Ingrid: "Let's have you meet the one leading this ship now."
Lilith: "I have so many questions..."
-She sees Lindy or Palutena?-
-Nope, but love makes you blind- :V
King Knight: "This isn't going to end like this!"
-And then Medb comes in- :V
Rin: "That sums things up..."
-Kiara was already singing along-
-He'll have to talk to her about that later-
-Unless Medea does first- :V
Was it a lot of work? Did you enjoy traveling and the mage work you did, at least?
Peridot: "Oh, this song is out of this world!"

-While Alphys was humming along-
Palu: "Yeah, that was me."
-he's also by far the most resilient of the four?-
Weiss: "That was harsh, Sprig..."
//I actually left that unfinished, so fixing that now
Per my advice. Having seen him glide and fly short distances before in the tournaments, I believed he could potentially still be capable of it on his own, but that the only way to know for certain was if he tried.
Needless to say, I wasn't aware of the disability his wings possess..."
-Maybe not resilient, but he's up there, considering he can survive a lot of things that would kill or seriously injure normal humans-
(She...did help Grime and Toad Tower try to kill Hop Pop...But that's still needlessly harsh since Sasha was still Anne's friend for a long time.)
-As Anne explains more about Marcy, a flashback sequence is shown, first showing Marcy sitting down and playing a Nintendo Switch expy and apparently beating a game as she declares "Boom! Just cleared new game plus." in the middle of the school gym...during a volleyball game. Anne has to shout "Heads-up" and dive to block and deflect the ball to keep it from hitting Marcy's head, who says "Whoa! Thanks Anne.". An off-screen coach then whistles and tells Anne, Marcy and Sasha that they just lost, prompting Sasha to facepalm-
-Following that, the girls are shown walking down the halls, Marcy walking backwards while writeing down notes in a book while telling Anne and Sasha "Okay. Sash, Anne. Dungeon's almost ready. Then we can finally play some Creatures and Caverns. Oh, yeah!" Anne has to suddenly warn her about a locker door ahead, prompting Marcy to duck and note that was a close call. Sasha, annoyed, just snarks "One of these days, she's gonna get herself killed." offending Anne who gasps and angrily tells her "Don't say that!" ...almost immediately afterwards, Anne has to warn and stop her from walking over a wet floor because she has her face buried in her book. Marcy is grateful, but also asks "Oh, man! Where would I be without you.", then subsequently walks straight into a trash can, causing her head to fall into it. Anne pulls her head out of it before Marcy bluntly asks "I did it again, didn't I?"-
Alear: "That would be great!"
-Andersen's thoughts on Soren?-
Neo: -looks so unimpressed by Diend's outfit change that it took a few post for me to reply to it :V-
Azura: "She could make a gap short enough for people to pass through undetected, right?"
Blake: "Well, I won't force you too much then, but I hope you can make yourself at home." -Yuri asks about the book she was reading?-
Kamui: "It likely is, yes."
Blake: "Let's keep going then."
Azura: "I suppose she wouldn't, would she?"
-Ruby moved out of the way to avoid the claws-
Jaune: "I can't see! What's going on!"
Andersen: -Siiiiiigh- "Do I really need to partake in partnering with this spectral annoyance?"
-Also Emblem Camilla happened to spot Medb's entry-
Kimberly: "Well, it looks the part at least..."
Kaito: "Sure, so what? Must I be quiet or something?"
Kimberly: "Kinda"
Kaito: "Not that I'm a fan, but those guys did piss me off enough to make me want to see them down"
Jason: "Hmmmm, another option would be to tampering with it while inside..."
Lindy: "Glad to hear~"
Yuri: "Hmm...B-By the way, um, what is that book?"
Natsuki: "Huntress?"
Jeanne: "Okay, let's keep strolling..."
-Atalanta just nods while a little embarrassed-
Tiki: "I still remember when we met she hugged me and patted my head, despite me being taller"
-Making him the Servants and Takeru open again-
-Then the one-eyed fish knight shows up-
You called, Alphy?
As a matter of fact, yes! We're working on a plan, and this time we've got backup!
-How would they achieve that?-
-Thus Noelle and Berdly go to look for Susie and Ralsie, the latter
Mabel: "Is it a fairy tale?"
Dipper: "A class of warriors and protecters in their home dimension. I...wouldn't bring it up to them immediately, though. Their home dimension is...pretty much uninhabitable, now."

-They do so, oblivious to the cat group...although Moon and Medea willl likely discuss the matter later-
-Blake and Medea reassure her that it's fine?-
-Tetra actually chuckled at th at-
-Specimen 4 tries to swipe her claws at Jaune, right before the static fully clears and dissipates again-
Specimen 8:
"You flesh will sustain my children..."
-Specimen 8 then opens it's cloak, revealing a skeletal and distinctly
human rib cage and spine, in spite of it's deer-like head...and also that the rest of it's "body" is made up of
trapped human Souls, left in the forms of twisted and mangled faces, all in perpetual expressions of agony-