one that wasn't royalty"

Rin: ""And there's been to much currently to attempt to repair it"
Mash: "It's really considerate you're thinking so, at least"
Monika: "Hmmmm..."
Scáthach: "Ready to help with the training?"
-and Abby can reach it by just standing because taller :V-
Kanna: "...." -sighs- "Fine, I guess either of you can grab it."
Veyle: -giggling-
-the pillar struck Shez but the reflected swords vanished and reappeared in Shez's hands before they could harm her-
-And that's what Illya does!-
Illya: "Here now~!"
Morrigan: "Ooooh, divine shields, huh~?"
Sayori: "See? It's like Natsuki has competition~!"
Natsuki: "H-Hey!"
You're kidding me...
Welcome to Chaldea, Lilith. 
Star: "Wait, you use old books to cast spells?"
-The four Pokemon friends of the Assassins are all frozen in time-
-Yeah, their plans are slowly being thwarted-
Meta Knight: "Perhaps if you're willing to share more about your home planet as well?"
Connie: "She's got a point, Pandora."

-And none of my characters would think to ask about it besides Tetra, but she's already been told the story and figures there's no good reason to bring it up since it would likely just be bringing back more bad memories for Fate-
Medli: "Lead the way!"
Spooky: "Everything else I tried never scared anyone. Well, except maybe once, but I don't really remember how I accomplished it. Either way, I've tried pranks. I've tried scary props. I've tried monster costumes. Nothing else works. So, what's a better way to scare someone than to have
real dangerous ghosts and monsters chasing after people? My only problem was, there were a lot of people in the world to be scared. That's where GL Labs and the trap that happens to be my mansion came in!"
-The ethereal voices are getting louder...-
(I hear it too now. I can't tell what it is, but perhaps we can find out ahead of time...) -Using x-ray vision to try and locate the source(s) of the ethereal voices-
Lilith: "Very wise words, I suppose."

-Rapier, Mercurius and Falchion-
-what would Mordred be like when testing this stuff out?-
Emblem Robin: "They're more of a conduit, in a way."
-it's then that Byleth would show up, or rather...-
Sothis: -wraps the Sword of the Creator around Cronus's legs- "You think I would let you escape my sight, would you?"
Pandora: "Still, feels like you're trying too hard to stand out. But that's just me." <- absolute hypocrite :V
That*s how trivia shows go...
-Kanna would follow!-
Yang: "So now you just murder innocent lives, just to spook people... Yeah, that's messed up."
Jaune: "I... I did to..." -Ata healed enough?-
Jeanne: "We really hope you enjoy your stay"

Artoria: "Hm? One of those is a Divine Construct... Or should be?" -because Emblem being copies-
-Boisterous and tomboyish, as he would learn-
-Cronus would be surprised as it tried to take advantage of that be the one to drag the Sothis-possessed Byleth to it-
Rita: "That damned-!" -she launched a spell at Sabela, but it phased through the copy as it became mist and then reformed to be undamaged-
-That's Sabela's whole thing, that she can become mist, so the copy should last a few minutes, enough to be a diversion-
Stacey: "Sure, though it wouldn't be initially pleasant..."
Natsuki: "...Uuuuuh, have you looked at a mirror? What's with that outfit? You may as well wear nothing if that's your costume"
Though I suppose he must do it to spice it up...
-Ben says "There's no problem, I can handle this!" when Rook knows very well that if allowed Ben would transform into Grey Matter, Brainstorm or Jury Rigg to get any answer depending on the context-
-True with that-
-And so they would finally arrive at a pretty large guest room with multiple beds TV and a fridge, basically an apartment-
Atalanta: "..." -alert of the voices-
Makoto: "I missed the part where being scary means you should kill people!"
Takeru: "Please, I'm sure something else can be done..."