Digital Hazard
Weaboo Trash
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- Aug 20, 2014
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- EMIYAtheArcher
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Have you never thought of it?
We Stalled Their Plans And Tasque Manager And The Sentries Literally Delivered Most Of The Power Coins To You Guys, For One. I Think That Can Reasonably Be Confirmed As Considerable Damage
Berdly: "With all due respect, I can speak from experience that being professional doesn't always line-up with doing the right thing..." -Didn't say it angrily or as an insult, but rather humbly, like it's a lesson he learned, himself-
Perfect idea, Charlotte! And now's our best chance to call them,before Rita or Koya take any action!
Mabel: "We've never seen someone who looks like her before ever. Well, at least Dipper and I haven't. Maybe she's from the same dimension as Neo and the huntress and huntsman teams?"
Dipper: "Okaaaaaaaaaay, this might be a lot for you guys to digest, then...What do you know about them so far?"
Moon: "I may not have a free schedule next time you visit here, but perhaps you can still invite them next time?"
Sir Lavabo: "Thank you as well, Ms. Belladonna! And on occasion, yes, although throughout the years, both knights of the wash and members of the Butterfly family have worked to build and install anti-flooding features. It is dangerous duty to serve as a Knight of the Wash, so we must take as many measures as possible to ensure those same dangers do not threaten anyone else, nor the garments we dedicate our lives to making fresh, clean and neatly folded!"
-Oh yeah, and they'll eventually become rulers of New Hyrule and the future great great grandparents of Spirit Tracks Zelda- :V
-Takru's attack works, temporarily knocking Specimen 6 to the ground again-
-Specimen 5, however, is compeltely unaffected by Ren's bullets, and instead simply turns it's attention to targeting him. It makes a metallic clank sound with every step, moving slower than the other Specimens they've seen so far, but it's also not as slow as it's Silent Hill inspiration and walks rather quickly-
Tiki: "Alrighty~" :3Alear: "Indeed. So we have to think of who is best suited for who."
Emblem Soren: "Hmm... perhaps you did good by summoning me then. You're too driven by emotion to have the acumen for something like this."
Alear: "A bit rude, don't you think?"
Emblem Soren: "You're free to try and prove me wrong."
Emblem Tiki: "I do not see why not?"
-there's also those enhanced forms of the leading three...-
-yeah, that could be it-
Kamui: "We'll keep it in mind."
Blake: "I can't say it's ever been this complex in my world... I wonder how it works for people outside the castle."
Azura: -already wondering if they'll be invited to the marriage-
-Ren can still easily outpace Specimen 5, however, and kept distracting it in the hopes that someone else would take it down-
Jeanne: "If you want, we have a database on our members that we could allow you access to"
Luvia: "That's splendid for us~!" -but then she mentions that?-
Lindy: "Oh don't get me wrong, it's something I skirt around all the time. More often, the right thing can't be done with just strictness abound"
Charlotte: "Then let's try!"
Yuri: "I-I see... There's so much here I need to learn, on all these worlds..."
Sayori: "They're famous people back to life with super powers thanks to magic!"
Jeanne: "I sure will"
Atalanta: #Hmmm, that's a good question..."
-Not like those two know, and yet it'd surprise no one- :V
-Takeru taking the opportunity to send a half-charged arrow right at Specimen 5 now that 6 is down, even if it could be temporary-
Lily: "Yeah...I don't want a tiny head to grow on my shoulder to reveal all my stuff..."Marco: "We were still kinda enemies at first...But now we're cool. We wouldn't hang out on weekends if we weren't.""He still needs to be more careful with his curses, though...The magic ones, not swear words."
-Lily still recalls the "Naysaya" incident...-
-She wouldn't see her fellow XJs as her sisters if she didn't-
Send them in due time.
I know, right?! -Munching on popcorn-
King Knight: "Even then! It should be logical"
-Indeed, seeing Fishpuff purr as she's happily playing-
-And that's what he does-
Shockwave: "...It is indeed him"
Kiara: "Ah! It's Sebastian!" :D
Abby: "Woopsie!"Kanna: "W-Whoaaaaaa!" -falls along her and giggles-
Qrow: "I ain't your sweetheart, demon."
I still think Qrow's got this. -tries to eat popcorn through his mask-
-that is one thing she's happy about-
-sounds like she's not as foolish as Draco thinks, huh? :V-
Morrigan: "Maybe throughout the fight I'll convince you~"
Lilith: "My sis is having fun at least. She's getting well-fed"
Natsuki: "Well it may sound weird, but our world is comprised of 1s and 0s"
-Not having to hide completely, but moreso getting people who would care-
-Seems she's more devious than she expected~-
-Seems like these two share quite the history, then...--at some point, when no one was looking, Ingrid left to travel to another world entirely-
-her destination reached, she found herself in front of a castle situated in the middle of an astral void-
Ingrid: Yes, this must be the place. I wonder how she's doing...
-it's then that Ingrid felt a presence...-
Who dares invade this castle?
Ingrid: "Calm down, I am no foe." -summons a teapot themed after her Pandora Box and starts filling a cup for herself- "Only your good friend Ingrid."
Oh! So it is... Let me properly greet you then. It has been so long since we have last crossed paths.
Ingrid: "Yes, it is unfortunate that it had to be this long..."
-it's then that the one who Ingrid was speaking finally makes a proper appearance, a little girl even shorter than Ingrid is-
???: "Now that we are face to face... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THIS TIME?! I WAS WORRIED SICK!"
Ingrid: "I know, I know." -handing her a cup- "I did promise I would come every month with some food and some news on how your loved ones are doing. Speaking of which..." -opens another Pandora-like box, revealing a wonderful plate that wouldn't be out of place in a Thanksgiving dinner- "Sorry I took so long, my friend. Those last few months have been especially busy and chaotic to everyone involved."
???: "....Alright... I'll forgive you this time, Lady Ingrid. But I want to know everything, no matter how long it takes. After all, we struck a deal once Kamui's army was decimated and I want you to hold your end of it."
Ingrid: "I know the deal fairly well, Lilith. After all, it was I who first proposed it. Now, shall we sit down? There is quite a lot to say..."