The Spook Factor
-She meets up with her at the castle entrance?--I guess it'd make sense for her to be-
Medb: "That's clear" -plishing her nails while King Knight scoffs-
Rin: Okay, so seems I'm not ruining my image yet!
Yukari: [True, and here incidents with yokai would be the norm]
Kiara: "SHE CAN DO IT!"
-Will King Knight challenge her to a duel?-
I wonder if I could achieve something similar from my college studies or career path...
-Forgetting the fact that she's already saved her Earth several times?-
[and monsters eating foodthat humans can't digest is the norm for us, heh. jokes aside, i hope Gensokyo wasn't affected by the fritz too badly.]
-Then lots of comedy and wholesome scenes with Ariel trying to bond with Eric and understand the human world, while Eric and others try to figure out if she's really the girl who saved him before-
Specter: "Lady Palutena won't think about it."-nothing would change :V-
Weiss: "She really is..."
Meta Knight: "You do not know this for a fact. If I notice no changes in Pit's efforts regarding flight, however, only then will I bring the subject up again."
-Who tries to grab her fist with her free hand-
-Anne happily answers "Yep, the Plantars took me in. The one you got there is Hop Pop.", who's head she already estimated to be 62 centimeters wide, using a measuring tape to confirm it. Hopediah is like "Yep! All brain!" while staring rather derpily at the screen. Marcy then asks him "Judging from the size of your cranium and flecks of sediment, you're from Frog Valley, right?" Hopediah gasps, awed that Marcy can tell all that solely from his head-
-Marcy herself is awed, stating "Oh, Anne. I'm so jealous you found a farming community! I've been studying Amphibia history, and farm culture is super underappreciated in my opinion. You're the backbone of society and do not get enough credit for it." Hopediah is absolutely floored and stutters in shock that someone is finally showing appreciation and gratitude for all the work and he and his fellow farmers do for Amphibia, even nearly fainting and falling back-first on Polly s a result, who has to hold him up. She's only mildly annoyed as she goes back to smiling and looking at Marcy once he regains his balance, shaking Marcy's hand and gratefully telling her "Thank you! Thank you!" with an awed and moved expression as he does-
Emblem Micaiah: "It would seem we were both dragged into family affairs, Sigurd."
Emblem Sigurd: "Perhaps they could learn a thing or two from my mistakes..."
Emblem Micaiah: "No need to bring down the mood like that. I think this is a great opportunity."
Emblem Camilla: "I'm sure we will. The sky will be your limit with me by your side~"
Emblem Hector: "Oho! You will see that I am quite the general!"
Neopolitan: -waiting to be deployed-
Blake: "Oh, it would be so difficulty to pick only just one. This one I gave you is definitely up there. I'm also quite fond of the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as well."
Kamui: "I'll make sure to drag you to a beach whenever we can."
Kanna: "One day, we'll totally trick them... right?"
Ruby: "Don't worry about me. If it'll help us stay alive, then it's worth it."
I'm curious, but I'm sitll not exactly sure what the plan is. Alphys? Gaster? Mind bringing me up to speed?Irisviel: "Kiritsugu has good intentions at heart, he just is very stubborn"
-Kerry was silent at that, unable to deny that-
Medb: "Then let's enjoy this new found partnership~!"
Kaito: "Yo. They finally gave us the go"
Stacey: "Thank you, I finally managed to recover what's mine and what's of my friend"
Yuri: -Gasped- "Another classic~!"
Natsuki: "Eh it's fine. We'll have to learn a lot while we're here"
Sayori: "What she said~!"
Jeanne: "A beach?" :D -she's definitely more outgoing than Martha-
-Atalanta's feline ears perked up-
Illya: "Yeah! We'll be great about it and laugh at the end!"
Arthur: "After all, someone has to take care of them" -indeed they don't-
These people are heroes and warriors from across time in worlds like Alear's, Kamui's and Byleth's. They along with several of their powers are stored within these artifacts Alear brought, and can be summoned when worn. Not only that, but the wearer also gains osme of the Emblem's own powers! Martha even turned into a dragon thanks to Tiki's Emblem!
Whoa, seriously?! You got to become an actual dragon, Martha?! How badass was it?
-Which means they can sneak into the base and hopefully free the Servants here...-
Noelle: "Happy to help!"
Berdly: "You have a companion as well?"
Mabel: "You know what one? I think I've only ever seen the movie...And that cartoon version with the talking rabbit in it."
Dipper: "Heh, I can relate to that."
Moon: "There are beaches on Mewni, although I don't believe I' have time to enjoy a visit there myself."
-It doesn't take long before they devour their food?-
Tetra: "Good luck with that. Sounds like you're gonna need it."

Penny: "It won't be a battle you'll have to face on your own."
Steven: "Yeah, we've all got your back!" -Summons his shield-