The Stoopid Unikorn
Spiciest of Guacamoles
Palutena: "I think she means you."-By plenty so, so she eats now-
Minervamon: "...Ah! I forgot the newbie!"
Oriko: "Newbie?"
Iskandar: "One day though, one day..."
Jalter: "Hey! What was that for?!"
Tart/Jeanne: Oh! Even friendly teasing!
-Suzune also was practicing some fire spells on the targets-
Sitonai: "...Yeah, seems to be the case..."
Alear: "What if that day never comes..."
Shez: -chuckling- "I couldn't resist."

-this time Aoko totally saw it wearing the Type Lumina swimsuit?-
Shez: She fights a lot like B...
Alear: "You're free to be yourself, and so is your family... I wish my other siblings had that chance too..."
Sakura: "But a select group might be too small for her..."Steven: "...I...don't think trying to talk to every single one of them here would be very practical or safe..."
Connie: "And even if it was, it'd be extremely time-consuming. We're just going to stick to talking to and interviewing people we know!"
-The next shot shows Felicia standing in front of several separate small tables, each of which have teacups full of hot water on them, as she calmly instructs "Next, let's steep the tea.", which Felicia does by rapidly dipping one bag of tea per hand into multiple cups each multiple times, as a method of efficiently preparing multiple cups of tea at once. Ivy follows the same pattern and steeps the tea juat as quickly, but at one point just barely hits one of the teacups, causing it to briefly tip to the side, prompting Felicia to tell her "Up bup bup. Careful. Don't break my frog china."-
-This causes to Ivy outright growl in anger as steam cartoonishly shoots out of the sides of her head, complete with the high-pitched steam sound effect of typical associated with cartoon characters getting angry. Felicia doesn't seem to notice her daughter's frustration with the tea ceremony lessons, but does hear the sound effect, as she asks herself "Oh, shoot, did I leave a kettle on?" with concern-
Oh, I'm well aware of that. That was just me cracking another joke.
... I hate to say this, but, ugh, maybe I'm not as good at jokes as Sans... -Doesn't hate puns, she just thinks Sans makes them too much- :V
Weiss: "I don't blame Ivy..."
Ren: "We can't be good at everything. Don't worry about it."
Martha: "So we can finally take an actual breath..."
-They are arguing- :V
Sayori: "In the meanwhile, let's enjoy the rest of Christmas~!"
Poppy: "Well said!"
Kazumi: "My turn now! So I was created by my friends..." -she guessed that unlike Suzune's assassin job there was less harm in revealing she's a clone-
-And that's what Kagari tells him!-
-While they're at that, Touka, Nemu and Ayase found themselves in "Gideonland" as the former two were doing the finishing touches to the disguised Chelation Land to make it themed after him-
-Though admittedly I have yet to decide if he was brainwashed or not LOL-
Tamamo: "I don't know how that works, but yeah, he became a demonic boar"
Ophanimon: "I have no reason to, after all, many Virus Digimon are far from being evil, just like how many other Vaccine ones aren't good"
Minervamon: "Ah... S-So that's why?"
Ophanimon: "That's why, in fact the original Mivervamon was a close friend of mine!"
Emblem Tiki: "We can get to know each other better, Martha."Susie: "Sorry about that extra final battle..."
Kris: "The last thing we expected was for that guy to turn up alive again and hijack one of those giant mechs..."
That''s the spirit! The Christmas spirit, as a matter of fact!
Dipper: "Wait, so you're a clone?" -Surprised, but not judgemental of it-
Then we need only strike when that cool down is in effect.
-The Lich now has a plan, but he'll reveal the steps of it as necessary. Compared to his overall plan to exterminate all life, it's far less complex-
-If he wasn't, then he'd be running around either asking for royalties or demanding to know why his likeness was used for the theme park without his permission- :V
TLink: "I have no idea how he turned into it beyond simply using magic or maybe the Triforce of power, but it seems no matter what timeline he's in, he's always associated with pigs somehow...He was so huge that it took the efforts of almost everyone, especially Bowser, to take him down, not nearly just mine or the power of the Master Sword..."
Hekapoo: (Whatever issue Fodlan faced that Sothis is haunted by might be worth looking into... And thus asking Omni himself about.)
Alear: "You don't have to apologize. It's not like you knew."
Shez: "I like the sound of that! Let's make some holiday food!"
Kanna: "Whoa... you are?"
-stopping time and rewinding it are two different things, Byleth can still travel back to avoid fatal harm when the time stop is on cooldown... it's a pretty complex ability but that's to be expected from a power given to her by Sothis-
Link: "Mine turned into a dragon..."
Zelda: "The Calamity Ganon had a very boar-like shape, however."
Palutena: "Oh, she was?"
Pandora: -headpats Eresh- "Panicking like that isn't good for you. Is that helping you calm down?"
-but it might also be some trauma that will forever haunt her even if the problem is solved (which it is)-